Friday, January 3, 2014

3 Point Vow for World Peace (Kosen-Rufu)

Aren't these wise words? Aren't all of Daisaku Ikeda's words full of wisdom, practical wisdom for our lives? Entering the New Year I feel such gratitude to be able to chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo along with my mentor, Daisaku Ikeda, and along with all of you, my friends all over the world. I have been hearing from so many of you...all my courageous friends. 

We all live noble lives as Votaries of the Lotus Sutra. Our great vow in life is to usher in the new age of light, of happiness, of respect and love. We call it kosen rufu, and I believe every person longs for this new world. Everyone longs for a world of peace, a world of no violence, a world of love. How do we do this? We do it through our own Human Revolution. The definition of Human Revolution is below:

We do our Human Revolution by making our great vow for kosen-rufu. What does this mean for each of us? Here is my interpretation. As always these are my views only. I speak to you from my experience and don't officially represent the Soka Gakkai. 

As you know, the Soka Gakkai has just opened the Hall of the Great Vow for Kosen Rufu. We can now travel to the hall to renew our vow for Kosen Rufu. (There are specifications for entry. Please check with your local SGI center) 

Please do not cut and paste the following. 

My 3 Point Vow for Kosen Rufu is very simple
By Jamie Lee Silver, from the blog 

1. I vow to use my life for Kosen Rufu. I vow to use every thought, every action, every word and every prayer to transform my life, to discard the transient and reveal the true, and to change the world through tapping into the power my life inherently possesses through chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, studying Buddhism, doing shakubuku and deepening my connection with my mentor-in-life Daisaku Ikeda.  

2. I vow to live my life as an example that happiness, absolute happiness, is possible. I vow to use my life as an inspiration for people to learn about chanting, and tap into their own limitless potential. 

3. I vow to win in all areas of my life, health, love, happiness, friendships, family, (both my real family and my Gakkai family) work, writings and wealth for the sake of Kosen Rufu. 

This year is 2014. The 4 is very significant. To me it symbolizes stability. Security. the four legs of a solid table.  
This year I am determined to learn money management, build a solid foundation for myself and lead a life where I can travel freely to visit my friends all over the world. You!

I have always been protected financially throughout my practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo twice a day every day for the last 28 years. I have never longed for anything or gone into any kind of debt. Even this year, when I decided to take the time to write my book I was never without anything I needed or wanted. I was always protected. But I want more. 
Right now I am visiting my Dad and Stepmom Janis in beautiful Asheville North Carolina and learning from them. 
I am chanting to deepen my understanding of the financial world. This will be a real leap for me! And I tie it to my vow of Kosen-Rufu. If I can accomplish my goals, so can anyone. 

I enter this year with a new job (I start on the 6th) and a new relationship. I'll tell more about this after we've had more time together, but right now it looks and feels so warm and wonderful. 
If I can chant to change my life from the inside out, and have all these results, so can you. 
I am always chanting my vow of kosen-rufu. "Life! let me accomplish THIS ________so I can inspire others!" Your prayer is the same. Chant for what you want...exactly what you want. We all deserve to have our dreams come true. 

Happy New Year! 

Write me at Share your victories! 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy 86th Birthday Daisaku Ikeda!

Happy Birthday Sensei! 

May you live a long and healthy life. 
Our hearts are full of gratitude 
for your ceaseless devotion to Kosen Rufu 
and the happiness and protection of all members 
and all people worldwide.
Thank you for inspiring us
 with your words,
your songs,
 your poems,
 your discussions with world leaders and philosophers,
 your essays,
 your Diamoku
 and your heart!
May each of us continue seeking 
to embrace our vow
 to overcome our sufferings, 
inspire others,
 and create a world of peace and respect for all life. 
In 2014 
The Year of Opening 
a New Era 
of Worldwide Kosen-rufu

Winning Over Ourselves is the Ultimate Battle

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Praise Creates Courage! Praise ~ Praise ~ Praise~!

New Year's Day - A Great Day to Chant!

"New Year’s Day marks the first day, the first month, the beginning of the year, and the start of spring. A person who celebrates this day will accumulate virtue and be loved by all, just as the moon becomes full gradually, moving from west to east, and as the sun shines more brightly, traveling from east to west."
(The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin vol. 1, p.1137)
The golden year [of 2014],
opening the way to a bright future, has begun!
Now is the time to expand the great solidarity of youthful, capable individuals.
Together, let's commence a grand march of hope!
-Daisaku Ikeda

On this day I am so grateful to all of you. 

What a joy to be at the forefront of World Peace with you! What a joy to be changing our karma together, and changing the world together. 

We have all arisen as Bodhisattvas of the Earth. We have chosen our various problems to transform in this lifetime so we can encourage others. And we are doing it together in our precious Soka Gakkai organization with our fellow members. (If you are not yet connected to the SGI use the link to the right, or email me and I can help you - new friends, wonderful experience and deepened faith await you in the SGI!) 

We can make the impossible possible through this practice. We can go from friend-less to friend-FULL, we can raise our life from sorrow and hopelessness to one of joy and determination. We can eliminate depression, lose weight, become happier, younger and we can find true love. The possibilities are endless. We can become happy and chant for all who are suffering. So many people are looking for what we have...let's shine and share and lead our friends to chant with us! 

Can there be any better joy? 

On this day I encourage you to chant for what you really want. Please chant for what you want. 

Last night I answered  emails...and many of them said "I want this_______but feel I can't chant for it for various reasons."
In my experience the best thing is to chant for what we really want. Chanting with passion will lead us to even greater happiness...even if we feel we shouldn't desire something, or we are not worthy of it, or someone has told us not to chant for it. 

Somehow the Nam-myoho-renge-kyo we resonate will lead us to the truest and best desires for our life. And we can start right where we are...with our desires right now.

The Mystic Law is, well, MYSTIC! We ARE nam-myoho-renge-kyo. We ARE the Gohonzon! When we chant we are dialoguing with our own life. We are telling our life what we want. Think "LIFE this is what I want!" while chanting. Not "Oh please?" We are not beggars - we are the Buddha! 

Chanting will work no matter what you are chanting for, so we don't have to worry. My dear friend Amos started chanting to prove to his wife that chanting didn't work. He thought she was wasting her time. He is still chanting and inspiring people more than 40 years later. The Mystic Law is a Law! It works. People have chanted for all sorts of "wrong" things and that chanting has "righted" their lives. Of course life is cause and effect so we never chant that harm should come to anyone ~ that just makes sense, right? 

So on this auspicious day of the New Year, and the New Moon we can pour our prayer into what we really want. Our dialogue is with our life itself. What do we want? What do we really want? 

Last night I was home, answering emails with one of the live shows ringing in the new year on in the background. All night there was the twitter feed running at the bottom of the TV screen. People were tweeting messages of hope and love and peace for the New Year. 

Kosen-rufu! World Peace! A world of respect for all of life! It is happening and we are ushering it in! We are literally chanting a higher vibration to this planet. We are noble votaries of the Lotus Sutra! We chant for our benefits in the name of benefits for all. "I must overcome this__________so that I can show to others the power of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and encourage others to chant!" 

It is an HONOR to be Setting Sail into a New Era of Worldwide Kosen-Rufu with you ~ my dear friends! 

Write me at with your victories to share, and your questions. (I never share anything without your permission.) 
Happy New Year!  

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The 10 Breaths Challenge - A Great Idea for the New Year

Photo credit Gary Seronick

The Ten Breaths Challenge 
Excerpted from Health and Spirituality Magazine (link at the bottom)

Glen Schneider
The first time I tried the complete 10 breaths practice, I was out in my garden on a crisp February evening. I was walking along a path when I looked up and saw the crescent moon framed by the bare branches of our buckeye tree. I stopped to take in this lovely scene, and I decided to take 10 conscious breaths while looking at the moon in the branches. During those 10 breaths, I noticed that somewhere in my chest I felt nourished in a way that was new. It was a small, pleasant feeling. Then I continued on my way.
The following night, I went outside on an errand to the garage. I happened to look up and there was that crescent moon again, a little higher now, in the open sky. I stopped for just a moment—I don’t know why—and as I did, I felt a rush of feeling, as if I were greeting a dear old friend, and these words bubbled up from deep inside: “Oh, yeah. You and me, we go way back.”
That surprised me, because I had never felt such a familiar connection with the moon. Then I remembered my experience of the night before.
The 10 breaths practice is a simple way to use conscious, rhythmic breathing to help us savor life and live more fully. It is quite simple. When something good and wonderful touches us—be it a sight, a sound, or a feeling—we stop and offer it our full presence for the length of 10 breaths, so that we can really taste the experience of the moment.
If we pay close attention, we can see that opportunities for happiness, for touching life’s magnificence, present themselves many times each day. Something catches our eye; something touches our heart. Good feelings arise.
Gradually, I have trained myself to stop and experience more and more of these moments while breathing in and out 10 times. Trees, birds, flowers, even my own body have all become good friends. I have rediscovered feelings of love and wonder that had been dormant in me since childhood. I have learned ways to deepen my connections with other people. My reverence for life has grown immeasurably, and so has my gratitude.
By happiness, I am speaking of the deep, abiding happiness of contentment, connection, and fulfillment, of dwelling happily in the present moment. This is the experience of opening to the goodness and wonders of life, enjoying life deeply, and feeling viscerally connected to others, the whole of creation, and the spiritual dimension.
Many people I talk with share a deep fear that they are somehow missing life, that they are alive but are not fully experiencing life. They feel that they are getting only glimpses of life’s promise. 


Practicing 10 breaths has shown me how to stop, open my heart, and savor what I love in the world—to let in the good. My life has blossomed in ways I would never have thought possible.

The 10 Breaths Practice

Stop whatever you are doing.
Close your eyes, put your dominant hand on your belly, and begin to pay attention to your breathing. Notice the rise and fall of your hand on your belly as you breathe. Take three deep breaths to settle and clear your mind.
When you feel more present, open your eyes and look at the object of your concentration. Take a deep, slow breath in and out. That is “one.” Continue counting each breath: “two,” “three,” “four.” Let your encounter unfold naturally. Just behold the object of your concentration and observe it without mental commentary or judgment as you count. Notice its color, shape, sound, or smell.
While counting, become aware of your body and any sensations or emotions that may arise. Allow every cell of your body to open up to the encounter. Allow the experience to be as full as possible. Don’t hold back.
When you have reached “10,” rest in the feeling of the moment. Then, if you’d like, take 10 more breaths in the same way.
The 10 breaths practice is very simple in concept but can sometimes be challenging in practice. It takes getting used to and requires focus and courage. Often, it is hard simply to stop what we’re doing and make space to enjoy life more fully.
One way I learned to stop was by setting a goal of doing 10 breaths at least once a day. At first, I chafed a bit at this, but now it’s second nature. I look forward to each day’s new encounter. It’s so much fun. What will call me, what will touch my heart, what will be my treat for the day? The important thing in practicing 10 breaths is to get started and set your intention to keep on counting with your breath all the way to “10.” When you do this, you create new neural pathways that help anchor your habit of happiness.
The 10 breaths practice engages the teacher within. What catches your attention is entirely, uniquely up to you. How you behold your experience and how it unfolds is completely yours. You can practice this anywhere, anytime. When something speaks to you, give it your full respect and the time it deserves. You will be richly rewarded.

Ushering in the New Year as Dancing Bodhisattvas of the Earth!

In the December 20th World Tribune, Daisaku Ikeda writes:

"There is a passage from Nichiren Daishonin's writings that I would like to share with you today:

When great evil occurs, great good follows...(T)he great correct Law will spread without fail. What could any of you (my disciples) have to lament? Even if you are not the Venerable Mahakashapa, you should all perform a dance. Even if you are not Shariputra, you should leap up and dance. When Bodhisattva Superior Practices emerged from the earth, did he not emerge dancing? 
(The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol.1. p. 119)

We have been born into this world as Bodhisattvas of the Earth to take our place on the stage of our respective missions and then perform the joyous dance of fulfilling our vow for kosen-rufu. Not even the most terrible calamity can discourage or deter us.

We powerfully chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo - the "greatest of all joys" (The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, p. 212) - infusing our lives with a vibrant energy that virtually compels us to leap up and dance. We challenge ourselves to confront and battle obstacles, do our utmost to transform great evil or disaster into great good and spread the supreme teaching of the mystic law. 

By bringing the forth the power of faith and practice of Bodhisattvas of the Earth dedicated to realizing the great vow for the widespread propagation of the mystic law, we can manifest the boundless and immeasurable power of the Buddha and the Law, and transform this suffering filled saha world into the Land of Tranquil Light. This is the Daishonin's promise.

(December 20, World Tribune, from the essay Setting Sail Into the New Era of Worldwide Kosen-rufu, page 3.)

Today the New Year dawns in a different city all day long! All of us are forever united in Daimoku with our mentor. Let's make this the most meaningful New Years filled with our boundless fresh determination!