Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Living the Life of my Dreams! And You can too!!!

This practice WORKS!!!!

I am living the life of my dreams!!!!

It's the holiday season...I just bought a dress for a party that I just can't even believe I can wear...and I have party after party to go to....and wonderful people to share my life with....

And every morning...every single matter where I am on the planet I sit down, chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and connect with the force of the universe I possess. 

It is amazing. 

I hope you are experiencing the same excitement and happiness in your life....each moment effortlessly flows from one to another....and anytime there is a snag...a painful thought...or something I see that I don't like in the world...well, I sit and chant about that too...because I know my prayers make a difference. 

In times like this, when I am happy beyond measure...I chant to fully open and appreciate each and every moment....I chant to savor every single person I am with. I chant to be the appreciative spirit I already am! 

And I know that I am at this wonderful place in my life because I have chanted through every kind of suffering you can imagine. I have chanted to be the victor in my life. I have chanted to WIN so that every person reading my blog, and every person I meet every day...and all the people in my district can be inspired. My life HAS to be happy I tell the Gohonzon (which is, of course, my Buddhist scroll, but more importantly, it is my life itself) that I HAVE to be happy so that I can inspire others that this kind of happiness is possible. 

And I am here to tell you that it is possible. I don't envy ANYONE!!!! I HAVE the life of my dreams and it is getting better every single day. 

Come along with me. Chant to join prayers with your mentor Daisaku Ikeda. Chant to make the difference on this planet that you want to see. 

Don't give up!!!!! Enjoy your life !!!! Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Chanting to Expand My Capacity

You know what happens when you introduce someone to Buddhism? You end up learning so much from them!!!
I have talked before about my friends Danielle and Julia in Northern California who've been chanting just over a year. They are incredibly wise Buddhas. 

Julia has changed her life in so many ways. When she started chanting she was literally dying. Her body suffered from many ailments and her spark was seeping day by day from her life. 

The minute she started chanting she understood the profundity of this prayer, and has dedicated herself to fully exploring the power of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo across the three existences...past, present, futures...changing her life and the lives of so many others. She studies Buddhism with a depth of understanding that illuminates the practice for me as well. We go back and forth encouraging each other with our lives. That is how it works. That is why friends in faith are so crucial. 

The other day I was experiencing suffering anew about something I've written about in here many times...the world of hunger...longing... 

Here is the wise guidance she gave me:

Chant to expand your capacity. 

She said chanting for capacity had enabled her to release a certain suffering that had seared into her life recently....and that BECAUSE of that suffering she had changed her relationship with her wonderful husband in a really incredible way. She had changed on the INSIDE, which is the whole point of this practice. And when you change on the INSIDE,  your environment HAS TO CHANGE. THAT IS THE POWER OF CHANTING NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO. THAT IS WHY IT WORKS. 

So I am sitting here this morning chanting to expand my capacity. As I chant my brain is filling with determination to expand my capacity for JOY, expand my capacity for HAPPINESS, expand for capacity for WISDOM, and for every other thing I want. What would this mean to my life? I don't know yet. I have already strengthened my life quite a bit...what else is possible??? What if I expand my capacity for suffering? Does that mean I actually will not suffer as much? I can't wait to see. 

Oh how I appreciate this fabulous practice I embrace! How hopeful I feel at every turn! How I am chanting in appreciation! 
I am chanting for you and sending joy into your heart too.....may you embrace this practice and use it to bring a level of happiness...unshakable happiness...the lifeforce of the BUDDHA YOU ARE into your life forever!!!!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Spiritual Independence Day

Tomorrow, November 28th is an important day.

Just think for a moment:

What would the world be like if every person knew how to solve their own problems?

What would the ramifications of this be?

People MIGHT stop blaming others for their problems...
...they might stop waiting for "God" to help them out...
...they might stop believing that they "have to suffer" for their perceived wrong doings. And by this, I am ...not negating the law of cause and effect. I am just saying that many people feel they have to live lives of suffering because they were born "bad" or made a mistake they need to suffer for...FOREVER.
...they might never feel hopelessness
...they might never commit suicide
...they might never kill people
...they might happily embrace their problems and set about changing whatever they didn't like about their lives...

Does this sound like a pipe dream.

Not anymore.

Now we have the keys to become happy....

I know it sounds so easy.

Just chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo...and chant for what you want.

Try it!

Monday, November 14, 2011

A True Victor in Life

My son, Aaron Michael Silver, has been running since he was in seventh grade. This year he is a senior in college. He has run 10 cross county seasons. His freshman year of High School he went to the state meet as an alternate in a blazing moment of glory that he assumed would be repeated year after year...but sadly, the team failed to qualify for state again while he was in High School.

In college Aaron took the University of Illinois Club Team under his wing. As President, he brought them from about 8 members to 80 members, and molded the team to be warm and close like his High School Team under the direction of the legendary coach Will Kupisch or "Kup"

This year Aaron hit paydirt...just in time. Of course, I can tell all of you that Aaron chants...and was chanted for long before he was born. One day I hope to write a book on Buddhist parenting. I am so grateful to have been able to give my children the key to accessing the power of the universe within them...a way to solve every problem and create value for themselves and others. Everything starts with prayer.

This year, as a senior, Aaron's season was going so well. Almost every meet he was setting a new personal record for time and speed.
On Saturday, at the National meet in North Carolina, with his Grandfather and Grandmother watching, he came in 5th out of about 600 young men, and his team came in FIRST. 

Imagine that...the total and complete thrill of a personal best...a personal achievement and leading your team to victory as well. The girl's team from Illinois also it was a victory for them all. Aaron is going to be writing to President Ikeda to report to him.
What an wonderful example of never giving up....keeping chanting until your prayer is answered...what an incredible experience for us all.

And the day before the race, I found out some incredible news about medical school for him. His goal is to be a neurologist. I found out that the school of his choice has him in the "Yes" pile, just waiting for him to contact them and express his interest. Talk about good news....I am just filled with it these days.
And one more thing. The race happened to fall on the two year anniversary of my sweet Mommy's flight into her new life. Aaron said he could feel her...and all our support and daimoku...and he ran strong, strong, strong for the full 8k, 24:41 race!

As a parent, I don't think there is anything more satisfying than seeing your child break through all obstacles and succeed through their own prayer and determination. Aaron proved something to HIMSELF on November 12th. And no matter what happens in the future...he knows the boundless power of the law...coupled with determination and action. Aaaaahhhh....I reverently appreciate knowing and practicing the chanting of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo to access the universe within! Thank you to all who have brought this teaching to me, and especially my mentor Daisaku Ikeda, and Kate Randolph and dear friend Kathy Fisher and all my friends in faith. This is a victory for us all!!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Great Guidance and Happy 11/11/11

I hope you're having as great a day as I am today! 

I have incredibly fun plans for the whole weekend starting with a fun wedding at Carnivale tonight. I've never been there, but I'm imagining wonderful vivid colors, laughter and a wonderful evening! I'm booked solid this weekend with great events.

Tomorrow Aaron, my 21 year old son runs his final Cross Country race in Charlotte North Carolina. I found out some great news about Medical School for him today! When things are finalized I will let you know! And I got wonderful news from Ben, my 18 year old son who is in his freshman year at Miami University of Ohio. We thought he'd be home on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, but he worked it out to be home on the Friday before Thanksgiving!!!! Yaaaayyy, that makes such a huge difference!
I am so happy today.

I began the day, like every day, with strong, focused Daimoku....chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Today I was addressing my life and demanding just what I want. I am the Votary of the Lotus Sutra...I am determined to show actual proof of my practice in my life. I have to inspire you, my blog readers, my district, the people I work with and everyone I know. That's why I chose to be born right now. I am very clear on this point!

This morning I focused on the deepest, warmest, most fulfilling love in my life. I listed out all the qualities I want in this love, and I chanted to bring forth the love from within my life...the confidence...the radiance...the wisdom to know it when I see it! Aaaaahhhh.

I am enjoying this time of exploration....I am reveling in this sunny day! And I want to share some of Daisaku Ikeda's guidance with you:

From the December issue of Living Buddhism, page 13, 

President Ikeda states:

"There are many elements involved in a prayer being answered, but the important thing is to keep praying until it is. By continuing to pray, you can reflect on yourself with unflinching honesty and begin to move your life in a positive direction on the path of earnest, steady effort. Even if your prayer doesn't produce concrete results immediately, your continual prayer will at some time manifest itself in a form greater tha you had ever hoped"(Buddhism Day by Day, p. 97).

Great Guidance and happy 11/11/11

I hope you're having as great a day as I am today! I have incredibly fun plans for the whole weekend starting with a fun wedding at Carnivale tonight. I've never been there, but I'm imagining wonderful vivid colors, laughter and a wonderful evening! I'm booked solid this weekend with great events.

Tomorrow Aaron, my 21 year old son runs his final Cross Country race in Charlotte North Carolina. I found out some great news about Medical School for him today! When things are finalized I will let you know! And I got wonderful news from Ben, my 18 year old son who is in his freshman year at Miami University of Ohio. We thought he'd be home on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, but he worked it out to be home on the Friday before Thanksgiving!!!! Yaaaayyy, that makes such a huge difference!
I am so happy today.

i began the day, like every day, with strong, focused Daimoku....chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Today I was addressing my life and demanding just what I want. I am the Votary of the Lotus Sutra...I am determined to show actual proof of my practice in my life. I have to inspire you, my blog readers, my district, the people I work with and everyone I know. That's why I chose to be born right now. I am very clear on this point!

This morning I focused on the deepest, warmest, most fulfilling love in my life. I listed out all the qualities I want in this love, and I chanted to bring forth the love from within my life...the confidence...the radiance...the wisdom to know it when I see it! Aaaaahhhh.

I am enjoying this time of exploration....I am reveling in this sunny day! And I want to share soem of Daisaku Ikeda's guidance with you:

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Big Day for Kathy and Jamie

Kathy Fisher and Jamie Lee Silver on 11/6/11

On Sunday we went to Kosen Rufu Gongyo at the Chicago Buddhist Center. 
If you haven't been to your Center, I hope you go!