Thursday, April 11, 2013

"If You Light a Lantern for Another, it Will Also Brighten your Way"

I'm chanting in appreciation this morning. 
Sometimes when we are worried about something, 
all we have to do is switch our prayer to appreciation 
and just bask in good feelings for awhile. 
Try chanting in appreciation the next time you feel stressed or worried. There really always is something to appreciate and ay "Thanks Life!" 
Then, if you really want to boost your spirits, 
call or visit someone to encourage them. 
I guarantee you will feel great after that! 

Daisaku Ikeda writes on page 93 of Faith in Action:

"Nichiren Daishonin writes, "If you light a lantern for another, it will also brighten your way" (Gosho Zenshu, p. 1898) Please be confident that the higher your flame of altruistic action burns, the more its light will suffuse your life with happiness. Those who possess an altruistic spirit are the happiest people of all."

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Shining Like the Sun ~ Lighting up Your Life

~ Shine like the Sun ~

That's my lifetime motto. 

I rise every day with the goal of shining like the sun. 
A life of radiance is one so busy shining, 
it repels all negativity from within or without, 
and shines its light everywhere. 

Another of my mottos is from Daisaku Ikeda: 

"When One Sun Rises, Everything is Illuminated." Brilliant. 

This week has been one of chanting with the members in my district for their suns to rise. There is nothing that energizes me more than engaging in the daily struggle to overcome suffering, and achieve goals alongside my members. There is nothing more exciting than helping others win in life. If I am doing that, my life flows smoothly from one happiness to another. I hope each of you 

One of our newest members was given a pretty bleak diagnosis from a doctor. But since she got her Gohonzon a few weeks ago she has HOPE for the first time in a long time. She's cheerful. She's planning on reapplying to get her masters degree. She's embracing her LIFE. Her life is shining like the sun! I look forward to reporting other victories to you as well. 

"Faith is Light
The hearts of those with strong faith 
are filled with light. 
A radiance envelops their lives. 
People with unshakable conviction in faith 
enjoy a happiness 
that is as luminous as the full moon 
on a dark night, 
as dazzling as the sun on a clear day."

Daisaku Ikeda, For Today and Tomorrow, page 7

Standing Up With Unyielding Spirit ~ Don't Give Up!

"In life when we feel we have reached a limit, 
that is when the true battle begins. 
Just when you despair 
and think it is impossible to go any further, 
will you become apathetic, 
or will you say it’s not over 
and stand up with an unyielding spirit? 
The battle is decided by this single determination."

Daisaku Ikeda, from the website

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Overcoming Doubt

I've gotten some letters lately from people who are finding it hard to chant because they are discouraged and full of doubt. I know this feeling. It's an obstacle; in other words, an opportunity for us to deepen our faith. How do we do this? 

The first key is to realize that you are fighting the biggest battle of all, the one within yourself, right here and right now. 

Having obstacles arise is part of a successful and healthy practice. It's a good thing. It doesn't always look like a good thing, I realize this! But it really is a chance for you to deepen your faith and strengthen your life if you don't give in to it. 

When doubt, and thoughts of doubt and hopelessness arise, it is up to you to shout them down by facing your life  squarely and overcoming it. Doubt will only defeat us if we let it. 

You can rise up to stop doubt by sitting in front of your Gohonzon ~ and while you are chanting, address your life in this way: "NO WAY DOUBT! YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET ME DOWN! I see you for what you are. You are not winning over me. I am breaking through once and for all, and I am in charge now!" 

This is your time to roar like a lion. This is your opportunity to strengthen your faith. This is your time to win. Write a fresh determination. Chant from your heart to be victorious and to show actual proof of this practice so that you can inspire others. With this attitude you can bring your life back on track. 

Encouragement from Sensei :

"Anyone who has ever made a resolution 
discovers that the strength of that determination 
fades in times. 
The moment you feel that 
is when you should make a fresh determination. 
Tell yourselves: "OK! I will start again from now!" 
If you fall down seven times, get up the eighth. 
Don't give up when you feel discouraged ~ 
just pick yourselves up 
and renew your determination every time."

from Faith in Action, page 109

Resolve to be Victorious

'When your determination changes, 
everything will begin to move 
in the direction you desire. 
The moment you resolve to be victorious, 
every nerve and fiber in your being 
will immediately orient itself 
toward your success. 
On the other hand, if you think, 
"This is never going to work out." 
then at that instant every cell in your being 
will be deflated and give up the fight. 
Then everything really will move 
in the direction of failure." 

Daisaku Ikeda, 

Faith in Action. Page 108

Monday, April 8, 2013

Daily Guidance from Daisaku Ikeda

Great individuals fight abuses of authority. 

The truly strong do not lord it over the weak. 

People of genuine strength and courage 
battle against the powerful, the arrogant, 
the authoritarian, the evil and corrupt
~all who look down on the people with contempt. 

Daisaku Ikeda

From Today and Tomorrow, 

From Dying to Living ~ From Poison to Medicine ~ Experience in Health

Julia Landis

~ This experience is too important to miss. Enjoy!

The Great Repair Shop of the Human Heart. 

"It is the same with a Buddha and an ordinary being. When deluded, one is called an ordinary being, but when enlightened, one is called a Buddha. This is similar to a tarnished mirror that will shine like a jewel when polished. A mind now clouded by the illusions of the innate darkness of life is like a tarnished mirror, but when polished, it is sure to become like a clear mirror reflecting the essential nature of phenomena [i.e. the Dharma nature] and the true aspect of reality...

...Arouse deep faith and diligently polish your mirror day and night. How should you polish it? Only by chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. ~ Nichiren Daishonin (WND-1 p. 4)

I have been chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and studying the teachings that elucidate the central philosophy of the Lotus Sutra for nearly three years now. What is the key or central element to that philosophy? That each of our lives contains the seeds of Buddhahood and that an exalted state of life is ours as soon as we come to realize, support, and harmonize our lives with this indelible fact. 
Click "read more" below to see the rest of Julia's experience: