Wednesday, October 29, 2014

We are Living Lives of Great Fortune!

In the October 10th, 2014 World Tribune there is an experience entitled "Creating True Wealth." It illustrates to us one more time that true fortune is not money. 

The family in the experience had perfect timing for a loan while buying their house and all kinds of financial fortune with college tuition for their son.  

True fortune is what we are building with our life force, 
our devotion to the mystic law 
and our regular contributions to the SGI. 

Yes, I know this idea frustrates some people, but I have found it to be true with my own life - that consistent contribution creates consistent fortune. I myself choose to donate a certain portion of every paycheck. The minute my pay hits my account,  I donate via the website. And I feel the effects of this in my life all the time. I feel it creates a vacuum for more money and fortune to come into my life. 

Although I am not wealthy yet, I feel protected. I am not afraid. I am never "on the edge" and my life and fortune is strong. I am determined to continue having breakthroughs in prosperity but in the mean time I do not worry. I am not stressed. 

The "Creating True Wealth" experience includes this quote from My Dear Friends in America, 
President Ikeda quotes Nichiren Daishonin

"Nichiren and his followers who chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo are the people of great virtue and influence  (of whom the Sutra speaks) who have gained the supreme cluster of jewels when they least expected it" (Gosho zenshu, p. 819)

President Ikeda goes on:

"Therefore, you who have embraced this great law are wealthy people rich in life force who possess good fortune surpassing the wealth of even the world's richest people" (third edition, pp. 35-36)

Whatever your struggle...whatever your challenges - as long as you do not give up you will be victorious. Today I chanted again with strong determination and vision...appreciation and optimism. With this in mind and in practice we will all win at all our endeavors! 

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