A special note from our dear friend:
You Can Help the International Youth Media Summit being held at Soka University this summer.
Much of the wisdom you read at chantforhappiness.com can be owed to my dearest friend Kate Randolph. She introduced me to this practice almost 30 years ago, and I have shared her thoughts and essays with you over the years. She has been involved in a great movement for youth. Here is a letter to you from her. This year's Youth Media Summit will take place at Soka University in California. Please contribute what you can! This is not a official SGI function, but it does fit into what we are all about!
A note to you from Kate Randolph:
I have traveled to Serbia the past 3 summers to support the INTERNATIONAL YOUTH MEDIA SUMMIT and its mission to bring young people together to dialogue about, and find solutions for, some of the world's most urgent social issues. Then they choose an issue they would like to focus on and in small teams they make short films about each of the Summit issues: violence, discrimination, poverty, health the environment, women's rights and youth empowerment. They also make declarations of actions that they will take on these issues upon their return to their country.
This summer, for the first time since the Summit was born, it is coming back to the USA, to be held on the gorgeous campus of Soka University! But the difficulty with that is that it is nearly impossible for many young people to travel here because of the huge expense. (We already have applicants from Liberia, Algeria, Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia, Palestine, Israel, Iran and Afghanistan and about 12 more countries! ) Sooo, today we are launching an online crowd-funding campaign to raise scholarship money for students who live in countries where the annual income is less than the cost of airfare to the US.
We hope to make history by being the first of this type of online fundraiser to raise half of our goal on the FIRST day of our campaign, which is Today, THURSDAY, JAN 9TH. That's $50,000 in one day. If you can jump onto this link and contribute just 10 bucks, you will help us tremendously. 10 bucks contributed by hundreds of folks can help us make history for a fabulous cause.
Do what you can, or feel comfortable with. But take a minute to click on the link and see what the Summit is all about! Even just posting a comment of support helps us move further up to the front of the website!
Warmest wishes for a fantastic 2014.
Kate Randolph