Winter always turns to Spring, right?
Isn't this the coolest bonzai tree? I wonder how old it is.
Yesterday, after that blogpost about how hard it is to chant sometimes, I ended up chanting at least 2 hours. I was so fortunate ~ a friend in faith came over to chant for an hour, and we head a tozo here last night. Thank goodness for the Soka Gakkai and our family of practitioners. We all take turns helping each other to help themselves. We are all Buddhas!
This weekend I was able to get guidance from our new SGI National Women's Leader Akemi Bailey-Haynie and I am finally able to chant with my full heart using the guidance she gave me.
Seeking guidance is, in itself, a profound cause.
She said to chant:
Whatever there is in my life that has allowed me to have such a child who is suffering so much - I resolve to change it.
I offer this guidance to you in case it may help you in any way.
We look INSIDE for the answers. Not outside. That is why this practice is so profound. That is also why it can be sooooo difficult to do. Buddhism is not for cowards. The great Gosho quote says "A sword will be useless in the hands of a coward."
How courageous can we be?