Showing posts with label solver problems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label solver problems. Show all posts

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Chanting Can Solve EVERY Problem

This blog is about a very unique form of Buddhism...a form that many people have never heard of. 
When integrated into our lives...when, in fact...we BASE our lives on the practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo every morning and evening, attending SGI discussion meetings, studying and teaching others to the best of our ability, we tap into the ultimate positive force in the entire world...our Buddha Nature. And we change our karma (problems) into benefits. 

Some problems change right away, others take more time, but we are doing our own human revolution when we chant, and if we keep chanting we will see our lives change. We will strengthen the CORE of our lives. Strong Lives are happy lives. We still have problems but we greet them with the knowledge that we can change them and create benefits from our challenges. 

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo means: I fuse my life with the mystic law of cause and effect through sound vibration. Or, I am one with the flow of life. It is the literal name of the law of cause and effect, and the ultimate good cause we make in our lives. 
Chanting these words puts us in rhythm with all that is good, right and true. Chanting these words raises our life-condition (what some call "vibration") and when we raise our vibration, everything in our environment also raises in life condition and vibration because of the interconnectivity of our lives and ALL of life. We are able to gain a foothold and change any karma into mission. ANY KARMA! 

Using this chant we can change ANYTHING. ANYTHING. No matter how dark and hopeless it seems at the time. 

But don't believe me. Try it for yourself. It's experiential. Not intellectual. 

The following passage is an excerpt from my upcoming 
(any day now - I promise!) book called

The BuddhaZone, Power Prayers for Chanting Your Way to Happiness. 

You have happened upon a practice that is very unique indeed. Some of the ways this practice is different include these points:
~ The goal of this practice is RESULTS, also called actual proof, or benefits. 
~ As we mentioned, each person is a Buddha, and possesses the entire power of the universe within their own lives. This is the awakening that the original Buddha experienced under the Bodhi tree. We all possess the potential for bringing forth our own Buddhahood (happiness and strength) through chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, right now, in this lifetime without having to focus on making other changes in our lives. There are no lifestyle, diet or rules of behavior and no “paths” to memorize or carefully trod. There is the keen awareness that life operates under the strict law of cause and effect, but most of us knew that already! 
~ Desire is not the enemy. Each person chants for their desires from their heart. Alleviation of desire is NOT the goal of this practice.  
~ There are no clergy, no robes and no temples. There are community centers, and many smaller meetings are held in people’s homes. We are all normal people in the world living extraordinarily happy lives.  
~ We are changing our karma every time we chant. Karma is not immutable. 
~ We do not chant “to” anything. When we are chanting we access our own wisdom and power as a the Buddha, or awakened one. 
~The main practice is reciting the words Nam-myoho-renge-kyo over and over and over. Everyone on earth recites the same phrase. We will explain why, and how to do this in detail. 
~There are no lifestyle rules of any kind. All people regardless of sexual orientation are welcome. 
~ People do not have to “convert” to Buddhism to chant. Anyone can chant. 
~ There is no guilt, there is only the awareness of the law of cause and effect. 

To find out more, click on the link at the right  - The SGI Portal, and you can read all about this practice. You can also access many of the blog writings I've posted. Check out the experiences! Email me at with any questions or comments.