Showing posts with label Daimoku. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daimoku. Show all posts

Friday, August 16, 2013

My Nam-myoho-renge-kyo Card Design

Some of you wrote in asking for my shakubuku card design. 
It's very simple. 
It looks just like this:

Chant "Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo"
(Nahm Meeyoho Raingay Keyo)
To be happier than you ever imagined possible!
Your blog for daily encouragement
Jamie Lee Silver
Chanting Coach and Mentor

Monday, July 8, 2013

Win in the Morning and You Win in LIFE! Great Experience from Roberto

Roberto and his "baby" Moty

Win in the Morning and You Win in Life! 

Good morning, my name is Roberto Filacchione and I have been practicing Nichiren Buddhism since 1998.

In mid April of 2011 I had declared that I simply refused to keep driving a car without air conditioning. After that, my wish came true, in a way, when my car’s engine suffered a major damage that would cost me $1000 to have it fixed. But I just couldn’t afford paying for one more repair of many hundreds of dollars on a car with already 240,000 miles on it. I sold it to my mechanic for less than $500. That left me without a car and no transportation to get to work.

My finances were in bad shape: I had no money saved; my credit history showed a repossessed car, and my salary was incredibly low. Not wanting to be too dependent on others I decided to not accept any bailout money from my father, who had always been our family’s traditional “savior”.

The problem was that I needed to get back and forth to work every day and that meant traveling from Weston to downtown Fort Lauderdale and back. So, I got myself a bike to get to the nearest bus stop. Other times my co-workers or friends offered me rides But the truth is that I felt very demoralized and humiliated since I had never been without a car in my life. However, I understood that this was my opportunity to overcome my self-destructive nature and raise my low life condition. A life condition in which I didn’t take care of my health, my body, my teeth, my relationships, my Buddhist practice, my finances, and also my main means of transportation: my car.

Once at a district meeting, the young son of a friend of mine asked what was the difference between achieving your goals through positive thinking and praying, chanting, and practicing Buddhism to make them true. What I learned is that the difference is that, besides thinking positively and writing down a long –or short- bucket list, you achieve those goals by winning over your weaknesses like self-doubt, hopelessness, or even old resentments; by doing your human revolution. In the circumstances that I just described, this human revolution meant that, besides going to meetings, studying the writings, lecturing, or participating in the financial contributions, I needed to understand that I was in the right circumstances to do my own human revolution. 

During that time I was visited by my men’s division region leader who shared with me  guidance from Daisaku Ikeda that Mr Morinaka conveyed to the rest of the men’s division. It states: “Winning in the morning leads to winning in life… how we start each morning determines that day’s victory or defeat. It’s important that we resolve to win in the morning and begin our work with an energetic, refreshed spirit. We must not forget that is the secret to continual success.” I immediately determined to chant one hour every morning before going to work, and sooner than later things started to move even more quickly towards a positive direction: I was able to find the best and shortest bus routes to work. By saving on gas and insurance I was able to pay my outstanding bills, and most importantly, I was able to appreciate myself, and my life regardless of not having a car at that moment. I was developing something more than self-esteem, which was unconditional self-love and self- acceptance regardless of what I possessed or lacked with the spirit of not begrudging my life.

Having to ride the bus I was also able to witness a lot of the drama that we all miss when we drive on our super highways: Poverty! The slow demise of the poor and homeless –whether young or old, man or woman- who wander our city streets and buses, sometimes shoeless. I realized that I could not be seeing all this by pure coincidence. It became obvious to me how much we need to work towards kosen rufu in America. I thought to myself: who knows how many people could avoid this fate if they knew about Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.

At this point, I had been without a car for one year and half and continued chanting for exactly the one I always wanted. My finances were getting in better shape and, through it all I began to develop a new level of compassion and empathy for those who suffer really badly in life. I understood the importance of spreading the law and share the practice with as many people as we can. I didn’t resent my life and I simply couldn’t after I saw how others were suffering so much.

I finally develop the courage to take action and when I decided to go to the bank and try to get a car loan, to my surprise I no longer had a repossession in my credit history and my credit score was so good that I received a higher line of credit than I even needed and at a very low interest. I was able to purchase a car at a great price and in perfect conditions. It had been hardly used.

Through doing my human revolution I got more than a car. I learned to take care of every aspect of my life and I was determined to show proof that this practice really works. I knew that when we persevere in our prayers we get even more than we ever imagined. But the greatest benefit of all is that I gained a renewed sense of mission in my life where I want to give all I can to never see another human being suffer. In My Dear Friends in America pg. 313 President Ikeda states “The vast ocean is capable of encompassing anything; a small pond can only contain so much. The Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin is as all encompassing as the universe itself. We are its practitioners. Let us cherish those around us – family, friends, and fellow members – embracing all with our big hearts and enjoying life together. Let us live truly great and wonderful lives.” This is what it means to me to fight for kosen rufu. Thank you.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Chanting for Others Has a Profound Effect and an Ultimate Power Prayer for Change

Yes, we are all connected.

Suppose we have someone at work we don't get along with...or a family member that is giving us problems. What is the best way to handle this situation as a Buddhist? 

Many of us have proven, time and again, that chanting for that person's happiness changes everything. Chanting for their happiness might not sound like something you want to do, or even feel capable of, but it works every single time, I promise. 

Here are two examples: 

The first time I tried this I hadn't been chanting all that long and I was selling advertising for the Bay Guardian Newspaper. This was before so much of the technology we have now. Ads were placed on the boards by hand, and it was all meticulously done. I sold a lot of advertising. And the person who handled my ads in production (I'll call her Katia) was always upset with me for some reason or other. It got to the point that she was really driving me crazy. So I sought guidance from one of my seniors in faith. She said I should chant for Katia's happiness, because my prayer would affect her state of life, and the energy between us would change. 

I'll be honest, I thought it would be really difficult, if not impossible, to truly chant and desire this person's happiness. But the senior in faith told me to "fake it till you make it." In other words, start chanting for Katia even if I couldn't really put my heart into it. She told me to picture Katia with a big smile on her face, and sooner or later my prayer for her happiness would become sincere. 

This is exactly what happened. Within a very short period of time I found myself earnestly desiring happiness for Katia, and knowing in my heart that my chanting was going to have an effect. 

About a month later, Katia announced that she was getting engaged and moving to Los Angeles. She was happy and so was I!

I realized that through this practice I was actually exercising my muscle of compassion. After that, chanting for anyone I was having problems with came much easier. 

Another example was when I went to work for a larger company here in the Midwest. I could tell, that for no apparent reason, one of the employees really didn't like me, (I'll call her Sharon). She never said anything negative, and I didn't work with her very closely, but I could feel her hair standing on end when she saw me. So I decided to chant for her happiness every day for months. 

Instead of leaving the company like Katia did, Sharon just totally changed her feelings for me and came to love and respect me. She served on several of my committees and spoke very highly of me. She and I put together a Holiday party for the senior staff based on kind words and love. We worked together happily for many years. 

Throughout the years of my practice I have proven over and over that chanting for another person's happiness has a profound effect, and that I can GENERATE compassion by exercising my muscle of faith. 

Is there anyone you have been resenting who you could chant for? 

Ultimate PowerPrayer to receive insight from and for my life

Gohonzon, I am willing to change in any way possible to achieve _____________________in my life. 
Show me what I need to change 
in my thoughts, words, and actions 
and help me realize that
because I possess the world of Buddhahood  
I already have the strength,  
and courage to hear, 
to understand, 
and to change. 
Open my heart and mind to hear the messages
that will move me forward.
I release my resistance to change. 

I can now learn from my environment 
and everyone in it 
because I realize that I am one with my environment, 
and my environment is coming towards me to help me. 
It comes towards me through people, books. etc.
in everything there is a loving message for me 
and I'm wise enough to figure out what it is 
and generous enough with myself to take it in 
and benefit from it.  
My environment is a clear mirror of my life 
and I joyfully realize 
that I need to change for “it” to change. 
Life, I am ready!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

How to Chant Joyfully for Longer Times

When I first began chanting a leader told me our lives and our karma can be compared to a glass with dirt at the bottom...the dirt represents the karma that exists inside our lives. She said when you start to chant you stir up that dirt and see it swirling around...and if you want to really dig deep and clear it out, you might want to chant for a really long period of do a Daimoku Tozo as we call it. 

(Now, none of us ever HAS to chant for a long period of time. This is something that is entirely optional and comes from your deep desire. It's perfectly okay if you don't choose to do a long tozo. As long as you are chanting every day, studying, attending as many meetings as you can, you will definately change your life for the better.) 

A reader requested I share some ideas about chanting joyfully, especially since so many of you are challenging yourselves to chant for longer periods of time. Thank you for asking.

How to joyfully chant for longer times.

1. Realize that what you are about to extended chant...a tozo...has profound significance for your life. Give  yourself credit for this worthy goal, and set a chanting time goal for yourself. 

2. Write your goal or goals for the tozo. (Some of these goals may occur to you naturally as you're chanting) Write yourself a Power Prayer connected to the greater the real difference you want to make in the world. Remember that you are a precious votary of the Lotus Sutra and when you break through, the energy is forever changed. You are paving the way for others to break through. So address that in your goals and in your chanting For instance: 
"I am determined to have the most beautiful, loving relationship so that I can totally inspire other people that great relationships are possible ...I can show actual proof with my life, and be able to introduce others to this practice!" In one of the tozos I chanted, I'd read President Ikeda's guidance saying you can chant to have 10,000 times more power in your prayer. So I spent the first hour chanting to increase the power of my daimoku by 10,000 times! That hour flew!

3. Have your favorite drinks close by...tea...water...soft drinks...whatever you like. 

4. DEMAND your results! YOU are the Buddha! Do not beg favors from a 'higher power." Remember the Gohonzon cannot get down off the scroll and do the Buddha's work in the world. YOU actually are the Gohonzon; it is inside your life. The scroll is a reflection of the highest life condition that exists within your own life. So when you are chanting CLAIM what is yours! Yes, the Gohonzon consists of the functions in the universe that are in our lives. Tell your life what you want. And know that all real change comes from within.

5. All change comes from within. Take responsibility for your life...not blame. Realize whatever you are going through, whatever is causing you to's your karma..not your FAULT. Chant to reach the very core of that karma and change it forever. THEN your life circumstances and environment will change to reflect it. You don't have to figure out the deeper cause, don't worry about getting it right. Chanting is experiential, not an intellectual exercise.  

6. Keep your favorite study material close by...whatever touches your heart when you read it. And if you find yourself losing focus open it up to any page you want. I have "For Today and Tomorrow" next to me right now. I just opened it for you right now...I read "When we chant sonorous daimoku, the sun rises in our hearts. We are filled with power. Compassion wells forth. Our lives are lit with joy. Our wisdom shines. All Buddhas and Buddhist deities throughout the universe go to work on our behalf. Life becomes exhilarating." Read your passage and get right back to chanting!!!

7. Invite others for all or part of your tozo. 

8. Have pen and paper handy. You'll want to write down those brilliant ideas that come into your mind while you're chanting. You'll also want to write down some of those pesky thoughts and reminders that keep coming back...things like "remember to buy dog food." Just write it down and eject it from your brain so you can focus on what really matters.

9. Put your telephone away. Tell people you are busy. 

10. After the tozo write in your journal. You never want to forget this day. Write to me too. I love to hear your successes and your challenges. 

11. Expect some obstacles to arise after your tozo. And just say "Hello obstacles! I was expecting you!" When you chant for an extended time you can compare it to turning your speedboat to HIGH. The faster you go, the more resistance you feel. Sometimes after a tozo I experience some obstacles, sometimes I don't. But if you do, please remember obstacles are fuel for your happiness and not to be feared. Face them and chant them away. 

I am chanting for you to accomplish your goals and shine with happiness. 
I am chanting for you to connect with the SGI and President Ikeda and all your Soka Gakkai friends. 
I'd love to hear from those of you who have connected to the SGI through my blog. I am sharing your stories with Daisaku Ikeda, Sensei. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Chanting for a Long Time Today ~ Tips on chanting Tozos

I am inspired. 

This weekend I attended the Freedom in Education Conference at the Sudbury School in Riverside Illinois. 

I met and learned from such noted scholars as Dr. Peter Gray, author of "Free to Learn" and Dr. Lou Marinoff, author of "The Inner Philosopher", a dialogue with Daisaku Ikeda. 

I highly recommend both of these books. 

So today, on this new moon day...a day for focusing on what we want to bring into our lives, I am going to chant abundant daimoku (Nam myoho renge kyo, over and over and over) ...because I can...because I want to. 

Some time ago a reader requested I share some ideas about chanting joyfully for longer periods of time. What follows is my response to the reader, along with a few revisions and suggestions:

As I've mentioned before, no one ever has to do a long tozo. (A tozo is chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo for an hour or longer). It's not a requirement of any kind. But if you ever feel inspired to dig deeply into your karma and chant for several hours, here are some ideas that may make it easier for you: 

How to joyfully chant for longer times

1. Realize that what you are about to extended chant...a tozo...has profound significance for your life. 

2. Write your goal or determination for the tozo. You can do this before you begin, or some time into your chanting. And connect your prayer, as always,  to the greater the real difference you want to make in the world. Remember that you are a precious votary of the Lotus Sutra and when you break through, the energy is forever changed. You are paving the way for others to break through. 

Tozos can be done for many reasons. Here in Chicago we are chanting every weekday from 9-5 for the violence to end. Two years ago this week we chanted 12 hours for the Japanese Tsunami Victims. 

Examples of determinations could be: 

"I am determined to have the most beautiful, loving relationship so that I can totally inspire other people that great relationships are possible ...I can show actual proof with my life, and be able to introduce others to this practice!" 


"I'm determined to use my life to impact _______________(you fill in the blank) in some positive and lasting way. I am determined to take the actions and meet the people, have the resources and the smarts to accomplish this great goal. I join my heart with President Ikeda's to accomplish my mission. 
I am determined to use all of my talents to accomplish this. I am determined to open the doors and take the actions that will propel me forward. 
I am determined to increase the power of my prayer by 10,000 to accomplish these goals. I am determined to expand my capacity for comprehension, and connection, and memory and resourcefulness so I can use my talents for Kosen Rufu." 

3. Have your favorite drinks close by...tea...water...soft drinks...whatever you like. 

4. DEMAND your results! YOU are the Buddha! Remember the Gohonzon cannot get down off the scroll and do the Buddha's work in the world. YOU actually are the Gohonzon; it is inside your life. The depiction on the scroll is just a reflection of the highest life condition that exists within your own life. So when you are chanting CLAIM what is yours. Yes, the Gohonzon consists of the functions in the universe that are in our life. Tell them what you want. And know that all real change comes from within.

5. All change comes from within. Take responsibility for your life...not blame. Realize whatever you are going through, whatever is causing you to's your karma..not your FAULT. Chant to reach the very core of that karma and change it forever. THEN your life circumstances and environment will change to reflect it. 

6. Keep your favorite Buddhist study material close by...whatever touches your heart when you read it. And if you find yourself losing focus open it up to any page you want. I have "For Today and Tomorrow" next to me all the time. "When we chant sonorous daimoku, the sun rises in our hearts. We are filled with power. Compassion wells forth. Our lives are lit with joy. Our wisdom shines. All Buddhas and Buddhist deities throughout the universe go to work on our behalf. Life becomes exhilarating." 

(Daisaku Ikeda)

7. Invite others to join you in your tozo if you wish

8. Have pen and paper handy. You may want to write down those brilliant ideas that come into your mind while you're chanting. You'll also want to write down some of those pesky thoughts and reminders that keep coming back...things like "remember to buy dog food." Just write it down and it will leave your brain and you can focus on what really matters.

9. Put your telephone away.

10. After the tozo write in your journal. What have you realized?

I am chanting for you to accomplish your goals and shine with happiness. I am chanting for you to connect with the SGI and President Ikeda and all your Soka Gakkai friends. I'd love to hear from those of you who have connected to the SGI through my blog. And, as always please write your victories to me so I can put them on the blog and your life can inspire others. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Yes, you can chant for ANYTHING

I know it is hard to believe, but this is actually a practice where you can chant for anything you desire. 

I still get emails asking if it's okay to chant for marriage, or  money, or anything...and the answer is a resounding YES! 

Chant for whatever you want. 

Earthly desires are enlightenment. 

Many of us know people who didn't chant for the most lofty goals when they first started chanting, but over time, through following their hearts, their goals turned more and more towards their happiness, and the happiness of others. 

But you have to start somewhere, and that somewhere is exactly where you are now. 

Please know that you are a noble child of the fact...YOU ARE THE BUDDHA and you deserve to chant for your desires. How can you believe in the power of the mystic law (chanting Nam myoho renge kyo) in your life if you do not see actual proof for yourself? 

Chant to have the kind of benefit that will make you see the power of this law. you need to encourage yourself! Chant for anything. When you encourage yourself you can definitely encourage others. 

Start with your own life and go from there. Your prayers will eventually turn to the happiness of others, and the best way to help others become happy is to become happy FIRST, then show by your example what is possible. 

That is why we chant to show actual proof of the law in our lives. When we show actual proof in our lives and do our own Human Revolution,  constantly improving ourselves,  others will see our results and be inspired. 

As I've said many times, there are people who decided to practice, people I deeply love, who decided to practice just by seeing the changes I made in my life. And my constant prayer has been to show actual vibrant proof of the power of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo so that others can be inspired to tap into that same power and become happy themselves. 

You can do it. Chant for anything. Money, cars, job, friendship...anything. 

Chant to show actual proof so you can inspire others. 

When I chanted for my house I chanted for a house to show actual proof, and for a place where I could have meetings. When I chanted for a car I chanted for a car to drive members to meetings. 

When you connect your prayer to the greater good it is that much more powerful. 

Chant for your desires. You deserve them, and the world deserves your happiness. Your happiness is contagious, important and worthwhile. And you have the ultimate key to making it happen...Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Go, you Buddha YOU.  

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Chanting for Happiness - Beaming Like the Sun

Thanks Mojo for posting this Louisiana sunrise on Facebook this morning. 

"Become like the sun. 
If you do so, all darkness will be dispelled. 
No matter what happens, 
live confidently with the conviction that you, yourself are the “sun.” 
Of course, in life there are sunny days and cloudy days. 
But even on cloudy days, the sun is still there. 
Even when you are suffering, 
it is vital that you strive to keep the sun shining brightly in your heart." 
Daisaku Ikeda

I'm about to sit down and chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo for at least an hour, as I do every morning. Maybe more if my voice holds out. Tonight there is a Gohonzon Conferral taking place at my District meeting. I have been chanting for people to receive the Gohonzon with all my heart. Tonight's new member just came to us. She called me and said she'd started practicing on a trip to India and was looking for a meeting. She is full of excitement and unbridled enthusiasm, just like I was when I started practicing (and still am). 
When you are chanting for shakubuku it happens. Some of the members I introduced who are still practicing are people I barely knew, or didn't know at all, when I first told them about the practice. Talking to strangers really works. And, as some of us deeply believe, there are no strangers, only friends we haven't met. 

So don't worry about tempering your enthusiasm. Share your heart. Go for it. Each of us, one by one are creating ripples of happiness in the entire universe. The response of the person is not the most important thing. The VERY first time I heard of chanting I thought "That's the last thing I need." Luckily I heard about chanting two more times in a short period and chose to go to a meeting. What's important is 

Right now I am sitting down to chant for happiness. I am determined to shine and glow with happiness no matter what is going on in my life. No matter what. No, I have not accomplished every single one of my goals, and will always have aspirations, but I can be happy and shine with the light of Daimoku, with the light of the sun,  just as I am, right here, today. 

My power prayer for today:

I chant to praise my life and feel it's absolute perfection at every moment all day long. I chant in appreciation for my ever-growing health. I chant to have the glowing life-condition of the Buddha I am. I chant to appreciate my life just as it is - with all my heart! 
I praise my life for it's strong determination and I chant for everyone who is seeking this practice, everyone who is yearning to be happy, to FIND it right away and begin living a victorious life! 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Wow What a Week!

I feel like I lived an entire month in this last week! Do you know what I mean? 

My Dad and Jan were in town so my sister and I entertained a lot. We love having them visit! 

And it was a week of big events at all three of my campuses. I am the Director of Community and Alumni Relations for three colleges and this was a week of wonderful activities of giving back to the community. Busy, busy, busy! 

I am so GLAD that I have time this weekend to chant! I am so glad I know about Nam Myoho Renge Kyo...and that I realize, with all my heart that ALL the power I need, all the wisdom I need, all the determination I need will be drawn from WITHIN my life by my chanting these precious words... 

I've gotten a lot of actual proof this week. This week my son Ben wrote me a poem called "Mother oh Mother" and this is my favorite stanza:

"Mother, oh Mother,
You've always been so warm 
You welcomed me to this world
To you I was a whole world in your arms."

Isn't that beautiful? What mother wouldn't feel that last line with all her heart? I have such incredible fortune, indeed~!

And I greet the weekend with fresh resolve and a thirst for more Daimoku. (Chanting of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo) I don't even know how much I chanted today...a LOT! And I am seeing once again the things I need to change in my life, and feeling the need to fuel my internal resolve to accomplish my goals and show complete victory of faith. I am fueling my resolve with Daimoku and fresh determinations:

Some of the determinations I made today:

I am determined to live healthy every moment of every day. I am determined to find the right combinations of foods/supplements/exercises that make me feel my very best at all times. I am determined to have vibrant energy and to be moving my life forward in every possible happy way. 
I am determined to show actual proof in all aspects of my life...

I am determined to have a vibrant, happy district full of SGI members whose lives are overflowing with benefit. 

I am determined to write engaging, encouraging blog posts for YOU that will really help you to change your life and become the happiest possible YOU! I'm determined to write the kind of blog posts you can't wait to send along to everyone others so that the spread of Kosen Rufu continues on and on more and more people become happy!  

And I am determined to have that one, cherished, special relationship...just like I know so many of you are also searching for. Believe me, when I get the answer I will share it with you! Right now I am chanting for wisdom! We can all use that, right! ? 

Please share your successes and challenges with me and with the other readers! You encourage us all with your posts and emails! 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Answers to your questions, and important questions for you!

Thanks for your comments and questions!

A reader asked about chanting at night. They said they were tired and wanted to do gongyo much earlier in the day. I think it's fine to chant anytime you want to. You can do evening gongyo at 2:00 in the afternoon if that time works for you. The important thing is to establish the twice a day rhythm in your life. The actual time you chant is less important. 

A reader asked if it was OK to stop in the middle of chanting Daimoku to journal, and then get back to chanting. I hope so! I have been doing that for years and it hasn't hurt me at all. I keep a pen and paper handy to jot down the inspiration I get while chanting, otherwise I'd forget some important Daimoku-Inspired ideas. Once, in the middle of chanting I stopped and HAD to google "Agents looking for authors" and I found out about the New York Writer's conference in January of this year. The next thing you know I'd bought my tickets and was on a plane. 
Of course you can do this too much and end up barely chanting at all...
There are times when I just want to focus like a laser beam, and I put my phone and paper away and just stay glued to the Gohonzon. When I chant with other people, and when I am just intent on breaking through with Daimoku I just barely move my eyes from the Gohonzon. 

Which leads me to my question for you. I want to produce something for you that would be of value, and that you'd be happy to pay for, and recommend to others. 

Would you buy a book called "Chant Your Way to Happiness...A How-to-Guide for Having the Life of Your Dreams right now!" (I'm still working on the tag line after "Chant Your Way to Happiness." Your suggestions are welcome!)
 I don't know if I'll have control over the price for this, but would you pay $12, $18, or $22 for a book? Would you prefer an ebook or a real book or both? 

Would you like me to produce a video and sell it on-line? What topic would interest you? Some titles might be:
 Joyfully entering the Path of Happiness and Fulfillment! A How-to-Guide to jump-starting your Buddhist Practice of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!
Energize Your Practice! What you need to know to reinvigorate and break through your karma!
Chanting Powerful Daimoku: How to Really connect with your life when you chant. 
Introducing others is EASY! How to talk about Buddhism in the real world. 

Are there other topics you'd like me to cover? 

And how much would you pay for these? $5, $10, $12, $15?

Thanks for helping me in my research. My goal is to produce products of VALUE to you. Something you can take and use wherever you want. Something you can give to people you care about. I'm open for suggestions. Please respond!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Delicious Daimoku! Chanting from my heart!

I just finished the most delicious daimoku (chanting of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo)! I have to share it with you quickly before I head off to my wonderful job.

I chanted and hour and a half straight...only stopping to fill my mug of Earl Grey tea and milk!

I could feel the power welling from within my body...chanting from the "bottom of my heart" felt even more like chanting from deep within my body.

I chanted in appreciation for my life, I chanted to fulfill my mission for Kosen Rufu (a world that DIGNIFIES all of life), I chanted to be an inspiration to people...and to somehow strengthen my faith that I can accomplish my goals...I will be healthy, and pain free, I will be able to wear size 8 clothing, I will fulfill my goals, I chanted with faith in my own power to create my own other words...enlightenment! I chanted for all the people I have on the wall by my altar...for all of them to be incredibly happy, I chanted for my family ...for my sons to RUN FREE and be strong and have great Cross Country seasons and create life-long memories. I chanted for the Community I work in, and the town I live in! I chanted for the leaders of our country to have wisdom and make the best decisions. And I chanted for my own sparkling day today...that I be bright and productive and that I appreciate and enjoy every minute. I chanted for this blog to inspire and reach people everywhere! I chanted for you!

You can see why I never wanted this daimoku to end!

I hope you have an exhilarating and magnificent day!