Showing posts with label happiness chant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happiness chant. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

7 Questions to Start the New Year Powerfully!

I always begin a new year by evaluating the last year...
I ask myself the following questions: 

1. What am I proud of - 
what are my main accomplishments from 2014? 
2. What COULD I be proud of? 
3. What did I read?
4. What did I learn? 
5. What new idea/modality/practice did I experience? 
6. What will I write down in my journal for the end of 2014? 
7. Who's lives did I impact? 

And I write out a list of positive accomplishments in all areas of my life, mind-body-spirit. 

And I also take a look at the not-so-positive aspects of last year. 

1. What can I do better? 
2. What behavior will I commit to changing? 
3. What behavior will I commit to doing consistently? 

I also like to write out a vision of what I want my life to be. I do that every year. I write it in present tense and put in all the elements I want. Then I read it often. 


Looking back on last year is a humbling experience for me. Last year was rough. It was easy to get caught up in the drama of what was happening in my life. And as a Buddhist, I know enough not to be swayed by the eight winds, but sometimes they blow me over anyway. 

So the new year is a great time say: 

"Hon Nim Myo! From this moment forth!" 

Here is what I resolve:

No matter what - no matter WHAT, I will chant a solid hour of Daimoku every morning with my phone in the other room. I will put my full concentration, love, passion and focus into my wonderful hour in dialogue with my one and only precious life! 

I will BE Kosen Rufu in action. Through my thoughts, words and deeds I will inspire others! 

I will spend deepen my faith every day through study. Every day. No matter what. Even if I only read a few lines from the Gosho!

I will be vigilant with myself and not complain - not blame, and never, ever feel sorry for myself! No matter what is happening in my life, complaint does not help anything! The more we complain - the more we have to complain about! The more we express gratitude - the more we have to be grateful for! 

I will encourage at least one person every single day - whether by phone or email, or in person. 

I will listen to my body - do my body meditations, do my tapping exercises and really focus on eating the very best things for my health. 

I will set concrete goals for all areas of my life - financial, health, social. 

I wish you all a wonderful, productive and happy New Year! 
