Friendships are so important!
One of you wrote in asking for a PowerPrayer to Make More Friends.
The following PowerPrayer is the one I used when I was lonely and lived far from my family. I knew I had to do something to make more friends. It absolutely works!
Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo works!
I am now rich in friendships and I make more friends every day. My friendships are easy and fun - no drama - all love!
First, a quote from Daisaku Ikeda:
"Those who make many friends have greater opportunities for growth and self-development; they make society a better place and lead happy, satisfying lives. In every situation, human relations ~ communication and personal interactions ~ are vital. We need to initiate and nurture friendships and contacts with many people, both within the organization and in society at large. Our lives will open and be enriched to the extent that we do so."
Faith in Action page 221
PowerPrayer to Make More Friends
By Jamie Lee Silver from
One of you wrote in asking for a PowerPrayer to Make More Friends.
The following PowerPrayer is the one I used when I was lonely and lived far from my family. I knew I had to do something to make more friends. It absolutely works!
Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo works!
I am now rich in friendships and I make more friends every day. My friendships are easy and fun - no drama - all love!
First, a quote from Daisaku Ikeda:
"Those who make many friends have greater opportunities for growth and self-development; they make society a better place and lead happy, satisfying lives. In every situation, human relations ~ communication and personal interactions ~ are vital. We need to initiate and nurture friendships and contacts with many people, both within the organization and in society at large. Our lives will open and be enriched to the extent that we do so."
Faith in Action page 221
PowerPrayer to Make More Friends
By Jamie Lee Silver from
I am ready and willing to change in any way
to BE a friend
and to attract new friends into my life.
If there is anything I’m doing
to stop new friendships let me see it and change it now!
I am ready and willing to change in any way to attract new friends.
I am ready to make new friends.
I see myself now
standing tall, walking with a buoyant step
and enjoying going with the flow.
My eyes are sparkling with happiness.
Everyone I meet wants to get to know me better
and I really like the people who are coming into my life.
Making plans feels really effortless now
I love to be invited and to invite people
to do all kinds of wonderful things.
I enjoy life and I enjoy friendships!
The people I'm attracting now
are really positive, vibrant and upbeat people
just like me!
Just what I was looking for. for a long time now I feel lonely and this is just the prayer that I should have been concentrating on. Thank you so much for sharing.