Sunday, May 10, 2015

Chanting "Done Deal' Daimoku on this Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day 
to all the beautiful Mothers in the world. 

As a mother I have a deep desire I share with most mothers: for our children to be safe, happy and healthy...for their lives to be filled with love, and for them to be able to find meaning and fulfillment in life. 

Some children may be fortunate to have all those things. 

And for some children that may be a far, far off dream. 

And, as one of my mentors says: "We don't chant to accomplish things we could accomplish if we didn't chant. We chant to make the impossible possible!"
And "Don't tell the Gohonzon how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big the Gohonzon (your life) is."

Today my son Aaron is coming over to make me breakfast. And tonight I will visit Ben at the hospital. My determination is stronger than ever...

After I finish this blog post I am chanting in appreciation for my wonderful children, for Aaron's continued happiness and success, and for the perfect resolution of Ben's challenges...and his happiness and health. 

I am chanting "Done Deal" Daimoku: 

Done Deal Daimoku

Thank You Gohonzon
Thank You Life! 
My victory is assured. 
Some Kind of Way  -  It is a Done Deal! 

Saturday, May 9, 2015

PowerPrayer to Demand Your Results! Roooaaarrr!

Sometimes we have to get mad when we chant! 
Lions ROAR! Lions ROAR! 

When we chant 
we are chanting 
Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to our own life, and sometimes we have to chant with this thought:

 "Life! Enough is enough! I am changing this karma NOW."

Some of you have written me that you are feeling hopeless and controlled by others. Chant and take action!

RISE UP to your life while chanting and DEMAND results now. 

We are all noble Boddhisatvas of the earth. 

In The Heart of the Lotus Sutra, Daisaku Ikeda writes:

"When we do gongyo "we are in effect vowing to advance kosen-rufu in accord with the spirit of the original Buddha. Every day we pledge to the Daishonin, "Without fail, I will believe in and spread the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin and help lead all people to enlightenment." 
page 150

And to fulfill this vow, we have to win in our lives. 
Each of us has some negative tendency that happens over and over, don't we? For me, I struggled for years with a feeling that would just overcome me, and wash over me like a wave. Out of nowhere I would feel unloved, unlovable and hopeless. I'd call my friend in faith Kate, and she'd remind me that this feeling was a function of the fundamental darkness within my life and within all of life, and this was AGAIN my time to summon up the power of my faith. 

That's why I say 

"Get MAD at the shoten zenjin!" Kate would say. 
(Shoten Zenjin are the protective forces that counterbalance fundamental darkness. We use our practice to increase the shoten zenjin and banish fundamental darkness.) 
And I would generate some angry energy, roar like a lion and use this PowerPrayer inspired by Kate - it totally changed my life:

PowerPrayer to say, 
"No More! Enough is enough!”
I change this negative function NOW! 
By Jamie Lee Silver from

I am chanting with 
absolute conviction in the power of my life to declare and demand:

No more of this karma 
of feeling insecure and doubting myself.

I root this karma out of my life with every Nam-myoho-renge-kyo I chant! 

No more of this karma 
of being abused or disrespected by anyone or any thing!

No more doubting my own Buddha Nature!

No more living in fear!

No more feeling unloved or hopeless.

No more ________________ (you fill in the blank.)

I now create _________________________________in my life starting now.

I don't CARE how many times I have to chant about this. I don't CARE how many times you try to bring me down. 

I will win! 

I MUST Win because I am a votary of the Lotus Sutra. I am living my life to prove that chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo works and to help others become happy. 

I will win!!!

I am the Buddha.
I am roaring with power in my life!
I now determine with all the power vested in me that I will___________________________.

The wisdom to take the actions to create this breakthrough comes to me now!

Here are the actions I will take today:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Friday, May 8, 2015

12 Keys To Loving Yourself Now - by Louise Hay

Note: Lately I am learning so much from so many. I've read Goddesses are Ageless by Christiane Northup M.D. twice in a month, and seen her live. I've taken both Nick and Jessica Ortner's classes on EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique - also known as Tapping), I've read Outrageous Openness by Tosha Slver in one sitting, and I always return to Louise Hay, one of my favorite inspirations. Louise took a childhood of abuse and turned her life into an inspiration for others - founder of Hay House Publishing and inspiration for what is possible in the later years - the 80s and beyond. She has said that Loving Yourself is the key to a happy life. I agree. Enjoy!

12 Ways You Can Love Yourself Now
By Louise Hay

I have found that there is only one thing that heals every
and that is: to love yourself. 
When people start to love themselves more each day, 
it’s amazing how their lives get better. 
They feel better. 
They get the jobs they want. 
They have the money they need. 
Their relationships eitheimprove, 
or the negative ones dissolve and new ones begin.

Loving yourself is a wonderful adventure; 
it’s like learning to fly. 
Imagine if we all had the power to fly at will? 
How exciting it would be! Let’s begin to love 
ourselves now.

Here are 
12 Commandments to help you learn how to love yourself:

1. Stop All Criticism.

Criticism never changes a thing. 
Refuse to criticize yourself. 
Accept yourself exactly as you are. 
Everybody changes. 
When you criticize yourself, 
your changes are negative. 
When you approve of yourself, your changes are positive.

2. Forgive Yourself.

Let the past go. 
You did the best you could at the time 
with the understanding, awareness, and knowledge 
that you had. 
Now you are growing and changing, and you will live life 

3. Don’t Scare Yourself.

Stop terrorizing yourself with your thoughts. 
It's a dreadful way to live. 
Find a mental image that gives you pleasure, and 
immediately switch your scary thought to a pleasure thought.

4. Be Gentle and Kind and Patient.

Be gentle with yourself. 
Be kind to yourself. 
Be patient with yourself 
as you learn the new ways of thinking. 
Treat yourself as you would someone you really loved.

5. Be Kind to Your Mind.

Self-hatred is only hating your own thoughts. 
Don't hate yourself for having the thoughts. 
Gently change your thoughts.

6. Praise Yourself.

Criticism breaks down the inner spirit. 
Praise builds it up. 
Praise yourself as much as you can. 
Tell yourself how well you are doing with every little thing.

7. Support Yourself.

Find ways to support yourself. 
Reach out to friends and allow them to help you. 
It is being strong to ask for help when you need it.

8. Be Loving to Your Negatives.

Acknowledge that you created them to fulfill a need. 
Now you are finding new, positive ways 
to fulfill those needs. 
So lovingly release the old negative patterns.

9. Take Care of Your Body.

Learn about nutrition. 
What kind of fuel does your body need 
in order to have optimum energy and vitality? 
Learn about exercise. 
What kind of exercise do you enjoy? 
Cherish and revere the temple you live in.

10. Do Mirror Work.

Look into your eyes often.
Express this growing sense of love you have for yourself
Forgive yourself while looking into the mirror. 
Talk to your parents while looking into the mirror. 
Forgive them, too. 
At least once a day, say, I love you, I really love you!

11. Love Yourself . . . Do It Now.

Don't wait until you get well, 
or lose the weight, 
or get the new job, 
or find the new relationship. 
Begin now—and do the best you can.

12. Have Fun.

Remember the things that gave you joy as a child.
 Incorporate them into your life now. 
Find a way to have fun with everything you do. 
Let yourself express the joy of living. 
Rejoice, and the Universe rejoices with you!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

PowerPrayer to Make New Friends

Our friendships make our lives bloom! 

I receive frequent requests asking how to pray for more friends. 

The following PowerPrayer is the one I kept in mind as a chanted when I was lonely and lived far from my family. I knew I had to do something to make more friends. 

I am now rich in friendships and I make more friends every day. My friendships are easy and fun - no drama - all love! 

First, a quote from Daisaku Ikeda:

"Those who make many friends have greater opportunities for growth and self-development; they make society a better place and lead happy, satisfying lives. In every situation, human relations ~ communication and personal interactions ~ are vital. We need to initiate and nurture friendships and contacts with many people, both within the organization and in society at large. Our lives will open and be enriched to the extent that we do so." 
Faith in Action page 221

PowerPrayer to Make More Friends
(What is a PowerPrayer? An intention that I keep in mind when I am chanting for a specific goal. As always, various thoughts come and go as we chant. Reading the PowerPrayer before chanting may give you additional focus.)
By Jamie Lee Silver from


I am ready and willing to change in any way 
to BE a friend
and to attract new friends into my life. 
If there is anything I’m doing 
to stop new friendships let me see it and change it now!

I am ready and willing to change in any way to attract new friends. 

I am ready to make new friends.
I see myself now 
standing tall, walking with a buoyant step
and enjoying going with the flow.
My eyes are sparkling with happiness.
Everyone I meet wants to get to know me better
and I resonate with the new people 
who are coming into my life.
The people I'm attracting now
are really positive, vibrant and upbeat people
just like me!

We easily connect and enjoy each other's company. 
We become friends.

Of course, we must take action to gain new friends. When I meet someone I like I ask them out for coffee, or invite them to join me at an event. I take the initiative. It is worth it!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

When One Sun Rises Everything is Illuminated

I took this picture from a friend's condo overlooking Lake Michigan in Chicago. I call it  
"The sun is an exclamation mark!"

"When one sun rises 
everything is illuminated."

For many years that has been my favorite quote from my mentor, Daisaku Ikeda. 
He has proven it with his life, and we are all proving it with ours. 
I, along with so many of you who share your hearts with me each day, live our lives with this in mind, with our vow to accomplish kosen-rufu in mind. 

Our lives do illuminate the world.  

For almost six years, I have shared my life with you. Not for accolades or money, but to be an example, and reach people who are searching for answers, searching for a positive and practical practice for their lives. 

Lately, I am hearing from more and more of you who found this practice, and got connected to the SGI through this blog. Bravo! And welcome! 
You are why I write this blog!

I've also heard from others who were practicing alone and after my many appeals to join the SGI decided to join and are now practicing in a District. Bravo!
You are why I write this blog! 

And I hear from you who are bravely facing and challenging your life and you jumpstart your practice by reading these words...who chant with renewed vigor...and do more shakubuku.
It is for you I write this blog. 

Let me remind you, once again, that these words are mine, and I don't represent the SGI in an official capacity, except as a member who loves the organization and bases her heart on Sensei's heart. 

May 3rd has come and gone and many of us made Daimoku targets and goals towards this date. What do we do if our targets weren't achieved? We keep chanting! I am still chanting 2 hours a day and am as determined as ever to break through. I will never give up. 

So every day I am reading the words of my mentor, and studying the Gosho. I am attending meetings and encouraging others. Last week I chanted every day with my dear friend Mary. I can see the difference in her face! And she is continuing to chant every day twice a day.

As far as I'm concerned, consistent faith, practice, and study, (which includes shakubuku), are the keys. From my early days as a YWD emcee, I presented "faith, practice and study" at meetings. I continue to strengthen my practice along with you. It is an honor to know you! 
Go Buddha Go! 

"When one sun rises, everything is illuminated."

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Daisaku Ikeda ~ The Sun of Eternal May ~ Eternal Beginning

Happy May Third! 

Tomorrow very early we're heading to the Chicago Culture Center for the May Third Celebration. 
It's a bright new start. 

A quote about May for you: 

The Sun of Eternal Beginning
by Daisaku Ikeda

The spirit of May is eternal hope; 
it is the heart of youth, 
a passion for progress. 
As long as the spirit of May burns in our hearts, 
a garden bed abloom with a profusion of flowers 
will always unfold along the path before us.

May is a time 
to take a step forward on our eternal journey. 
The spirit of May lives in my heart every day, 
even amidst the solitude of autumn, 
the trying hardships of winter 
or the stormy nights of summer!
Within my heart 
always spreads the dazzling blue sky of May 3rd. Within my heart 
always rises the bright sun of May, 
the sun of eternal beginning!

[Adapted from an essay in Our Beautiful Earth: Photos and Essays of My Travels, by Daisaku Ikeda, April 2, 2000, Seikyo Press, Tokyo, Japan.]

Friday, May 1, 2015

3 Ways to Know You're Chanting Enough

Look, the sun is there- it's right behind the clouds~

I am chanting to change my karma today! 

How do we know 
when we're chanting enough Daimoku 
(or focused Daimoku)?
(Nam Myoho Renge Kyo)

1. Fear disappears and hope returns  
2. We're in rhythm.
3. We see and feel the daily upward progression of your life. 

I call it "Walking on a pillow of Daimoku.

When I am "Walking on a pillow of Daimoku," I know, that at every moment, my life is expressing itself with wisdom, compassion, love, and energy. I can feel the power of the universe shining from within me. 

When I'm in this state I rarely say something I regret. I don't take the wrong turn. I choose the right line, or if I choose the line that takes longer, I make a new friend in that line, or I laugh to myself about it and don't feel frustrated. I'm in the right place at the right time. 

I'm smiling and happy. I bring smiles to other's faces. I am in rhythm. Little synchronicities happen all the time. 

This week I've been chanting 2 hours a day - 
Sometimes it's easy...sometimes it's not.
I've had to just power through some of the Daimoku. Last night I came home from visiting Ben in the hospital, and didn't start my last hour until 9:30. 

Right now I have renewed hope in my heart, along with some of these other benefits I've received this week: 

I've been seeing my dear friend Mary every morning to chant, and we are chanting by phone every night. I already see the change in her! 
I'm not worried. Not about Ben. Not about anything. I've given notice on my apartment and my lease is up June 30th. I'm feeling physically great. I'm moving my body (also known as "working out") for at least 20 minutes a day. My body is humming in happiness. (There's a lot of people who are inspiring me these days, Erin Stutland, Christiane Northrup M.D, Nick and Jessica Ortner, and Tosha Silver to name a few) Erin says we need to fall in love with the way our body feels when we are moving it every day. That's a different way of viewing "working out." When we look at it like this, movement doesn't take will power. We're going towards a feeling, not making ourselves do anything. I get it. 
She says "When there's movement in your body there's movement in your life." 

This week I was in the right place at the right time to get a free hair cut from a master of the art of hair cutting. That was a nice benefit!

I never run out of things to chant for...
Every day, I chant for composure, for wisdom, and to open my life to learn all that I can. I chant for every reader of this blog, and for all the people I'd still like to reach.  I chant for every person who is suffering, and looking for this very practical practice, to FIND IT. I chant for opportunities to have this blog (and our message of peace and hope) spread wider and wider and help more people. I chant for all who are suffering. I chant to show actual proof with my life of how amazing this simple practice is.

This week I heard from with someone who started practicing alone, began reading my blog, then joined the SGI. That makes me so happy! 

May 3rd is only 3 days away! There is still enough time to make a determination - chant about it and WIN! 
I look forward to hearing from you at