"What does attaining Buddhahood mean for us?
It does not mean
that one day we suddenly turn into a Buddha
or become magically enlightened.
In a sense, attaining Buddhahood
means that we have securely entered the path,
or orbit, of Buddhahood inherent in the cosmos.
Rather than a final static destination
at which we arrive and remain,
achieving enlightenment
means firmly establishing
the faith needed to keep advancing
along the path of absolute happiness,
without end."
Daisaku Ikeda, For Today and Tomorrow, page 205.
We are Attaining Buddhahood
By Jamie Lee Silver, from Chantforhappiness.com
Every time we chant
we are attaining Buddhahood.
Every time we pray our silent prayers
we are attaining Buddhahood.
Every time we encourage others
we are attaining Buddhahood.
Every time we wake up and say
"No! I will NOT be defeated.
I will redetermine to win. I will not give up!"
we are attaining Buddhahood.
Every time we write our thoughts and determinations
we are attaining Buddhahood.
Every time we smile ~
even when we are sad ~ even when we are happy ~
we are attaining Buddhahood.
Every time we say
"Hon-nim-myo" from this moment forth I will rise!
we are attaining Buddhahood.
May you have a victorious - energetic - Daimoku-powered day!