Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Daily Guidance by Daisaku Ikeda

Yesterday's blizzard in Chicago


18th February

THE wise, the truly strong, can surmount even the most painful times with courage. In contrast, the pessimistic, who weakly wallow in their problems and unable to move on, tend to agonise and suffer over the smallest things. Please be wise people who can live with joy.

WHETHER one experiences happiness or misery is to a great extent determined by the subtle orientation of our heart, by the way we direct our ichinen, or our inner resolve. Since we are alive, then we might as well view all things in a positive and joyful light, as we will be much happier this way. Having a robust and joyful inner resolve enables one to quickly transform one's destiny.

WISDOM is the absolute requirement for a happy life. The most profound wisdom is found in Buddhism, and thus faith in the Mystic Law encompasses all things. That is why a person of faith must also be wiser than anyone else.

TO promote the cause of kosen-rufu, which is the Buddha's will, is in itself the greatest glory and honor. Please be confident that doing so will lead to your eternal good fortune.

I believe that in order for humanity in the 21st century to eliminate war and conflict and establish genuine peace, it is vital that we open our hearts, broaden our intellectual capacities and expand our states of life so they become as wide and all-encompassing as the cosmos itself.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Perseverance ~ Some Quotes from Daisaku Ikeda

The sun WILL rise!


by Daisaku Ikeda:

"No matter what the circumstances, 
you should never concede defeat. 
Never conclude that you've reached a dead-end, 
that everything is finished. 

You possess a glorious future.

Precisely because of that, 
you must persevere and study. 

Life is eternal. 
We need to focus 
on the two existences of the present and the future 
and not get caught up in worry about the past. 
We must always have the spirit to begin anew 
"from this moment," 
to initiate a new struggle each day."  

From Faith in Action page 146. 

"We must put down strong roots, 
we must be strong. 
Inner strength is a prerequisite for happiness, 
a prerequisite for upholding justice and one's beliefs. 
One of the Buddha's titles is "He Who Can Forebear."
To courageously endure, 
persevere and overcome all difficulties 
~ the Buddha, 
is the ultimate embodiment of the virtue of forbearance. The power of faith gives us the strength 
to weather and survive any storm. 
Perseverance is the essence of a Buddha."

Faith in Action, by Daisaku Ikeda, page 147. 

Here in Chicago we are expecting another winter storm. And many of us are weathering storms of our own all over the world. I know this from your emails. As Daisaku Ikeda says, it is important to persevere and never give up. No matter what.  We are not here to master suffering. We have the opportunity to challenge our fate every morning during Gongyo and head out cheerfully to face whatever the day may bring. I hope that no matter what we are facing, that we can bring a smile to all we meet. Such is the way of the Buddha. 

Today I leave you with my favorite quote 
from Daisaku Ikeda:

"When one sun rises, 
everything is illuminated."

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Happy Birthday Nichiren Daishonin ~ with a great link to his writings

Nichiren Daishonin was born February 16th, 1222. He is considered a "reformer," even a revolutionary by some. He discovered the key to happiness, the Mystic Law itself written in the title of the Lotus Sutra "Myoho Renge Kyo," and added "Nam" to the beginning, signifying "I devote my life to the mystic law of cause and effect through sound vibration (or sutra). 
He devoted his life to teaching the power of this Mystic Law, the power that can only be gained through chanting it, through studying it, and by passing it along to others.
During the course of his life he showed us the power of the Mystic Law by overcoming many hardships while encouraging others...the perfect model for our own lives. 

Here is my gift for you today on Nichiren's birthday - the complete library of his works:

Happy Birthday Nichiren and thank you SGI for this site!
This picture was posted today on Facebook. I've never seen it before, but believe it is of Nichiren don't know where it is located. I find it very moving. If you know anything about this statue please drop me at note at chantforhappiness@gmail.com

What's your favorite Gosho quote? 


Saturday, February 15, 2014

Sensei's Four Guidelines for leading a Healthy Life

"The Buddha's benefit is life force; it is the power to thrive." 

"Each day, 
we receive this immeasurable benefit from the Gohonzon. 

(The Gohonzon = the power of our own lives manifested when we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo)

Therefore the more we praise 
the great, beneficial power of the Gohonzon, 
the more our own lives will increase 
in majesty and power and shine with brilliance.

"With faith in the Gohonzon as the foundation, 
we pray, take action, 
and speak out for the happiness of others. 

The maintenance of this correct rhythm 
directs one's entire being 
toward longevity, health and happiness. 

To explain the rhythm of faith manifesting itself in daily life in practical terms, I once proposed the following 

Four guidelines for leading a healthy life:

1 ~ Do an invigorating daily gongyo
2 ~ Conduct your daily life in a reasonable and productive manner
3 ~ Be of service to others
4 ~ Maintain sound eating habits

It might be said that faith in the Mystic Law is the fundamental catalyst of health and longevity."

From the Heart of the Lotus Sutra, by Daisaku Ikeda, page 154. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

We are the Buddhas of Limitless Joy!

My flowers to you!
You are loved! 
I am loved! 
We are all the Buddhas of Limitless, Limit-less JOY!

Happy Valentine's Day! 
I have decided that this day is no longer about anyone else sending me love, it is ALL about me expressing love. My list of those I love is long and wonderful and encompasses the entire planet. I am sending love and Daimoku to all my friends from all over the the states, (Illinois, California, Oregon, Washington, Montana and more) to the UK, France, Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Africa, Germany, Finland, Sweden, New Zealand, India, Singapore, Japan, Australia, and all the countries I didn't mention! 

I am interested in you! Write me today and tell me where you live at chantforhappiness@gmail.com, or send a real, written note to Jamie Lee Silver, 17W702 Butterfield, #104, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181. 

We are the Buddhas of Limitless Joy! 
From The Heart of the Lotus Sutra, 
page 171, by Daisaku Ikeda:

"Every morning 
we start out from the origin of life. 
Every morning 
the sun of beginningless time rises in our hearts! 

The Record of the Orally Translated Teachings says:

"Morning after morning we rise up with the Buddha, 
evening after evening we lie down with the Buddha. 
Moment by moment we attain the way, 
moment by moment we reveal our true identity."
When we exert ourselves 
in chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo 
and carrying out activities for kosen-rufu, 
our true identity 
~ the Buddha of limitless joy~ 
appears in our lives. 
Our wisdom is activated, 
courage wells forth, 
and we can enjoy a state of life of total freedom. 
This is what 
Casting off the transient 
and revealing the true 
means for us. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Put Down Our Phones ~ Bring Forth Our Buddhahood!

"From this moment forth" ~ "Hon Nim Myo" ~ Such a powerful phrase. Every moment we begin again!

This morning I left my phone in the bedroom while I chanted. I chanted an unbroken hour and it was a wonderful time of communing with my highest self. As I was chanting I was very aware that I have slowly let my phone creep back into my practice...always beside me as I chant. 

Many things occurred in my mind this morning. "I wonder what the weather is going to be like? I wonder what's on my schedule after work? Did any men ask me out? Do I have any emails?" And I could feel how the habit of continually checking my phone has eroded my time in front of the Gohonzon in deep prayer. 

Every time my mind wandered in this way I brought is back to my REAL desires. I focused on the prayer to bring Bonten and Taishaku and the Sun, Moon and stars into my life and all the Gakkai members - dispelling any negativity. I focused on changing my karma regarding relationships and renewing my focus on the health of my body. 

I brought my mind back to my real prayers, my real desires, not my "wondering, wandering mind" that seeps into my thoughts sometimes. I chanted to raise my life condition to see through the eyes of the Buddha, hear through the ears of the Buddha and have the discerning mind of the Buddha. 

It was refreshing not to have my phone near.

I know I'm not alone in this challenge! I know there are many of us tethered to our phones and devices for various reasons. I challenge all of us ~ including me ~  to once again put down our electronics, stop the noise in our heads, and deeply, deeply focus on our real prayers! 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

President Ikeda's Guidance for Today

Wednesday February 12th, 2014

BUDDHISM teaches 
"attaining Buddhahood 
without changing your original state."
This means that we ordinary people 
in the nine states of being
can attain Buddhahood as we are, 
in our original states. 
We can attain
a state of absolute happiness, 
here, now, 
in the midst of this very life.

TO be swayed by one's destiny 
is most regrettable. 
However, when you continue to chant daimoku 
to the Gohonzon sincerely, 
you will develop the wisdom to change yourself 
for the better 
and build a life that is directed towards happiness. 
This is in accord with the principle of
"substituting faith for wisdom" (ishin daie).

HAUGHTINESS and harsh language or behavior 
are evidence of one's lack of culture. 
In Buddhism, those who are wise 
are termed human beings,
while those who are foolish and vain 
are naught but animals.

THERE may be some people 
who, for one reason or another, 
have no room in their hearts 
to enjoy the beauty of flowers. 
They come home from work, 
complain about their day and go to sleep. 
We can try to help them change their mindset 
by drawing their attention 
to the beauty of flowers or of a work of art. 
That often is enough 
to get them to open
their hearts and minds to all sorts of new possibilities.

WORDS are very important. 
Leaders in particular 
must be very careful about what they say. 
Words are decisive. 
As it said in the Gosho, 
"The voice does the Buddha's work." 
(Gosho Zenshu, p400) 
Our words reveal our character, 
our wisdom 
and our attitude towards life.

Thank you for emailing this to me every day Nalini Prakash!