Showing posts with label inauguration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inauguration. Show all posts

Friday, May 3, 2013

Celebrating May Third with You

Daisaku Ikeda ~ Sensei in San Francisco's City Hall,
 just after receiving the key to the city. 
Taken by my friend Caley Guida 
when he was waving to the two of us in March of 1993. 

Glorious May Third! Today I will chant in joyful appreciation of this practice, of Sensei, of all my fellow Boddhisatvas of the Earth - YOU! Rejoicing along with you I renew my own pledge to use my life, my writing, my passion, to help anyone suffering anywhere find the law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and change every poison in their lives into benefit. I am determined to make it easier than ever for people searching for happiness to find this wonderful practice. Thank you all for joining me in this wonderful endeavor. Thanks for "liking" Chant for Happiness on facebook and sharing posts...thanks for forwarding the url in your emails...thanks for sharing OUR MISSION together!  (The translation button at the top right can translate the entire blog into any language) 

Here is some historical perspective about this important day, and an address from President Ikeda's from a few years back on May 3rd and still relevant today:

Now, the glorious anniversary of May 3 has arrived again. In my mind, I can picture the familiar faces of members around the world who have triumphed magnificently over all manner of hardship and adversity, and I can also hear the joyous voices of new members who are nurturing fresh faith in the Mystic Law and taking on the challenge of pioneering our movement in their countries.

"Were they not Bodhisattvas of the Earth, they could not chant the daimoku" (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1, p. 385), declares the Daishonin. As these words indicate, each of you is most assuredly a Bodhisattva of the Earth. It is therefore crucial that you deeply realize this, your true and most fundamental identity, and, based on chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo infused with a great vow, courageously engage in the work of kosen-rufu in harmonious unity with your fellow members.

I call out to you: Embark on fresh challenges with a totally rejuvenated spirit! Be lions, and triumph as lions! Together let's dedicate our lives to the great vow and grand vision of kosen-rufu!

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