Tuesday, May 5, 2015

When One Sun Rises Everything is Illuminated

I took this picture from a friend's condo overlooking Lake Michigan in Chicago. I call it  
"The sun is an exclamation mark!"

"When one sun rises 
everything is illuminated."

For many years that has been my favorite quote from my mentor, Daisaku Ikeda. 
He has proven it with his life, and we are all proving it with ours. 
I, along with so many of you who share your hearts with me each day, live our lives with this in mind, with our vow to accomplish kosen-rufu in mind. 

Our lives do illuminate the world.  

For almost six years, I have shared my life with you. Not for accolades or money, but to be an example, and reach people who are searching for answers, searching for a positive and practical practice for their lives. 

Lately, I am hearing from more and more of you who found this practice, and got connected to the SGI through this blog. Bravo! And welcome! 
You are why I write this blog!

I've also heard from others who were practicing alone and after my many appeals to join the SGI decided to join and are now practicing in a District. Bravo!
You are why I write this blog! 

And I hear from you who are bravely facing and challenging your life and you jumpstart your practice by reading these words...who chant with renewed vigor...and do more shakubuku.
It is for you I write this blog. 

Let me remind you, once again, that these words are mine, and I don't represent the SGI in an official capacity, except as a member who loves the organization and bases her heart on Sensei's heart. 

May 3rd has come and gone and many of us made Daimoku targets and goals towards this date. What do we do if our targets weren't achieved? We keep chanting! I am still chanting 2 hours a day and am as determined as ever to break through. I will never give up. 

So every day I am reading the words of my mentor, and studying the Gosho. I am attending meetings and encouraging others. Last week I chanted every day with my dear friend Mary. I can see the difference in her face! And she is continuing to chant every day twice a day.

As far as I'm concerned, consistent faith, practice, and study, (which includes shakubuku), are the keys. From my early days as a YWD emcee, I presented "faith, practice and study" at meetings. I continue to strengthen my practice along with you. It is an honor to know you! 
Go Buddha Go! 

"When one sun rises, everything is illuminated."

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