Showing posts with label nichiren buddhism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nichiren buddhism. Show all posts

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Dreams do Come True

We're headed off to swim with the manta rays, the puppies of the sea. Here's a picture of the sandbar off Grand Cayman Island where the rays come to hang out with people. They are big and friendly. When I came here in 2011 I vowed I would bring my son Ben back with me because I knew this was just the kind of thing he would adore. And here I am, setting out in a few minutes. I feel great! I've been eating a plant-based whole food diet since November 14th and I feel healthy, vibrant and alive. Not to mention all my clothes either fit or are a little big. That's the way I like to begin a cruise. I'm taking my computer and will continue blogging.
This trip is actual proof. 
We can be happy and make our dreams come true. 
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Be Happy Now! Root Suffering from your life.

Many of the world's religions say that there is something to be gained from suffering. Not Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. 

Yes. Suffering is part of life, for sure. But it is not something to "be born" and we are not here to "master suffering." No. We are here to be happy. The purpose of life is happiness, and chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo can tap into your happiness and bring it into reality. 

When the original Buddha back in 500 B.C. was on his search for enlightenment, he tried living the ascetic life. He went around begging and was poor and cold and hungry. He realized this was not the way of Buddhism. Suffering is not innately virtuous, and he was no closer to enlightenment. When he sat under the Bodhi tree he realized he possessed the entire universe within. He had the realization of that fact. And he spent the rest of his life working to help others gain that experience. But he did not see suffering as an end in itself. 

If you are suffering. 
Make a determination to change whatever it is that is making you suffer. This blog was born out of heartbreak more than three years ago. I determined to chant to CHANGE forever the suffering I was experiencing. I knew I could do it. And I did. 

My Power Prayer was :

I am determined to experience my brilliant Buddha self. I am determined to raise my life condition. I am determined to develop a strong, strong core of life so that NOTHING will bring me to this state of unhappiness ever again. I am determined to strengthen my life from deep within and to shed happiness wherever I go. I don't CARE if the sadness keeps rearing its ugly face along the way. I WILL WIN and I will defeat it forever. I am determined to become happy so that I can inspire others to be happy. If I can become happy, anyone can become happy"

And I kept chanting that way. It did not change the first time I chanted that way. But I kept making the determination over and over again. Along the way I realized that I often felt sorry for myself..."Why me?" I would ask in my head. When I saw that tendency I decided to root it out of my life and never feel sorry for myself again. It came back again and again and every time it did I said in my head while I was chanting "Be gone with you! Sadness, feeling sorry for myself, BE GONE! My higher self will win. I will be incredibly happy and spend every waking moment helping other people realize that they can be happy too."

That is how this blog was born. Out of unhappiness into happiness. Today I may still have challenges of a different sort, and no one is ever going to be perfect. I am a Buddha and a human being, just like you. But I have an indestructible feeling, a solid sense of self and appreciation that flows from me at every moment for my wonderful life, this incredible practice, all of you readers, and for Daisaku Ikeda. I smile all day long and so can you. 

I believe in you, and your strength and determination will make you shine! 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Young People Rock!

Tonight's District Meeting had 6 youth!

I am once again blown away by the level of fortune in my life. Every day is so full and flowing with fortune and benefit...even now when I have been laid off and am looking for a job. 

On Monday I drove 5 hours each way to get my son Ben from college for winter break, and we had an incredible time together. He is going through a real life awakening (as his poem I posted here in September shows), and he is really grateful for me and his practice of Buddhism. He is discovering his mission in life and exploring the realm of alternative education. 

My older son Aaron is enjoying every moment of Medical School, feeling that he is absolutely in the right place a the right time. It's a perfect fit. The culture of his Medical School, his fellow students, his housemates, his daily practice of Buddhism, the classes...everything is perfect. 

All week I've been thinking how nice it would be if they came to the meeting tonight, but I didn't want to push them. I know they are both really busy; Ben is completing a paper for school and Aaron is in the middle of testing. 

Mid-day Ben called to tell me he was planning on coming to the meeting and performing, and when I let Aaron know Ben was coming, Aaron found the time to come. We also had Zara (our songbird) and her friend Yammy. Alex came to lend his special brand of wisdom and Deb's daughter Kirsten came for the very first time! We even had a future division member, little Andy with us tonight. 

The room was filled with energy. President Ikeda talks about the youth leading the way for Kosen Rufu (World Peace) in the 21st century and he is absolutely right! These young people who grasp the power of the mystic law are unstoppable. They are developing and showing actual proof and ready to inspire and lead. 

All the members in the meeting benefited from the youthful presence. We did Gongyo together and discussed key aspects of Buddhism. Afterwards we had chili and cake. 

Everyone left invigorated and inspired by the strength of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. 

Once again I encourage you to join your fellow SGI members. Contact your local SGI organization by searching on SGI International and join your fellow members. It's the only way to get the full benefit from chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Coming together to study and share experiences amplifies all our benefits. 

I would love to hear your SGI meeting experiences. Have any of you connected for the first time, or reconnected? 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

If you REALLY are ready to change your Karma

You have all the power to make it happen...but...
No one else can change your karma and change your life. You are the only one. You have all the tools you need! You are one of the lucky ones! You have found the practice of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo that allows you to tap into the vast power you possess. It's your time to take this practice and make the changes you want...and really become happy! 

I have always said that practicing Buddhism is not easy. It requires courage. It not only requires courage but it helps to BUILD courage and a strong sense of self. When you practice as I've outlined here you will be strong. You can take on ANYTHING. You will be happy. It takes perseverance, but I am here to tell you that you can achieve whatever you want. You can be happier than you ever imagined possible. But it takes work! And your life and happiness is WORTH IT!

There are 6 KEY aspects to a correct practice of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.

And when we are activating them ALL we are all HAPPIER in every possible way. Until you have activated these actions in your life you will never really know your own full will be able to ROAR LIKE A LION. You will have power in your own precious life! 

1. Chant every morning and evening. Chanting twice a day PUTS YOUR LIFE IN RHYTHM TO WIN. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR THIS. It sounds hard, but it is really the easy way. Chanting is MUCH HARDER when you do it every once in a while...and your results are less consistent too. You decide how long you will chant. I know that the more effort I put into my daily practice, the harder I work to stay focused, the MORE I connect with the Gohonzon (which is my life itself) the easier the rest of my life goes. I chant a minimum of an hour in my "laboratory of my life" every morning. I often find I chant more when I have a lot of challenges, (more logs on the fire) and the more I chant the more I WANT TO chant. Try it.

2. Study with the intention of deepening your faith.  In Nichiren Buddhism FAITH IS A VERB and a MUSCLE! Chant to strengthen  your faith. Chant to have the kind of benefit that makes you truly believe your own power. And do this again and again! THIS is exercising the muscle of FAITH. It is the power you muster while you are chanting to activate the power of your prayer. Studying is like working the muscle of faith. It will help you produce results. It will strengthen your faith. Studying the Gosho by Nichiren Daishonin, and the words of our mentor, Daisaku Ikeda will help you become happier and healthier and stronger in every way!

3. MAKE A STRONG DETERMINATION. Write it down. Really, writing it down is powerful! What do you want? What do you really want? How do you want to feel? What do you want to make happen? Who do you want to BE? Avoid the tendency to blame your environment. Blaming the people, things, jobs etc. is not useful. Instead, accept that your karma is your karma and vow to change it! That is where your power lies! Not in complaint! Chant to root your suffering out of your life. I visualize the roots of a tree inside my body and literally pull them out in my mind while I am chanting. Chant to expand the power within your own life. Chant to raise your life condition and be the strong Buddha you are meant to be! 

4. Remember that you are not chanting to anyone or anything. You are not asking for favors or saying "please". No, you are having a dialogue with your own life and telling it what you want. The determinations and vows you make are to your own life. You are the Buddha. Remind yourself every day. 

5. It is important to be in the ORBIT OF FAITH! Attending SGI meetings is crucial. We really can't practice adequately alone. We all act as mirrors for each other. Our meetings serve to deepen our ties to each other and our ties to the world. If there is something you don't like about your meetings, chant about them. Use the power of your own prayer. Become a leader. How you feel about your Buddhist meetings is really a reflection of your own tendencies. If you "look down" on all the people at the meetings, you also "look down" on people everywhere. Have patience with yourself. See if you can summon the Ichinen (will put into action) to make a difference. Many of us have struggled with this at some time. I love being a leader because I infuse each meeting with energy. I chant at least an hour for the success of each meeting...I chant for every member to have a deep and meaningful experience at every meeting - refreshed in faith, more determined, happier. If you haven't connected already, Search for Soka Gakkai International to find the center closest to you. Call them and ask for the meeting closest to you, 

6. Help others. 

Encouraging fellow members in faith is crucial. And telling others about chanting is crucial too...even just giving them a Nam Myoho Renge card. I give out cards every single day. I have to. I feel I have discovered the key to absolute happiness and it fills me with joy to pass it on to others. I always give cards to people who help me in stores. They are always happy to get them. I have introduced countless strangers to this practice and planted many seeds.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Give YourSELF Credit!

Think of how far you have come! All day today, think of what you have achieved and reflect on your progress so far. It IS so easy to look at how much farther we have to is so easy to think of the long road in front of us, or the amount of changes/results we still have to produce. For Today - honor your progress!!

I got an email from a reader I've been corresponding with for some time. She has been challenging a fear she has...and showing progress. She has now been given responsibility in the SGI and isn't sure she's quite ready to be able to inspire others....and I say: 

Congratulations! you are absolutely ready to inspire others. Even in the midst of your challenges you can inspire others. Even in the middle of your can be at your MOST inspiring. Seeing someone struggle and continue to chant and make positive causes IS inspiring. Never doubt your ability to encourage others...and keep sharpening your skills at encouraging others. How do you do it? You chant for them first. Then when you talk to them you will already have established a life to life connection. THIS is precisely the key for you to all of us to Build our happiest and strongest selves. 

So for today, and all this week. Please give yourself credit. You are a courageous pioneer of the mystic are a roaring lion of your life and an inspiration to others. Praise your life! Chant to praise your life!!! So many of us need to learn this lesson! Be the one who shows others the way!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Happy Monday!

Here's a picture of me, Aaron and my Dad from yesterday. He and Jan are up visiting from North Carolina and we all had a great weekend with them!

Good Monday Morning!

Daisaku Ikeda wrote this for us on January 2nd, 2012...his 84th birthday.

 "Hope Is Life's Treasure"

Hope is
life's treasure.

who have hope
are always happy.

One can have
all the wealth, power and fame
in the world,
but if one loses hope,
one will falter and stumble
in life.

The ancient Roman orator
Cicero wrote:
"Our capital is invested in hope
rather than in money;
if that hope be abandoned,
all else will be amassed
only to be lost later on."

The arrogant
who ridicule the hopeful
invariably fall in defeat,
left with naught but regret.

On no account
must we ruin
our lives,
which shine with such promise!

Hope is
a jewel that inspires and uplifts.
As long as we have hope,
we will never be deadlocked.

Victory always awaits
and happy smiles spread
where there is hope.

In the words of
the admirable Wangari Maathai,
the Kenyan environmental activist
and friend whom my wife and I
will never forget:
"Hope is like a flower,
which, when it blooms,
does so no matter
what mood it's in
or who is watching.
It always gives its best.
We can too."

Hope is
a flower that blossoms
in effort and perseverance.
Hope is
the noble visible reward
of those who accumulate unseen virtue.

People who live out their lives
with hope
never become jaded
or apathetic.

A contributive life
of giving hope
to those who are suffering
is a source of growth,
and solidarity.

The great Spanish author
Miguel de Cervantes wrote,
"Just as light shines
more brightly in darkness,
so hope should be
more steadfast in trials."

Hope is the hallmark
of invincible fortitude.
Life is a struggle -
hence, our challenge is to live
with optimism and strength,
year after year.

the great Tohoku-born educator,
friend of first Soka Gakkai president
Tsunesaburo Makiguchi,
declared that hope
can be found
even in the darkest gloom.

Such hope, he said,
is "visible only
to the eye of
faith and courage."

Even while imprisones dor his beliefs,
President Makiguchi wrote serenely,
"Depending on one's frame of mind,
even hell can be enjoyable."

Josei Toda later said
in gratitude to his martyred mentor,
"In your vast and boundless compassion,
you let me accompany you
even to prison."

As the third Soka Gakkai president,
I have steadfastly walked
the profoundly solemn
path of selfless dedication
of mentor and disciple.

I have given my life
to realizing all
the cherished hopes of
my mentor.
My heart is clear and bright,
without a cloud of regret.

As Nichiren Daishonin writes,
"The sun breaks through
the pitch-black dark."
Courageous faith is
the sun of limitless hope.

Mentor and disciple
committed to the noblest cause
will rise above all trials and adversity;
the unsurpassed brilliance of their lives
shining on forever.

Infinite hope!
The mystic law is the source.
A boundless state of life!
Faith and practice are the key.

In the Lotus Sutra,
we find these truly generous words:
"We beg that the merit (we have) gained...
may be spread far and wide to everyone,
so that we and other beings
all together may attain the Buddha way."

Kosen-rufu us
the supreme and colossal hope
of elevating
all humanity
to a vast life-state
of peace and happiness.

Hope! Hope! Hope!
Hope is life's treasure.

At the start of a new year,
a new day,
let us set forth,
brimming with bright hope,
the sun of time without beginning
brimming in our hearts!

Let us boldly break through
even the deepest turmoil
of these troubled times,
and be the ones to create new hope!

Let us advance in triumph,
imparting the hope
of absolute victory
to one person after another!

The French writer and activist
Romain Rolland said,
"The last hope of our day
lies in youth."

I now wish to declare for all to hear:
"The greatest hope for the future lies in Soka youth."

My young friends,
never be defeated!

No matter what trials and hardships
may befall you,
never lose sight of
the golden light of hope!

Oh my friends,
my beloved friends
whom I trust with all my heart,
live out your lives with hope!
Be victorious without fail!

Daisaku Ikeda
--on my 84th birthday,
January 2nd, 2012

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Universe is in the Palm of Your Hand! Be joyful!

It's true. You hold the key to the entire universe that is already within you. All the power of the rushing waterfalls of the earth...all the power of the exploding supernovas...all the power of one person's triumph over evil, all the good and the bad that exists ANYWHERE  - You and I are microcosms of this power. We know this in our hearts. We feel it with our cellular memory. Science is lining up with it at an ever-increasing rate. And WE, you and I, are ahead of the game with the gem of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo in our lives. 

We are ALL pioneers. We are all learning from each other. I'll bet if you and I sat down and had a cup of tea together we would each learn from each other. Soka Gakkai members (Value Creating Society) are mirrors of each other, and together are increase everyone's benefit. 

When we chant we SUMMON this power that is already in our lives. We awaken the knowledge and experience of our OWN power. We OWN it...we own all of it, the good, the bad and the ugly. We don't have to cower at the things we don't like about ourselves, or the unhappiness that still exists in our lives. We can continue to vanquish it through our chanting and determination. 
Through my years of practice I know my own inherent darkness well. It emerges as a voice that makes me feel lonely alone and without hope. But I have raised my awareness of it to the point that I understand it for what it is...just my inherent darkness coming forth...NOT anything REAL, and I can vanquish these thoughts by chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and saying "No! No inherent darkness is arriving to darken MY day! Be gone! I replace dark thoughts with smiles and feeling of JOY and happiness and fulfillment! I am a Buddha! I have the power!"

We ALL can have determinations that make our lives sparkle! Today I am chanting:

"I now raise my life condition and experience every moment of this day as a Buddha. I will soak up every possible sparkling moment of happiness. I will be easy and unstressed! I will enjoy my wonderful family and create memories that will last forever. Everyone will have a great time at my house today, and we'll enjoy this beautiful fall weather and the pleasure of each other's company. I chant to expand my capacity for feeling joy all the way down to my toes! I expand my capacity for connection and love and warmth! Today, on this Beautiful Sunday when my Dad and Mom-Jan are visiting from Asheville North Carolina we will create a brilliant, sparkling memory of song, laughter and joy!" 

What sparkling determination can YOU have today? You BUDDHA You!