Saturday, March 1, 2014

Problems Can Be Our Greatest Benefits ~ They are SPRINGBOARDS to our Happiness

I just finished chanting 4 hours of daimoku, and then spent a joyful hour and a half teaching gongyo to a new young woman. How wonderful!
After I write this post I'm off to re-enshrine a dear friend's Gohonzon, then I'm off to a play with one of my new friends from work. LIfe is good!

When we are practicing Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism, problems galvanize our lives. 
For every problem I've ever had, I can look back on it and say "If it weren't for that problem I would not have achieved__________." 
Problems make us focus. Problems make us chant. 
They really are our benefits. Nichiren Buddhists say this all the time, and we are telling the truth. 

When we can view our problems...even the really big ones, through this lens of positivity - and USE them to fuel our chanting, fuel our actions for kosen-rufu and make even fiercer determinations to create value in our lives...THEN we are truly practicing as Nichiren Daishonin and Daisaku Ikeda have taught us. 

But we don't always immediately greet our problems with a big yahoo, do we? At least I don't. Not always. With the recent challenge I've been facing, I have had my moments of tears and sadness...and I have spent some time decompressing and watching a bit of TV. But I never skipped Gongyo, did my best to chant, studied every day, and rose in spirits through helping others. I know it's an age-old adage, but helping others really IS the direct route to getting out of our own suffering. 

We KNOW that each problem is the springboard to something new, exciting and positive in our life and in the lives of others. How do we know this? We are Votaries of the Lotus Sutra. We chant the name of the Mystic Law, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, and help others to the best of our ability. We will win! 

Practicing together is so important. We grow when we learn. We grow when we teach. We need each other if we really want to be victorious in this practice. 

Our Soka Gakkai friendships are golden.

Daisaku Ikeda says: 
"Those who make many friends have greater opportunities for growth and self-development; they make society a better place and lead happy, satisfying lives. In every situation, human relations ~ communication and personal interactions ~ are vital. We need to initiate and nurture friendships and contacts with many people, both within the organization and in society at large. Our lives will open and be enriched to the extent that we do so." 
Faith in Action page 221

Daily Guidance by Daisaku Ikeda

By Daisaku Ikeda

LIFE is eternal. We have been fortunate enough to embrace the Mystic Law in this lifetime and have a wonderful opportunity to accumulate good fortune. If we do not do so when we can, we will be the ones who lose out. In particular, the good fortune we accumulate through our efforts for kosen-rufu will form the foundation of our eternal happiness. As a result of such efforts, it is absolutely certain that we will be reborn in lifetime after lifetime as Buddhas, as champions of life. For that reason, let’s do our utmost now!

BUDDHISM teaches the principle of the oneness of life and death. Those who deeply study the principles of life and put them into practice will not fear death because they have the ability to attain eternal fulfilment and happiness.

EVERYONE has a unique mission that only they can fulfil. This does not mean, however, that you should sit around and do nothing, waiting for someone to tell you what it is. It is fundamental that you discover your mission on your own.

THE tree provides an apt analogy for life. No matter under what adverse circumstances they might find themselves in, those who have deepened their roots with the determination that the place where they are is the land of their mission will be victorious. Complaining accomplishes nothing.

I am convinced that true religious faith must not be at odds with reason. From the time I was young, I have treasured the words of a philosopher that true religious faith is the extension of reason. True reason seeks true faith, and true faith allows elevated reason to shine in its own light.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Daily Guidance by Daisaku Ikeda

THE true stage of your Buddhist practice and action for kosen-rufu is
none other than your place of work, your community, or in short, the
place where you exist right now. Please have deep conviction that
right here is the place where you must exert yourself for the sake of
kosen-rufu and for your own enlightenment.

YOU must never be defeated by the struggles that confront you. You
must never retreat. You must never be daunted. Your daily activities
to make your faith manifest itself in your lives will become solid
roots for your victory and happiness over the three existences.

WITHOUT the world of intellect that education opens, religion and
faith are in danger of becoming blind. But with the light of intellect
produced by education, the spirit of religion also shines with a
brighter light.

WHEN we interact with others with true sincerity, the other person
will more often than not come to respect and value our own character.
And this is all the more so when our actions are based on prayer.
Conversely, holding others in contempt only leads to being held in
contempt oneself. One whose life is tainted by feelings of hate
towards others will come to be reviled by others.

CULTIVATING harmonious relations with and winning the support of
people of diverse characters and persuasions are part of our Buddhist
practice. This is a necessary pre-condition for the organisation to
move forward as a while and for our own individual development and
growth. It also enables us to forge a solid self-identity so that we
can confidently meet and talk with all kinds of people.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Personal Guidance from Akemi

Winter always turns to Spring, right? 
Isn't this the coolest bonzai tree? I wonder how old it is. 

Yesterday, after that blogpost about how hard it is to chant sometimes,  I ended up chanting at least 2 hours. I was so fortunate ~ a friend in faith came over to chant for an hour, and we head a tozo here last night. Thank goodness for the Soka Gakkai and our family of practitioners. We all take turns helping each other to help themselves. We are all Buddhas!

This weekend I was able to get guidance from our new SGI National Women's Leader Akemi Bailey-Haynie and I am finally able to chant with my full heart using the guidance she gave me. 

Seeking guidance is, in itself, a profound cause. 

She said to chant: 

Whatever there is in my life that has allowed me to have such a child who is suffering so much - I resolve to change it. 

I offer this guidance to you in case it may help you in any way. 

We look INSIDE for the answers. Not outside. That is why this practice is so profound. That is also why it can be sooooo difficult to do. Buddhism is not for cowards. The great Gosho quote says "A sword will be useless in the hands of a coward." 

How courageous can we be? 

Daily Guidance from Daisaku Ikeda

BUDDHISM is the wellspring of courage. When we possess courage, we can transform any misfortune or suffering into sustenance for our own development and the strength for achieving our mission.

THE "power of practice" encompasses the strength of your daimoku and the energy with which you work for kosen-rufu - for the happiness of all people and the prosperity of society as a whole. The stronger the power of your practice for yourself and others, the more you can tap the power of the Buddha and the power of the Law of the Gohonzon.

YOU must not be half-hearted. When you pursue something with a strong determination, you will have no regrets even should you fail. But if you succeed, you will achieve truly great things. Either way, your unceasing efforts will lead you to the next path you should follow.

IN seeking the truth, there is never a point when we can say, "This is good enough," and have done with our efforts. Similarly, in practising for the happiness of others, there is no point at which we can say, "I have done enough." The same goes for our practice to develop and perfect ourselves.

EDUCATION provides the ship, the map and the compass for the exploration of those unknown inner regions. Believing in people, believing in some rich unknown something and drawing it out - that is the vigourous spirit of education. It has something in common with true religious spirit as well.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Why is it Sometimes so HARD to Chant? And How Can We Get Though These Times?

Let's face it, we all go through times when it is extremely difficult to chant. 
Sometimes the mirror of our lives, the Gohonzon and our daily act of chanting is just so hard. It is hard to see our lives. My own personal opinion is that when we feel this way, we are poised for a breakthrough. And when we can finally sit down chant with all our hearts we grow, we change, we evolve. 

I am coming out of such a time now. Last week's obstacle threw me off balance. I went for guidance, I went to Linda Johnson's speech, but every time I sat down to chant there was so much screaming going on in my head I could only chant a few moments. At times I could chant more, but it was so hard. The whole time I was chanting there was so much noise in my head about this obstacle. And it wasn't pretty. And I was berating myself and my life for even having this obstacle in my life. 

Last night when I talked to my dear friend Kate she said that not being able to chant at times is just natural and part of our practice. She said don't get mad at yourself, just do gongyo twice a day as always and even if you can only chant a few minutes, concentrate as much as you can. She also reminded me that I am facing some core issues in my life...I am dealing with important karma changing issues...this is a big one, a crucial moment. And I need to have respect for myself and my life and KNOW that I am going to show victory. When I met with Akema Bailey-Haynie the other day she said I am in the middle of the ocean, but I will get to the other shore. We all experience this don't we? We just have to keep swimming and not give up midway! 

After my conversation with Kate, this morning I was able to chant for 45 minutes without stopping, and with full concentration. 

We are not perfect. I am not perfect. We are all Buddhas at our Buddha coming out party, and we all have glitches. Even when it is hard to chant I stay connected, I do gongyo, I read experiences, I encourage as many people as I can...and I know that it will all click back in, and I'll get back into that groove when I'm chanting a lot, and the more I chant, the more I want to chant, and ZOOM I break through. 

We need to have patience with ourselves, take care to not get out of the orbit of faith, and remember that this is a life-long practice and keep going! 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Daily Guidance by Daisaku Ikeda

ONE of Nichiren Daishonin’s writings that we have read countless of times stated: “You must not spend your lives in vain and regret it for ten thousand years to come.” (WND, p622) Where can we find a life that is not spent in vain? It is found, I assert, in a life dedicated to fulfilling the vow of mentor and disciple to realize kosen-rufu, which leads directly to world peace.

DEVELOP yourself so that even just seeing you will hearten and inspire those who have been shipwrecked on the voyage of life. Leave behind great achievements that will encourage all those who follow.

THE Mystic Law is the “Law of treasures”. One who embraces this Law will definitely lead a “life of treasures”. Moreover, indiscernible benefit of one’s faith also passes on to one’s ancestors and descendants and to the members of one’s family, definitely enabling them to traverse upon the brilliant path of happiness.

A courageous person is happy; an optimist in the best sense of the world, he is able to live in a powerful and forthright manner. The great benefit of the Gohonzon will manifest itself in the life of a person who possesses such courage.

WE are fortunate enough to embrace the Gohonzon. We have faith, which enables us to change our destiny, and we chant daimoku, the source of tremendous joy. The Gosho states, “Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the greatest joy of al joys.” In this sense, as we chant daimoku to the Gohonzon and cause tremendous joy to well up within us, we can resolve all of our problems and unhappiness.