Monday, January 21, 2013

An Important Day for the States ~ Strength and determination in life

"Strength is happiness. Strength is itself victory. 
In weakness and cowardice there is no happiness. 
When you wage a struggle, 
you might win or you might lose. 
But regardless of the short-term outcome, 
the very fact of your continuing to struggle 
is proof of your victory as a human being. 
A strong spirit, strong faith and strong prayer—
developing these is victory and the world of Buddhahood."  
Daisaku Ikeda

Today is Martin Luther King Day. And inauguration day for President Barack Obama. It is a day of hope and new beginnings.

When we practice Buddhism every day is a day of hope and new beginnings. We embrace the "Hon Nim Myo" spirit, meaning "from this moment forth." The past is inconsequential, the future becons, and the point of power is right now, right here, sitting in front of our Gohonzons dialoguing with the source of our lives, directing our energy and vitality.

Each moment we spend chanting and creating our lives is eternal. Every Daimoku we chant goes deep into our lives for all eternity. Every chant holds meaning for our lives seven generation in the past and seven generation in the future. It is this realization of eternity and the expansiveness of each one of our lives that brings us power. Remember we each chose to have the karma we have and be born with our challenges in order to prove the validity of the law, strengthen our life and raise the life condition - vibration of us all.

We are all true Boddhisatvas. When we embrace our challenges, rather than running from them, we can change them. As President Ikeda says "It is important to take a long range view." What you are chanting about may not change today, tomorrow, or for months to come. But every time you wake up, chant and challenge it you strengthen your life. Strengthening our lives is happiness itself. Whatever your challenge - make a fresh determination every single day and you will win. What is strength? Resiliency. Determination. Resolve. Courage. Hope. Victory. 

"Strength is happiness. Strength is itself victory. 
In weakness and cowardice there is no happiness. 
When you wage a struggle, 
you might win or you might lose. 
But regardless of the short-term outcome, 
the very fact of your continuing to struggle 
is proof of your victory as a human being. 
A strong spirit, strong faith and strong prayer—
developing these is victory and the world of Buddhahood."  
Daisaku Ikeda

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Saturday, January 19, 2013

My Personal Professional Power Prayer. Casting-off the transient and revealing the true.

There's a very interesting quote in the March Living Buddhism Magazine (published by the SGI-USA, go to for subscription information.) 

On Page 21 the lecture by Daisaku Ikeda on the Gosho "The Actions nof the Votary of the Lotus Sutra" states: 

     "On May 3, 1951, Josei Toda was inaugurated as the second Soka Gakkai president. He regarded that event as signifying "casting off the transient and revealing the true" by the Soka Gakkai, as an organization of believers directly connected in faith to Nichiren Daishonin. 

     "Mr. Toda explained that his mentor and first president Tsunesaburo Makiguchi often used to say that the Soka Gakkai must "cast-off the transient and reveal the true" - referring to the Buddhist concept that means to discard one's transient status and show one's true identity or highest potential. Mr. Toda said he had asked himself what that meant in terms of the Soka Gakkai. None of the other members knew what Makiguchi meant, either. But after spending two years in prison for his beliefs, Mr. Toda said, he finally had a realization that led him to proclaim to his deceased mentor: "Our lives are eternal...We (the members of the Soka Gakkai) are Bodhisatvas of the earth with the great mission to propagate the seven-character Lotus Sutra (Nam-myoho-renge-kyo) in the Latter Day of the Law." This awareness gradually spread through the entire organization, with members gradually  coming to understand that they shared this lofty mission as the true followers of Nichiren Daishonin, the Buddha of the Latter Day. Mr. Toda declared that his inauguration was proof of his own personal awareness and commitment in this regard, and thus marked the moment of the Soka Gakkai's casting off the transient and revealing the true, which Mr. Makiguchi had longed to see." 

That's it. We ARE the Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law. We have inherited the direct line of Buddhahood by chanting "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo." Now is our time. Now is the time for us to have more benefits, bring forth more power and be absolutely incredibly happy for the sake of the world, for the sake of hope and for the sake of peace. We can do it. 

In other words, we can all "Cast-off the transient and reveal the true" within our own lives. 
How can we do this, and why would we want to?

For me, "Casting off the transient and revealing the true" means bringing forth my own Buddhahood and claiming my responsibility and honor as a Boddhisatva of the earth. The more I can activate the power of my true self...the true self that lies beyond my mind, beyond my heart, and is the power of the universe itself, the more my environment will change to reflect my truest desires. 

This quote, and a wonderful conversation with my mentor Kate, led me to chant a new Power Prayer today. I chanted three hours this morning of absolutely focused and targeted Daimoku. 

Power Prayer to Reveal my True Self and create the Profession that uses ALL my talents:

I chant to discard the transient and reveal the true in all aspects of my life. Today I am willing to discard everything that no longer serves me. I discard all doubt, all negativity and any feelings of not being good enough or not knowing what I should do.

I am determined for my profession (whether working for myself or with others) to be fulfilling in every possible way, and to utilize every single one of my skills, and joys and potential. 

I am richly compensated and prove the power of a human being realizing her true potential. 

I am in an organization that is thriving with self-fulfilled individuals living their passion every day.  My professional environment reflects my true identity, my real, magnificent self, and is filled with appreciation and love. 

I am DONE with the karma of being unappreciated. I permanently root that karma from my life.

I permanently wash doubt and negativity from my life. I don't care how many times it arises. Each time I feel doubt I will chant and chase it our of my brain like the fierce lioness I am. 

Everything I need right now to achieve my goals comes to me immediately and my mind is cleared of confusion. I easily make decisions and move forward in all areas of my life. 

My power to help people is inexhaustible and unlimited and I trust myself to let it flow. 

I surround myself with trusted, wise and loyal advisors in all areas, law, health, accounting, and technology etc. 

All that I need flows to me effortlessly. I easily make choices and move forward. I tap into my deepest and most trustworthy wisdom right now. President Ikeda's spirit runs through me and I chant to live a brilliant, sparkling, dedicated life that would make him proud.

I now release the full, unlimited power of the Gohonzon in my life. I access the full power of my conscious and subconscious mind to create the reality of all I desire. I tap into the vast resources of my life and help others to do the same.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Persistence WORKS. Chronicle of a Victory in life.

I have achieved VICTORY in one area of my life. 

I'm telling you about it to serve as an example of how you can create a victory in your own life. 

I have triumphed over something that caused me great suffering, and outlining the steps I took towards that victory. You can apply this to any problem or challenge that feels impossible to you. I share this with you in the hopes that you can use this outline to create your own victory. This is my experience and not any official advice from anyone besides my own heart for your happiness. 

When I was six years old I realized that my thighs were bigger than the rest of the skinny girls in school. In third grade I had to go on medications for asthma and had to stop running around, because I stopped breathing when I ran. Back then we didn't go to the hospital, or have inhalers. I would spend hours just gasping for air. It was even scarier than it sounds. Anyway...I was soon much heavier than the other kids, at least most of them. 

Being overweight is a terrible way of suffering here in America. It leaves you free to be tormented by any kid who wants to show off and prove his own self worth. I went on my first diet in fourth grade, but I was always hungry ALL the time. I knew it wouldn't work. Our houeshold diet consisted of the standard American diet at the time...lots of processed foods. 

In High School and College I went from diet to diet and lost and gained weight more times than I can count. But I could not fix the problem. When I became a Buddhist after college I chanted sincerely about this problem, and every year at New Years I would determine to lose fifty pounds by my birthday. I did lose the weight a few times, but it always came back. 

OK, here's the encouraging part. 

Every year I determined to lose the weight. Every day I determined to do it. And even when I felt hopeless and a failure I determined to lose the weight. A few years ago I made a book of pictures of what I wanted to look like, and I visualized myself walking into my favorite clothing store and buying anything I wanted. I also wrote a list of why I wanted to be thin. I put every sentence in the present tense. And I kept chanting, encouraging others and introducing people to this practice.  

I chanted that "No matter what, I am going to be victorious in this endeavor so that I can help others who are also suffering." Even when I felt discouraged I did not stop. I found one diet that helped, and I gained back some of the weight. I found another that brought me down further. I was living at a lower weight but had more to go. I incorporated walking vigorously into almost every day. Yet, I still lived in fear that one day I would gain back all the weight. And every day was a struggle with myself. I was hungry all the time. I was mad at myself most of the time. 

Then came the real breakthrough.  In 2012 I chanted to be more healthy than I'd ever been. I chanted for more energy in my body, a quicker, more resilient mind, and to develop strength. I chanted to discover what I did not know that could help me. I chanted to bring to me the resources and people who would know just what I needed to do to live in absolute health. I chanted to change in any way possible to make this dream a reality in my life. I chanted to release myself from the torturous world of hunger, fear and doubt once and for all. And every time doubt and depression arose in my mind I vanquished it by saying "I don't CARE how many times you rise to defeat me, I WILL WIN! I will keep chanting until doubt, depression and defeat are out of my life forever." 

One day in the fall a friend told me about a professional she had consulted who had known exactly what foods and supplements she needed, and she was following this professional's advice and felt better than ever. I asked for her name and called her. She basically told me everything I was eating was wrong, and that I had to change everything. Everything. I couldn't phase the new way of eating in. I had to do it all at once. It took a few days for this to sink in. 

Then I connected with my dear friend Julia who had been eating a plant-based, whole food diet for three months and was so excited about it. She told me about all the great foods I could eat, and introduced me to many new ways of cooking and buying and seasoning food. 

See, that's the way it works. When we keep our determinations, eventually the universe conspires (breathes with us) to provide all we need to make the victory real. That night I saw a doctor on TV saying that the average American diet makes people hungry all the time, and that telling someone on the average American diet not to eat when they are hungry is like telling them not to breathe when they need air. That really made sense to me. 

The minute I started this new way of eating my intense hunger just evaporated. I felt free of hunger for the first time in my life. I have now been eating this way since November 14th. I feel better than ever. My clothes fit better than ever. And the fear of gaining the weight back has vanished. It's not going to happen. It is gone. I have changed a deep suffering. I am out of fear. I am enjoying food more than ever and cooking incredibly delicious soups and stir frys. I have replaced almost everything in my kitchen. 

So whatever it is that is your deepest, most troublesome karma...whatever is impossible in your life. You can change it too. You can gain victory over it. No, it might not happen over night. I had to develop to the point that I could handle making a transition easily and with no suffering. I had to change something deep within my life, and now my environment is changing to reflect the change in side my life. 

My great desire is for my experience to help you in some way.

If I can do THIS, you can do ANYTHING.  

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Powerful Prayers create Powerful Connection

Ben and I enjoying the 96th of the John Hancock Center together. 

This morning I was sad about my son going back to college. 

I woke up very early. We had one last hug and he left. 

I put my phone away, made some tea, got some water and put my pen and journal next to me. 

For the next two hours I chanted with my full heart and attention. 

I chanted to expand my capacity in every possible expand my capacity for love, 
to expand my capacity for excellent health, to strengthen my mind's thought processes so I can continue to create the life of my dreams, 
to strengthen my life from the inside and raise my life condition, 
to change internally so I can create change externally.
I chanted to break through my doubt and my fear and unleash the limitless power of the Gohonzon in my life. 

I chanted for every single reader of this blog to be encouraged, strong, and resolved, and that no matter what, you do not stop chanting or give up hope. 

I chanted for all the members of my district and for all my friends and family. 

I chanted for Chicago Zone and for the meeting at the Chicago Buddhist Center today to be amazing and unifying. 

I chanted for our country and our world. 

I chanted to show actual proof with every fiber of my being, and to be able to inspire people. 

I chanted for peace of mind. 

I chanted to rise above my own doubts and to connect with President Ikeda's heart every moment of every day.  

I only looked up from the Gohonzon a couple of times. Two hours of chanting felt like ten minutes. 

Tonight as I write this I am filled with the energy from this Daimoku. I have been laughing and enjoying every moment of this day. The meeting at the Chicago Buddhist Center was wonderful and filled with joy. I just watched the Golden Globes and laughed and cried. I am looking forward to tomorrow's new day. 

I am hoping this inspires you to dig deep, leave your cell phone in the other room and connect with your own life force in front of the Gohonzon. Sometimes it takes some sadness to generate this kind of Daimoku. 

I am so grateful to have this tool in my life. So grateful for every moment I spend connecting to my life, to all of life, through chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Michael's Encouraging Experience

I am a former foster kid and I was born with drugs in my system.  I had a very tough life growing up. I ended up in the foster care system at 11, emancipated and ended up homeless at 19. I lived place to place and ended up in a homeless shelter for youth 18-24 years old. I stayed there for about a year and got into some legal issues and went to jail. I had a fight and was defending myself but the legal system does not always work in favor of young black men. They attempted to have me accept 5 years in prison my first time ever in-trouble with the law. 

I found my way to a non-profit organization called The Alliance for Children's Rights who help former foster kids find housing and a variety of other legal issues. The CEO of this organization just happens to be Buddhist and she introduced me to the practice and chanting nam myoho renge kyo. I didn't delve into it then. I was very standoffish about chanting. I thought I was evoking some evil demons lol superstitions can get the best of you and keep you close minded.  I had christian beliefs when entering this practice so I didn't want to burn in hell for all eternity lol. I finally got through that legal issue and I still had to serve time in jail. 

When I got out I was homeless again and I was 21 years old. I found my way into a living situation where I meet my first district in California. I was told I could chant for anything and what I needed at that time was a better living situation. I was living in a roach infested apartment with mold and a disgusting roommate who always had people over. So I chanted for the perfect living situation. Not only did I find the perfect living situation but the non profit orginization that was helping me through my legal issues offered me an internship working for them. At this time I was barely chanting and not really that into it. I worked this internship position for 6months and decided I wanted to go back to college. 

I started my first semester of college and upon looking for my African american studies class on the first day I was really early and started talking to my teacher about Egypt and past lives and I found out that coincidentally she was Buddhist as-well so she is the person who helped give me the encouragement to go all the way in the practice. I continued chanting and overcame homelessness. I also joined a mentor-ship and now I have a support system. 

One of the benefits was that my mentor was a surgeon and I had recently found out I had a tumor on my back. This mentor was able to help me get the tumor removed with no cost to me at all. I also received student of the year and a few other scholarships including one sponsored by Jay-Z the rapper who put a scholarship out there for economically disadvantaged youth. I was able to purchase a car and I have not been homeless since I started chanting. 

Chanting brought me a support system and positive perspective. I can now control my anger. I am able to forgive my relatives who I had resented. No one else in my family is Buddhist and I caught so much crap.  But through my own actual proof and chanting I have been able to introduce friends and close people in my life who have seen such a drastic change in me.  This practice is real and it helped and is still helping me each and every single day.