Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How Long Do You Chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo every day?

Thank you for your great questions!
(They can be viewed under the previous posting "You don't have to chant for a long time")

You asked how much time you have to chant. The answer is easy. As much as you want to. If you establish a rhythm with daily chanting - every morning and evening, I promise you it will change your life.
The amount of time is not as important as your sincere prayer to be happy.

You deserve to be happy and you CAN be happy.

I suggest you go to the SGI-USA website to find out about the other people in your area who chant. Your benefits will grow exponentially when you study and learn together with other members.

Until you get your own Gohonzon, I'd suggest focusing on something simple, like a moon in a picture. And pray sincerely into your own life. You are not asking anything or any one or any God for favors when you chant in this Buddhism. You are commanding your own life. you are accessing the depth of the BUDDHA that you already ARE...and you are entitled to be happy...both for yourself and for the sake of all whom you love.

you are connected to everything in the universe. When you chant consistently...every morning and will see the beautiful unfolding of the beautiful life you ARE.

Make a list of everything you want. Dream big! Do this right away!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!
Please write me again!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My New Stingray Friend

Chantelle gave me a very sweet kiss!

Cruise success!

What an unbelievable time I had!

Every single moment of this cruise was like living in the land of tranquil light.

Every morning before I started my day I chanted strongly and was absolutely connected to the power in my life. I chanted to enjoy every moment and connect with the right people and savor EVERYTHING!

Every evening, before I headed out to the evening activities I connected again in the same powerful way.

And there was not a moment of loneliness, not a moment of frustration or despair! There was some drama when the tour I signed up for was cancelled...and there was confusion for an hour and a half. I really wanted to swim with the stingrays at the Cayman Islands! Finally, a wonderful couple and I figured a new strategy and had the most beautiful day holding and kissing (really!) the stingrays in the cove. Did you know there is a career called "Stingray wrangler"? Don't you just love that! Did you know that the stingrays are the puppies of the sea? They told me that if they don't go out to the sand bar to visit the rays for a few days because of inclement weather the rays are SOOOO excited to see them when they finally return! It's not for the food...they are affectionate creatures!

I'll try to post a picture.

I started my new job yesterday and chanted a mind blowing two hours before going in today. More about that later. Keep chanting. Keep living a life of ultimate victory. All of my dreams are coming true....all of YOURS can too!!!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Off on my Cruise

I'm not sure if I'll be able to post from my cruise~ But I'll be chanting!
I'm back on the 25th.
Have a great, victorious week!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

Friday, March 18, 2011

You Never Have to chant for a long time

Regarding my last post, of chanting for 8 hours for Japan ~ I want you to understand.

You are never, and never will be required to chant for that long.

This is not a practice of things that you "have" to do.

I chose to take the opportunity to pour daimoku into the planet ~ along with other members on Wednesday...because I wanted to...I urgently felt the need to use my own energy to heal the suffering on the planet, and to pour protection into the reactors...and I knew the chanting would help my life too...because it always does.

But I don't want you to think this kind of chanting is EVER expected of a member. It isn't! People chant as long as they wish, and if they are smart, they chant twice a day, morning and evening because it establishes a rhythm, but no one is ever expected to chant 8 hours in a row!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Chanted 8 hours Today...for Japan...for Earth

There are tozos being held all over the world for Japan right now.
A tozo is when a group of people come together to chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo over and over for many hours.

Usually there is a specific goal in mind. Last summer, I chanted 12 hours for the success of the Rock The Era Youth Festivals. Three of us chanted the entire 12 hours, and a lot of people came and went. And right after that, four incredible young people emerged as glowing Boddhisatvas to help lead our District.

Today while I was chanting I pictured the universe...and called for all the protective forces of the Universe to come Flying straight to super heros...specifically to Japan...and to all the people suffering, or looking for lost loved ones...and I chanted for all the souls who lost their lives. Of course, I believe that life is eternal, and that the people who died will be reborn, but that doesn't make it any easier for the ones left behind. I know this.

I chanted for "Hondoku Iyaku" that the people of Japan, and all of the world could turn this great poison of suffering suffering into medicine. I can't say HOW exactly, but I chanted for it none the less. I chanted for each of the nuclear reactors to be surrounded by shoten zenjin (Protective Forces) and for the entire Nuclear Worldwide organization to come in and help the few Japanese people who are putting their lives at risk. I chanted for Anderson Cooper and all who are still in Japan.

I chanted for Daisaku Ikeda, and for me to have the deep, deep prayer that he does towards this crisis....and for he and his wife, and ALL the people in Japan and the surrounding areas to experience the power of the protective forces.

I pictured a rainbow of beautiful light running through the country from the atmosphere to deep below the surface, and for healing to take place.

I chanted hard...I sat in front...I led the chanting for some time...I'm not really sure how long...a little less than an hour I think. There were some moments that the harmonies were just transporting was wonderful when some young men came in and we all made the most beautiful music with our prayers.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Chanting for the Shoten Zenjin to come out in full force

Chanting for the Shoten Zenjin ~ Protective Functions in the Universe ~ to Surround the nuclear reactors and all of japan and all of this planet!