Sunday, October 29, 2017

This is the Buddhism of CHANGING our Karma - not just Learning from it ~

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The other day a practicing Buddhist said to me "Well I guess I just have to keep going through this until I learn the lesson from it. That's what life is, learning lessons from our suffering." and I said 'That is not what Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism is all about!" 

Yes, I know the Gosho says 'Suffer what there is to suffer and enjoy what there is to enjoy." (From Happiness in This World by Nichiren Daishonin.)  But the Gosho "Reply to Kyo'o" states: "A sword will be useless in the hands of a coward." 

As Buddhas we can be fearless! 

I do not think it's important to "learn from our karma". Of course we can learn from the causes we make, and stop making negative causes...but that is not the same as having the belief that we have to repeat karma over and over again until we "learn" from it."

I think it's important to change it! 

When I first began chanting in San Francisco I got a job with an abusive, screaming, swearing boss. He wasn't swearing and screaming at me, but that was not something I ever wanted to experience again. Every morning, I chanted a solid hour of daimoku to CHANGE THIS KARMA forever...and never, ever have an abusive boss again. I chanted for this boss's happiness, and the happiness of all involved. After chanting this way for a significant amount of time I gained the strength to stand up to this man and stop him when he abused my coworkers. 

Eventually, that job ended and I had a series of wonderful bosses, and lots of business success. Some time later that karma resurfaced, but not in quite as bad a way. I got a boss who drove me crazy with her anxiety. At this time I did not say to myself "Wow, this Buddhism doesn't work, I can't believe I got another boss who makes me suffer."

No. I just dug right back into my practice, made a new determination and chanted with all my might for her happiness, for my success, for my future and all my dreams. At the time, I really wanted to move from San Francisco. This boss ended up giving me a substantial severance package - enough so that I could take the holiday season off to be with my babies and then move back to Chicago to raise my kids close to my Mom in the good old midwest. 

Did I "learn" from these instances. YES! I learned I can change whatever karma I want by chanting. I learned I am a powerful Buddha. 
I did not have to learn "why am I attracting this into my life?" No! I just learned to change it! 


As Daisaku Ikeda writes in the October 16th, 2015 World Tribune, in the essay "Making Hope", page 6:

"I do not believe that people are powerless. The philosophical tradition that I embrace, on the most fundamental dimension - that of life itself - teaches that each human life partakes of the limitless life force of the cosmos. The same power that moves the universe exists within our own lives. Each individual has immense potential, and a great change in the inner dimension of one individual's life has the power to touch the lives of others and transform society. Everything begins with us." 

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Lighting the Lamp of Hope from Florida with Career Success

So I'm almost a month into my job and it's incredibly exciting. I've already produced a lot of success, and I take my smile everywhere I go. In all things "Our success is our energy. Our energy is our success." that is my belief, and those are my words. 

When we freely express our Buddha nature everything flowers around us. We can create a place for the flowers of our life to bloom. 

Just a little background: 

As many of you know, In 2009, I created this blog to show actual proof through my own life, to inspire people to learn about chanting, and to inspire my beloved fellow practitioners all over the world. This is not an easy practice, but when we practice correctly, our lives overflow with benefit - so it's worth the work. 

We get up we can chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to awaken the Buddha in our hearts, and set our sights on what is true. We chant the truth in our hearts and make determinations towards this day, and into the future. We tell our lives what we want, for Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is our life, and the life and rhythm of the entire universe. 

Through this chant we connect...and we summon all the power of the universe into our lives and dreams. Then at night, we chant again and prepare for the next day. We chant for ourselves, we chant for others, we chant for this world.

About five years ago, life was going great, but I was worried about my son Ben. We soon began a roller coaster ride of trying to keep him alive through a terrible illness. Schizophrenia. And in July of 2015, my beloved Ben succumbed to the illness and took his life. My blog of July 4th, 2015 was my declaration that I would turn poison into medicine. The worst problem can turn into the best benefit. Even this. 
Fast forward, I created, where we've raised almost 50K for Schizophrenia research and Suicide prevention, and I moved from Chicago to St. Pete Beach Florida where I live overlooking the Gulf of Mexico. I did not work for a year and lived off the saving that resulted from my many years of fortune accumulated through almost 33 years of practice. (This Friday, October 20th, is my 33rd anniversary of receiving the Gohonzon).

In time, I began to chant for my next job. 

I chanted for a job that would use all my talents,  where I'd be surrounded by people who inspire me, where I could do public speaking and have a great and growing income, where I could let the light of my life shine and do shakubuku with my life while making new friends, and where I could be HAPPY. 

And I was offered many jobs...and found one I accepted. 

Now I'm a few weeks into it, and I am having joyful success that is being recognized and applauded. I am surrounded by helpful and inspiring people, and I am having fun while doing good work that helps people. 

And the key is to continue chanting to SEE my life, and to expand in my capacity to help others, to do shakubuku (I've not yet shared my Buddhist practice at work, but they are seeing my life shine), and to humbly keep chanting to see what I'm doing wrong so I can correct it and continue moving forward. 

I am not perfect, but I chant to learn from my errors and move on. And I chant to love myself completely through it all! I'm chanting each day for the happiness of all of my coworkers as we create this beautiful community that helps seniors. 

I am spreading the joyful light of hope, appreciation and love that I feel inside all the time. I have also once again been able to raise my contribution level to the SGI. I know this creates even more fortune and just makes me happy!

Whatever you are facing, you can joyfully create the life of your dreams as you bask in appreciation and continue to devote your life to this practice, shakubuku, study, and creating happiness for yourself and others. 

Go Buddha go and never give up!  

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Please Chant for my Beautiful Kate

Kate Randolph, the wise Buddha, the eternal Bodhisattva, the most beautiful, wonderful, creative, loving woman who introduced me to this practice 33 years ago this Friday is a year into her battle with the worst kind of brain cancer. 

Please join me in chanting for her. Now. 

I'm going in front of my Gohonzon right now. 

Thank you my friends.