Friday, June 21, 2013

Happy Summer Solstice!

When you chant enough daimoku 
your life is shining like the sun. 

Are you feeling a little down? 

Are things not going your way as often as you would like? 

If you start chanting more daimoku more consistently your life will rise with the power of daimoku, you'll feel a glow and contentment, you'll be happier, people you want to have in your life will be drawn to you...

Try challenging yourself to chant more daimoku in the morning and the evening. You can make it fun by chanting with others. And you may experience the place I am in right now...the more I chant the more I WANT to chant. The time flies. It is effortless. I have so many things to chant for! I feel so connected. I chant with so much joy! 

Daimoku is FREE and a "happiness making machine." 

I've been chanting at least two hours a day for awhile. I'm focusing on writing the PowerPrayer book, and on YOU who read this blog. 

My deepest desire is to write words that inspire you, give you hope and make you want to get back in front of your Gohonzon and rededicate yourself to creating the life you really want. When you chant you TELL your life what you want.

My deepest desire is to encourage you to take Nichiren Daishonin and Daisaku Ikeda's words to heart and engrave them in your lives. 

My deepest desire is for you to be so happy that people naturally want to learn what you're doing and you can teach them to chant. 

My deepest desire is to always connect with Sensei (Daisaku Ikeda) and take the actions, chant the prayers, and write and say the words that he would say. 

Sensei's Daily Guidance for June 21 from For Today and Tomorrow reads:

"When you devote your life to achieving your goal,  
you will not be bothered by shallow criticism. 
In fact nothing can be accomplished 
if you allow yourself to be swayed by some trifling matter, 
always looking over your shoulder and wondering what others are saying or thinking. 
The key to achievement is to move forward resolutely along your chosen path."

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Experience of Protection in the Recent Colorado Wildfires

Heather's Colorado Springs' Fire Story 
of actual proof and protection  
through chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. 

This is a photo of me, Heather, Kathy and Shirley. 

We are Heather's "Buddha Moms" and this was taken on Mother's Day at the Chicago SGI Center just before Heather moved to Colorado Springs. 

Heather has been a dear friend and YWD (Young Women's Division member) in my district for over two years. She was brought up as a traditional Buddhist to believe that personal desires are bad, and desires are the cause of all suffering. 

So, all the times that I urged her to chant for what she wanted, she just could not. She also did not want to commit to chanting every morning and evening, saying, "I don't do anything twice a day!" and seeing a consistent practice as a sign of giving in to something. Those of us who chant every morning and evening know there is a real difference between chanting twice a day and chanting occasionally. Life flows more easily, insights come more quickly and it is easier to defeat our own negativity and make things happen with a twice a day practice. Your inner power emerges. 

Last November, after a trying year of facing several painful events, Heather decided to give every morning and every evening chanting a try, and immediately told me she could feel the difference. She said she would never have believed it if she hadn't seen for herself. So she continued to do it. 

One day soon after, in front of my Gohonzon chanting with me, she chanted for her first desire, and tears fell down her cheeks. I told her "every tear cried in front of the Gohonzon is a diamond in your life." And she began sincerely chanting for her desires. 

Her first real desire was to move to Colorado. She accomplished this right after Mother's Day. I told her the members there must be chanting for her to come! On Mother's Day, Danny Nagashima told us that a new SGI Center had been opened in Colorado Springs just the day before. She was totally in rhythm.  

She moved in with a friend in a great house in Black Forest by Colorado Springs and was loving every minute.  She has a beautiful sunny bedroom and a great situation for her and her faithful dog Bowser. She loves her roommates and talks to them about her "prayer box" (Butsudan) and practice. 

She's found friendships in the Colorado Springs SGI already. When she walked into the SGI center she told them she had just moved from Chicago they said "We've been chanting for you!" and welcomed her with open arms. 

Two weeks ago Heather came back to Chicago for a wedding. Before she left Colorado she locked her room with her Gohonzon and Butsudan in it. She moved her Gohonzon to a fire-proof safe, and hid a key in the front yard "just in case." 

As many of you may know, Colorado Springs just had the biggest wildfire in Colorado's history. The flames reached over 300 feet.  Heather was already here when it broke out. 

The fire began mid-day and when her roommate headed home she was stopped at a barricade and told she couldn't go back to the house to get her dog or belongings. Heather's roommate was determined to save her dog and Heather's "Prayer Box" and she went around the barricade and raced to the house. When she got there she found Heather's bedroom door locked and called Heather who told her where she'd hidden the key. Her roommate safely rescued the dogs, the Butsudan and the Gohonzon!

For many days, no one knew if the house was still standing, and we were all chanting. 

On Tuesday, Heather learned that her entire block and all around it was guessed it...her house. Her roommate said it looked like there was a "bubble around the house" because everything else was burned. 

Heather says now she is going to return and everyone in her house is going to start chanting because of her amazing actual proof! 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Turning Karma and Problems Into Mission and Making the Impossible Possible!

"If you always have a shallow perspective 
and pay attention only to trivial things, 
you are sure to get bogged down 
in all kinds of petty worries and concerns, 
and not be able to move forward. 
Even relatively minor hurdles or problems 
will seem insurmountable. 
But if you look at life from a broad viewpoint, 
you naturally spot the way to solve 
any problem you may confront. 
This is true when we consider our own personal problems 
as well as those of society 
and even the future of
the entire world." - 

Daisaku Ikeda

How do we cultivate a broad range view? 

I know for me it is in keeping my eye on my mission for mission to use my life as an example for others to have hope, and generate faith and become happier than they ever dreamed possible.

As I move through these summer days I am constantly writing the PowerPrayer book in my head, and thinking of all of you. I know there are many of you I haven't met, and some of you I correspond with frequently. 

I'm constantly aware that the depression that plagued my life is absolutely GONE, and the endless suffering and longing and HUNGER for food and everything else has also lifted. 

These are things I thought were impossible. They came with the package of my life, I thought. They were part of me, like breathing, and sleeping.

But, due to my fierce determination to help others and use my life as an example, I have ended the cycle of constant longing for what I cannot have. Impossible for me. 
Yes, but I did it. 
If you have the same spirit in your life you can raise every single problem and turn it into a mission for your life. 

You can use your determination in front of the Gohonzon to change the world. 

Life! I am determined to change ____________
and I know that by changing this I can inspire _____________to chant and to realize that anything is possible! 

Once you solve your own problems you help other's solve their own. And you can even inspire them along the way. You can invite them to an SGI meeting so they can see the source of your strong determination, or you can invite them to join you to chant in your own home. These are powerful causes for you to make in your own life and for them. 

You are an inspiration with your strong ichinen (will) alone. 

When you can look at your life from this broad viewpoint the smaller problems get solved right away, wisdom flows forth from your life, and well, everything just gets easier! 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

What's the Purpose of this blog?

Welcome to 

Have you ever felt that there was a solution to the revolving door of your problems...if only you could find it? 
Have you ever thought there might be a solution that did not involve somehow divorcing yourself from your true desires? Well, this blog contains that solution. 
This blog is about living a life with renewed enthusiasm, determination and hope. 
It teaches the daily practice of chanting the words Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to bring about our own happiness and human revolution by tapping into the boundless energy of the universe that has always existed within our lives, and in everything else that exists. 

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the name of the current, and the rhythm, that runs through all things. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo literally means "I devote my life to the mystic law of cause and effect through sound vibration (or sutra)." The most important result from chanting is to see actual proof of our prayers.  In other words, we get what we chant for...maybe not immediately, but we see results. We chant we tell our own lives what we want, and we don't chant to any type of god or anything outside of ourselves.  

One of the things I resonated with when I began is that we don't have to believe chanting works. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the name of the mystic law, the law of cause and effect and chanting is the ultimate good cause.

When we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo we feel the vital essence of the universe flowing through us, and are able to direct that energy in the direction of our own happiness. 

We are a community of practitioners. We practice together, support each other and grow and learn together. Membership is open to all and costs nothing. The SGI-USA link on the right is where you can find links to your closest SGI Culture Center and District. 
I am a District Leader of the SGI-USA, but this blog is not officially tied to the organization, and the writings and opinions are my own. I wholeheartedly encourage each person to join the SGI, read the Gosho and study President Ikeda's guidance. I am deeply appreciative of all my SGI friends and mentors! 

For our practice we chant every morning and evening. no, it's not always easy to do this, but those who persist gain incredible benefit, both material and heart-centered. We tap into our own inner resources to make the impossible possible, and achieve goals we thought were unreachable. 

In my own case, I've been chanting since 1985. I searched for this practice everywhere. I KNEW something had to exist where I could channel my own energy in the direction I wanted it to go. 

In my searching I found many other forms of Buddhism that said my attachment to desires was the reason for my suffering and I had to alleviate my desires to be happy. "No thank you!" I thought. "I'll keep my desires because they make me who I am. I desire light, and love, and happiness for all humanity." And in 1985 I found the practice of Nichiren Buddhism through a friend I met who inspired me. She introduced me to the Soka Gakkai International (SGI).

These warm-hearted Buddhists encouraged me to chant for my just what I wanted. And in the process of chanting for desires, a richer, deeper happiness and strength emerged. I discovered that I could transform my basic life tendencies....the ones that I'd previously thought were just part of my personality. I discovered a great source for making change in the moment. 

In the process I've had countless benefits. I've lost 50 pounds. I've raised two incredible children who are now young men who make me proud. I've had business success and converted a life of unhappiness to a life radiant with purpose and beaming with celebration. 

My passion since the day I found this practice has been to help other people who are also searching. I began this blog 4 years ago with this intent. As of today, the readership of is 20,000 and it climbs consistently every month. Before I write each post, I chant for a solid hour to connect with each reader's life, to help each one connect with the SGI, and to inspire all to persist in their daily practice so they can be incredibly happy. 

I, along with my fellow practitioners, envision, and chant, for a world of respect for all living beings which we call kosen rufu. There are dedicated people all over the world chanting for new members to come to meetings and discover this incredible source of happiness. You can call them today using the SGI-USA Portal on the right. 

For instructions on how to chant, check out the blog post How To Chant For the First Time in the archives. 

PowerPrayer for Health

You can chant this for yourself or in someone else's name:

PowerPrayer for Health

I,                 , am bringing into my life 
everything I need 
for radiant energy and complete health. 
As I am chanting, 
everything I need, 
including the perfect mindset 
is speeding its way towards me. 
All of the best medicines, 
herbal treatments, 
are abundantly available in my life. 
I am healing at every moment.
I am growing more and more healthy every day! 

I love myself enough to realize 
that I deserve all of the best kinds of support. 
I no longer live in fear, disappointment and doubt. 
I am absolutely certain 
that I have the power to create my health. 

I have heard and internalized the voice of my my mentor who has stated repeatedly, 
"Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the roar of the lion, what sickness can therefore be an obstacle?'

I know that true health 
lies in creating a life condition of challenge and victory. 

Every little setback I experience 
galvanizes in me more resolve 
to chant ever more resounding Daimoku 
and strengthen my practice. 

I transform each obstacle as it arises 
into more actual proof and encouragement 
with which I inspire others. 

My illness has become a source of victory 
and great intimacy and friendship 
with a multitude of people whose suffering 
I have shared, 
and for whom I have the deepest respect and empathy. 

I am a shining beacon of hope 
to anyone who has suffered because of failing health. 
Because I have embraced my illness for what it is, 
the opportunity to show actual proof through my life, 
I have already won!

Monday, June 17, 2013

PowerPrayer for a Power~full Mind

PowerPrayers are the words we focus on when we chant. Focus on this one to sharpen your powers of focus, memory and concentration: 

PowerPrayer for a Power~full Mind
As I am chanting, I expand the power of my mind, including my memory, my powers of concentration and focus. I now possess the stick-to-itiveness and fortitude and depth of understanding to learn and acquire great wisdom from study and from my very life. I retain what I study and integrate it into what I already know in ways that astonish even me! I find that I have the gift of gab. Beautiful words flow from me, the right words and the right moments. Through the power of my Daimoku I am becoming a an inspirational and knowledgeable communicator and I love to work collaboratively with others who inspire and respect me. What could be better?! How good am I willing for it to be?! Everyone who chants regularly and powerfully naturally unlocks a great capacity for self expression and I am no exception. I choose to love my words.  

Some IkedaQuotes to Begin Your Week

This is going to be a highly creative week for me. We are writing new PowerPayers every day. We just prepared a new list of PowerPrayers we want to write. You can submit your suggestions to me at What PowerPrayer would you like to see? 

These quotes are all by Daisaku Ikeda, from under Creativity. Enjoy!

To strive even higher, to do even better—the creative process is a desperate struggle to go beyond what we were yesterday. It is a battle against resting on our laurels, against the fear of losing what we have. It is an adventure into unknown territory.

How aware are we of our own inner life, our spirituality—something so intangible yet so priceless? How much effort do we make to perceive that which is not obvious, which can neither be seen nor heard? I believe the exploration and enrichment of the human spirit is what determines our very humanity.

This thing called life—with the exertion and concentrated thought of a novelist writing a novel, with the sweat and perseverance of a painter plying his brush, seated before the blank paper of the instant and the future, one creates a new portrait of oneself. Life is a vigorous task to be engaged in the exploration and enrichment of the human spirit is what determines our very humanity.