Tuesday, August 21, 2012

You are Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Hello! Yes, that's me. Good morning!

I've been thinking of the Gosho "On Attaining Buddhahood in This Lifetime. "It's one of my favorites. It was the first Gosho I ever read, one I memorized during a difficult period years ago, and the one I read to my babies when they were in the womb.

"If you wish to free yourself from the sufferings of birth and death you have endured through eternity and attain supreme enlightenment in this lifetime, you must first awaken to the mystic truth which has always been within your life. This truth is Myoho Renge Kyo. Chanting Myoho Renge Kyo will enable you to grasp that mystic truth within."

Remember, YOU ARE THE MYSTIC TRUTH ALREADY! There is nothing you need to do to become the mystic truth except REALIZE IT! Chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo with the deep conviction that you are Nam Myoho Renge Kyo! Tap into that vital essence that exists within your life! There are times I've chanted "I'm Myoho Renge Kyo!"briefly,  just to remind myself. Feel the energy of the mystic law coursing through your body and chant as hard and as long as you can! Tap into the source of your life and TELL IT what you want! 

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Clouds were beautiful today!

So three dimensional...
Just a bit of my view from my drive today. 
I determined to have a happy, exciting day today, and it was great! I woke up at 4am and will turn in soon so I can wake up tomorrow and write something that will inspire you to keep chanting...keep dreaming...keep taking action to move your life forward...ever forward...into your happiest life ever! 

Words of Encouragement from Daisaku Ikeda

Daisaku Ikeda's writings in "My Dear Friends in America, Collected U.S. Addresses 1990-96" is a book full of essays that appeared in the World Tribune during those years. Those were interesting times for the Doka Gakkai in America. After the excommunication of the SGI by the priesthood the SGI had the wonderful opportunity to reexamine the ground of beliefs and practices that made it so unique...and PROUD to be excommunicated and free. These quotes are from the essay "Pioneer the Ultimate Frontier of Life and Death" pages 156-7. 
"In the 'Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings" Nichiren Daishonin states: "Now Nichiren and his followers who chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo dispel the darkness of birth and death and cause the fire of nirvana's wisdom to burn before their eyes....We burn the firewood of earthly desires and behold the fire of enlightened wisdom before our eyes" this passage explains the principle of "the sufferings of birth and death are nirvana" and "earthly desires are enlightenment."
..."It is not true that because we practice faith in the mystic law our lives will be free of worries. And of course, it is certain that we will eventually die. Nevertheless, through our mind of faith, we can illuminate our lives with the brilliant light of wisdom and the flame of happiness shining forth from the depths of our lives. 
"For this reason, no matter what happens, as long as you embrace faith you will never be deadlocked; you have nothing to fear.  Turning everything into a source of energy to advance still further, you can continue vigorously climbing the hill of growth and hope in life. By challenging your circumstances with composure in this fashion, you can perfectly establish a vast and eternally unshakable inner state as if you were kings and queens of life." 
Writing about Nanjo Tokimitsu's father, Nichiren Daishonin writes: "When he was alive,  he was a Buddha in life, and now he is a Buddha in death. He is a Buddha in both life and death" (Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, p. 456) This also applies to the great seniors in faith whom you yourselves have known. In life, great good fortune, and in death, great satisfaction - in fact, a single person can enact an infinitely respectable drama of life and death in this world. I hope that you will continue making tenacious efforts based ont he three pillars of faith, practice and study, all the while cherishing lofty prode in being philosophers who embrace the great Buddhist law. Those who do will realize unparalleled victory and will lead lives of unparalleled happiness."

And my friends, I hope you have a great week - starting with these words by Daisaku Ikeda. Our desires...even the pain we experience from those desires...are exactly what we need establish a state of absolute happiness in our lives! Happy Monday Morning! 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Chant Strongly...Don't Whisper to Your Own Life!

Does it make a difference how loudly you chant? 

Can you chant in a whisper or under your breath? 

Well....you can chant any way you like of course. If there are sleeping babies in the next room or you have some other reason that your chanting with full vigor would be detrimental to someone, then  there are times you need to chant softly. 

But if you are chanting softly for no real reason...maybe you still think chanting is kind of weird, or no one ever told you to chant with strength and vigor - let me be the first! 

When you are chanting you are directly addressing your own life...and through your own life you are connecting with the entire universe. 

Make yourself heard! 

Chant strongly and proudly! 

You are the Lotus Flower rising from the muddy water...spread your petals wide and let your voice fill the room, 
fill the house, 
fill your universe! 

If you really, really, really, can't do this at home, do your best to concentrate on your prayer, and do not worry about anything. You will get the results and the benefits. Do not be shy about telling your life what you need. And remember that true happiness comes not only from achieving what we need, but also by growing, and helping others! You are a Buddha! You deserve exactly what you want. 
And then, if you are in your car alone, (or someplace private) just let 'er rip! 
Chant as loudly and as powerfully as you can. I do not mean scream! I mean tap into your whole body...feel your chant come from deep in your belly and rise through every chakra. 
Sit up as straight as you can and feel the energy flowing! Once you get started you will not want to stop! 

I'm not sure why, and maybe there is some kind of good reason for this, but the more I chant...the more I want to chant! I feel as if I am tapping into a deep reservoir of hope and health, life and vibrancy and possibility...not just for myself, but for my loved ones, my members and all of you. 

We are all so magnificent. We can think of ourselves as standing in front of a huge crowd of people. In front of us is a big heavy door representing the karma that we want to break through and change. All the people behind us are waiting expectantly with hope shining in their eyes for US to open the door, so everyone can flow though into the sunlight, into the warmth. We are so precious and we all have such incredible missions. We need to constantly remind ourselves that ANYTHING we are suffering from, any heartbreak, any hunger for someone or something, any job problems, any family problems...any challenges...they all exist for us to exercise our muscle of faith and become stronger. If those problems weren't there we would not have to chant and we couldn't shine ourselves and polish our lives! 

We need to have gratitude for the very things that make us suffer. I know. I know. Trust me! We can do it! We can do it together, for ourselves and for each other and for the entire planet. Kosen Rufu is everyone's dream...a world of respect for life and a higher vibration of happiness for all. That's our goal. That is what is in our hearts. Remember to chant for whatever you want and attach it to the goal of kosen rufu! I am always chanting to be happy so that I can inspire others that happiness is possible. Our lives have meaning when we can be lifting each other, holding hands, laughing, smiling, sometimes crying and always advancing with each other and with our Mentor, Daisaku Ikeda! 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Lots of great comments from YOU!

Thank you so much for writing me! A few of your comments came at exactly the right time for me. 
Please send me your experiences and your pictures.
Send them to chantforhappiness@gmail.com

It's a tremendous CAUSE for YOU to have your experience posted on this blog! Just think of all the people you'll inspire!!!

Here are a few recent comments:

ANOTHER great post, thanks -- just shared it on my FB! The 10 Worlds concept reminds me of Abraham Maslow's pyramid and how marvelous it is that Buddhism was waaay ahead of "modern" concepts, again! on 
Getting rid of fear...a study of the TEN WORLDS

Wonderful testimony of the power of NMRK, faith, and ambition.....on Kathy's experience

I have found peace with myself chanting is doing wonders to me Thank you on Getting rid of fear...a study of the TEN WORLDS

Thank you on I know...Sometimes You Just have to KEEP HAVING HOPE

Thanks I am benefitting a lot say every morning with you recording God bless on Determination for Financial Fortune

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Kathy's Awesome Experience of Victory in finding a job!

Kathy is on the left, and Christine is on the right. Christine baked a cake for tonight's meeting and we're celebrating Kathy's Victory! See Below!

My name is Kathy Fisher.  On October 31st I will celebrate 33 years of practicing this awesome Buddhism.  

Last year on April 15, 2011, I lost my job due to my company downsizing its work force by a third due to losses.  I have been in the insurance Commercial Property and Casualty field for the past 22 years and was an Underwriting Supervisor for the past 5 years working for an insurance carrier. I had the polished resume, references and experience.

Two months prior to losing my job I was asked to be a Soka Gakkai  (SGI) Vice Chapter Leader in the West Chapter, Chicago Zone, and Central Territory.  Prior to being promoted I was the District Leader of the Downers Grove District. 

I presently live with my 2 sons one of which is disabled.  

I continued to chant daimoko, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, with the resolve I would not suffer from the obstacle of being laid off and out of work.  In my new leadership role I assumed more responsibilities and became more focused on member care on the chapter level.  Members would call me for guidance and encouragement since I was home on a regular basis.   This was such an awesome benefit in my life.  Never had I been so accessible to the members. I also had the ability to chant even more than ever on a daily basis. A dream was to able to clean our Illinois Activity Center in Wood Dale, IL for the first time ever I had the benefit of living that dream.  

I have worked so hard all of my life since high school and was now in a situation where I had been middle management and was an older person looking for work.  I made a nice salary as well in my former position.  I never had an issue finding employment in my life.  There have been occasions where I would be off, but not for long stretches of time in my employment. 

I was determined nothing would be an obstacle.  I went on interviews for great positions only to hear someone else was chosen.  I also came to realize that I was facing age discrimination.  Many of my friends and family had experienced this discrimination and were forced into early retirement.  Another obstacle was the fact that I was middle management and was overqualified for some of the positions I was apply for.  To say the least this was very demoralizing and exhausting. I had to remain optimistic with a fighting attitude that I would not be defeated by this obstacle.  

See I was chanting for my retirement job not just any job.  I would have the whole package and nothing less.  I was going to have the job with all the bells and whistles.  Awesome benefits, would work in a thriving positive environment, be appreciated, and show powerful actual proof in my life by practicing this Buddhism.  Everything happens for a reason in our lives.  Firmly believing in this spurred me on in my practice.  I knew in my heart my prayers would be answered.

Months turned into a year and a year into 16 months.  I realized just what a crazy exhausting life I had up until now.  Working so very hard without taking time off had become my way of life.  I came to realize I was exactly where I needed to be for World Peace.  

I reaffirmed my vow to my mentor, President Ikeda that this would be a win in my life to overcome my obstacle.  “On Attaining Buddhahood In This Lifetime” written by President Ikeda became a deeper part of my life.  In Chapter 3, page 25 is a very profound quote I started applying to my life, “Indeed, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo can be likened to a “wish-granting jewel.”  How can we develop the boundless state of life that enables us to bring forth whatever strength is necessary?  President Toda often used to say, “If you really want to achieve such a state of life, you have to fight with every ounce of your being for the Lotus Sutra, for kosen-rufu!”  President Toda also stressed the importance of living true to oneself.

During the May Contribution campaign I went and applied for a widow pension which was a benefit I did not know if I qualified for due to my son’s disability through Social Security.  This was 2 weeks prior to the end of the campaign.  I was qualified instantly and it was not linked to his benefits.  I was able to contribute 5 times the amount during this campaign, the most ever in my practice.  This was another dream come true.

On July 28th I attended a meeting at our Illinois Activity Center for a Leader’s Meeting with Linda Johnson, SGI National Women’s Division Leader. For years I have chanted to meet her and dialogue.

After the meeting I was introduced to her.  I was living my dream.  She graciously thanked me for all my efforts for SGI.  I was able to share my obstacle with her and determined to her I would not be defeated by this obstacle and the discrimination I was experience. I would make the impossible possible in my life.  She told me to never give up and told me she would be chanting for my complete success.  What a benefit in my life!

I continued to chant and interview with the determination of a lion for kozen-rufu.  I knew in my heart I would win completely.  In all my years I have never been defeated by anything.  

Prayers are answered exactly when they are suppose to be and complete faith and continuous daimoku is the key to winning.  

My complete victory manifested today on August 15, 2012.  I start my new job on August 27, 2012.  I will have fantastic benefits, hours, and very positive work environment.  I will have the opportunity to take on underwriting responsibilities.  Here is another surprise I have always wanted to truly learn the underwriting aspect of the insurance world.  Another dream has come true.  I never once suffered financially during this entire experience.  

Please never give up, resolve to show actual proof, embrace your SGI family, enjoy and appreciate every obstacle and benefit alike in your life.  You are the Buddha and more powerful than you realize.  A very special thank you to my family, friends, and SGI family you are all simply the best!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Good Morning!

I hope you greet the day with a smile on your face and determination in your heart! 

When you win in the morning you win in life! 

I know some of you are not reading this in the morning, but I hope you take this to heart for your next morning!

I hope every morning - to the best of your ability - that you have a chanting goal! 

I chant every morning for an hour. Of course there are some exceptions. Yesterday I was out of the house by 5:30, so I only did gongyo, and chanted more at night. 

This is a practice for our entire lives. Each day we do the best that we can. 

And we need to be aware that every morning we are focusing the energy of our lives through our prayers  !

Sometimes I plan ahead for what I'll be chanting about. Sometimes I don't. Today I have an outside Health Fair that my students are attending. We have a table and they will be doing health education and screenings. And it looks like rain! So I chanted for this to be meaningful for them no matter what the weather. I chanted for two family members. 

And most of all I chanted to bring the power forth from within my life...to channel my energy for good and to make a difference with my life this very day. 

There's a Buddhist District Meeting tonight at my house! Rock on - I chanted for everyone who is here  tonight to have a breakthrough in their lives. 

I know you each have your own wonderful prayers. I do not share my prayers with you in order to tell you what to do. I share these prayers in order to inspire YOU to pray with all of your heart and all of your love and all of your passion!!!