Thursday, February 13, 2014

Put Down Our Phones ~ Bring Forth Our Buddhahood!

"From this moment forth" ~ "Hon Nim Myo" ~ Such a powerful phrase. Every moment we begin again!

This morning I left my phone in the bedroom while I chanted. I chanted an unbroken hour and it was a wonderful time of communing with my highest self. As I was chanting I was very aware that I have slowly let my phone creep back into my practice...always beside me as I chant. 

Many things occurred in my mind this morning. "I wonder what the weather is going to be like? I wonder what's on my schedule after work? Did any men ask me out? Do I have any emails?" And I could feel how the habit of continually checking my phone has eroded my time in front of the Gohonzon in deep prayer. 

Every time my mind wandered in this way I brought is back to my REAL desires. I focused on the prayer to bring Bonten and Taishaku and the Sun, Moon and stars into my life and all the Gakkai members - dispelling any negativity. I focused on changing my karma regarding relationships and renewing my focus on the health of my body. 

I brought my mind back to my real prayers, my real desires, not my "wondering, wandering mind" that seeps into my thoughts sometimes. I chanted to raise my life condition to see through the eyes of the Buddha, hear through the ears of the Buddha and have the discerning mind of the Buddha. 

It was refreshing not to have my phone near.

I know I'm not alone in this challenge! I know there are many of us tethered to our phones and devices for various reasons. I challenge all of us ~ including me ~  to once again put down our electronics, stop the noise in our heads, and deeply, deeply focus on our real prayers! 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

President Ikeda's Guidance for Today

Wednesday February 12th, 2014

BUDDHISM teaches 
"attaining Buddhahood 
without changing your original state."
This means that we ordinary people 
in the nine states of being
can attain Buddhahood as we are, 
in our original states. 
We can attain
a state of absolute happiness, 
here, now, 
in the midst of this very life.

TO be swayed by one's destiny 
is most regrettable. 
However, when you continue to chant daimoku 
to the Gohonzon sincerely, 
you will develop the wisdom to change yourself 
for the better 
and build a life that is directed towards happiness. 
This is in accord with the principle of
"substituting faith for wisdom" (ishin daie).

HAUGHTINESS and harsh language or behavior 
are evidence of one's lack of culture. 
In Buddhism, those who are wise 
are termed human beings,
while those who are foolish and vain 
are naught but animals.

THERE may be some people 
who, for one reason or another, 
have no room in their hearts 
to enjoy the beauty of flowers. 
They come home from work, 
complain about their day and go to sleep. 
We can try to help them change their mindset 
by drawing their attention 
to the beauty of flowers or of a work of art. 
That often is enough 
to get them to open
their hearts and minds to all sorts of new possibilities.

WORDS are very important. 
Leaders in particular 
must be very careful about what they say. 
Words are decisive. 
As it said in the Gosho, 
"The voice does the Buddha's work." 
(Gosho Zenshu, p400) 
Our words reveal our character, 
our wisdom 
and our attitude towards life.

Thank you for emailing this to me every day Nalini Prakash! 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

PowerPrayer for Awakening our own Buddha Nature!

I just finished a wonderful hour of studying 
"The Heart of the Lotus Sutra" by Daisaku Ikeda. 
(Available at - you can click on the portal to the right). 
As a fellow SGI member and lover of this practice (not as an official representative of the SGI) I share my thoughts here with you:   

"The Heart of the Lotus Sutra" is truly the story of our lives. In the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni reveals that he did not attain enlightenment in his present lifetime as so many people assume. (And as Shakyamuni said in earlier sutras) In the Lotus Sutra he reveals that he attained enlightenment in "beginningless time" and that we, as practitioners of Nichiren Buddhism also attained enlightenment in beginningless time, and are fulfilling our vow to come to this world and show everyone the path to happiness by using the example of our own lives, never being defeated, and overcoming every obstacle.  

Once we are awakened to the fact that we are Buddhas equal to the original Buddha, we can embrace every challenge with fresh eyes, saying to ourselves 

"Yes! I chose this challenge. 
I chose this because I KNOW 
that I can chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo 
and absolutely, without a doubt I can change this.
It is up to me. 
I have the power to tap into the vast resources within, 
as long as I stay focused on my mission for kosen-rufu." 

Each of us can awaken every day with the reality that we are Boddhisatvas of the Earth ~ Dancing in happiness ~ assured of our own power to overcome anything in our lives, through reading President Ikeda's words, chanting, refreshing our determination and knowing, absolutely knowing that we chose this existence to manifest our highest potential. 

What kind of PowerPrayer (thoughts in our minds while we are chanting) would be useful?  
Let's look at a few of Sensei's quotes from "The Heart of the Lotus Sutra,"

"The Buddha's original state of life is identical with all people's original state of life. They could not be in any way different. Fundamentally, all people are Buddhas. The only difference is that the Buddha understands this while others are ignorant of it. " p. 153

When we realize that we are Buddhas from beginningless time "We can attain a state of eternal happiness as indestructible as a daimond~that is, the true aspect of the Buddha ~ in our lives." and that "No matter how heavy our burden of karma, through tapping our inner life force, we can revolutionize our existence." p. 163. 
"It enables us to address the reality of our situations with a fresh, forward-looking spirit, always basing ourselves on life's "original moment." 

Sensei goes on to quote Josei Toda who talks about how we all dwelt together as Buddhas of absolute happiness before making our vows to return to this world and lead others to happiness. 

We are all here fulfilling our vow joyously together. 

What problem could stop us? 
Could financial difficulty stop us?...not unless we let it. 
How about heartbreak, a karma many of us are challenging?  No, I have not yet found my "soulmate." But I am still en-couraged. Every day I chip away at my karma right along with you. And every day I awaken refreshed...when I study, chant, encourage others and go to SGI meetings. We have such precious lives. People are depending on us to shine. We ARE the suns in our lives! 

PowerPrayer for
Awakening Our Own Buddha Nature!
By Jamie Lee Silver, from the Blog Please do not cut and paste this without sharing its origin. 

Once again I greet you in front of the Gohonzon! 
I appreciate one more day in this world of strife! 
Once again I strive at every moment 
to bring forth the world of Buddhahood within. 
Right now I am raising my life condition! 
I am determined to live in wisdom, 
tapping the highest potential in my life. 
I am determined to harmonize with my fellow humans 
in a way that makes a difference. 
I am determined to be all I can be, 
and fulfill my vow for kosen-rufu! 
(Happiness and respect for all of life - 
the raising of the life-condition of ALL)
I am determined to forge ahead 
with wisdom, happiness and composure. 
May I live this day fully and happily, 
and shine like the sun! 
I am determined to_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
as I joyously bring forth my Buddhahood! 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Daisaku Ikeda's Poem to Mothers


By Daisaku Ikeda

Mother, what a wondrous, nourishing power you have!
Were it not for you in this world,
People would lose the earth to return to,
And wander for all eternity.

Mother, our mother.
Persevering through the storm,
You offered prayers in sadness.

I pray you will stay in good health until the day
When all your wishes are fulfilled,
And, as though endowed with wings,
you take flight toward the heavens.

Mother, with your ideas and wisdom,
I hope you will perform a melody of peace on the earth,
Where people look forward to the arrival of spring.
Thus, you will become the mother of the Century of Humanity

Sunday, February 9, 2014

About to Chant for 3 Hours - Join us if you can!

From a friend's patio right here in the Chicago Area

We've had 22 days of sub-zero weather this winter, more snow in one month than in many seasons, and almost no sun. If anyone needs to keep up with three hours of Daimoku on Sunday Mornings it is me! 
I'm starting in a few moments. 
Sorry I couldn't post yesterday.
This morning I am focusing on the prayer that Daisaku Ikeda says is the most important for our Human Revolution:

The Secret 
to Achieving Your Human Revolution

"Pray that instead of devils 
or negative, destructive forces 
infiltrating your being, 
Brahma ("Bonten"in Japanese),
Shakra ("Taishaku" in Japanese),
and the gods of the Sun and the Moon
~ the positive, protective forces of the universe ~
will enter your life!
Pray that they will enter the lives 
of all members in your region
and the entire membership of the SGI, as well.
If you do this, 
your strength will multiply 
a hundredfold, a thousandfold.
With such prayer,
with such faith, 
you will realize a 
fundamental transformation
in the very depths of your life. 
This is the secret to achieving your human revolution."

SGI President Daisaku Ikeda, World Tribune, 9/8/2000

I am praying this prayer every day, for my own life, for the lives of my family members, my new work family, all the members in Chicago, throughout the world and YOU. I feel such peace. Every moment is truly joyous. 

Daisaku Ikeda says in 
The Heart of the Lotus Sutra, page 106: 

"Those in the world of heaven
are typically bright and smiling in their appearance. 
In their nature, 
since they feel uplifted ~
~As though ascending into the sky, as it were ~
anything they see makes them happy. 
Their power and influence 
tend to make those around them
feel buoyant and uplifted too."

From The Heart of the Lotus Sutra
On page 107 Daisaku Ikeda says:

"What is important is the vision 
to profoundly and deftly
perceive the true nature of shifting phenomena. 
The Buddha is one who has mastered this principle." 

and continuing on page 109:

"The vision that enables the Buddha
to perceive the true aspect
that exists in all phenomena
is also the eye of compassion to save all people 
and enable them to become Buddhas.

"...As seen with the Buddha's eye,
this world,
this universe, 
is shining with life, 
resounding with the chorus of all things. 
The Buddha perceives the irreplaceable uniqueness
and value of all things in the world. 
The Buddha's wisdom 
is a state of life 
filled with boundless exhilaration 
and joy in living."


Friday, February 7, 2014

3 Benefits of Consistent Practice and 4 Tips to Make it Happen!

I received a letter from a reader recently. She wrote that she chants consistently for one week, and then stops chanting for a week and her anxiety and depression immediately comes back. Every other week she forces herself to chant again, and then stops. This is a very difficult way to practice. It is much easier to establish a twice a day practice and stick with it. But how do we do this? 

How can we establish and maintain a consistent practice? 

How can we reinforce our determination to practice twice a day every day, strengthen our lives and create unshakable benefit? 

3 benefits of consistent practice 
(Doing morning and evening gongyo and chanting daimoku consistently) 

1. It's easier. Once you establish the practice you just greet your life twice a day in front of the Gohonzon without having to force yourself to do it. It just becomes part of your life. 

2. Benefits flow more consistently, 

3. It WORKS! You change your karma, embrace your challenges and win over any challenge you face. You get what you want and so much more. 

4 Dynamic ways 
to establish a consistent practice

1. Determine that you want to use this practice to the best of your ability and STUDY! Read the Gosho or President Ikeda's guidance every day. Chant to understand the magnificence OF your life WITH your life! Chanting consistently means winning the battle over your lesser self. Make your list of determinations and goals.  What have you decided is impossible in your life? We chant to make the impossible possible. Go for it. 

2. Embrace your friends in the SGI. (You can click on the SGI Portal to the right to find your local SGI, if you're not connected yet. Remember there are no dues or rules or priests. The SGI is an organization of people working together for their own happiness and the sake of others.) 

3. Establish a "Chanting Buddy" to chant with you.
Our friends in the SGI are our friends in faith. When I was first chanting 28 years ago my mentor came to my house every morning for a few weeks to help me generate Activation Energy for my practice.

4. Establish a Tele-Toso Chanting Buddy
If you can't chant together in person you can do it by telephone, or by text. Just establish a time and contact each other before and after. If you want, you can keep the telephone connection while you chant. (It's better if one person turns the volume down.) Or you can just call or text before and after. 

An Experience in Chanting Consistently: 

Chanting consistently must be experienced to be understood. 
My dear "Baby Buddha" (the nickname she chose for herself) heard me tell her for two years to chant every morning and evening, and she replied that she doesn't do ANYTHING consistently and wasn't going to do this. No way. I kept chanting for her and inviting her to chant. And one day, she just made the decision to try chanting twice a day to see how it felt. She couldn't believe how different she felt. She also realized a deep desire and began to chant for it to happen. Now she lives in Colorado - she got what she was chanting for! THIS is why we practice. Our desires are worth chanting for! 

You may have other ways of creating and maintaining your consistent practice. Please share them with me and I'll share them with the other readers of this blog. Email me at with your ideas, questions, suggestions, victories and challenges. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Why We Chant ~ Add Your Voice...

We chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo...meaning "I fuse my life with the mystic law of cause and effect through sound vibration," or "I am one with the rhythm of life." With this intonation we tap into the power that has always been within our lives, and we direct that power in the direction we choose. We use this vibration to overcome problems and realize the type of happiness that is not determined by outside circumstances, but is generated withn. When we chant we FEEL the change in our lives. Chanting is can be explained, but we have to actually DO it to experience its power. Here are some fresh insights from I write from my own heart...not representing the SGI, but loving the SGI. 

I've added "Why We Chant" submissions from readers at the bottom! Send yours to to be published here. 

Why We Chant
by Jamie Lee Silver 
from the blog

We chant because we can feel it. 
The moment we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo 
our lives respond. 
We chant because we see and feel the benefits of chanting. 
When we chant, our lives, our feelings, 
our circumstances, and those around us change. 
We chant because we have seen the results of chanting, 
and know that we can win over our own weaknesses by chanting...and that by winning over our own weaknesses we create unshakable, authentic, absolute happiness that is not self determined, not ruled by our circumstances.
We chant because we see others Buddhists who have won over great difficulties, and we can feel their energy, see their shining lives, and we believe (or hope) "If they can do it, so can I!"
We chant because when we chant for others we see the effects in their lives. 
We chant because when we introduce others to chanting they are able to change their own lives and become happy...what could be better than that? 
We chant because we are part of the Soka Gakkai, the organization made up of regular people who are dedicating their lives to ushering in the new age of happiness, energy, education, culture and peace for our planet. 
We chant because we have goals and dreams...hopes for the future...hopes for today... and we KNOW we can make them come true. 
We chant because we know we can make the impossible possible. 
We chant because we KNOW that our potential is important and we can feel our own life force becoming stronger and stronger every day. 
We chant because we have Daisaku Ikeda, a mentor we respect...whose life pulses with purpose and direction...whose life we connect to, whose words we study, whose heart we share. 
We chant because we ALL desire a world free of misery and hopelessness.
We chant because we have awakened to our missions as Bodhisattvas of the Earth, and we are fulfilling our VOW. 
We chant because we read or watch the news and we know that all change comes from our own human revolution, our actions and our ichinen (will put into action)
We chant because we love. 
We chant because we struggle. 
We chant to release ourselves from painful emotions
We chant because we CAN!  

Submissions from readers: 
From Niketa Sharma: 

We chant ...because we feel a positive strength in ourselves while we chant.
We chant ... because we feel connected to ourselves deeply.
We we can accumulate our whole power and create good and noble cause...achieve Buddha's (our own) dreams.
We we can reveal our buddha nature..buddha's wisdom.
We we can get that much wisdom that we can get correct decision at each and every moment of life..
We chant because we can..

And from Jaka Rey: 

I chant for all the reason u mentioned and because every time I open my Gohonzon I smile.
I chant for the transformation that is taking place in my life.
I chant for strength and to totally understand the connectivity of all that I cannot understand 
(individuals in my life who I cannot relate to). 
I chant for resolve and victory so that I can live life fully and do what I can to the planet to do.

Have anything to add to this list? Email me at