Showing posts with label chant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chant. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Our Prayers are Powerful

Our Prayers Matter

What do we do when we find out about terrible things happening in the world, when we are touched, and saddened and scared for ourselves and our fellow humans? 

As I said yesterday, the first thing I do is go to the Gohonzon and chant. I chant for all involved, for all touched by the tragedy, and for all the beings in the world to have peace in their hearts. I envision the hospital rooms and chant for the injured, and for the people who devote their lives in the service of others as nurses, doctors, security specialists and the list goes on. I chant for the families of those afflicted, and I chant to understand and continue to have hope, and to give hope, and to somehow be an inspiration to all I touch and to all who read my words.

The next thing I do is turn to the words of Nichiren Daishonin and Daisaku Ikeda. The first thing I did this morning was read the Gosho, then I took out one of my favorite books, Faith in Action, the compilation of quotes by Daisaku Ikeda separated into categories. 

Today I turned to the section on peace and read the words I have heard and learned and find to be true, and that is, of course, that true peace starts within every individual.  Human Revolution is REAL. When we change ourselves on the inside, by raising our life conditions from the four evil paths of Hell, Hunger, Animality and Anger, we change the entire world. We are all connected to all of life. When we change, our environment and all around us changes.

On Page 289, under "Peace" in Faith and Action, Sensei (Daisaku Ikeda) writes:

"In Mahayana Buddhism, which is the creed of the Soka Gakkai, there are ten potential conditions of life inherent in human beings, known as the ten worlds. According to this principle, people who start wars exist in the four lowest states of Hell, Hunger, Animality and Anger, known as the four evil paths. Controlled directly by instinct and desire, the thoughts and actions of those who start wars are inevitably foolish and barbaric. Therefore, from the Buddhist point of view, the issue of how to build the "defenses of peace" within the hearts of such individuals takes precedence over any external systemic factors and represents both the well spring and the core of any attempt to build world peace.'

And we can begin by building defenses of peace within ourselves. When we chant to raise our own life conditions we affect not only ourselves but life itself. When we chant to experience life in the world of Buddhahood (the highest of the ten worlds) our lives become imbued with compassion and move in action to help others by chanting for them, helping them learn to chant, and engaging in society in meaningful ways, including our activities for kosen-rufu, world peace through our activities in the SGI. 

Who we are makes a difference. What we think and how we act makes a difference. In Flourish, by Martin Seligman, the great book outlining Positive Psychology, Seligman asserts that what we have long felt can actually be proven, that HAPPINESS is CONTAGIOUS. And so is anger and all other lower emotions. So our happiness actually matters. That is why I am continually encouraging you to chant for your own happiness. It is important. 

Also from Faith in Action, from page 151, the chapter on Prayer, Daisaku Ikeda states:

" Prayers based on the Mystic Law are not abstract. They are a concrete reality in our lives. To offer prayers is to conduct a dialogue, an exchange with the universe. When we pray, we embrace the universe with our lives and our determinations. Prayer is a struggle to expand our lives." (taken from Learning from the Gosho p. 92)

"It is important that we offer prayers with great confidence. The powers of the Buddha and the Law are activated in direct proportion to the strength of our faith and practice. Strong faith is like high voltage ~ it turns on a brilliant light in our lives. (from Learning from the Gosho page 88)

Let's all turn our lights extra bright today, and every day! 


Saturday, April 6, 2013

Julia Rises into her Own Buddhahood. An inspiring experience to read and share

The Great Repair Shop of the Human Heart. 

"It is the same with a Buddha and an ordinary being. When deluded, one is called an ordinary being, but when enlightened, one is called a Buddha. This is similar to a tarnished mirror that will shine like a jewel when polished. A mind now clouded by the illusions of the innate darkness of life is like a tarnished mirror, but when polished, it is sure to become like a clear mirror reflecting the essential nature of phenomena [i.e. the Dharma nature] and the true aspect of reality...

...Arouse deep faith and diligently polish your mirror day and night. How should you polish it? Only by chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. ~ Nichiren Daishonin (WND-1 p. 4)

I have been chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and studying the teachings that elucidate the central philosophy of the Lotus Sutra for nearly three years now. What is the key or central element to that philosophy? That each of our lives contains the seeds of Buddhahood and that an exalted state of life is ours as soon as we come to realize, support, and harmonize our lives with this indelible fact. 
Click "read more" below to see the rest of Julia's experience:

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

What is

Welcome to 

This blog is about living a life with renewed enthusiasm, determination and hope. It's about using the daily practice of chanting the words Nam-myoho Renge Kyo to bring about our own human revolution by tapping into the boundless energy of the universe that has always existed within our lives, and in everything else that exists. 

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the name of the current, and the rhythm, that runs through all things. When we chant we tell our inner lives what we want. We do not chant to a god or anything outside of ourselves.  Some of us continue practicing other religions as well, and adopt a daily practice of chanting. 

We don't have to believe chanting works. It is the law of the universe based on cause and effect, and chanting is the ultimate good cause.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Turn "Why me? to "YES ME!"

Each one of us is a Boddhisatva of the earth. We are the ones here on earth proving the power of the law. 

We can take each one of our challenges and realize that it is our mission, our sacred beautiful mission to change our karma. Because we are interconnected with all of life (dependent origination), whenever we break through, we break through for our families, friends, for the web of life itself. 

When we can take our problems and elevate them to being our mission we have more power and strength. 

We can turn our lives from  "Why me? to YES ME!" and use or faith, and power in our daimoku to open the door through which many will flow after us. 

We are Boddhisatvas of the earth or we would not be chanting Daimoku. How lucky we are! But the minute we start saying "Why me?" and feeling sorry for ourselves we erode our strength and our life force drains our lives.

The next time you are wondering "Why me?" turn it into a "YES ME!" Embrace your challenges. You would not have them if you couldn't change them. 

In the February 15th World Tribune there was a message to the women and young women from SGI Honorary Women's Leader Kaneko Ikeda called "Precious Flowers Blooming in the Garden of Kosen Rufu." 

Kaneko Ikeda states: 

"Times of suffering are times when our faith is put to the test. Our Buddhist practice enables us to face such difficult and painful times with wisdom and fortitude and, supported by the warm encouragement of our fellow members, to move in a positive direction, a direction of hope and fresh growth. 

In his writings, the Daishonin teaches that we can lessen our karmic retribution through our efforts in faith to spread the Mystic Law. It can be said, therefore, that whatever daunting hardships and karmic trials may befall us, they appear precisely because we have the power to transform them. 

From the perpective of Buddhism, everything that happens in our life has a profound meaning. Based on the law of cause and effect, the greater the efforts we make for kosen-rufu, the greater our future happiness. This is something that will become clearly apparent when we look back later." 

(Page C, February 15th World Tribune") 

So today, see if you can turn every "Why me?" Into a "YES ME!" and appreciate and embrace your karma and unique challenges. Make a firm determination that you CAN change anything in your life, and lead others to happiness through your example. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

We have the power to change anything in our lives

We DO hold the entire universe in our hands.

Yesterday I chanted 5 and a half hours. I heard from some of you that my post about chanting tozos appeared at just the right time. In the UK there was a snow day so my friend Morag did a tozo, and my friend Linda in Chicago did the same. 
It does help to know that we are all in this together doesn't it. We are never alone. We have all our SGI friends all over the world. 

Each of us is challenging ourselves to the best of our ability. 

Each of us is following Sensei (President Ikeda). 

Each of is is waking up daily to face our problems and roar like lions. 

Each of us is never giving up.

We are truly part of a wonderful organization. 

(If you are new to this blog or wondering what this is all about please send me an email at and I will do my best to answer your questions.)

We base our lives on tapping into the law of cause and effect  - Nam Myoho Renge Kyo ~ by chanting those words. This chanting goes deep into our lives, and brings forth the power of the universe we all possess. We tap into our innate Buddhahood. Anyone can do this. We are not special  ~except for the fact that we have heard about this practice and chant everyday. 
It is accessible to ALL. 
We are all equal.
We don't have to memorize any rules or wear any robes. We don't eat a certain way or ascribe to anything. 
We recognize that the law of cause and effect operates within all of life and we take responsibility for changing our own karma and circumstances. 
We are all Buddhas. 
Even those who have never chanted are Buddhas. 

Chanting helps us realize that power within us, or, as my son Aaron says, it allows us to live the "best possible versions of ourselves." 
I know many of you are having powerful experiences to share. Please write me and send a picture. We can all be inspired! 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Yes, you can chant for ANYTHING

I know it is hard to believe, but this is actually a practice where you can chant for anything you desire. 

I still get emails asking if it's okay to chant for marriage, or  money, or anything...and the answer is a resounding YES! 

Chant for whatever you want. 

Earthly desires are enlightenment. 

Many of us know people who didn't chant for the most lofty goals when they first started chanting, but over time, through following their hearts, their goals turned more and more towards their happiness, and the happiness of others. 

But you have to start somewhere, and that somewhere is exactly where you are now. 

Please know that you are a noble child of the fact...YOU ARE THE BUDDHA and you deserve to chant for your desires. How can you believe in the power of the mystic law (chanting Nam myoho renge kyo) in your life if you do not see actual proof for yourself? 

Chant to have the kind of benefit that will make you see the power of this law. you need to encourage yourself! Chant for anything. When you encourage yourself you can definitely encourage others. 

Start with your own life and go from there. Your prayers will eventually turn to the happiness of others, and the best way to help others become happy is to become happy FIRST, then show by your example what is possible. 

That is why we chant to show actual proof of the law in our lives. When we show actual proof in our lives and do our own Human Revolution,  constantly improving ourselves,  others will see our results and be inspired. 

As I've said many times, there are people who decided to practice, people I deeply love, who decided to practice just by seeing the changes I made in my life. And my constant prayer has been to show actual vibrant proof of the power of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo so that others can be inspired to tap into that same power and become happy themselves. 

You can do it. Chant for anything. Money, cars, job, friendship...anything. 

Chant to show actual proof so you can inspire others. 

When I chanted for my house I chanted for a house to show actual proof, and for a place where I could have meetings. When I chanted for a car I chanted for a car to drive members to meetings. 

When you connect your prayer to the greater good it is that much more powerful. 

Chant for your desires. You deserve them, and the world deserves your happiness. Your happiness is contagious, important and worthwhile. And you have the ultimate key to making it happen...Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Go, you Buddha YOU.  

Saturday, March 2, 2013

More about Despair and chanting from our true hearts

I posted that last post for anyone who is thinking that their suffering will never end. The poem expresses a beautiful truth, doesn't it? Instead of whiling our days away complaining to our friends about our sorrows, or lamenting our lives, we turn to our own lives, our own Gohonzon, where we can pour out our hearts as we chant. Here is our home. Here we are safe. Here we enter into a dialogue with the universe within. Here we can speak our truth and wash the pain away. We can open our hearts to the beauty that is within us. 

Tears cried while chanting in front of the Gohonzon are like gold, or diamonds, in our lives. 

Tears are offerings to our highest selves...offering to our own happiness. And time,  those tears will end. They will definitely end. Our Gohonzon is our home within our home...the home of our hearts. 

After the tears end we can make a fresh start with a new determination towards our happiness. 

We can boldly say: onward. Hon Nim Myo. From this moment forth I am confident in the power of my life. I know that I am creating value with every moment and every cause I make. 

Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo IS the cause for our happiness. And we can chant as often and as long as we wish. And if there is some impediment to our chanting, we can CHANT to be able to chant more. We can put that very prayer into our prayer. 

We are all precious Boddhisatvas of the earth. We all have such important missions. It is my honor to be able to touch you in any way that inspires you, and inspires us on our journey together. This world needs us. Let's not waste any precious moments in complaint. Let's renew, refresh and move on. 

Thank you again for all your kind words and invitations. I will surely travel to meet you all when the time is right. I put a button for donations on the top right side of this blog. If I have inspired you I can inspire more, and you may express your appreciation in this way if you wish. Another way of expressing your appreciation is forwarding this blog to others. (Just type in the body of an email message.) They might see and find just what they were yearning for...and in turn inspire others and on and on... 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving ! A great day to polish our altars.

at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade - right on my TV

My kids loved to play with Pokemon when they were young. Pokemon bring me back such wonderful memories of sitting on the floor and playing with my boys.  Pika was always my favorite, but at one point I knew almost all the Pokemon names. Pika just makes me laugh. 

Happy Thanksgiving to you wherever you live. 

I am so grateful for all of you and your messages to me. I'm grateful for sharing this incredible lifetime with you. I am so grateful to be alive at the same time as President Ikeda. I'm grateful for this practice. And so grateful for my healthy family. 

I wish you all a marvelous day today. 

The holiday comes from when the pilgrims celebrated an abundant harvest. We take the time to be with our families and appreciate each other and good food and drink. Many families have the customary turkey and stuffing dinner. 
It's a day to be together. 

I like to take time on the holidays to clean my altar. 

Our Buddhist altar is really important because 
it represents our lives. 
When we have a Gohonzon 
we have a "Home within a home."
Today I took everything off my altar and cleaned it really thoroughly. I used a hair dryer to melt off some residual candle wax I found on the wood. I shined the wood with wood cleaner and dusted everything else. I keep my altar very clean, but some days I just like to go the extra mile and polish it up. I've always believed that the way I care for my altar is reflected in the way my environment treats me. A dusty or cluttered altar isn't good, it's neglected. We don't want to neglect our lives. Our altars should be free and clear and uncluttered. If there are things that don't belong, now is a great time to remove them. The only objects that should be on our altars are: fruit, water, greens of some kind or flowers, bell and candles and incense if you use them. 

Have a great day ~ 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Power Prayers Create Benefits!

Thank you Katie for this beautiful Montana Sunset!

One aspect of Nichiren Buddhism, SGI Buddhism, is knowing that what we are thinking when we are chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo (the name of the rhythm of life itself) is very important. 

In other words, our determinations will help us direct the aim of the arrows we are aiming into reaching our goals in our own lives. 

If we are sitting in front of the Gohonzon wondering what we are going to have for breakfast  -  our prayer will not be as effective as one with a clear target. 

There are prayers I like to call POWER PRAYERS that bring out the most benefit and help me to have the deepest certainty and conviction when I chant and pray. 


I chant to EXPAND MY CAPACITY in all areas of my life. I chant to expand my capacity for LOVE, to expand my capacity for HAPPINESS, to expand my capacity to love and cherish myself and those around me. I chant to expand my BRAIN capacity, and my capacity to REMEMBER! I chant to expand my capacity for all positive thoughts...and to make positive causes every single moment of every day. I chant to expand my capacity to FEEL LOVED and to ACCEPT LOVE in my life. I chant to feel the love of those around me. I chant to let it in. I chant to expand my capacity to dance in joy, in love and in light. I chant to expand my capacity to spread that joy and love and light to others! I chant to expand my capacity to reach people who are suffering and to offer them the tool of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.  I chant to meet the people who are looking for this practice and want to learn about it. I chant for the happiness and peace of mind of all people...and that no children or adults should be living in fear, in hunger, in want. I chant to end bullying in any way, shape or form. I chant to change from the inside release the resistance in my life to change. I chant to be open to changing in any way that will help me to be a shining beacon of light and hope to myself and those around me. 

Now THAT'S a Power Prayer! 
Share your power prayers with me. And share your results. The readers of this blog are waiting to hear about YOUR breakthroughs! 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Determination for Health!

My dear friend Julia  has been chanting for two years on August 9th. 

We have known each other for 20 years. When we saw each other two years ago she was inspired by the person I had become through this practice and decided to begin a thorough practice of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. 

Teo years ago Julia was very ill. Although she is a young woman, her health had been failing for many years. She had not given up all hope of wellness, but she was clearly getting worse not better. 

She has vigorously embraced this practice! She is continually inspiring me! Now she is doing her life's work of helping people through telephone counseling, she is walking again, running again and beginning to become the picture of absolute health! 

Here is the determination she gave me yesterday towards creating a healthy life:

'I am determined that to create everlasting health in my body, mind and spirit. I am profoundly and irresistibly attracting any resources that will help me to become healthy. Every resource I need comes to me now....books, medicines, herbs, practices, websites, people, information flows to me now for my highest health and healing. 
I live in a state of radiant health. Everything in my environment is coming together and conspiring to make me WELL!
I have profound strength and wisdom to make the changes necessary to bring about complete health.'

Words are powerful! What are your determinations? Do you have any you'd like to share with the other blog readers? Are there any areas of determination you'd like me to address? 

Remember Determinations erase and replace complaints! Wherever you feel a sadness and need for change in your life - Make a new determination! Write it down! Chant about it! 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

YOU ARE the Mystic Law! Some quotes and notes

From the introduction to the 1979 edition of the Gosho by Nichiren Daishonin:

"Enlightenment is not a mystical of transcendental state, as many might assume. Rather it is a condition of the highest wisdom, vitality and good fortune wherein the individual can shape his or her own destiny, find fulfillment in daily activities, and come to understand his or her purpose in being alive." 


From "On Attaining Buddhahood."

"If you wish to free yourself from the sufferings of birth and death you have endured through eternity and attain supreme enlightenment in this lifetime, you must first awaken to the mystic truth that has always been within your life....This truth is Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo will therefore enable you to grasp the mystic truth within you...It is called the mystic law because it explains the mutually inclusive relationship between life and all phenomenon.
Life at each moment encompasses both body and spirit and both self and environment of all sentient beings in every condition of life, as well as insentient beings - plants, sky and earth, on down to the most minute particles of dust. Life at each moment permeates the universe and is revealed in all phenomena. One awakened to this truth himself embodies this relationship. However, even though you chant and believe in Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, if you think the law is outside yourself you are embracing not the mystic law but some inferior teaching."
~Nichiren Daishonin

YOU are this life. You ARE LIFE ITSELF! You are the sun and the moon and the stars. You are the rivers, and the valleys and the oceans and the wind. All of these things exist in you and you in them. This is what the poets have been born to write, and it is true! And when you recite the name of this all encompassing life NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO you are being the life of the universe summoning its own power. The universe within you is yours to command. 

When you sit down to chant ~ remember that the prayer is within you! The universe is within YOU!
CLAIM your benefits! Demand that your life, and all of life respond to your prayer. You are that powerful. You have encountered the mystic law this lifetime. That is no accident!!! You can use this law to make yourself and all around you happy. What a wonderful life we are living together! 
What will you summon next? What karma will you conquer next? What will the amazing Buddha YOU do next?