Sunday, November 22, 2015

Ben's Memorial Mile

Readers of this blog know my son, Benjamin Lee Silver went on his next journey this summer. We miss him. And we are honoring him with Ben's Memorial Mile. 

I spent 8 hours of this weekend telling people about Ben's Memorial Mile, coming up on June 11th, 2016. Here I am with Aaron, Larry Lifson, a dear friend of ours, and Meg, Aaron's girlfriend. 

The race will be held at Downers Grove North High School, Downers Grove, Illinois, USA. It's much more than a race. There will be activities and events for people of all ages. There will be an elite mile for the fast runners, and there will also be events for people of all ages. My favorite is the race for little ones where they can "run" as any animal they want to be. That is totally "Benish" - he would love it. There will be walks for people like me :), and sponsorship tables of all kinds...

It was fun promoting this race this weekend. We saw people we haven't seen in years, and we met many people who knew Ben, or had heard about him. We're raising money for Schizophrenia research, cure, and help. There's a Facebook page "Ben's Memorial Mile." 

If you are considering joining us please let me know at
Tomorrow is Ben's Birthday. He would have been 23, on November 23rd. 
it's a good thing I've been chanting two hours a day....

All my best to you. 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

How to Vanquish Recurring Karma

"Strength is Happiness. 
Strength is itself victory. 
In weakness and cowardice there is no happiness. 
When you wage a struggle, 
you might win or you might lose. 
But regardless of the short-term outcome, 
the very fact of your continuing to struggle 
is proof of your victory as a human being. 
A strong spirit, strong faith and strong prayer - 
developing these is victory 
and the world of Buddhahood."

Daisaku Ikeda, For Today and Tomorrow, page 50 


We all have it. That karmic pattern that we've chanted to end forever...and somehow, it ends for a bit then resurfaces in a different time and place. 

For some people it's a financial challenge, for others it might be within relationships, but at the core of it all, it's OUR karma and we need to keep our determination to change it. And for me, it usually involves some kind of courageous conversation, and drawing some resource from within my own life using wisdom to overcome, not cower from it. 

I picture our lives and karma like a spiral going upwards, and as I come around a bend, the karma resurfaces in some way...and it's up to me once again to write the story of my life. 

At the Gosho study meeting the other day, the leader said: "Whenever I encounter a trouble I remind myself I WRITE THE STORY OF MY LIFE. I'm the protagonist and the author. I'm sure I wrote a happy ending!" I loved that. It made me laugh! Of course, I made a happy ending. And right here, right now...I am building that happiness.

I just had a resurfacing of some karma involving greed on another's part. This time, because I am challenging my life in a new way, and I have been chanting two hours a day already, my life can rise to greet it and challenge it in a different way. I am also walking on my treadmill, eating well and using my strength training bands, so my BODY is stronger and healthier. THIS time, THIS time, the outcome will be different...will be right...will be true to myself, my new self of strength that I am building every day. 

So my first response was to chant two hours of daimoku "as if to make fire from wet logs." I chanted, and in my mind I hollered at the Shoten Zenjin "No Way! This time I will win over this karma forever!" And I'm about to start another two hours right now. I'm telling my life to open up in unexpected ways...assured that all kinds of good things are in store! 

And I'm chanting to find the right words for everything. I'm writing my speaker one-sheet, and defining just what it is I do for my audiences. After three speeches in three days, I am so energized! After yesterday's speech, one of the people came up to me and said: "You kept my attention the whole time! No speech ever keeps my attention!" and another woman told me she was going to use all the ideas I presented, and change her outlook forever. My speech focuses on our CHOICE to use words that make us happy. 

Right now it's snowing here in Chicago. It's pretty and my view is awesome. I'm grateful to park indoors. 

I'll be spending the day at an event promoting Ben's Memorial Mile. We are creating an event to honor Ben's life, bring the community together, and raise money for a cure for Schizophrenia. It's June 11th in Downers Grove Illinois. You are all invited! There will be races for all age groups of varying lengths. The last time I was at an event honoring Ben it was very hard for me...I'm going to chant about that too. STRENGTH! 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

3 Ways to Become the Buddha of Absolute Freedom Today!!! Happy 85th Birthday SGI!

Happy Soka Gakkai Day! 

It's November 18th, The Soka Gakkai's 85th Birthday! There are many places you can go to read about November 18th's significance ~ is one of them. The history of the Gakkai is rich and inspiring. 

Three Ways to become the Buddha of Absolute Happiness!

1. Write your goals right now. Write them in any format you like. I write a narrative in present tense describing my life exactly as I want it. This is powerful. Our written words are important. Date your list! Dream big as my mento Amos says "You're a Buddha - Dream Big!"

2. Chant about anything you want to change. Stop thinking things are impossible or you are undeserving. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the power of the entire universe...when you chant you are tapping into a power that we haven't even begun to fathom. We know belief is part of it, and we also know it works without belief. Go for it. What do you really want to change. 

3. Tell others of your successes and Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. You are the Buddha of Absolute Happiness!!!! 

Today in the short time I have to write this blog I am going to answer a question I am receiving by email often. What do the Nam-myoho-renge-kyo cards I hand out look like? These are what I designed. I have them printed up at Staples. 
You can make your own or use the SGI's cards. I share this with you because I was asked!

Chant: Nam-myoho-renge-kyo
(Nahm Meeyooho Raingay Keyo)
To be happier than you ever imagined possible!
Your blog for daily encouragement
Jamie Lee Silver

Of course actual card looks a little different, but this is what I use. I also carry the SGI designed cards that don't have my telephone number on them just in case. My cards are white and I can write on the back easily - so I write the closest culture center to wherever I am when I give it out. I hope this helps!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Look ! A New SGI Member Through Finding this Blog! Thanks for all your shares!

Dear Jamie,

Two years back this time I had contacted you for the first time.
I have always felt connected to you. I don't miss a single blog of yours.

You had encouraged me to join SGI through emails and mainly through your blog.

This year I finally had joined SGI not knowing how beautiful this journey would be. I am very proud to let you know, in the event of 85th anniversary of Sokka Gakai, I received The Gohonzon during our District meeting today.

Feeling extremely blessed and grateful. I am grateful to you for encouraging me to join SGI although we have never met.


Malobee (from Canada)

Everything is the Answer to Our Prayers

(You can subscribe to this blog my putting your email in the box to the right)

"While controlling your mind, 
which is at once both extremely subtle 
and solemnly profound, 
you should strive 
to elevate your faith with freshness and vigor. 
When you do so, 
both your life and your surroundings 
will open wide before you 
and every action you take 
will become a source of benefit. 
Understanding the subtle workings of one's mind 
is the key to faith and attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime." 

Daisaku Ikeda, For Today and Tomorrow, page 95. 

Well, if you read yesterday's blog you know I chanted like the house was on fire on Sunday. I chanted deep, heartfelt Daimoku that THIS MOMENT I was changing my karma through THIS Daimoku. Two hours. Powerful stuff. 

When we chant powerful Daimoku, or do a toso (extended chanting session) sometimes what we get immediately following isn't exactly what we expect. We might expect the skies to open and our benefit to fall straight into our arms. But it isn't always like that. 

The key for me is to recognize WHATEVER HAPPENS as a benefit. 

On Sunday night after this powerful Daimoku, I did not feel well. During the night, I had a dream where I saw Ben as a young child and was crying out "my baby, my baby!" I woke up not feeling well and weeping. (If you are new to this blog you can go back to the July 4, 2015 post and read it, and the days that follow) 

Instead of thinking "Oh no...this Daimoku clearly did not work," I thought,"Even THIS could be the answer to my prayers. I haven't cried in a while...maybe it's time to process some grief."

I took the day to cry. We may be Buddhas, but we are still human beings, and we still feel pain, just like Nichiren Daishonin did. And my philosophy is to feel what I feel. (Unless of course I am in the middle of a presentation or it is not an appropriate moment...we have to use common sense.)

I believe that if I run from my sadness, closing it up tight every time I feel it, I will not be able to ever let it out, and heal. I feel (but cannot prove) that closing off these emotions might lead to disease.  And it was my great benefit that I did not have anything pressing I had to do. I decided to let my sadness flow...and such sweet sadness it was. 

I took out all of the letters I got this summer, many of them from YOU, all over the world, and I read them, and felt all the love, compassion and feeling from each of the words in the cards...and I cried until there were no more tears left for that day. Then I stopped, refreshed, wrote in my journal, and made some calls. 

Today, my heart is light, and I am ready for this exciting week where I have four presentations in three days. I'm presenting "Growing older, Bolder, BETTER!" at the Downers Grove, Illinois Library on Thursday night at 7:00. Call and reserve a space if you're close and want to attend. 

Tomorrow is November 18th, Ben's 100th day. Please join me in Daimoku for his brilliant, sparkling life. I see him being reborn soon, without the troubles of this life...with a Gohonzon in his home...and having a blast as a youth in 2030...full of hope, inspiration, perseverance and mirth! 

Yesterday I got an email from someone in Canada who found out about chanting from this blog and joined the SGI this week! Isn't that wonderful! It fills my heart with joy!

My address is 17w702 Butterfield #104, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 and my email is  

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Karma Changing Chanting! Right Here Right Now!


"The benefit of all the other sutras is uncertain, 
because they teach that one must first make good causes and only then 
can one become a Buddha at some later time. 
With regard to the Lotus Sutra, 
when one's hand takes it up, 
that hand immediately attains Buddhahood,  
and when one's mouth chants it, 
that mouth is itself the Buddha, 
as for example, 
the moon is reflected in the water 
the moment it appears from behind the eastern mountains, or as a sound and its echo arise simultaneously."

From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin - WND, p.1099
Wu-lung and I-lung. Written to the lay nun Ueno on November 15th.


How can we, as Buddhists really make a difference in the world? We have seen the horrible news. There are so many who are suffering all over the world.

We are in the age of Mapo...a time of great challenges and darkness, and we chose to be born now so we can make a difference. We, as microcosms of the universe, can make the changes we need to make by changing ourselves first, by doing shakubuku to enable others to do this as well, and by taking the correct actions to stand up in faith and in the world. 

And, for me, it starts in the conviction 
of the power of the Daimoku 
I am chanting this very moment. 

I am changing my life, 
and all of life. 

I have become aware of some karmic patterns I am determined to change. 
I have lived these karmic patterns my whole life. 

Today I had a deep resolve and change of heart that RIGHT NOW, WITH THIS DAIMOKU, I am changing these patterns forever. Just like the quote above so mystically says 

"the moon is reflected in the water 
the moment it appears from behind the eastern mountains, or as a sound and its echo arise simultaneously."

As I chanted I summoned up the deep conviction, expressed as the thoughts in my head, that each and every daimoku was changing my karma RIGHT NOW, not at some time in the future.  

"THIS DAIMOKU IS changing this specific karma right this very second."

I wrote down the nature of the karma I was changing. 

I dug deep into the feelings within my gut - these inner rumblings of fear, and doubt and pure emotion -  to change these feelings be rid of the doubt that my prayer would not work. I did not chant "wishful Daimoku" 
I chanted "Right here right now I am changing my karma FOREVER" Daimoku. 

After the two hours, as I was doing the silent prayers, I prayed to deeply realize that this very morning the Daimoku I chanted is a DONE DEAL. I prayed to have the conviction that I JUST CHANGED my karma, and I will not be swayed by any doubt. 
I believe in my Buddhahood and the Buddhahood of others. I believe in the power of the Nam-myoho-renge-kyo I just chanted. 
I have faith in the power of my prayer 
and the power of my life 
and my Buddhahood. 
I can, and DID, and will continue to change my karma, change the karma of our troubled world, and create a world fo respect for all beings (kosen-rufu) through my own life. 

Friday, November 13, 2015

High Life Condition = Happy Life!

Today's Gosho Quote by Nichiren Daishonin: 

"Kaito said..."I felt it a terrible pity someone such as he, outstanding in every respect, should die so young. Reconsidering the matter, however, I realized that is was because od this boy's death that his mother became a seeker of the way and his father began to practice, praying for his repose. How marvelous, I thought. Moreover, the fact that they have put their trust in the Lotus Sutra, which all people detest, must mean that their deceased son has been at their side and encouraged them to do so." I also believe this to be the case."
WND 1050
The Sons Pure Storehouse and Pure Eye
Recipient unknown, written on July 7, 1280

Wow! What do you think of felt like that Gosho quote was just meant for me today. I have always been a seeker of the way, but I'm sure that I owe my determination to chant two hours a day to Ben...and my chanting has a profound effect on so fellow members, my friends, my colleagues and the seniors I serve in my job...
When our own life condition is high everyone we meet feels the effect of that positive energy. EVERYONE. 

Every morning three members are showing up to chant some or all of the two hours with me. I feel this daimoku in my life. There is not one complaint in my heart. And when I feel sad, I just allow myself to feel sad, and it passes. I am enjoying life and moving forward. 

Just this week I had a huge benefit. I decided to enroll in a course of training with other professional speakers as mentors. And my company is paying for it. How awesome is that? I've taken a few of the modules already and I know it's just what I need to continue living my dream of being a published author and sought after public speaker...
Now is the time! let's all make our dreams come true! 

Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the source of all the great energy, drive, smarts, good timing....everything. We've got this!