Monday, March 24, 2014

How We Win Over Our Biggest Problems

From the April Living Buddhism, 
Daisaku Ikeda's Gosho lecture on 
"The Treatment of Illness
by Nichiren Daishonin:

"Mr. Toda said: 
"If the entire human race could manifest 
the life state of buddhahood ~ 
that is, character of the highest quality ~ 
there would be no war or hunger in the world. 
There would be no illness, and no poverty. 
Elevating the entire human race to the state of Buddhahood, to character of the highest quality ~ 
this is carrying out the work of the Thus Come One."

To achieve this, 
we need to expand the goodness in life 
as broadly as possible 
through our prayers and our actions. 
Our greatest mission as SGI members  
is to create value for all humankind."

WE are ushering in the new age of humanity through our thoughts, words and deeds. And how are we doing this? Mostly through challenging our problems - no matter how great they are. Sometimes it feels like the problems are bigger than us, doesn't it? I speak from experience! But I also speak from experience when I say that when we persevere in our practice and study a life-force of wisdom arises that fuels those actions, gives us confidence and brings us and others hope. 

In the same Gosho lecture, President Ikeda states:

"No matter how harsh the adversity, we can always find a way to make it into an opportunity for our great human revolution, we can always use it to create value. The is the essence of Nichiren Buddhism."

In this Gosho Lecture, President ikeda writes that we can overcome "illnesses of the mind" by dispelling ignorance in our lives, and bringing forth the awakening of our Buddhahood. One of the manifestations of Ignorance is not seeing and believing on our own Buddhahood. 

To break through our struggles Sensei says:

"When we find ourselves up against a wall of suffering and feel like we can't go on - that's the time when we can rouse the underlying power inherent in our beings through chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. As Nichiren Daishonin writes, "Only by defeating a powerful enemy can one prove one's real strength." (Letter from Sado, WND- 1, 302)

How can we do this? By not giving continuing to realize that Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is more powerful than our biggest problem...our life itself is as as vast as the universe, and when we chant we are tapping that vast power within us. As long as we keep chanting we are winning over ourselves. 

AND, when we realize we are tackling our problems so that we can help others and inspire others our practice becomes a joy! When we can chant: 

Because I can inspire so many 
when I win over this problem...
there MUST be value in this for Kosen-rufu. 
I will definitely win 
and use this experience to inspire others!" 

If we are at a deadlock we will win when we study, chant, consult our leaders in faith and keep chanting! 

President Ikeda ends the lecture with:

"As SGI members 
who uphold the sound philosophy 
of Nichiren Buddhism, 
a teaching of respect for the dignity of life, 
let us continue to illuminate the hearts 
of our precious friends 
with the light of courage and hope, 
and make intrepid efforts in the form of peace, 
friendship and happiness 
in our communities and societies."

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Daily Guidance by Daisaku Ikeda

SOME people seem to be active for a while, but eventually disappear from our movement for kosen-rufu. Almost without exception, such people are negligent in their daily practice of gongyo. Those who neglect doing gongyo will eventually lose their ability to grasp any points of faith or to accept guidance, no matter how great it may be.

ONE of my mottos is that waves get rougher every time they encounter an obstacle. Another is that the true hero is one who is strong when he rises up alone. These have been my convictions from the time I was sixteen.

TO live honestly and straightforwardly in the world of kosen-rufu. To always continue struggling forward. To persevere in the practice for oneself and for others. Through such efforts, the "heart" of faith will solidify. The world of Buddhahood exists in faith that is forged in such a fashion.

YOUR practice of gongyo and daimoku is not an obligation, it is a right. The Gohonzon will never demand that you chant to it. An attitude of appreciation in being able to chant to the Gohonzon is the heart of faith. The more you exert yourself in faith - in doing gongyo and chanting daimoku - the more you stand to gain.

"I am happy. For I uphold the unsurpassable Mystic Law" - just talk to others about Buddhism with this conviction. No matter what your present circumstances, everyone who chants and spreads the Mystic Law is an emissary of the Buddha. I hope you will all take great pride in the fact that you are accumulating immeasurable good fortune and walking a direct course to eternal happiness.

Yesterday's PowerPrayer Really Worked!

I found this photo on the is a time lapse photo of a sunset.

We never know what we're going to face in a day. Some days are just like other days, fun, enjoyable, etc. and they are kind of, well, normal. 

Other days are extraordinary. 

Yesterday, after chanting that PowerPrayer and focusing my energy on letting go and not trying to control everything, I ended up with a remarkably fascinating day with lots of action and many quick decisions to be made. Because of the protection of the Shoten Zenjin, I was in the right place at the right time continually, and able to connect with my dear friend Kate at exactly the right moments. 

As I was going through this day I felt confidence in my life...confidence in my prayer...confidence in my gentle words. I could feel the power of wisdom through Daimoku flowing at every moment. Some events triggered emotional reactions, and those were fine...and they passed quickly. Other events that normally would have triggered emotional reactions didn't, and I remained composed and thinking on my feet. I had unity with the people I needed to have unity with. 

The day ended in a state of peace and gratitude, and today began peacefully and happily. 

I am filled with appreciation for my wonderful life, and more determined than ever that the challenges my family has been facing recently will help many people. Because of my son's illness I have ventured into a world that is hard for many to navigate. And there is NO set road map. Except the road lit by the wisdom that comes from Daimoku. 

I have received many emails from you. Thank you so much. For the moment I am enjoying my wonderful life and laughing with my sweet son who always cracks me up!

Friday, March 21, 2014

PowerPrayer for Rising Above Our Problems

I read some guidance that said 
"When you chant you should 
take a vacation from your troubles." 
Great idea

And today while I was chanting that's exactly what I did. I chanted to lift my life condition so I could see over and above my troubles...and to experience this day in a state of elevation through Daimoku. 
I chanted to release all feelings of having to be in control at every single moment, because, as we all know, control at every moment is impossible anyway! 

I think sometimes we think "I'm a Buddha so I should be able to command every single moment of every single day. I'm a Buddha, right?" But I don't think that's exactly how it works, 

The only things we can really be in control of are our reactions to what's going on. That's not to say that we can't change our lives through chanting. WE CAN. But the process of doing so doesn't always go as quickly as we'd want it to. We are not like Samantha on the TV show Bewitched. We can't just wiggle our noses and make everything change. 

Today I formulated this 
for Rising Above Our Troubles:
by Jamie Lee Silver of

Today while chanting 
I am seeing my life and my spirits 
rising above my worries. 
As I am chanting I am seeing my life rise above. 
I am focusing on joining the ceremony in the air. 
I am joining with all the Buddhas on the Gohonzon, 
and knowing that 
This is the life I chose for Kosen-rufu, 
and I will keep my life condition HIGH no matter what. 
I see through the eyes of the Buddha. 
I shine for all those around me as a beacon of hope. 
I am the Buddha at every moment today...
fully aware and focusing on all that is right in my world! 
I am going to float above my worries and chant in the world of gratitude and appreciation. 
I am so grateful for:__________________________
And I release this day to my prayers! 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Daily Guidance by Daisaku Ikeda

WHEN viewed through the eyes of Buddhism, everything has profound meaning. We must not lament our situations. As long as we have strong, courageous faith, we can definitely transform all hardships into something positive, turning poison into medicine. Please engrave these words of Nichiren Daishonin in your heart, and continue advancing resolutely forward, no matter what happens.

YOU do not normally receive your pay cheque at the end of your first day at work. The sapling you planted today is not a mighty oak. If our prayers were automatically answered; with no true, deep prayer on our part, without desperate life-to-death effort, we would become spoiled and useless. If that is how it works, our practice of Buddhism would not make us into people of outstanding character; it would destroy us.

WE are not alone and without friends. We can confidently overcome difficulties and turn everything into an impetus towards happiness. When one has a firm conviction of this, one will experience a sense of boundless courage; one will not be afraid of anything. Those who fear nothing are happy people.

IN any human relation, we must speak exactly as our conviction dictates, without a single cloud in our heart. That is a wonderful, invigorating way to live. And based on such a way of life, the bonds of the family, the bonds of comrades in faith are strengthened.

NO matter what sufferings or difficulties you may experience, you should never lose hope. Even if you may temporarily suffer from the devil of illness or financial difficulty, your heart should always be aglow with indestructible hope.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Vow for a Kosen Rufu Life Partner

This was sent to me from a reader in India. She says it has helped many to achieve their dreams of attaining a KosenRufu life partner. 

The Solemn Pledge and Prayer based on the Mystic Law
Gohonzon, I pledge to spread the Mystic Law. I take a solemn vow to work for the happiness of all sentient beings and the advancement of kosen-rufu. I determine to recognize, arouse, manifest, and respect my Buddhahood as well as that of others. 

Gohonzon, I determine to welcome you in my home. Give me a home where I could enshrine and protect you in complete grace and honor. Give me a home where I can work for kosen-rufu and can hold and host Gakkai meetings and activities freely. Give me the life partner who supports and promotes the cause of kosen-rufu.

I am now happily united and married to my true love and kosen-rufu partner. He is a nice, wise, kind, healthy, happy, handsome, responsible, dependable, and prosperous young man, who approves of and supports me in all the areas of life… in all my Gakkai activities. We work together for the spread of the Law and attainment of kosen-rufu. We love, value, trust, respect, appreciate, and accept each other from heart, mind, body, and soul. We are true and honest to each other and have a beautiful, mutually enriching, and deeply fulfilling relationship. All the other distractions and obstacles melt down and fade away of their own accord amicably from our life. 

Our union is supported, protected, promoted, and blessed by Brahma, Shakra, the gods of the Sun and the Moon and all the positive and protective forces of the Universe. We perceive, feel, hear, understand, and respond to each other’s Buddha nature… Gohonzon, make my KRLP emerge and let us recognize and unite with each other. My KRLP contacts me today and we both respond well to each other. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Gohonzon, I determine to enter the institution of marriage in perfect faith, enthusiasm, happiness, and confidence in my own and my partner’s worth. I feel complete appreciation and respect for myself and my partner. I love myself, I respect myself, I value myself, I cherish myself, I appreciate myself, I accept myself completely. I am thankful and grateful for my life and everything that I have got in my life. I pray and determine to get connected and engaged to my Kosen-rufu life partner by 3rd May 2014 or_____________. 

We both love, respect, understand, cooperate, and appreciate each other in every aspect of life. I determine to have the wisdom, courage and opportunities to make the right choice at the right time regarding my marriage and life partner. Through my happy and successful married life, I determine to encourage and show the actual proof of the benefits obtained from the power of the Mystic Law to all the YWD members of SGI and others.

I determine to discard the transient and reveal the True in all areas of my life. When the skies are clear, the ground is illuminated. Similarly, when one knows the Lotus Sutra, one understands the meaning of all worldly affairs. The one who chants Lotus Sutra will never have a twisted mind. I demand clarity and wisdom. 

I demand protection from all the positive forces of the Universe. Gohonzon, put me on my correct path.. in the orbit of righteousness, happiness and contentment. I call upon Brahma, Shakra and the gods of Sun and Moon to enter my life and illuminate it ... I must take the right decision at the right time.. I have a mission as the Bodhisattva of the Earth and everything’s going to be the very best. I am going to get married to my KRP in the most beautiful and harmonious manner. “This sutra can fulfill their desires, as a clear cool pond can satisfy all those who are thirsty,” and “They will enjoy peace and security in their present existence and good circumstances in future existences.”

Gohonzon, I am determined to have a KR marriage, a KR husband, a KR home, and a life dedicated to the spread of the Mystic Law and the attainment of kosen-rufu. I am a Bodhisattva of the Earth.. I pledge to work for the Law.. to complete my mission. The core of my life is Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Illuminated by the Mystic Law, I soar like a Queen and attract, accept, and enjoy all the good fortunes of every kind from all the directions of the Universe.. Thank You Gohonzon.. Thank you so much…
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo .. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo .. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo 

Signed By:    
