Showing posts with label attaining happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label attaining happiness. Show all posts

Monday, February 6, 2012

Expanding My Capacity

Enjoying my life! I went to an "Alien" party this weekend...see the antennae? I think I was just BORN to wear them!!!

Today begins a bold new journey of expanding my capacity. I am taking on two new campuses as part of my job responsibilities. Today I go to the campus in the northern part of the Chicago Area. I will be meeting my new team, and have various responsibilities and events I intend to fulfill with them. 

So this morning I greet my life in front of the Gohonzon and chant like this: 
ALL POSITIVITY !!! No complaints! 
Banish any negative thought in my head! I appreciate this opportunity to make new friends, expand my mission, be the Buddha, have an impact on these students, administrators and educator's lives! I will shine like the sun. Just like the the quote I put in my signature at the bottom of my emails 
"When One sun rises everything is illuminated" 
by Daisaku Ikeda. 

Today I am also thinking of the magnificent Gene Marie O'Connell. She was my chapter leader in the SGI when I was a "baby Buddhist" in San Francisco. I personally saw her rise from the ranks of nursing student to nursing administrator to CEO of the largest hospital in San Francisco...the one responsible for helping everyone in the city. She constantly asked herself "What would President Ikeda do in this situation?" Every day. She was, and still is, an inspiring example of what is possible when you are determined to manifest your own Buddhahood at every moment of every day. Thank you Gene!

That is how I set out today...with the sun in my heart...with Daisaku Ikeda at my side. 
I wish you all a magnificent, powerful, fulfilling day!!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

What is this Blog about? Happiness...Buddhahood!

Hi welcome to the blog
If you're a returning reader welcome back, and if you're a new reader let me give you a taste of what this blog is all about.

This blog is all about revealing your own life as the life of the universe with all its power and majesty. It is, according to many, the truest form of Buddhism that exists. There are no rules and no one telling anyone what to do. It is based on the deep desire for the happiness of all people, based on each individual taking responsibility for their own happiness.

The primary practice is the chanting of the words:

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

These words mean I devote my life (Nam) to the Mystic, unfathomable, (Myo) Law (Ho) of Cause and Effect (Renge, literally Lotus flower) Sutra, or teaching or vibration (kyo)

~~Again:  I devote my life to the mystic law of cause and effect through sound vibration. It is the name of the rhythm of life itself...the same rhythm that turns the tides...moves the seasons...pulses in us and in every single thing at every moment of every single day. It is a literal calling forth of the name of the rhythm of life. You know how important it is to call something by its name. If you don't use its name it won't respond. Well this is the name of the law of life itself...the law of cause and effect. When you chant these words you tap into the power that is within you in a very profound way.

This morning I attended a meeting with my two new friends who just started chanting. They both told the rest of the group about the way their lives have been going since they started chanting...both of them talked about being in rhythm...naturally...and attracting just what they need at exactly the right moment. One is a healer/physician/surgeon. The other is a musician/songwriter/computer genius. It is so exciting seeing their lives expanding and growing...increasing in capacity...expanding to all that is possible. They loved attending this gathering of SGI Buddhists. When we practice together our benefits expand exponentially. Please give yourself the gift of attending SGI meetings and getting to know your new friends! Go to to find your local center, give them a call and get connected to someone by you!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Two More Comments! Thank you for Writing!

Yesterday morning I received these two notes from different people. I'm not sure what country the first note is from, but I really appreciate it:

"Thank you for such inspiration! It's when I need it most that you reach out unknowingly and help me. 
Thank you, thank you, thank you. "

And this second note is from a new friend in Delhi:

"Its amazing how you encourage so many people across the globe by sharing ur daily experiences. 
I am tania from delhi practicing from last 5 years. Keep writing!! All the best in life. "

These emails make me so very happy. You know we all like to think that what we do makes a difference. And I think about you all the time, my blog readers. I wonder what I can say that will inspire you when you feel lost. 
I am so lucky. I have great friends in faith who can encourage me. I pick up the phone and call Kate in Los Angeles. I've written about her quite a bit in this blog. I also talk to my friends close by. 

We all need a touchstone...someone who will be able to give us that extra insight we need so that we will return to our altars and chant through our tears and determine, once again, to root our the cause of our suffering. 

According to Daisaku Ikeda and Nichiren Daishonin the cause of our suffering is the ignorance of not knowing we are Buddhas, of not accessing our power, of not demanding our happiness. So I remind you once more that happiness and Buddhahood are who you are. 

This practice is a process of revealing your own beautiful self! 

It is not easy but you must persevere for yourself, for those who love you and for all those unnamed people standing behind you waiting for YOU to BREAK THROUGH and open the door so that they can be free also. Do not hesitate. Be strong. Whenever you just don't "feel like chanting" please remember that that feeling comes from the inner part of you that doesn't want you to advance in life. Face it down and say "I will! I will advance! Inner darkness you can't stop me!" Be strong and remember that "A sword will be useless in the hands of a coward." Then return to your altar, your "home" and sit down and pour your heart into your determination to be an example, a shining light for other, that this practice works! Don't give up!

And you are not alone. If you haven't already reached out to your Sokka Gakkai family please do. You can find SGI centers in almost every big city. In these centers are people who are chanting to meet you and encourage you with their lives, and welcome you into their homes.  Give them a call! Make their day!

And, as always, I consider it an honor for you to be taking a moment to read my blog. My goal is to inspire you to become the happiest person ever!...brimming with life and enthusiasm...and when challenges hit you, just as they hit me, we forge together, along with President Ikeda to achieve VICTORY in our lives. February is the month of Victory! Let's do it together! 

Please continue to write! It warms my heart!

And also, please pass along the url to anyone and everyone. Please share in my vision for people searching the internet to discover the happiness they seek!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Daisaku Ikeda's incredible guidance on changing your karma and attaining Buddhahood and happiness

It is so easy to blame our environment for our unhappiness and discontent. But as President Ikeda says in "On Attaining Buddhahood in This Lifetime"
"Grumbling and complaining are the principle gateways leading to general doubt and disbelief. Even if we know that such behavior is wrong, we may find ourselves doing it in spite of ourselves. Should grumbling and complaining become habitual it will act as a constant brake on our growth and cause us to forget about advancing and improving ourselves. When that happens, we effectively close off our own potential, falling into the path of seeking the law outside of us." 

Grumbling and complaining takes many forms. For me, it tends to manifest as depression and hopelessness. 

This morning, in front of the Gohonzon I vowed one more time to change the karma at the root of my suffering. I don't have to know the details of this karma...I just have to chant to defeat it, and not let it defeat me. 

Please remember that whatever is going on in your world is YOUR OPPORTUNITY to grow. 
The things you think of as problems that come at you from the environment can be fuel for your growth, fuel for your determination to reveal your own Buddhahood and create your own happiness. It is up to you though, to determine this for your own life...

Putting the fault on your environment is easy. But not helpful! You are a Buddha. Dig deeper. Get to the root source of your suffering. You do not have to figure it out. Just chant to change it. 

President Ikeda also says:

"Because our practice of faith is aimed at attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime, it is absolutely essential that we have a solidly focussed mind or attitude when chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. It is like trying to shoot an arrow: without a clear target, we will not draw the bow with any real energy or determination. In the same way, our prayers can only be realized when we replace vague yearnings with concrete determinations and confident daimoku to definitely accomplish what we hope to achieve."

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

More Thoughts on Happiness & Enlightenment

I've been thinking a lot about the nature of Happiness....real Happiness. Not the fleeting happiness that comes from achieving a desire. Now, I am ALL FOR achieving your desires and getting what you want...for all of us.
But I'm a realist as well as an optimist.
Life isn't about waving a magic wand...and Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is not a magic wand. it is much deeper than that...when you chant  consistently you will attain a state of happiness that is long lasting NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS.
Here is one of my favorite quotes about Happiness:

by Daisaku Ikeda

The purpose of life is to attain happiness.
Happiness is something you have to feel inside.
It is something you have to
for yourself.
It is something that lives within you.
That is why the state of your inner realm, your life,
is so crucial to your being happy.
Happiness is not in some far off place.
Happiness exists within your own life.
It is within a single thought in your mind.
You, yourself are the most precious of all.
You have no need to be envious of anyone
or to long for things far away.
Faith and one's single minded desire
to achieve Kosen Rufu (world peace)
are what makes this self of yours shine its brightest
and develop its highest potential;
they are what fill you with good fortune,
satisfaction and eternal joy.
This is the essence of true happiness,
A palace exists within your own life.
When you open that palace
you can be happy wherever you are.

Monday, January 30, 2012

What is Real Happiness? Please respond!

As you know I am writing a book about chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo 
I am interested in knowing what Happiness means to you. 

We all know that the momentary gain of something we desire can bring momentary happiness...but we all also know that there is a deeper, richer happiness that we practitioners of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism possess. 

I am interested to know how you describe Happiness.

For me, it is knowing that no matter what happens I can draw the strength I need from my life to overcome any suffering. I also recognize - more and more - that the cause of my unhappiness or happiness exists within a single thought in my head. Sometimes my thoughts seem to be attacking me...other times they are calm and quiet, and I experience true peace of mind. Happiness for me seems to be knowing when those voices come (you know what I mean, the ones that say "why did you do that? You should have _______" fill in the blank. They are the voices that don't respect my Buddha Nature. 

In the last week I had a few days of not being able to sleep because I made a decision and immediately had negative functions arise in my thoughts...just yelling at me. Finally, after enough sleep and calm chanting I was able to back those voices down and say "enough - you voices are not real! What is real is my true self." and I began again to chant to PRAISE MY LIFE!!! It seems that suffering comes, in part from the feelings I get when I am not praising my life. 

Chanting to PRAISE YOUR LIFE is a deep, deep, prayer. It truly is the type of prayer that alleviates ALL suffering!

Please let me know your results and your thoughts!! 

Saturday, January 28, 2012

New York!

Bright Lights Big City! New York was a blast last weekend. I still can't believe I went.  I made wonderful new friends...the picture here is of the Soul Sisters! I really wish I'd taken more pictures of all my new friends! All of us have such important dreams and missions to fulfill. Our books are changing the world! I passed out my new card to everyone. Welcome if you're one of my new friends! Please read some of the posts at the left of the blog. And I'll be posting more for newcomers! 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Everyday Happiness...Everyday Wisdom!!!

Gohonzon Conferral! The Ali's have joined the amazing group of people known as the Soka Gakkai! They have their Gohonzon. Here are members from the our District right outside of Illinois. We represent many different countries...Trinidad, Taiwan, China, India, Ireland, America, Japan! We are the United Nations of seekers of Happiness! 

And those of you who know about this practice know about "renge" the simultaneity of cause and effect." Once you make the cause...the effect is already there. Chant for your Happiness, and you may not see it might not see it tomorrow morning but you WILL see it. 

This was a big week for me. I was a little under the weather when I got back from New York...then suddenly I felt a lot better and wrote my book proposal for 8 solid hours. I submitted it to my editor and she said this needs a lot of work!! I have to change tenses and begin again in a new format...but I am undaunted. I am not giving up. 

I keep thinking about all those people who will one day be standing in their local Barnes and Noble and say "What is this?" And they will pick up the Book: Chant Your Way to Happiness, 30 days to a Brand New You! and they will think "Hmmmmm maybe I should at least give it a try...what would thirty days hurt? 

And I think back to my days at the Bay Guardian Newspaper...where my name was in the paper every week...and I would get those calls saying "Is this the same Jamie Lee Silver who told me about Chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo?" When I responded affirmatively they'd say "Oh my goodness let me tell you how my life has changed for the better since you told me about this practice"...then I'd listen with tears running down my cheeks thinking "I helped someone change their life, their karma, the lives of their children." And I know it's not ME. Not ME who changed their lives. They are the ones who had the courage to chant. 

"A sword will be useless in the hands of a coward." says the Gosho. 

But I TOLD them about it...I planted the seed!

I see this book being passed from person to person. "You've GOT to read this! Just try it!" 
I see Gakkai members buying it en masse for their friends. 
I know the time is now. 

How fast can I finish it? 
How fast can I get the book proposal out, while taking on new responsibilities at the job that pays my rent? Are there other ways I can earn additional money?...all these questions are in my mind. 

But when I sit down in front of the Gohonzon to chant for an hour in the morning my prayer is the deep prayer I have chanted for so many is the prayer YOU say every day when you do gongyo because it is in the part of the Lotus Sutra that we recite each day. It says: 
"At all times I think to myself:
How can I cause living beings
to gain entry into the unsurpassed way
and quickly acquire the body of a buddha?"

In other words: use my life to help others become HAPPY!!!!

This is my mission in life. I HAVE the secret to end suffering and create happiness in my life. I discovered this secret so that I could help others. This is my joy...and my honor! 

Now I have to help more and more and more and more people! 

When I sit down and chant I think about YOU! How can I help my blog readers realize their goals and be happy? What words can I offer them that will lead them back in front of the Gohonzon to NOT GIVE UP! ONE MORE TIME!!! How can I live my life as an example that this practice works? 

I suggest YOU chant the same way. CHANT TO SEE THE RESULT YOU NEED THAT WILL INSPIRE YOU THE MOST!!!! TELL THE GOHONZON (YOUR LIFE ITSELF) THAT YOU MUST HAVE THE RESULT YOU WANT...and KEEP CHANTING UNTIL YOU GET IT! Chant to have the strength of spirit to forge on no matter what...just like Daisaku Ikeda has done and is still doing at the age of 84!!!! Stay close to the life flow of faith...your fellow members! 

And share your progress with me...after all you may end up in a book!!! Woohooo!!! Go YOU!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Another Comment to Share

I can't help myself...when I get cool comments like this I just have to share them. SO I am sharing another very encouraging comment with you! I spent so many hours yesterday writing...and I have so many hours ahead of me...and all kinds of Sansho Shima (Obstacles - in this case from the doubts and fears) are coming up. Who do I think I am...I'll never be able to do's way too hard...
But then there is the real me who thinks...I have worked and chanted all my life for this...I am ready...the world is ready...Oh Yes I can do this. Chanting for confidence...chanting for confidence!!! And see below:

Well, I have to agree with the other comment. It's a great idea for a book, and the world needs more books on this subject.

People who are searching for a practice such as this will inevitably find it. I, for example, stumbled across daimoku for the first time in a biography of Andy Kaufman (of all people!)

It was just a passing reference, but I instantly understood in far more detail than the book went into. I simply intuited a great deal about the practice - and then researched afterwards to confirm that I was right.

And this happened at precisely the right moment in my life too.

But it was all rather serendipitous. More books actually devoted to the subject will allow more people to find the practice more simply and directly. How cool is that?

I'd also add that you are the perfect candidate to write such a book. The real joy and enthusiasm you bring to this blog has proven to be a great encouragement to me throughout what are proving to be difficult times.

On occasion, I have checked your blog and found you have written precisely what I needed to read at exactly the moment I needed to read it - and it has kept me going. So thank you for that.

And I hope you can bring the level of inspiration you have to me to as many people as possible through your writing, both on this blog and in your books(s). I wish you nothing but success with this enterprise.

Good luck! 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

My Dreams are COMING TRUE! and so can YOURS!!!


I just got back from the Writer's Digest Writer's Conference in New York City. 

It was amazing. 

Some of you know that it has been my dream to publish many best selling books about this incredible form of Buddhism. I envision my life as a sought-after speaker on this topic...and being able to reach people who really want to hear this message. I want to teach people how to chant, help them connect with the SGI, and help them become happier than they ever dreamed possible!

You may remember that it took me until I was 25 to find this practice, and that I searched for it everywhere until I found it. I KNEW a solution to my problems HAD to exist! And it does! 

My dream is to reach everyone who is suffering...everyone who has not yet found a solution to their problems...everyone who has people around them who are suffering....everyone who longs for real, true happiness in their lives and in the lives of others!!!

Well, I am getting there! It's so close! I learned so much! I met so many fantastic people!

Remember a few weeks ago...when I was chanting hours and hours a day to rid my life of a recurring sadness?  I chanted to free myself FOREVER from these feelings of longing, otherwise known as the world of hunger. 

I began focusing on the books I want to write. I chanted with the deepest vow within my own life for the wisdom to know what to do next. In the middle of a long Daimoku Tozo (chanting session) suddenly I had the thought "Google 'agents looking for transformational authors!'" I did just that, and found out about the Conference in New York City. It featured a "Pitch Slam". It was an opportunity to get in front of numerous agents looking for new writers.  I decided to go for it. I booked the flights and the hotel and the conference in a real leap of faith. 

And it was one of the best things I've ever done. I feel so close...this close... to actually being able to reach millions through my writing about this practice. I chanted to be in the right place at the right meet exactly the right people who could see the vision in the work I want to do...and to encounter people who could share my passion and help bring my works to life. 

I chanted for my future readers...for the lives of those I want to touch, and for you, my blog readers who will buy this book for yourselves and for the people you love. 

All of my prayers unfolded before my eyes. I met incredible people, and I'm taking the next steps to a finished book. 

I even found a cool title for it. What do you think? 
Chant Your Way to Happiness...
30 days to a brand new you!
It may change, but I'm happy with it for right now. 
What do you think? Would you buy it for yourself? Would you buy it for your friends? 

Stay tuned. This is a huge dream for me. This is making the impossible possible. That's why we chant isn't it? First we become happy...then we shoot for the impossible! 

In the last of the speeches today, the speaker talked about all the people waiting for our books. I sat there thinking about the person who has no hope, the person who is bullied at school, the person who can't stand up for themselves, and I thought "NOW is the time!" 

Move swiftly in the direction of your dreams! 

How about you? What is your impossible dream?  Write out the vision of how you want it to be...not how it is...and keep chanting...keep chanting...keep chanting. And let me hear from you with questions, comments, anything!!! Sending much love, Jamie 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

It's November....a time for new determinations....

Here we are in November...when it gets colder and darker...and somehow the days seem so, so long. 
Oh yes, things do pick up closer to Thanksgiving when the boys come home, and then there's the holidays to look forward to...I think. 

Today, as I sit down to chant, I am making new determinations. First of all, November is the month of Spiritual Independence. On November 28th we will all celebrate the day the SGI was excommunicated by the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood. And I don't mean that tongue in cheek. It really is a day to celebrate. No Buddhist needs a priest to tell them what to do! We are all spiritually independent and it is time to truly claim all the power we have within. 

Look at what is going on in  the world, people are rising up to claim the power that is theirs. This is a concept Daisaku Ikeda has been talking about for years! The people have the ultimate one can stop the people when they are united. The Occupy movement is already having an effect. The Bank of America decided today not to charge it's customers $5 a month to access their own money. Hurray. What is next? I just read that Occupy protesters are heading to Iowa to occupy the offices of those running for President and demand that they start actually talking about the things that are important to Americans. This ought to be interesting. 

And what does spiritual independence have to do with all of this? Everything. We are claiming our spiritual independence...we are becoming Buddhas of absolute freedom. I have vowed in my prayer and in my life that no person, no circumstance, no nothing will determine my happiness and independence. I know this may strike you as a radical notion, and I can tell you it is easier said than done...but when I keep my life condition high I feel the beginnings of such a state in my life. If you look back to the beginning posts of this blog in'll see how this blog was born...from extreme heartache and the desire to be happy no matter what the circumstances. This does not mean I don't chant for what I means I don't suffer over it...most of the time! 

I will write more on keeping Life Condition high in the following weeks. It all starts with your determination, your list of goals, feeling the call of your heart...and chanting, studying, helping others to chant...and continually digging deep in your prayer to realize THIS is your karma, and THIS you can change (whatever it is!)

So I'm making a fresh determination today, that the next few months are going to shine in my life. I am determined to celebrate my first year living on my own in holiday time and create many new traditions for myself. I may travel...make new friends...have adventures. I will continue chanting for the opportunity to reach as many people as possible through this blog, and by writing books and giving speeches. Please contact me if you have invitations or an agent for me! Most of all I will not feel sorry for myself that my life has changed so dramatically!

I made the decision myself to change my life, get my own apartment and begin a new phase of my life. My kids are both at college, and we are divorcing...but that doesn't mean I have to be sad. Through my daimoku I am going to come up with some goals and visions for this season...and I will fulfill my determination to live an inspiring life based on chanting Nam Myoho Renge matter what!

Join me! Make your determinations! Free your life from whatever suffering you are experiencing...let's all change our karma....and the karma of our towns, our country and our world through our own inner transformation. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

What is Enlightenment?

A reader posted a comment asking this question: What is enlightenment? And they asked...after you are enlightened can you still go in and out of being enlightened? 
And I'd love to give you the definition of enlightenment in this particular Buddhism.
This quote comes form the introduction to the first book of Nichiren Daishonin's writings published first in America in 1979:

"ENLIGHTENMENT is not a mystical or transcendental state, as many might assume. Rather, it is a condition of the highest wisdom, vitality and good fortune wherein the individual can shape his or her own destiny, find fulfillment in daily activities, and come to understand his or her  purpose in being alive."

This explains it so well...and I can feel these words with my life. I do understand my purpose in being alive....I know I am a Silver Sunbeam of light and encouragement, and I live my life with the constant thought of what I can be doing to help others have hope and be happy. The other day a Buddhist who had recently returned from Japan said "If you don't have any hope, you don't have any compassion." and that thought has been rolling around in my head...of course...hope is an essential to life and happiness of everyone. How can we help everyone have hope? Those who have a tool to solve their problems have hope!

 Think about the word itself "enLIGHTenment".
 And I know that every single morning when I sit in front of my Gohonzon and pray ernestly to meld my prayer with Daisaku Ikeda's and express his ichinen for the peace and happiness of everyone...I know I access the highest wisdom for my life. And whenever I feel stuck, or sad, or restless...I know just what to people...and I'll break out of that feeling right away. I also know that all my dreams and prayers and hopes are within my reach...for me and for others...because I have a tool to make them all come true. That does sound to me like enlightenment, and it is available to everyone!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Fundamental Darkness You just can't see!

If you've read my last few blog posts you know I made some fierce determinations. I saw some things I knew I wanted to change inside my life.

Well....I have to be the one to inform you that when you make fierce determinations, it is inevitable that the fundamental darkness that is inside your life (the functions that hold you back) will rise up in your life. 

This happened to me last week, and I just couldn't see it for what it was...a function....I thought it was REAL! I started suffering from intense longing. 

You see, we all have a "world" that is our home world (meaning the one we return to most often...our karma). Mine is the world of HUNGER. And hunger can be a world of suffering, or it can be an enlightened world. I was suffering....longing for my sweet Mommy who died two years ago in November, longing for my boys away at college...longing for a special man....ouch...I was hurting so bad. 

So I called my dear friend and mentor in faith, Kate and she gave me great guidance. 

First of all she reminded me that this was a good thing...for the longing to resurface. It gives me another time to stare my basic life tendency in the face and scream back at it...and change this suffering forever! She said I could decide right here and right now that I was changing my life state forever....from the world of Hunger to the worlds of Boddhisatva (helping others) and Buddhahood - also helping others and chanting. Happiness. And I could continue to chant to raise my life condition and do my own human revolution....changing positively every day from the inside out. 

She talked about Spiritual Independence. She said this is the time for all SGI members, and every person on the planet to realize their own power. She said I didn't have to go back and chant three hours tonight...or do anything else radical. I just had to stare the hunger in the eyes and say no more! 

It all seems so simple doesn't it? And the funny thing is so simple. And I immediately felt freed from the grip this feeling had on me.

She said - change the feeling...then go back to the Gohonzon and celebrate your life. Awesome. I can do that. I can do that! And so can you! She said the SGI is centering on November 28th - spiritual independence day...the day that the SGI members were all excommunicated from the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood. Truly a day of rejoicing. Truly a day and a time to realize we ALL have the Buddha nature right within our lives, and the key to connecting with our every happiness. We need NOTHING to draw it forth. It is who we are. It is who YOU are. We need no blessings from priests or anyone else! All we need is to claim our own freedom! 

Claim your freedom today!

Look at your deepest it anger...hunger...hell...greed...and stare it down and declare your own happiness! EVEN IF IT RESURFACES...CONQUER IT AGAIN!!! 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Such an inspiring Gosho! Tonight's Meeting is going to ROCK!!

Tonight we are studying "The Sutra of True Requital" the Gosho by Nichiren Daishonin!

From the essay by Daisaku Ikeda:

'In order to repay my debt of gratitude to my mother, I have vowed to enable all women to chant the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra" THis passage is the crux of "The Sutra of True Requittal," It articulates the primary inspiration for the Daishonin's vow to open the way for the enlightenment of all people.

"In an early Buddhist scripture, Shakyamuni Buddha instructs: "Just as a mother would protect with her life her own son, her only son, so one should cultivate an unbounded mind towards all beings." It may be no exaggeration to say that motherly compassion is identical to the heart of the Buddha, which all living beings possess. A mother's compassion or love for her only child is directly linked to the concern or lovingkindness of the Buddha for all living beings. To experience a mother's love and compassion is to experience the heart of the Buddha. All of us are beneficiaries of the great spiritual blessings of motherly love and compassion."

"When the compassion of mothers everywhere illuminates all humanity, and when all humanity respects the wish for peace cherished by mothers everywhere, the very tenor of modern civilization will undergo a momentous change."

And that us what we call Kosen Rufu!
World Peace. 
Chanting one last hour before the meeting for all of your happiness!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

More Great Results and coaching on how to chant effectively!

I'll tell you, when you're in the flow of are in the FLOW of things. I sooo want all of you to experience this. And again, it comes from devoting your life to the mystic law of cause and effect through sound vibration. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

This week was incredible. Besides being my birthday week and having flowers and gifts and love was also an accreditation visit at the college where I work. This is a big deal. The various departments in the school have been preparing for this for months. Mostly I was thinking that it doesn't effect me too much. I am the Director of Community and Alumni main purpose is to join the college with various organizations where our students can get real world experience doing health care related tasks for a few hours at a time. It's fun...I love bringing the students to senior fairs and public health departments. It gives them confidence. I take pictures of them and post them on the bulletin boards....I form partnerships with organizations so we can return again and again. And I didn't think the surveyors would care much about this. 

Not only did they care, but something totally unexpected came out of this. Remember I am the Buddha, right? So I've been pouring daimoku into this program since the day I started....for the program chairs' happiness, for us to work together happily, for the students happiness and success. And I thought the only thing that came out of these types of surveys was bad news, information of things we had to improve on, but no! What happened was my program ended up being written up as OUTSTANDING! The surveyors reported that on my campus Service Learning was overwhelmingly effective and popular among the students. I was given a personal commendation in the final report. I didn't even know this could happen! 

And one of the staff said to me that ripples of my happiness had affected the whole school!


Just focus on what you want. Chant what is in your heart!  

Think about what makes you most passionate. Chant to raise your life condition so that everything will come to you. Chant to realize, at every moment, how precious your life is!!! Chant to share President Ikeda's it is beating in your own heart. Then read his writings to find out why I would recommend such a thing to you! If you're not connected to the Soka Gakkai...chant to BE connected to the Soka Gakkai, and go to meetings in your area. It is lonely, and impossible to get the same benefits chanting alone. If you can't find the organization close to you...make one by introducing your friends. Be a brave pioneer! But get connected to the SGI somehow!
Chant to have many dear friends in faith and to find people who inspire you. Chant in appreciation for having challenges so you can PROVE this practice. Chant to be an example that this practice works....that you HAVE to have RESULTS so that you can inspire people. Then share your practice with others to the best of your ability. I chant that my members can't NOT share the practice because they are overflowing with benefits!  I carry Nam Myoho Renge Kyo cards with me and hand out cards all day long....
Just keep going...don't give up! Chant twice a day, morning and evening. Perfect your gongyo. All of this comes easily when you are in the rhythm of chanting twice daily. Believe is a joy not a struggle!!! Let me know your results and your challenges! 
You can do it!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ohhhh I feel so good

And I want you all to feel soooo great too!

 My life is incredible, and it starts anew every single morning and every evening when I sit in front of my Gohonzon and chant with an open heart. I pour out every one of my desires...and I start with the desire to really, every single minute, realize how incredible I AM and how incredible my life force is....and how much I love my life and love myself...and how every Nam Myoho Renge Kyo I chant goes to further realize my own magnificence. It is so refreshing to see the diamond brilliance of my see and feel the power of the Buddha within me. 
And the results of this prayer...and the VOW to be winning in every single area of my life....well I am sparkling more brilliantly in every area every moment. 
My life is sparkly and brilliant and wonderful. I am totally fulfilled....totally seeing and feeling...and letting in all the love...all the happiness that surrounds me in ways I have longed for my entire life. I feel cherished and happy and beautiful and  whole. And I long for all people...all know this feeling!  Nam Myoho Renge Kyo...have I ever changed some karma. My  cup is overflowing and there is more and more flowing my way every moment. YES universe! That's what I'm talking about. 
And my professional life is an absolute blast. After a rough start in my new job...where I really turned around a tough situation...I am so happy that work never feels like working. I am shining and glowing and producing incredible results while enjoying every single minute of every day...making new friends....creating value for everyone around me. I even got national recognition on the weekly call I'm part of every Friday.  Some of the recognition was unexpected...a nice public thank you from an associate in another very cool. And last week I participated in a training and won the $100 gift card to a cool restaurant. The week before that I received an incredible opal set in gold as part of a cool thing I was doing with my students. Nam Myoho Renge life is full of unexpected surprises! 
I have wonderful health....great friends....better friends than I've ever had...wonderful, loving friends with many shared interests. I am riding high. And I KNOW, KNOW, KNOW that it is because of this wonderful practice. I KNOW I have designed it all, and create it all with every Daimoku I chant.  
AND I KNOW this all is possible for you too. Whatever your challenges, whatever your goals and dreams and visions....if I CAN DO IT...SO CAN YOU! I am not extraordinary. I am determined to be happy, and willing to put in the time in front of my Gohonzon with my heart in my hands and my life in my hands. I chant for my Human Revolution, and to lift every suffering being up with me. I chant to do my Human Revolution so the entire world can rid itself of suffering, of war, of hate, of despair. Through my happiness I am healing the world. THAT is my determination. 
And if I can be happy so can you. No matter what your karma is you can change it. No matter how badly you are suffering now....I promise you, you can change it into a beautiful overflowing garden just as I have. Remember when I started this blog two years ago? I was suffering from heartache, and life-ache and deepest, darkest despair. And I committed to chant two hours a day for my own happiness and to take anyone who wanted to read my blog on this journey with me...and look at me now. May my words and determination inspire you to chant every single morning and never give up on your join with your mentor and my mentor Daisaku Ikeda...and to achieve the kind of happiness that will have you pinching yourself in joy!!!! 
You can do it! Own your suffering! Call it your mission! Recognize your karma. Embrace it...chant to change it. Every morning and evening and don't give up! 
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!!!!!!
I love you !!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Incredible Guidance ~ Try this!

I have been following this incredible Guidance. Check it out.

Chanting to become a man/woman 

Whatever it is that you are suffering from...whatever it is, it has a common root and this way of prayer will have a deep impact!!
...You can analyze your situation all you want. You have to get to the bottom of why "I don't believe in the greatness of my life". You have to grab it by the roots and yank it out of your life. 


Chant to appreciate and value your own life!

Your mission as a Buddhist is TO BECOME HAPPY! NOT TO MASTER SUFFERING!!!

We all have negative and positive voices in our heads... one says "Who are you kidding?" and the other says "You can do it!." Which voice will you listen to? Which will you tell to just go away? It's your choice! You HAVE to fight not to give in to your negativity. It is the ULTIMATE win you MUST HAVE! This is not about being a writer, artist, actor, etc. It's about becoming the person you always wanted to become, a person who values and appreciates his/her life at EACH MOMENT! A person who revels in being who they are! 

I am living proof that this is possible. I am enjoying every single moment of my life and appreciating myself every second of every day. I am producing excellent results at work...and loving it! I am so happy in every aspect of my social life....especially those aspects that have challenged me so completely for my entire life. I have just seen my two Buddha boys go off to college, and YES, I do feel the sadness of the changes of time...the passage of a phase of my life. My little Ben is never going to come running across the field with his arms outstretched and jump into my waiting arms...but I have a life so rich and exciting that I am feeling the loss, I'm present to this moment of poignancy, but I am not laid low for very long before I spring into the excitement of my next exciting encounter.  The guidance I am sharing this evening is part of the reason I am flourishing. 

Those feelings of self-doubt, those feelings of "I am a failure"....or "I am NEVER going to change this"...THOSE are the feelings you have to address and fight head on! YOUR TALENT IS NOT BEING's about how you feel about yourself! THAT is the karma! You have to value your own life! You have to appreciate it!

Unless you conquer those feelings you will not break through to the happiness that is YOUR BIRTHRIGHT ! You deserve to be happy! Chanting to REALIZE THE MAGNIFICENCE OF YOUR LIFE WILL HELP YOU TO SEE IT!

It has nothing to do with someone else validating you! Follow your heart! Chant to feel your own magnificence! THAT is what will move mountains in your life.
Chant to Do your human revolution!

You need to follow your heart, truly treasure your life. When Nichiren Daishonin inscribed the Dai-Gohonzon, he was already chanting daimoku, and out of the greatness of his life welling forth in the realization that he had tapped into the key to happiness itself, he inscribed the Dai-Gohonzon for all humanity, so that every single person could attain enlightenment, relieve their suffering, and be HAPPY! When you sit in front of the Gohonzon you have to have the most reverence for your life. The Gohonzon is the universe within you. It is the beautiful life state you can call forth by chanting in front of it. If you chant for at least two weeks to really be a man/woman of unlimited self esteem and to REALLY, TRULY appreciate your life, including your flaws, your accomplishments, your defeats, your losses, your victories, all you have created, and truly APPRECIATE YOUR TALENT AS________________ for at least two weeks then EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE.

Forget about all the garbage in the past. Put it away! From today on really chant to be a man/woman of unlimited self esteem!

This is part one, but a very good start! Make your determination and chant NOW!!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Thriving, not Surviving

OK, I have successfully made it through one of life's greatest transitions...launching my precious boys into the world. As of last weekend, Aaron is at the University of Illinois, and Ben is at Miami of Ohio more than four hours away.
You know....someone once said to me, that once you have a child it is like your heart is permanently walking around outside your body ~ and I know this to be true. 
Right now my heart is launched in two different campuses. And I can't hover and control everything. 
No, at this point I have to trust that the years of raising them to chant for their own lives, and the continual Daimoku that I am chanting,  is just what they need to continue winning in life.
I love what Preseident Ikeda says about winning. It is not that winning is NEVER LOSING. WINNING MEANS NEVER BEING DEFEATED NO MATTER WHAT. 
We are human after all, aren't we?
Look at Ben, he's figuring everything out. He has a running scholarship he earned with his own hard work...and most people just wouldn't even believe what he puts himself through on a daily basis. When he's in good running shape (i.e. not injured) he pushes himself running in ways I can't even imagine. When he's injured (which is, mysteriously, and annoyingly...frequent) he pushes himself even harder...working in the gym for three hours or more to keep his cardio up for when he CAN run again.
Right now there is a question as to whether he'll be able to run this semester or not...we shall see. 
During his first week at college he met with many department heads on campus to help decide what major he wants to pursue.
On the day I moved him into his dorm,  I presented him with a tiny altar for his Omamori Gohonzon, anew book and beads set, Discussions on Youth by Daisaku Ikeda, and a gorgeous new bell. He'd received his Omamori Gohonzon earlier this summer. I know he is equipped now for success. I know he knows where he can turn when faced with challenges.  I can only hope that he has endless days of sunshine and glory...but life isn't always like that. But knowing that he is ready....well, as his Mom...I can breathe...I am happy.
And Aaron...he is handling what they call "Secondaries" for Medical school....I think that's what they call this phase of the application process. Who knows where he will be this time next year/ In the meantime, he's got an apartment he just fixed up and made wonderful...and all his friends around him everywhere. He's all set to lead his cross country club to victory at U of I, and succeed in his own life. I still am amazed at the thought of him last year...chanting in his conservative yet cool (they don't do hazing) fraternity.
And me, well, miraculously, my life is going on, even opening up. New and exciting people are coming into my life and showing me worlds of interesting, exciting, fun adventures. I am experiencing my own life as the rich, deep, passionate self I am. My true friends are more of a treasure than ever. I am appreciating every moment at a time I could be falling apart. For the past 20 years I have been responsible for raising these two bright sparks into their own power and happiness...and now they are launching into the world....not quite on their own...but needing me in a different way. So my life MUST expand and welcome new energy. Aaaaahhhh. It is wonderful :) Nam Myoho Renge Kyo friends.

If I can be this happy at this moment, anything is possible for you. I am living the life of my dreams You can too. Every single Nam Myoho Renge Kyo I have chanted is blossoming into my life right now. Whatever you're facing, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is MUCH more powerful than any problem or challenge you have.   Don't take MY word for it though! Prove the power of the universe in your life! You are one of the lucky ones. You KNOW about Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and can use it! Chant to acheive your desires beyond your wildest dreams! Fortunate YOU!!!!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

What do you chant about...when you are really happy?

This can be a real kidding. How do you chant when you are blissfully happy. 
Well, I'll tell you this is one good place to be in.

 Congratulations on being blissfully happy!!!!

And the answer is amazingly simple and obvious...of course....CHANT IN APPRECIATION!!! Say thank you UNIVERSE! Thank you life itself! Thank you MY LIFE! Thank you soooo much. Thank you Daisaku Ikeda...and sincerely, really, thank yourself. Your benefits and happiness have come about because of all the good causes you have made in chanting, in shakubuku and in life. 

Praise your life! Honor your Life! Enjoy every single Nam Myoho Renge Kyo you chant. Your happiness will bring even more happiness! Chant to experience a deeper, richer, higher level of happiness than you ever have before! What a worthy prayer ~ you Buddha YOU!!!! Enjoy! 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Boundless Joy From the law!

Right now I am experiencing the longest string of continual happiness I can ever remember in my life.  I have permanently changed my life state. 
I have heard of this happening to many other Buddhists. 

A dark level of unhappiness has permanently left my life. I have, indeed "raised my life condition". 
We talk about this phrase all the time, and what I am experiencing right now is the proof of this phrase. 

I'll describe it like this: 

When you have a problem or sadness it's as if it is in front of you like a wall. When you "raise your life condition" you elevate yourself so high above that wall, that you look down on it thinking "I can't believe that wall ever loomed so large in my life...look at how tiny it is now."

That deep level of sadness and despair that I have battled my whole life has just gone poof. I have even made it through the usual cycle where I feel it again....and no...I'm still happy. 


Here I am, once again, living in paradise, paying my own bills, having my own life. I see my boys often   and have a great time with them. Ben and Aaron have both spent the night here at different times this week. I have something fun to do every single night...and when I don't, I've been going to yoga and I'm going to start really working out again with a trainer. I'm about to get in the best shape I've ever been. 

And I am so content. Some of you remember the reason I began this blog...and my sad, broken heart. Well...there has been the opportunity for that sadness to resurface lately...and it hasn't. I just keep chanting to continue opening my life to the happiness and appreciation I feel in my heart. I am chanting in appreciation for my health, my self...and of course to make a tremendous contribution at work...for all doors to open...and for all my precious fellow members and friends and YOU! 

Everything is possible. 

It's a gorgeous summer day here in the Chicago Area...if your'e HERE, enjoy the day. 

And wherever you are....enjoy each the Daishonin says: "Suffer what there is to suffer and enjoy what there is to enjoy, and continue chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo no matter what happens. Then you will experience boundless joy from the law."

I am experiencing Boundless joy from the law~~~!!! And so can YOU!!!