Showing posts with label overcoming adversity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label overcoming adversity. Show all posts

Friday, September 13, 2013

PowerPrayer for Changing Your Karma and doing your Human Revolution!

This is an excerpt from my upcoming book 
The BuddhaZone, PowerPrayers for Chanting for Your Absolute Happiness:

Treasures of the Heart

Section 1: PowerPrayers for Human Revolution. 

In Nichiren Buddhism it all begins and ends with you. 
You are the one who has power in your life. 
And YOU are the one who can change any karma into mission and any poison into medicine. 
When you change internally, your environment and everything in it changes. 
The world is a mirror of your thoughts, deeds, and feelings. 
When you “do your Human Revolution” you bring forth your sparkling and brilliant Buddhahood from within. With continued practice and focus your entire existence becomes the Buddha world - where everything works to your benefit and you see the workings of the perfection of your life, and you revel in every minute, even the challenging ones.  The purpose of life is Happiness. Having a resilient spirit, and possessing the knowledge that YES, every poison can be changed into a benefit, and that your life, every moment, has profound meaning...well...THIS is absolute Happiness. And available to you through chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo in the manner we have described. This begins your journey:

(Note to readers: PowerPrayers are meant to be read before chanting to increase focus and aim your prayer like a sharp arrow toward the bullseye of your desires.)

PowerPrayer for Human Revolution

Adapted by Jamie and Julia from For Today and Tomorrow, Daily Encouragement, By Daisaku Ikeda. November 17th 

"Only if you challenge your human revolution in a manner that is true to yourself will the people around you naturally begin to trust and respect you. That in itself is the greatest way of laying the groundwork for the spread of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism." ~ Daisaku Ikeda

PowerPrayer for Human Revolution

I am doing my Human Revolution! 
I am determined to make any changes necessary 
in my thoughts, 
in my actions, 
in the way that I chant 
and to make every thought, word or deed 
a positive cause every moment of every day. 
As I chant I am rooting the negative karma OUT OF MY LIFE! 
I am determined to make the changes inside myself, 
to change any weakness within me into strengths...
I change this karma now for me and for all my family:

(Fill in the blank below of what karma you are determined to change - you do not have to know WHY you have this karma; you do not have to figure it out...all you need to do it chant to ROOT IT OUT of your life forever!) 


I now do my own human revolution 
and raise my life condition! 
I am determined to change in any way necessary to make ___________ happen!

I am bringing the determination, wisdom and fire I need 
to create the life of my dreams. 


I do this not only for me, but for everyone who is suffering. 
I am determined to glow within my own life. 
I am a shining light for all who are suffering. 
I am a beacon of hope 
that ANYONE can solve their problems 
by chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. 
I am ready to meet people 
who are ready to hear about this practice!  
I chant to have the most inspiring life. 
Gohonzon (my life) I demand to see these results now!"