Saturday, November 2, 2013

PowerPrayer for Unleashing the Power of Our Own Lives

We all limit ourselves at times, 
or limit the vision of what we can achieve. 

Our lives are so deeply and infinitely powerful. 

This is a PowerPrayer from "The BuddhaZone, PowerPrayers for Chanting for Your Absolute Happiness", to help us to focus our chanting to achieve even more than we ever thought possible ~ 

PowerPrayer for 
Unleashing the power of the Gohonzon
(Your Life Itself)
Note: Not for the Faint of Heart!

I now unleash the unlimited power of the Gohonzon 
in my life
and I un-limit the Gohonzon 
by chanting for what is truly best for me.

I am determined to increase my levels of strength and fortitude 
to be equal to the full force of the activated
Gohonzon, my life itself.

As I chant, the positive energy within my life 
continues to overpower my fear and negativity.
Each day I am moving closer and closer to my goal
on behalf of myself 
and of all others.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Awakening Our Infinite Potential, and Helping Others Do the Same!

Wow, November is already here! How are you doing? Write me at

I am chanting up a storm for shakubuku. Each hour I chant is going so quickly. I am dedicating my life to awakening in one YWD her infinite potential. She has been to three meetings and I am chanting for her to feel the effects of chanting, and to get her own Gohonzon so that she can fully bring forth her brilliant power. I am chanting for the District and chanting that through this prayer for shakubuku for one person, ALL are awakened to their infinite potential, and each person who is seeking happiness can awaken to their own beaming Budhahood. 

And, of course, through having this deep prayer for others, all my challenges are working themselves out without me really having to think about them. Problems I was worried about last week are just gone. I feel confident, happy, and the sun is rising in my heart every day. Those of you who read this blog regularly know that my son was sick over the last few months. He is stable now, and showing more signs of improvement every day.  
As, Sensei says "Adversity is the stage for future growth." (November Living Buddhism page 40, excerpt from the New Human REvolution Volume 25) I have been cherishing spending time with my son during these days that he would normally be so far away from me. I can feel and see Daimoku in his life. You know, Sensei always says it only takes ONE family memebr chanting to transform an entire family. I really see that now, more than ever. 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Million Daimoku Campaign Update ~

How is the campaign going for you? It's not too late to join. Just send an email saying you're keeping track of 300 hours of Daimoku. I'd like to post some reports from you. Please email me at to let me know how it's going and to share your determinations if you'd like. 

Many of you have joined the Worldwide Million Daimoku Campaign, and it's not too late to join. 
Just set your sights on chanting 300 hours of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, write your goals for yourself and make or download a chart where you fill in the time you are chanting to add up to 300 hours. You can do a search on and download one for yourself. Or just make one - it doesn't have to be fancy. 
Most SGI members have goals they have set to reach by November 18th. 

It is natural to experience challenges and negativity after starting a Daimoku campaign. Think of it this way. Your regular life is like a plane going slowly down the runway. There's no resistance from the wind. When you start your daimoku campaign you turn the engines on and rev them up for takeoff, and start going faster. 

What happens to the wind resistance? It increases because your speed increases...just like your obstacles increase when you start a million daimoku campaign. 

But remember, those obstacles are EXACTLY what you need to get to the next level of happiness in your life. Remember the Gosho lecture I wrote about last month. You Summoned those obstacles for your own growth and so you can change your karma forever. 
Think of them as another log on the fire! And as long as you keep chanting, as long as you don't stop, you will take off sailing into the sky. Yes the wind resistance will still be there, but so will all the benefits of being able to look down on all your problems that looked so big while you were on the ground, but now look so much smaller from the air. 

And you will be able to soar over those problems and change them all ~ one after another ~ as your new life flies on and on with the wind of daimoku beneath your wings! 

And now, for November 18th - shakubuku is key. I'm dedicating all my daimoku to helping at least one person discover and reveal their infinite potential through chanting the Mystic Law! 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Love in Action ! Awakening Our INFINITE Potential and helping others awaken THEIRS!

There are so 20 days days left until November 18th, and I know many of us burn with the bright flame of the desire to introduce at least one other person to their own Buddha their own infinite potential and capacity for infinite happiness.
I am chanting for the people who have tested these waters to sincerely engage in their practice by getting their Gohonzons....and for those who hear of the Mystic Law for the first time to feel the potential for its power in their lives and decide to give it their all, make their list of desires - receive and enshrine their Gohonzons and chant every day - twice a day! 

When we introduce others to their own faith in their magnificence we are doing more than radiating love - we are LOVE IN ACTION! 

I am chanting to be the example of this light shining brightly, and that, no matter what trials I am facing, that I display the bright, optimistic and unflagging spirit of absolute confidence in my own life, and in my capacity to draw EVERYTHING I need from within my own life to be happy, to WIN, and to bring others to realizing their own happiness. 

This morning I read these passages in the World Tribune and want to share them with you. I can just see the sincere members in Japan during the dark days after World War II in Japan. Josei Toda had just gotten out of jail for opposing the war. His mentor, Tsunesaburo Makiguchi had died in prison...and somehow, the determination to rise from these ashes was the exact formula for the rebirth of the Soka Gakkai.  Here is to YOUR Victory between now and November 18th - whatever that means for you! 

From Living Buddhism, November 2013, Daisaku Ikeda's lecture on "The Embankments of Faith" page 27:

"All people having the capacity for enlightenment means they possess the supremely noble Buddha nature and the infinite potential it represents. More simply, this means no matter how deep the suffering a person may presently be experiencing, they have within them the power to break free of that suffering and become happy." 
"Nichiren points out here that the Lotus Sutra teaches that everyone has the potential for Buddhahood. It is important, therefore that we dispel the dark clouds of delusion and doubt, and have faith in this basic truth. If we do so, our enlightenment is guaranteed.  
...In other words, everything stems from the essential question of whether we can believe in the dignity and worth of our own lives, and that of others..."

In Japan after World War II, there were countless people flled with despair, groaning under the weight of misfortune and bereft of all hope for the future. The members of the Soka Gakkai dove into the midst of these suffering people and encouraged them. They assured them that they could overcome their karmic suffering through practicing Nichiren Buddhism, and they walked the path to happiness alongside them. Through embracing faith in the Mystic Law, inumerable individuals, as a result, were able to smile again, and regain their hope and confidence. They vanquished the fundamental darkness of ignorance that prevented them from believing in their infinite potential. And they reawakened their deep belief in their own Buddhahood ~ a belief that all people inherently possess supreme enlightenment in the depths of their lives." 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

What is True Success in Life?

From Daisaku Ikeda, Faith in Action page 68:

"What is success in life? 
Who are the truly successful? 
There are famous and powerful people 
who become pitiful figures in their old age. 
There are people who die alone, 
feeling empty and desolute inside. 

Just what is success? 

The English thinker Walter Plater (1839-94) wrote:

"To burn always with this hard, gemlike flame, 
to maintain this ecstasy, 
is success in life."

The person who lives life fully, 
glowing with life's energy, 
is the person who lives a successful life."

I know there are are times when our flame burns brightly and other times when it's hard to keep the pilot light on. Yesterday I was talking with Kate and she said "No matter what is going on in your life, chant to expand your practice and your life so that you can grow and have victory in your life. What does "have victory" mean? It means not being defeated, it means living with hope. It means forging ahead brightly and showing others that no matter matter what...we have the resources to deal with ANYTHING. We have the Gohonzon. We can chant. We are the pioneers. We are the few who know about and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. There are so many who don't." And this morning I chanted with focus, in joy and appreciation and happiness. No Matter What ~ I will WIN, for the sake of my family, for the sake of all!  

Monday, October 28, 2013

When We Just Don't Feel Like Chanting!

What's the main thing that keeps us from chanting?

I think it might be our own fundamental darkenss showing up as a feeling of hopelessness...

We think: 

"Why will it matter if I chant? I've been chanting about this problem for_____ days,/years, I don't think it will ever be solved..." 

We have all felt this way, right? Well, I hate to say it but this is our fundamental darkness attempting to get us to stop chanting. 
Having our fundamental darkness attempt to defeat is is PART of this practice. It HAS to happen, right? 

We all know it is something we have to look out for...yet sometimes when it arises we are 'Fooled" not "Fueled". 

How do we become Fueled not Fooled? 

How can we take our own fundamental darkness and say 
"No how, no way, I AM WINNING TODAY!"?

It takes perseverence. Over and over. Perseverance. I am about to go and chant for the third time today, because the first two were just very feeble attempts. I was tired. The phone rang...I got distracted...I couldn't seem to connect to my prayer. It happens sometimes to all of us. So I am going back to the Gohonzon to connect for at least 15 minutes with my phone put away, my thoughts of the day turned off...and my PowerPrayer lighting the way in my brain. I am determined to win and not let the defeat of hopelessness overcome me!
I MUST WIN in all areas of my life. That is my VOW. I must win so I can help lead others to happiness. This is my one precious life!  

Every time we win over our own weaknesses  ~ we win in life. We ALL face this...every single one of us! Let's all win together. 

Does this strike a chord with you? What do you do when you feel hopeless and it is really hard to chant? 

Write me at about your challenges and victories. I am looking for more victories to post! 

Our Power-Full VOW as Boddhisattvas of the Earth

In The New Human Revolution, Daisaku Ikeda's lifetime record of the Soka Gakkai's history, he writes about the vow of the Boddhisatva of the Earth...(each one of us). This passage is from volume 24, chapter 2. 

"The essential characteristic of a Boddhisatva is his or her vow. The vow of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth is to propogate the Lotus Sutra. That's why wholeheartedly chanting to realize our vow of bringing happiness to all around us is important. Strictly speaking, chanting nam-myoho-renge-kyo without the vow is not the prayer of the Boddhisatva of the Earth." 

The Bodhisattva vow brims with the Buddha's life force, enabling one to triumph over devilish functions. 

Shini'ichi (Daisaku Ikeda's pen name in the novel) wanted every single member to experience great benefits. He wanted them to overcome all forms of suffering such as illness and poverty, and become happy. The vow to achieve kosen-rufu is the key to fulfilling such prayers. 

We all have various problems and sufferings. Our dedication to kosen-rufu is crucial to surmounting them. For example, if someone suffering from illness vows to overcome that illness to gain the strength and life-force to freely take action for kosen-rufu, and demonstrate the power of their Buddhist practice to others, the vow will bring forth immense strength to overcome that illness. 
Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo of course results in benefits. But when the prayer "I want to overcome my illness" is infused with a deep sense of mission, we experience a fundamental transformation within our lives, within our state of being and that vow triggers a powerful momentum to change our karma.  When we chant in earnest based on a vow to achieve kosen-rufu the life state of the Boddhisattvas of the Earth manifests itself within us, the life state of Nichiren Daishonin begins to pulse within us, and we are able to manifest our innate Buddhahood,  This is a revolution of our state of life, and it makes possible a dramatic transformation of our karma. 

In addition, when we chant and strive to promote Buddhism and succeed in our struggles for the sake of kosen-rufu, we are already manifesting the the life state of the Boddhisatvas of the Earth. Through practicing this way, each individual is able to overcome and solve his or her personal problems. 

When the bright sun of the life state of the Boddhisatvas of the Earth rises within, the darkness of sufferings is dispelled, and one is able to walk boldly and bravely along the path to happiness." 

From The New Human Revolution, Volume 24, Chapter 2 by Daisaku Ikeda