Showing posts with label compassion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label compassion. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Chanting to transform negative relationships works

Yes, we are all connected.

Suppose we have someone at work we don't get along with...or a family member that is giving us problems. What is the best way to handle this situation as a Buddhist? 

Many of us have proven, time and again, that chanting for that person's happiness changes everything. Chanting for their happiness might not sound like something you want to do, or even feel capable of, but it works every single time, I promise. 

Here are two examples: 

The first time I tried this I hadn't been chanting all that long and I was selling advertising for the Bay Guardian Newspaper. This was before so much of the technology we have now. Ads were placed on the boards by hand, and it was all meticulously done. I sold a lot of advertising. And the person who trafficked my ads in production (I'll call her Katia) was always upset with me for some reason or other. It got to the point that she was really driving me crazy. So I sought guidance from one of my seniors in faith, who said I should chant for Katia's happiness, because my prayer would affect her state of life, and the energy between us would change. 

I'll be honest, I thought it would be really difficult, if not impossible, to truly chant and desire this person's happiness. But the senior in faith told me to "fake it till you make it." In other words, start chanting for Katia's even if I couldn't really put my heart into it. She told me to picture Katia with a big smile on her face, and sooner or later my prayer for her happiness would become sincere. 

This is exactly what happened. Within a very short period of time I found myself earnestly desiring happiness for Katia, and knowing in my heart that my chanting was going to have an effect. 

About a month later, Katia announced that she was getting engaged and moving to Los Angeles. She was happy and so was I!

I realized that through this practice I was actually exercising my muscle of compassion. After that, chanting for anyone I was having problems with came much easier. 

Another example was when I went to work for a larger company here in the Midwest. I could tell, that for no apparent reason, one of the employees really didn't like me, (I'll call her Sharon). She never said anything negative, and I didn't work with her very closely, but I could feel her hair standing on end when she saw me. So I decided to chant for her happiness every day for months. 

Instead of leaving the company like Katia did, Sharon just totally changed her feelings for me and came to love and respect me. She served on several of my committees and spoke very highly of me. She and I put together a Holiday party for the senior staff based on kind words and love. We worked together happily for many years. 

Throughout the years of my practice I have proven over and over that chanting for another person's happiness has a profound effect, and that I can GENERATE compassion by exercising my muscle of faith. 

Is there anyone you have been resenting who you could chant for? 

If you have a positive experience based on this (or any) post please let me know ~ all the readers would like to hear your experiences too. 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Chanting for Yourself and OTHERS!

Happy Monday Morning! 

... another week to make a difference in your life and the lives of others by chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. 

Today I want to encourage you to chant for others. 

ESPECIALLY if you have many challenges in your own life - please chant for others. 

The Soka Gakkai is a network (a Family!) of people who are chanting for each other and sharing and spreading the lifeblood of faith. If you are not yet connected to the Soka Gakkai I recommend you call the center nearest you and ask them who practices in your area and meet your new friends. (You can find your local center by visiting, or doing a search on Soka Gakkai International).

Why do we chant for others? Well, because we ARE others. We are ourselves, but we are also part of all of life. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo exists in everything. Chanting for others builds our muscle of compassion and helps us to develop deeper relationships. Chanting for others is a cause for our lives, and a cause for other's lives. Together we advance in joy and friendship! 

In the essay "A Renaissance of Spirit Based on Friendship" from My Dear Friends in America, Daisaku Ikeda writes 

"Nichiren Daishonin says "JOY means delight shared by oneself and others.
Joy us not simply your personal egotistical happiness, nor is it making others happy at the expense of your own happiness. You and others delighting together, you and others becoming happy together ~ this is the mystic law and the wonderous thing about our realm of kosen-rufu.
...Each of you developing wisdom, making joyful progress with open and generous hearts and spreading waves of joy into society and the world ~ this is the Daishonin's Buddhism. 
Faith means infinite hope, and infinite hope resides in the SGI. So long as your faith is sincere, infinite glory, boundless good fortune and endless victory will unfold before you. You will never find yourself at a dead end." 

I'm about to sit down in front of my own Gohonzon (and how grateful I am that many of you are receiving yours - there IS a difference when you have your own Gohonzon, isn't there? Write and tell me about it and I will share it on the blog)
And I'm going to chant for my friend whose brother recently died, for another friend's 96 year old Mum who is in a Dublin hospital,  for all of the members and guests in my district and for all of YOU readers, whom I've not yet met, but love with all my heart. 

Whatever pain or challenges you are experiencing...try dedicating some daimoku to others and see how good it makes you feel! 

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!
Happy Monday!