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Showing posts with label how to be hapy. Show all posts

Friday, January 15, 2016

The Buddhist Concept of Wisdom

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We chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo  ~  which means 

"I fuse my life 
with the mystic law of cause and effect 
through sound vibration." 

We pray for exactly what we want. This is the one form of Buddhism that says we can keep our desires, and make the world a happier place through achieving them. 

We pray for our lives to blossom forth with happiness, so that others can see an example of a truly happy life (no matter what obstacles we may face! We turn all poison into medicine) with the end goal of "kosen-rufu" a world of peace and respect for all living beings. 

Wisdom is a natural outcome of this prayer.  

Through creating our own happiness we are transforming the world. This is the essence of the Soka Gakkai (SGI). You can click on the link to the right to find out more. What follows is a passage on the Buddhist view of Wisdom. Enjoy! 


Buddhist Concepts – Wisdom....

A Buddha is characterized as a person of profound wisdom. The idea of wisdom is core to Buddhism.  But wisdom can be a vague and elusive concept, hard to define and harder to find.  How does one become wise?  Is wisdom something that we can actively develop, or must we merely wait to grow wiser as we grow older?  Perhaps it is because wisdom is such an indistinct concept that it has lost value as a relevant ideal in modern society, which has instead come to place great store in information and the attainment of knowledge.

Josei Toda, second president of the Soka Gakkai, characterized the confusion between knowledge and wisdom as one of the major failings of modern society.

His critique is starkly demonstrated in the astonishing progress of technology in the last century. While scientific and technological development has shown only a mixed record of alleviating human suffering, it has triumphed remarkably in its ability and efficiency in unleashing death and destruction.

Toda likened the relationship between knowledge and wisdom to that between a pump and water. A pump that does not bring forth water (knowledge without wisdom) is of little use.

This is not to deny the importance of knowledge. But knowledge can be utilized to generate both extreme destructiveness and profound good.

Wisdom is that which directs knowledge toward good--toward the creation of value.

Buddhist teachings, such as the concept of the five kinds of wisdom, describe and analyze in detail the dynamics of wisdom and how it manifests at different levels of our consciousness.

When wisdom is functioning in our life, it has the effect of enabling us to overcome the ingrained perspectives of our habitual thinking and arrive at a fresh and holistic view of a given situation. We are able to make a broad assessment of facts, perceive the essence of an issue and steer a sure course toward happiness.

Buddhism also likens wisdom to a clear mirror that perfectly reflects reality as it is. What is reflected in this mirror of wisdom is the interrelatedness and interdependence of our life with all other life. This wisdom dispels our delusions of separateness and awakens in us a sense of empathetic equality with all living things.

The term "Buddha" describes a person who freely manifests this inherent wisdom. And what causes this wisdom to well forth in our lives is compassion.

Buddhism sees the universe, and life itself, as an embodiment of compassion--the interweaving of the "threads" of interdependent phenomena, giving rise to and nurturing life in all its wonderful and varied manifestations.

It teaches that the purpose of human life is to be an active participant in the compassionate workings of the universe, enriching and enhancing life's creative dynamism.
Therefore, it is when we act with compassion that our life is brought into accord with the universal life force and we manifest our inherent wisdom. The action of encouraging and sharing hope with others awakens us to a larger, freer identity beyond the narrow confines of our ego. Wisdom and compassion are thus inseparable.
Central to Buddhist practice is self-mastery, the effort to "become the master of one's mind.  "This idea implies that the more profoundly we strive to develop an altruistic spirit, the more the wisdom of the Buddha is aroused within us and the more powerfully we can, in turn, direct all things--our knowledge, our talents and the unique particularities of our character--to the end of creating happiness for ourselves and others.

Speaking at Tribhuvan University in Nepal in 1995, SGI President Daisaku Ikeda commented, "To be master of one's mind means to cultivate the wisdom that resides in the inner recesses of our lives, and which wells forth in inexhaustible profusion only when we are moved by a compassionate determination to serve humankind, to serve people."
If human history is to change and be redirected from division and conflict toward peace and an underlying ethic of respect for the sanctity of all life, it is human beings themselves who must change. The Buddhist understanding of compassionate wisdom can serve as a powerful basis for such a transformation.

[ Courtesy January 2003 SGI Quarterly]

Monday, August 12, 2013

Need A Job? Want to Change Jobs? Chant with this PowerPrayer in Mind~

The Beautiful White Lotus - Symbol of our Lives. 

The Lotus blossoms and seeds at the same time, signifying the law of cause and effect. The exact second that we make the cause - ANY cause - the effect is already there in our lives and will manifest. Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the best cause we can make for our lives...along with doing shakubuku - introducing others to this practice. 

I have been enjoying our million Daimoku Campaign and chanting two hours a day. Yesterday a family member found an item of mine that had been lost for four extra set of car keys with the remote opener attached. 

I opened the trunk of my car with one click for the first time in sooo long! 

I didn't have to unlock the car door with the key, lean down to the floor and hit the switch. I know, it might not seem like such a big thing to you, but it is delightful to me! I would have replaced the lost key years ago but that little gizmo costs about $130 and I just couldn't bring myself to pay that much for something so small!

 And I know that's just the tip of the iceberg as far a benefits that are accruing with the determination to chant two hours a day. Yesterday I heard the perfect guidance (I shared it in yesterday's post) And I have overwhelming confidence and hope in all areas of my life. 

I have time to chant for everyone, and to really dig deep into my own karma. It's not too late to join the million Daimoku Campaign. Come along with us! See the previous posts to learn how and email me at! A million Daimoku is 300 hours - with goals!

Here is a PowerPrayer from our upcoming book for you. In reality, what is really necessary when chanting for a job is to chant for the best job for your life, and the best job for kosen-rufu! We've found the following PowerPrayers helpful too:

Confidence, Job Creation Power Prayer

All the Best is coming to me now. 
The best job of my life joyfully emerges right now. 

I now attract all that I need. 
All the right people, resources, connections and opportunities are flowing my way, at just the right time and I am ready for them! 

I have confidence in my own life

I am determined to keep my spirits up. 
I am determined to stop any negativity from coming into my mind. 

As I am chanting, everything is lining up so that I find work that uses all my talents, and pays well with benefits. 
I am determined to be around people whom I appreciate and respect and who appreciate and respect me!

I am determined to show actual proof of the power of this practice through my own life!
In order to help crystalize your desires, write a list of your talents and goals below regarding your dream job:


Making a deadline galvanizes you prayer and helps it manifest ~
If the deadline passes, make a new one and keep chanting no matter what! 

My Do-date ___________________________________________________

Power Prayer to Reveal my True Self and create the Profession that uses ALL my talents:

Today, I am willing to discard everything that no longer serves me. 
I discard all doubt, negativity and any feelings of not being good enough or not knowing what I should do.

My mind is becoming crystal clear. 

I am determined to be full-filled in every possible way, and to utilize every single one of my skills
and potentials. 

I am in an organization that is thriving with self-fulfilled individuals living their passion every day.  My professional environment reflects my true identity, my real, magnificent self, and is filled with appreciation and love. I am richly compensated.

I am DONE with the karma of being unappreciated. I permanently root that pattern out of my life.

I permanently wash doubt and negativity from my life. I don't care how many times it arises. Each time I feel doubt I will chant and chase it out of my brain like the fierce lioness I am. 

I can already feel the excitement of my new full-filled professional life!