Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Three Proofs

Just finished an awesome Buddhist meeting at my house! How do I know it was awesome? Everyone participated in the discussion...everyone left enthusiastically...everyone enjoyed it.

There were six people here. All of them are Soka Gakkai members. Next week we have a District meeting, and we've all prepared interesting thins to tell the guests. One member is explaining Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and the Gohonzon. Another is giving her personal experience of chanting.

We started chanting at 7:00, and finished a little after 8:30. Then we did some studying. We talked about the three proofs.

Each religion is verifyable by several proofs:

1. Does it go back to the original documents of its founders?

(Our practice goes back to the original Buddha's highest teaching ~ the Lotus Sutra.)

2. Does it make sense?

(Very important in life! The more you know about this practice, the more sense it makes. Yes, you are the universe itself, yes, all life really is interconnected, yes, making good causes creates good results...etc)

the most important one of all....

3. Actual Proof!
Does it work?
Can you see and feel the RESULTS of practice in your life.

According to Nichiren Daishonin, that is the most crucial of all proofs. And doesn't that make sense? Why would we practice if we didn't see the results? What is the point of a practice if it cannot create results?

We all challenge our practice to show us actual proof...
how do we do this? By chanting with goals in mind. That is why I say over and over...make your specific...what do you really want? Make your list now!

This morning I was reading a journal from a year ago and was really struck by how much more emotionally stable I am now. I AM achieving my goal of inner happiness no matter what the circumstances. I really am becoming the Buddha of Absolute happiness! I am achieving one of my most important goals.

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