Saturday, June 15, 2013

Every Buddha Faces Challenges ~ That's How It's Supposed to Be!

Yes, every Buddha does face challenges. But the good thing is - if we keep chanting our way through our challenges  ~ and we don't give up ~ we create such wonderful benefit every single time. And the more we set our sights on our true PowerPrayers for ourselves and others, the more our life blossoms into true happiness. Right now, every day, as I am writing this blog, and writing my PowerPrayer book for you, I am experience a peace of mind and sense of full~fill~ment I've only dreamed of in the past. Every day I wake up happy to chant, happy to write, and happy to see each person I encounter. 

This week has been a challenging and fulfilling week for me. My son Ben got his wisdom teeth out and has been staying with me. He's also been facing some disappointment, so I have been chanting up a storm for him. When our children aren't happy it's hard for us to be entirely happy, isn't that true? Well, let's just say this has been a tough year for Ben who just finished his second year of college in these challenging times. 

One of the things he has discovered about himself is he gets  great joy that comes from playing with children, so he is planning on becoming a teacher. He's been volunteering at The Sudbury School, a democratic free school where children are trusted, age levels are mixed, and the children decide what they will learn and when. If you're interested in knowing more you can look at the Sudbury Valley School on Facebook or the web. Sudbury Valley is the original school and the success of the students is well-documented in the book Free to Learn by Peter Gray. 

Today, on this quiet Saturday, I arose to write something very exciting. This fall I will be leading a workshop in Bali, Indonesia called:
Explore, Enhance and Expand Your Inner Buddha... 
As soon as I have all the details for reserving your place, I will post them here. I can tell you now that it's set for November 16th-22nd in Bali, Indonesia and the cost will be $1599 including accommodations, activities and most meals. I'll be doing this through Love Your Spirit Tours. 

Here is the first write-up for the event. You get first peek at this exciting event! 

Jamie Lee Silver
Write up for Bali, 

From earliest memory, Jamie Lee Silver was searching for a practical solution to her problems. She knew that she could not have been born into a lifetime of debilitating depression, the constant urge to eat anything not nailed down, constant longing for love amidst self-loathing, and the curse of living life in America as a fat person without a higher reason. and greater purpose to help people. She had an intense yearning to revolutionize her life from within and to use her victory to help others who were suffering.  

She did her best to appreciate her life, using the songs of John Denver as her spiritual support, and exploring every avenue of relief including religion, literature, metaphysics, mysticism, psychology, yoga, est, poetry, alcohol and various mind-enhancing drugs and meditations. In each of these, she found nuggets that were helpful, but her depression persisted and she kept searching for the real, karma changing solution. 

In 1985 she was living in San Francisco and hit an all-time low after being laid off when she met Kate Randolph, a Nichiren Buddhist, who would become her mentor for life. Kate introduced her to a form of Buddhism that said that by chanting the words Nam-myoho-renge-kyo (the title of the Lotus Sutra and the name of the rhythm of life itself) and simultaneously focusing on your desires (not clearing your mind of desires), you can change ANYTHING in life from poison to medicine, create lasting karmic change for yourself and countless others, and actually make your dreams come true. Kate told her the power of this chant was its ability to grant the practitioner access to the entire power of the universe within each life. 

Yes. According to this practice, everyone is a Buddha and this chant makes the Buddha burst forth generating the highest life state of fulfillment and happiness.

Immediately, Jamie began a twice-a-day practice of Practical Buddhism and embarked on a new life of Buddhist study. She immediately proved the power of this prayer by raising herself from the depths, finding a job and crawling out of her emotional hole. She knew she’d begun a life-long process of converting her own suffering, and helping anyone who was suffering find out about this practice.

 Over the next 28 years she proved the power of this chant over and over in her life by vowing to use her struggles to encourage others. In her first few years of practice she took District leadership in the Soka Gakkai, otherwise known as the SGI, or “value creating society”, the lay organization that promotes peace, culture and education through individual and collective happiness. She has hosted meetings in her own home every week ever since then. One of her first benefits from chanting was writing a Power Prayer and manifesting her “House for World Peace” on a high hill overlooking San Francisco. 

Since then, Jamie has chosen to move back to her roots in the Western Suburbs of Illinois to raise her two children, and has continued to devote her life to inspiring others by using her sparkling life as an example. 

She has absolutely and completely conquered depression, lost 70 pounds and kept it off for years. Jamie has had a wonderful and multi-faceted career in the world of sales and marketing, winning countless awards and honors. She has raised two “Buddha Boys” who started chanting to vanquish bad dreams at the age of two, and have used this practice in various powerful ways throughout their lives. Jamie has gone from being friendless and unhappy to a woman of high self-worth with countless friends and students. As the writer of the blog she inspires over 20,000 people a month to keep chanting, never give up, and realize their dreams.

As of this writing, Jamie is finishing up her first book The Buddha Zone, PowerPrayers for Chanting Your Way to Absolute Happiness and cannot wait to hold it in her hands and give it to the world! 

In Explore, Enhance and Expand Your Inner Buddha you will learn everything you need to know to experience plugging into your own power source through chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. 

We’ll be chanting every morning and evening together, learning the intellectual meaning of the chant itself and revealing its power in our lives.   

We’ll begin with Jamie’s process that enables you to tap into your current desires, and the hopes and dream you may have forgotten, or given up on along the way. We’ll do an inspired writing process to bring these dreams to the surface and feel anew the power of the flame of desire itself. In this practice “Desires Are Enlightenment, and give us the fuel to set fire to our chanting. 

In our workshops we”ll learn the origins of this “new” form of Buddhism whose roots go back to the Buddha’s original intent and purpose. And we’ll explore and learn powerful Buddhist concepts and apply them to everyday life. You’ll feel the energy of the chant, and be in the perfect place to delve into its meaning in your life, and how you can use it to over overcome any challenges you might be facing, and to build on it to springboard your life into previously untouched realms of self-fulfillment and happiness. 

Each day we’ll chant together and study crucial concepts that help you understand why and how chanting is in complete accord with science and common sense. You’ll learn and experience “The oneness of self and environment, many in body, one in mind, the power of the mentor disciple relationship, and more. You’ll learn the essential components of a PowerPrayer, and how to write your own personal PowerPrayers that will clarify your determination and propel you in the direction of your dreams. 

The lush and indescribably beautiful setting of Bali will make your new study of Buddhism that much more resonant and meaningful during our precious time together. We’ll explore the sights, sounds and tastes of this magnificent land as we bring forth our own most delicious, savory hopes, dreams and desires and begin the process of turning them from the impossible to the possible. 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Your Spirit is as Expansive as the Cosmos

The human spirit is as expansive as the cosmos. 
This is why it is so tragic to belittle yourself 
or to question your worth. 

No matter what happens, 
continue to push back the boundaries of your inner life. 

The confidence to prevail over any problem, 
the strength to overcome adversity and unbounded hope
—all reside within you.

Daisaku Ikeda

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Begin withThe Revitalization of Individual Human Beings ~ Quote from Sensei

Wherever we are, 
it is necessary to begin 
with the revitalization 
of individual human beings.

That will lead to the reformation of society 
and the world 
through human revolution. 
That is the teaching of the Lotus Sutra. 
And actions directed toward that end, 
I would like to stress, 
represent the wisdom of the Lotus Sutra.

Daisaku Ikeda

A Member's Experience: From Victim to Victor

Preface from Jamie:

Some of us are naturally more suspicious of people's motives and actions based on previous negative experiences. But if we cling to these past hurts and wrongs we run the risk of playing the role of the victim throughout our lives. Nichiren Buddhism gives us the keys to rise out of this victim mentality and emerge as a strong and powerful VICTOR in life. From Victim to Victor! What a powerful journey. 

The following experience was originally posted on a busy day in April. I post it again just in case you missed it. This friend-in-faith has managed to quiet her negative mind and  focus on the positive. How wonderful! 

Experience of Going From Victim to Victor:

"I have always questioned people’s actions and behavior thus being very careful of my behavior and attitude since it can cause so much happiness as well as pain to others. More so if one is from a religious and spiritual background, our life should reflect our values and beliefs. I have always tried to be a good person giving my all in whatever I do. In the process though we sometimes make mistakes and because of this we should be careful of what we say about others because no one is perfect.
Unfortunately, we as human beings forget our imperfections or mistakes and constantly hurt each other through our words or actions. 

This is something I have always have a hard time dealing with. 

When I was a victim of bad word or actions I would have sleepless nights and worrisome days. The sadness and anxiety would not go away and I would rehash the hurt and pain by asking over and over, “how could this happen to me or my family”? I do not deserve this when I have given so much. Or maybe it’s my fault for everything that has happened.

Since having encountered and embraced Nichiren Buddhism through practice by chanting, ‘Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” and reading President Ikeda books/literatures, my anxiety and rehashing the hurt and pain are not as bad as it used to be. 

I am so much at peace; and quiet reflection on positive thoughts has truly changed my outlook on bad experiences. 

There is a saying in Nichiren Buddhism, “changing poison into medicine” which is such a profound and positive mental state of one’s mind which can truly change an individual’s life condition. 

One can change the ‘poison’ of earthly desires and sufferings into “medicine’; something positive for one’s personal growth and development, thus helping others and praying for the people who have caused you pain instead of harboring ill feelings towards them.

This philosophy makes your life so much less burdensome you actually feel happier, stronger and good inside. 

In my current job my bosses always have good things to say about me even saying that since I have been in the department, I have brought “momentum” to the workplace. 

When my daughter got sick they suggested that I apply for the Family Leave Act so that my job is protected. It was approved right away once I submitted the paperwork to Human Resources. My daughter had a cyst in her adrenaline gland which was growing and could have been cancerous and had to be removed surgically. The cyst was found by accident after doing tests for another medical problem which have all been corrected. 

Now she is completely well, has graduated successfully from High School even though she had two surgeries this year, and is moving into the next phase of her life while chanting strong Daimoku. I am so grateful! 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Your Future is in your hands, and heart and mind

VICTORY! The Sansho Shima PowerPrayer Works!


WOW is all I can say.  

Sometimes even though I have been practicing for a long time, I am BLOWN AWAY by the power of my own life through chanting with fierce determination and roaring Nam-myoho-renge-kyo like a lion. 

Yesterday morning I chanted the very same sansho shima PowerPrayer I posted for you in the morning. 

There was a particular obstacle I was determined to overcome regarding the set up of my new website. I had been worrying about this problem for more than a month. 

On Monday, when Julia and I were writing the PowerPrayer for Sansho Shima, and using the quote from President Ikeda about obstacles losing their power when they are recognized for what they are, I realized this website problem was really nothing but an obstacle, and I determined to blow it away through my daimoku. 

So in my morning power hour of daimoku I chanted the PowerPrayer I posted for you yesterday 
(and am reprinting today for you at the bottom of this post) 

And later in the afternoon, in the middle of a flash thunderstorm the problem was resolved. It was literally as if the very heavens had come to wash away my obstacle!

Sometimes, If we really want to overcome something, we just have to get to the point that we are DONE with it, and blast daimoku from the depths of our lives. When I was chanting I was literally sweating from the release of energy. And when I was finished chanting, I KNEW my daimoku had worked. The minute we make the cause, we also make the effect. 

Is there something you have been putting up with and think is a problem that will not go away? 
Is there something that's been on your mind that you are ready to blast with daimoku? 
If you can recognize it for the sansho shima (obstacle) that it is, you can elevate the problem and blast it out of your life. 

I would love to hear from you when you accomplish this. 

If I can do it you can do it! 

Send me emails of your victories! I am including your comments in my book as testimonials. Before I print I will ask if you want to be identified or would rather remain anonymous. It's up to you. Email me your results to me at my new email: 

Here's the PowerPrayer that generated immediate results. 
Go for it! 

Sansho Shima PowerPrayer:

Hello, Sansho Shima, 
I was expecting you.
I recognize you for what you are.

Sansho Shima, I see you for what you are! 
No way! 
Not this time
not any more. 
I'm in charge now.
I AM Nam-myoho-renge-kyo
I am roaring like a lion.
You  are not real, you  have no power here.
On the contrary, 
I take your pure energy now, and though my Daimoku I make you my ally, instead. 
Shoten Zenjin! 
Support me in every single action I take towards my goal. 
I am doing the Buddha's work on earth. 
Support me in every way!

This_______________(fill in the blank) 
is going to change immediately! 

I now use this obstacle to fuel my determination.

Sansho Shima (obstacles), I am now turning you into Shoten Zenjin (protective forces of the universe)! 

You are now the cause 
for victory in the lives of those I will
encourage by sharing this story.
You are now part of a powerful 
and inspirational story of victory.


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

When We Feel Lost ~ A Quote from Sensei

"There may be times 
when life seems gloomy and dull. 
When we feel stuck in some situation or other, 
when we are negative toward everything, 
when we feel lost and bewildered, 
not sure which way to turn --- 
at such times we must transform our passive mind-set 
and determine, 
"I will proceed along this path," 
"I will pursue my mission today." 
When we do so a genuine spring-time arrives in our hearts, and flowers start to blossom."

Daisaku Ikeda