Monday, March 14, 2016

12 Quotes on Strength by Daisaku Ikeda

The struggle of life is, and always will be, a struggle against your own weaknesses. Will you become cowardly and think, "I can't do this. I'm certain to fail"? Or will you challenge the difficulties that lie ahead with the conviction, "I am strong. And I can become stronger still"? Your destiny in life will vary greatly depending on the spirit that you maintain.

Resolving to take action is proof that you are progressing. Even if you have the tendency to make a determination but only stick to it for two or three days, just keep renewing that determination. Then you will become the kind of person who can persevere and reach their goals.

One cannot become a starring player in life if one is easily swayed by one’s emotions over every little thing. Strength of character lies in performing the drama of life with courage and confidence, practicing self-reflection and self-control under any circumstances.

When we decide to live each instant fully, with all our might, to live true to ourselves and make the present moment shine, we discover and bring forth immense and unimagined strength.

In life when we feel we have reached a limit, that is when the true battle begins. Just when you despair and think it is impossible to go any further, will you become apathetic, or will you say it’s not over and stand up with an unyielding spirit? The battle is decided by this single determination.

Whether we regard difficulties in life as misfortunes or whether we view them as good fortune depends entirely on how much we have forged our inner determination. It all depends on our attitude or inner state of life. With a dauntless spirit, we can lead a cheerful and thoroughly enjoyable life. We can develop a “self” of such fortitude that we are able to look forward to life’s trials and tribulations with a sense of joy.

Just being good-natured is not enough. If you are good-natured but fail to stand up to injustice, you cannot protect anyone. Instead, you will tend to be taken lightly, enabling those who perpetrate injustice to only grow stronger.

Every hardship is an opportunity to strengthen ourselves, to temper our life and make it shine with greater luster.

Even if things don’t unfold the way you expected, don’t be disheartened or give up. One who continues to advance will win in the end.

Truly strong people are not arrogant. Cowardice on the other hand causes arrogance. Cowards hide behind their own power and authority.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Riding on a Pillow of Daimoku!

How much Daimoku Is Enough? And how do we know? 

The amount we chant is entirely up to us, isn't it? No one is ever going to tell us how much we must chant. 

And there are times, that we KNOW we really need to up our level of chanting. I am in one of those times. I have many clear goals. And I've been chanting two or three, and sometimes even more hours of Daimoku a day. 

And as always, the more I chant, the more I want to chant. For me - when I chant a lot the time goes quickly, and I look forward to the next time I can chant. 

And how does it affect my life? I ride on what I call "A Pillow of Daimoku." Everything goes smoothly. I don't have to worry about anything. 

I gave a speech on Friday. 
All week I chanted for the people who were going to be attending. I chanted for each of them to be permanently uplifted by this speech. I chanted for them NEVER to be the same. And it was a great time. They LOVED it! I LOVED it. Each one carried my signature "Growing Bolder - Bad Words to Better Words" flyer home to their families and friends. We laughed. We had fun. 

And last night I dreamed Ben was a young child and we were having fun playing together. I woke up happy, not sad. 

It's getting closer to Ben's Memorial Mile. June 11th, 2016. Join us here in Downers Grove if you can! 

I'm reading the World Tribune about making the most of every moment. It's late and I'll write more tomorrow! 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Hope Is Life's Treasure by Daisaku Ikeda

When we possess the treasure of hope, 
it gives rise to other treasures, too. 
Hope draws forth our inner potential and strength. 
Hope is a magic weapon 
that enables us to make our dreams come true.

“Hope,” Beethoven cried, 
“you forge the heart into steel.” 
Hope is confidence. 
Hope is determination. 
Hope is courage. 
And faith is the ultimate expression of hope. 
Belief fortifies the heart.

Hope transforms pessimism into optimism. 
Hope is invincible. 
Hope changes everything. 
It changes winter into summer, 
darkness into dawn, 
descent into ascent, 
barrenness into creativity, 
agony into joy.
Hope is the sun. 
It is light. 
It is passion. 
It is the fundamental force for life’s blossoming.

No matter what kind of difficult situation 
one may find oneself in, 
some opening, some opportunity to fight one’s way out, 
can always be found. 
What’s most important is to hold fast to hope, 
to face the future with courage.
No matter how hopeless or bleak things appear, 
the moment always comes 
when suddenly our spirit revives, and hope is reborn. 
That is why we must never give up.

By Daisaku Ikeda, from 

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Boldly Embracing Life!


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See that picture of me above? That is the real me...on the the all my glory. We all have our real selves...the true expression of who we are. If we keep chanting, never give up, and use EVERY problem to catapult us to reveal more of our true selves, we will each become the best version of who we are. 

For many years, I have been chanting to "discard the transient and reveal the true" in my life. And it is taking my broken heart through the death of my beloved son to take me to the next level. Every moment I am more of who I am. 

What do I mean by this? Well, recently I was in Key West Florida, and spending time meeting strangers. (I have the belief that there ARE no strangers, only friends I haven't met) And I was going in and out of grief about my boy. 

I told the people I met why I am exploring and looking for my new life...and they opened up to me in such beautiful ways. One couple spent the evening enjoying the sunset with me. Because I was so open, I found open people wherever I went. 

And, I visited my nephew, Dr. Joshua Silver. He's a skilled and wise chiropractor practicing in St. Petersburg Florida. I hadn't seen him since Ben's life celebration. We picked up right where we left off, and his girlfriend Nikki became my new dear friend. I felt very at home in that part of the world. Very at home. 

So I came home today and my chanting partner Georgine came over and we chanted three solid hours of Daimoku! 
It feels so good to pour my heart into my daimoku! I chanted for doors to open, for wisdom, for composure, and made lists of inspirations. I'm writing a blog post on "How to accomplish your goals - once you know what they are." My tools include writing, chanting, focusing, and taking the right actions. 

My motto for right now is "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing." I am committed to taking the greatest poison and turning it into the greatest benefit. I've been divorced for a year now, and Aaron will discover where he will do his Doctor's four-year residency on March 18th. It is time to fly!

And with the Gohonzon, I have the tool to create the wisdom, action, karma-changing whooooosh I need!   

Friday, March 4, 2016

Go Buddha GO! Rock Your World!


We chant for ourselves. 
We chant for others. 
We chant for this life and this world. 
We change our karma 
for the sake of changing the whole world's karma.  
We are the noble Bodhisattvas of the earth 
and Votaries of the Lotus Sutra.

We TELL our lives what we want. 
We do not ask for favors from a force outside of our lives. 
We ARE Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! 
We know that the goal of our practice is to have faith like flowing like a verb...actual proof of our practice every single we chant every day, twice a day...we study...we encourage each other, introduce others and attend our SGI meetings. 

And....Sometimes it seems like it is taking FOREVER for a benefit to come or an obstacle to go away, doesn't it? Even though we KNOW the answer lies within our own karma, and in doing our human revolution, sometimes we just have to get mad at our own life and wake those Shoten Zenjin UP! (Shoten Zenjin is our term for the protective forces within all life)

In the February 2015 Living Buddhism Magazine
(published by the SGI-USA and available by calling 800-835-4558) one of my favorite Gosho passages appeared. In this Gosho, Nichiren Daishonin has been persecuted by the government and is being taken away to Tatsunokuchi Beach to be beheaded. On the way, he sees a statue of Hachiman, one of the Buddhist shoten zenjin. 

Nichiren stops at the statue and shouts: 

'Great Boddhisatva Hachiman, are you truly a god?...Now I, Nichiren, and the foremost votary of the Lotus Sutra in all of Japan, and am entirely without guilt. I have expounded the doctrine to save all the people of Japan from falling into the great citadel of the hell of incessant suffering for slandering the Lotus Sutra....When Shakyamuni Buddha expounded the Lotus Sutra, Many Treasures Buddha and the Buddhas and Boddhisatvas of the ten-directions gathered, shining like so many suns and moons, stars and mirrors. In the presence of the countless heavenly gods as well as the benevolent deities and sages of India, China and Japan. Shakyamuni Buddha urged each one to submit a written pledge to protect the votary of the Lotus Sutra at all times. Each and every one of you gods made this pledge. I should not have to remind you. Why do you not appear at once to fulfill your solemn oath? ....If I am executed tonight and go to the pure land of Eagle Peak, I will dare to report to Shakyamuni Buddha, the lord of teachings, that the Sun Goddess and Great Boddhisatva Hachiman are the deities who have broken their oath to him. If you feel this will go hard with you, you had better do something about it right away!' (WND - 1, 766-67)(The full quote is at the end of this blogpost)

What I love about this moment in the Gosho is that he yells at the Buddhist God and says you better show your support to me RIGHT NOW because that is the pledge you made. If I die I will report you! Get to work! Of course, after he yells at the statue, when Nichiren is taken to the beach to be beheaded, a huge orb comes out of the sky lighting up the faces of his would-be assassins, they all run scared, and he is saved from death. 

Nichiren's indignant attitude when he addresses the statue shows us we can summon our anger at the forces within our life. We can all pray in front of our own Gohonzons with fury and with fire. 

PowerPrayer to MAKE IT HAPPEN!
These words represent some thoughts we can have in mind while chanting. Our minds will naturally fluctuate as we chant, and that is absolutely fine. I offer these PowerPrayers because they represent the moments I am most connected to my desire...and I offer them to help you. They are my unique contribution based on my Boddhisattva vow. 
By Jamie Lee Silver of

Shoten Zenjin! 
I Don't know HOW to make it happen. 
I just know it HAS TO!!
It is time for me to see results in this area. 
I demand (you fill in the blank here: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

We can all summon this fiery attitude at the crucial moment - we are ALL dignified votaries of the Lotus Sutra, we can all command the fundamental forces that are within our lives and represented on the Gohonzon.

At this moment, I am in St. Petersburg Florida, certain that my life in unfolding JUST as it should. I am seeing the benefit come from the pain I've been through. Life is getting happier for me, and I have more to look forward to with each passing moment. I will have lots to share with you over the next coming months! 

What we Nichiren Buddhists do;
As practitioners of the Lotus Sutra, 
we chant the Mystic Law every single day. 
Intoning Nam-myoho-renge-kyo 
(which means: I fuse my life with the Mystic law of cause and effect through sound vibration) is a noble cause. 
It brings forth our greatest human potential, 
elevates our life condition, and the life condition and vibration of all of life. 
Our life undergoes a complete human revolution...and as our life changes...we change everything. We raise the vibration of the planet. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

What Does the Term "Gohonzon" mean?

I took this yesterday in Naples Florida enjoying the sunshine! 

What Does the Term Gohonzon Mean?

[The following is an excerpt from SGI President Ikeda's book Discussions on Youth, new edition, pp.234-35]
(As Nichiren Buddhists, we chant facing a scroll called the Gohonzon, which represents and allows us to call forth the limitless power within our lives. Here is an essay by Daisaku Ikeda on the significance of the Gohonzon, notes, JLS)
The literal meaning of honzon is object of devotion. Go is an honorific. Even people who declare that they are not religious will surely have something that they value or esteem most highly. 
Whatever people cherish most dearly, 
that is their object of fundamental respect, 
or object of devotion. 
Though they might claim otherwise, there are those for whom money is an object of devotion. For others, it might be social status. Some people make their boyfriend or girlfriend, or their family their object of devotion. For some, knowledge is the altar at which they worship. And certainly there are people who venerate some deity or some concept of heaven or truth.
What you make the object of your greatest veneration will have a profound influence on your life. 
Nichiren Buddhism takes as its object of fundamental respect the life of the Buddha, the eternal essence of life at one with the universe. That object of veneration is not something abstract or out of reach, because it is life itself. 
Nichiren Daishonin writes: 
"Never seek the Gohonzon outside yourself. 
The Gohonzon exists only within the mortal flesh 
of us ordinary people who embrace the Lotus Sutra and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo" 
(The Real Aspect of the Gohonzon", The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol.1, p.832)
The eternal life of the universe exists within each of us. The Gohonzon resides within each of us. Nichiren Buddhism is a philosophy of utmost respect for human beings and for life. Nichiren embodied the essence of his own life in the form of the Gohonzon to make it possible for us to summon forth the Gohonzon within our lives.
In a sense, there is no simpler Buddhist practice than reciting the sutra and chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. We do not have to undertake strange austerities as in some esoteric Buddhist traditions, In the case of a machine, for example, the more sophisticated the technology, the greater the case of operation and use. Similarly, because Nichiren Buddhism is such a highly developed and powerful teaching, it enables us to tap the life state of Buddhahood through the simplest form of practice.
On the other hand, since we carry out Buddhist practice in the midst of our own busy daily lives, it is easy for us to overlook or neglect it. In that respect, there is perhaps no more difficult practice when it comes to continuing. Nonetheless, if we challenge ourselves to keep up a little each day, before we realize it, we will have built a path to happiness in the depths of our lives; we will have established a solid embankment that will prevent our ever being swept in the direction of unhappiness.
World Tribune, February 5, 2016. p.8

WIth special thanks to Sivasubramaniam H

Monday, February 29, 2016

4 Reasons Nichiren SGI Buddhists are so Happy !

Key West Sunset last night

Why are Nichiren (Practical) Buddhist so Happy? 
What is so special 
about this twice-daily practice 
of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo?

What is a Nichiren Buddhist? Why are we also called "Practical Buddhists?" The two titles are interchangeable. 
Practical Buddhists chant every morning and evening and EVERY MORNING and evening. We study the works of Nichiren Daishonin, and the writings of Daisaku Ikeda, to learn the workings of the practice, and how and why chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo  (meaning: I fuse my life with the Mystic Law of Cause and Effect Through Sound Vibration) draws forth the power innate in every life to find fulfillment and become happy. The more we study, the more we deepen our ability to tap this power. We encourage each other and attend Soka Gakkai meetings.  (To find a meeting near you click on the link to the right) We introduce others to the practice because we are delighted with the results we see in our own lives from chanting. 

4 Surprising Reasons 
Nichiren Buddhists are so HAPPY ~

1. Our Happiness is not based on our happiness alone. It is based on the profound results we see in our own lives - and in the lives of others as we chant. We base our practice on RESULTS! We GET what we chant for, or something better, as long as we don't give up! 

Our happiness has a higher purpose. Don't get me wrong...happiness for any reason is great. Happiness is the purpose of our practice, and we join our own happiness with the happiness of ALL. We call this kosen-rufu...a world of respect for all of life. We chant to be happy so that we can prove through our own lives the validity of chanting the name of the Mystic Law - and to prove everyone can generate happiness if they chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. 

With every problem we face we chant: 

"I will defeat THIS problem for the sake of Kosen-rufu 
(the happiness of ALL) 
And one by one I will knock all my problems down. 
I achieve all my goals. 
I will succeed is all areas of my life to prove the power of the law! 
I vow to win in all areas of my life!"

2. We KNOW we have the POWER, and the TOOL to overcome our own negativity ~ and raise our "Life Condition" and become happy! To us, Happiness means winning over ourselves. 

It's true. When we chant the name of the rhythm of life itself ~ Nam-myoho-renge-kyo ~ we see results. And what will we WIN over? Ourselves. We are fighting and winning the biggest and most worthy battle of all...the battle over our own negativity. And the thing is, no one can do that but US. We are the only ones. And our negativity never entirely goes away, but our daily practice keeps it away, and is the source of our happiness. We talk about the "evil twin - or critical mind" we hear in our minds telling us we can't do it, that we aren't strong enough and asking us "who do you think you are?" When we chant consistently that voice recedes, and our true and powerful Buddha nature emerges.  And we DO succeed!

3. We KNOW we can change our karma and make the impossible possible. And we do it together with our fellow SGI Members. 

Whether we have studied eastern religions or not, we are all familiar with karma no matter what name we call it. Cause and Effect ~ Karma. Karma is passed down from one generation to another. Karma is reoccurring know, the way in which people marry one person, move on to the next and have the exact same problems crop up. 
Nichiren Buddhists know Karma is nothing to be afraid of. Karma is the sum total of every cause we have ever made through every existence we have ever had. And since, according to Nichiren Daishonin, those existences number more than grains of sand in the ocean, what need is there to fret about karma? And we do not need to spend countless lifetimes trying to undo every negative thing we have ever done. How could we? We don't even know what these things were. What we can do, is make the absolute most positive causes NOW. When we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo we are making the most positive cause for our lives. When we introduce others, these causes are magnified across many existences because we have introduced them to the power to change their own and their family's karma. 
And chanting with and for our fellow members is a huge part of our practice. We join our "family" for meetings and individually to surmount challenges. If you have not yet found your SGI family you can use the link to the right or search on Soka Gakkai International. 

4. We are aware of the interconnectivity of life and know that when we change our inner life, our outer life changes as well. We are Power-FULL not Power-LESS and we can chant for others as well! 

There's a Buddhist term called "Esho Funi". It means that we see and experience ourselves as separate from our environment (our environment is everything outside of our skin - the air we breathe, the couch we are sitting on, the music we hear, and each person, thing, animal in our environment and throughout the entire universe). But we are intricately connected to everything. That is why we can chant and change our lives. We change our inner lives, and because of the interconnectivity of life (also called "dependent origination") we are able to influence our environment. This is the fulcrum of true happiness and true power in our lives.