Friday, September 30, 2011

The Voice of the Roaring Lion Within! THe REAL Power of Dailmoku!!!

The biggest benefit chanting can give you is the opportunity every morning and evening to connect with your highest, best, most important and powerful self. 
I am sitting here right now in front of the Gohonzon chanting that no matter how cold it gets in Chicago, I will not let the feeling of despair that I often get in this weather overcome me....neither will I let the urge to eat everything in sight and inflate my body like a balloon happen! 

No way!

 I am saying this in my prayer! I am declaring to the universe within that that karma...the one I shared with my entire family...that is gone forever from my life through the POWER of my own DAIMOKU. The power of my own life determination and ichinen. 
THIS is the truest power of daimoku....the power of facing what it feels like and looking the negative function right in the eye and saying NOOOOOOOO. This negative function has no more power in my life!
Remember the scene  in the Lord of the Rings...from the Fellowship of the Ring, when Gandolph confronts the huge fire dragon (sorry, I forget his name) in the mines....and he screams "You shall not pass?" and the dragon falls into the pits (yes I know Gandolph does fall down there with him....but then he emerges even more powerful)....
Life is a struggle like this, against our own internal negative functions that seek to defeat us and bring us down. 

Today, even amidst this cold...depressing weather when I feel heavy and sad....I am saying NOOOOOO You shall not pass! I will still be my real encouraging happy self no matter what. I will not retreat into the world of finding food for comfort like my karma has been. I've lost 70 pounds and I'm going to keep it off. That story is done. 
I am sitting here in front of the Gohonzon chanting and telling my life how strong I have become....and how strong I must stay....for the sake of the members in my district....for the sake of my wonderful blog readers.....I have vowed victory in all areas of my life!!!!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo! The Lion is Roaring!!!!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

How to begin...or refresh your practice!


First of all make your list! Write out all the things you want to bring in to your life...and all the things you want to have LEAVE your life! And add the reasons why!

Then, twice a day...every morning and evening, find a special spot in your home where you feel comfortable. Sit comfortably and put your hands in front of your heart with palms touching...and chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo slowly - three times! Then chant for as long as you want over and over again! Breather whenever you want to! Chant for at least five minutes eacch time.

Then go through this blog and read the posts that inspire you...there are so many about the correct attitide to have, adn what to be thinking about when you chant and great inspiring results! Try that! GO for it!!!

Happy Jewish New Year!

From a very special person in my life...I send these blessings for a beautiful new beginning for you!
And remember, in Buddhism we have "Hon Nin Myo" the concept that life begins anew in each and every single minute. With Hon Nin Myo and wishes for every moment to be a new beginning for you!
All my love, Jamie

May this year be filled with Sweetness & Joy.
May you have the peace and joy that passes all human comprehension,
May you enjoy your apples and honey.
May you find it easy to give and receive.
May you know when to surrender, and do so with grace.
May you remember that some people's lives are parched dry... and be grateful for the abundance in yours.
May you find beauty in unexpected places. 
May you carry your loads with ease amid sweetness.
May you learn and teach well.
May you move with as much joy and ease as you can.
May your home be filled with fresh air and light.
May your tense and angry times be short-lived...
so that you come back quickly to your comfortable ole' self. 
May you be startled and delighted by new beginnings.
May you find your uniqueness.
May you play with friends.
and hear beautiful music.
May you come to the surface for air when you need it.
May you take exquisite care of yourself.
And may everything that hurts you also be a little funny.
Have a wonderful 5772!     

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Such an inspiring Gosho! Tonight's Meeting is going to ROCK!!

Tonight we are studying "The Sutra of True Requital" the Gosho by Nichiren Daishonin!

From the essay by Daisaku Ikeda:

'In order to repay my debt of gratitude to my mother, I have vowed to enable all women to chant the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra" THis passage is the crux of "The Sutra of True Requittal," It articulates the primary inspiration for the Daishonin's vow to open the way for the enlightenment of all people.

"In an early Buddhist scripture, Shakyamuni Buddha instructs: "Just as a mother would protect with her life her own son, her only son, so one should cultivate an unbounded mind towards all beings." It may be no exaggeration to say that motherly compassion is identical to the heart of the Buddha, which all living beings possess. A mother's compassion or love for her only child is directly linked to the concern or lovingkindness of the Buddha for all living beings. To experience a mother's love and compassion is to experience the heart of the Buddha. All of us are beneficiaries of the great spiritual blessings of motherly love and compassion."

"When the compassion of mothers everywhere illuminates all humanity, and when all humanity respects the wish for peace cherished by mothers everywhere, the very tenor of modern civilization will undergo a momentous change."

And that us what we call Kosen Rufu!
World Peace. 
Chanting one last hour before the meeting for all of your happiness!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

More Great Results and coaching on how to chant effectively!

I'll tell you, when you're in the flow of are in the FLOW of things. I sooo want all of you to experience this. And again, it comes from devoting your life to the mystic law of cause and effect through sound vibration. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

This week was incredible. Besides being my birthday week and having flowers and gifts and love was also an accreditation visit at the college where I work. This is a big deal. The various departments in the school have been preparing for this for months. Mostly I was thinking that it doesn't effect me too much. I am the Director of Community and Alumni main purpose is to join the college with various organizations where our students can get real world experience doing health care related tasks for a few hours at a time. It's fun...I love bringing the students to senior fairs and public health departments. It gives them confidence. I take pictures of them and post them on the bulletin boards....I form partnerships with organizations so we can return again and again. And I didn't think the surveyors would care much about this. 

Not only did they care, but something totally unexpected came out of this. Remember I am the Buddha, right? So I've been pouring daimoku into this program since the day I started....for the program chairs' happiness, for us to work together happily, for the students happiness and success. And I thought the only thing that came out of these types of surveys was bad news, information of things we had to improve on, but no! What happened was my program ended up being written up as OUTSTANDING! The surveyors reported that on my campus Service Learning was overwhelmingly effective and popular among the students. I was given a personal commendation in the final report. I didn't even know this could happen! 

And one of the staff said to me that ripples of my happiness had affected the whole school!


Just focus on what you want. Chant what is in your heart!  

Think about what makes you most passionate. Chant to raise your life condition so that everything will come to you. Chant to realize, at every moment, how precious your life is!!! Chant to share President Ikeda's it is beating in your own heart. Then read his writings to find out why I would recommend such a thing to you! If you're not connected to the Soka Gakkai...chant to BE connected to the Soka Gakkai, and go to meetings in your area. It is lonely, and impossible to get the same benefits chanting alone. If you can't find the organization close to you...make one by introducing your friends. Be a brave pioneer! But get connected to the SGI somehow!
Chant to have many dear friends in faith and to find people who inspire you. Chant in appreciation for having challenges so you can PROVE this practice. Chant to be an example that this practice works....that you HAVE to have RESULTS so that you can inspire people. Then share your practice with others to the best of your ability. I chant that my members can't NOT share the practice because they are overflowing with benefits!  I carry Nam Myoho Renge Kyo cards with me and hand out cards all day long....
Just keep going...don't give up! Chant twice a day, morning and evening. Perfect your gongyo. All of this comes easily when you are in the rhythm of chanting twice daily. Believe is a joy not a struggle!!! Let me know your results and your challenges! 
You can do it!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's My Birthday! ~ Shine up that Altar of Yours!

And because I can chant the Daimoku of the title of the Lotus Sutra....I am happier than I've ever been in my whole life!

Yes, it's true!

I chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo... with joy and conviction and a VOW to be Happy ~ Healthy ~ Smart ~ Sexy ~ Prosperous! All the good things I can think of! I chant to share the heart of my mentor, Daisaku Ikeda. You know  - when you chant this way you are already a winner! You can't lose!

Last night's District Meeting Rocked! There were 17 people in Jamie's Sweet Apartment, and two incredible experiences. The first was from Heather, who had experienced a real downturn lately. She'd quit her job because it wasn't paying the rent, so she couldn't afford her car insurance and lost her license....and on and on. I went over to her house and we moved her beautiful Butsudan (altar)(it was my Mom's) and cleaned it all up and made it bright and shiny and we talked about the way you treat your altar is the same as the respect you have for your own life. If you keep it bright and clean and have offerings of fresh fruit....your life will sparkle! Heather ended up getting a job she is over the moon about! It's at a wonderful place and she has all kinds of benefits she never even chanted for....along with working with people she genuinely respect and who treat her well!!! Yaaaayyy!!! 
And Ted also got a job he is thrilled about. He's a relatively new member (so is Heather) and he'd been struggling to find a job he liked. We kept encouraging him to chant chant chant chant! And NOT give up!!! He finally got a job interview at a hotel and  - get this - they have a Gohonzon room in the hotel and he is working with Buddhists! They are giving him a lot of responsibility and he is thrilled. The day before his interview he chanted for 6 hours with his partner Mark! Sometimes THAT is what it takes!!!

So on this day, my birthday...take a look at your own altar. Make sure it is against a very sturdy wall...not under a window...not in a corner. Make sure there is NOTHING hanging over it. Dust it lovingly. Get the residue of candles off of it (I used to use a hot hairdryer to do this - now I burn candles with glass around them), put fresh fruit, and water in the morning, and if you want you ca put some fresh greens, or bamboo, or a plant. I have the beautiful roses given to me by a very special man in my life on my altar today. Aaaaaahhhh life is good! Clean up your altar area and you clean up your life. Make it sparkle and your life will sparkle too!!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ohhhh I feel so good

And I want you all to feel soooo great too!

 My life is incredible, and it starts anew every single morning and every evening when I sit in front of my Gohonzon and chant with an open heart. I pour out every one of my desires...and I start with the desire to really, every single minute, realize how incredible I AM and how incredible my life force is....and how much I love my life and love myself...and how every Nam Myoho Renge Kyo I chant goes to further realize my own magnificence. It is so refreshing to see the diamond brilliance of my see and feel the power of the Buddha within me. 
And the results of this prayer...and the VOW to be winning in every single area of my life....well I am sparkling more brilliantly in every area every moment. 
My life is sparkly and brilliant and wonderful. I am totally fulfilled....totally seeing and feeling...and letting in all the love...all the happiness that surrounds me in ways I have longed for my entire life. I feel cherished and happy and beautiful and  whole. And I long for all people...all know this feeling!  Nam Myoho Renge Kyo...have I ever changed some karma. My  cup is overflowing and there is more and more flowing my way every moment. YES universe! That's what I'm talking about. 
And my professional life is an absolute blast. After a rough start in my new job...where I really turned around a tough situation...I am so happy that work never feels like working. I am shining and glowing and producing incredible results while enjoying every single minute of every day...making new friends....creating value for everyone around me. I even got national recognition on the weekly call I'm part of every Friday.  Some of the recognition was unexpected...a nice public thank you from an associate in another very cool. And last week I participated in a training and won the $100 gift card to a cool restaurant. The week before that I received an incredible opal set in gold as part of a cool thing I was doing with my students. Nam Myoho Renge life is full of unexpected surprises! 
I have wonderful health....great friends....better friends than I've ever had...wonderful, loving friends with many shared interests. I am riding high. And I KNOW, KNOW, KNOW that it is because of this wonderful practice. I KNOW I have designed it all, and create it all with every Daimoku I chant.  
AND I KNOW this all is possible for you too. Whatever your challenges, whatever your goals and dreams and visions....if I CAN DO IT...SO CAN YOU! I am not extraordinary. I am determined to be happy, and willing to put in the time in front of my Gohonzon with my heart in my hands and my life in my hands. I chant for my Human Revolution, and to lift every suffering being up with me. I chant to do my Human Revolution so the entire world can rid itself of suffering, of war, of hate, of despair. Through my happiness I am healing the world. THAT is my determination. 
And if I can be happy so can you. No matter what your karma is you can change it. No matter how badly you are suffering now....I promise you, you can change it into a beautiful overflowing garden just as I have. Remember when I started this blog two years ago? I was suffering from heartache, and life-ache and deepest, darkest despair. And I committed to chant two hours a day for my own happiness and to take anyone who wanted to read my blog on this journey with me...and look at me now. May my words and determination inspire you to chant every single morning and never give up on your join with your mentor and my mentor Daisaku Ikeda...and to achieve the kind of happiness that will have you pinching yourself in joy!!!! 
You can do it! Own your suffering! Call it your mission! Recognize your karma. Embrace it...chant to change it. Every morning and evening and don't give up! 
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!!!!!!
I love you !!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Incredible Guidance ~ Try this!

I have been following this incredible Guidance. Check it out.

Chanting to become a man/woman 

Whatever it is that you are suffering from...whatever it is, it has a common root and this way of prayer will have a deep impact!!
...You can analyze your situation all you want. You have to get to the bottom of why "I don't believe in the greatness of my life". You have to grab it by the roots and yank it out of your life. 


Chant to appreciate and value your own life!

Your mission as a Buddhist is TO BECOME HAPPY! NOT TO MASTER SUFFERING!!!

We all have negative and positive voices in our heads... one says "Who are you kidding?" and the other says "You can do it!." Which voice will you listen to? Which will you tell to just go away? It's your choice! You HAVE to fight not to give in to your negativity. It is the ULTIMATE win you MUST HAVE! This is not about being a writer, artist, actor, etc. It's about becoming the person you always wanted to become, a person who values and appreciates his/her life at EACH MOMENT! A person who revels in being who they are! 

I am living proof that this is possible. I am enjoying every single moment of my life and appreciating myself every second of every day. I am producing excellent results at work...and loving it! I am so happy in every aspect of my social life....especially those aspects that have challenged me so completely for my entire life. I have just seen my two Buddha boys go off to college, and YES, I do feel the sadness of the changes of time...the passage of a phase of my life. My little Ben is never going to come running across the field with his arms outstretched and jump into my waiting arms...but I have a life so rich and exciting that I am feeling the loss, I'm present to this moment of poignancy, but I am not laid low for very long before I spring into the excitement of my next exciting encounter.  The guidance I am sharing this evening is part of the reason I am flourishing. 

Those feelings of self-doubt, those feelings of "I am a failure"....or "I am NEVER going to change this"...THOSE are the feelings you have to address and fight head on! YOUR TALENT IS NOT BEING's about how you feel about yourself! THAT is the karma! You have to value your own life! You have to appreciate it!

Unless you conquer those feelings you will not break through to the happiness that is YOUR BIRTHRIGHT ! You deserve to be happy! Chanting to REALIZE THE MAGNIFICENCE OF YOUR LIFE WILL HELP YOU TO SEE IT!

It has nothing to do with someone else validating you! Follow your heart! Chant to feel your own magnificence! THAT is what will move mountains in your life.
Chant to Do your human revolution!

You need to follow your heart, truly treasure your life. When Nichiren Daishonin inscribed the Dai-Gohonzon, he was already chanting daimoku, and out of the greatness of his life welling forth in the realization that he had tapped into the key to happiness itself, he inscribed the Dai-Gohonzon for all humanity, so that every single person could attain enlightenment, relieve their suffering, and be HAPPY! When you sit in front of the Gohonzon you have to have the most reverence for your life. The Gohonzon is the universe within you. It is the beautiful life state you can call forth by chanting in front of it. If you chant for at least two weeks to really be a man/woman of unlimited self esteem and to REALLY, TRULY appreciate your life, including your flaws, your accomplishments, your defeats, your losses, your victories, all you have created, and truly APPRECIATE YOUR TALENT AS________________ for at least two weeks then EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE.

Forget about all the garbage in the past. Put it away! From today on really chant to be a man/woman of unlimited self esteem!

This is part one, but a very good start! Make your determination and chant NOW!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Why Chant?

Good Question. 
If you're new to the whole chanting idea...or even if you're not...why do it? What does chanting do for you? 

Let's look at a few basics behind the very idea of chanting. 

First of all, one of the main concepts of Buddhism is that YOU ARE A BUDDHA. WE ARE ALL BUDDHAS. What is a BUDDHA? One who is awakened to the fact that he or she is a microcosm of the universe, and therefore has all the power of the universe inside his or her life.  All Buddhas are equal. We do not pray TO the Buddha! We ARE the Buddha. We chant to access the power within us...and channel it in the direction we want it to go. 

It's there. All the power...all the glory...all the beauty. Right in our own lives. And it's accessible by chanting the simple words Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. These words mean: I fuse my life with the mystic law of cause and effect through sound vibration. Chanting these words is like calling out to the law of the universe BY NAME, and bringing forth whatever you may desire. 

That's another beautiful thing about chanting. Your DESIRES ARE ENLIGHTENMENT. The more desires you have, the better! Your desires are all good. Even the bad ones. When you chant for what you want you will change your life in a positive direction. When you chant, you are plugging your life into the miraculous power of the entire universe. YOU DON"T HAVE TO UNDERSTAND IT. YOU DON"T HAVE TO BELIEVE IT! IT'S A LAW! I know a man who started chanting to prove to his wife that chanting did not work. More than 40 years later he is still chanting because he realized how profoundly it DID work....even when he didn't believe in it. He has inspired countless people with his story and with his life. (Hi Amos!)

Chanting works because WE ARE INTEGRALLY CONNECTED TO OUR ENVIRONMENT. Our lives are interwoven and are able, with our own power, to affect the entire environment in which we live. I'm sure you've noticed this many times in your life. There are days in which you hit every green light, and days in which you hit every red one. I know this is simplified, but I think you understand what I am saying. And because of this, when we chant to change our own lives...when we chant to raise our life conditions, when we chant to realize the magnificence of our own Buddhahood, the environment around us changes as well. It has to. Try it and see. 

I offer you this: Do an experiment. For the next 100 days chant at least 5 minutes every morning and evening. Go the website and find people in your area who chant. Go to meetings. Make a Buddhist friend. Write your list of desires. And watch your life change in a positive direction! You will feel your own happiness growing and growing. Get some books at the SGI Center by you, or order them through the publications number on the website. Anything written by Daisaku Ikeda is the key to your growth. He has dedicated his life to achieving world peace through each person's human revolution for 64 years. One of my favorite books of his is a small book called "On Attaining Buddhahood". 

You can be happier than you ever imagined....and your desires CAN come true. I am living proof of that. YOU CAN BE TOO! 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Thriving, not Surviving

OK, I have successfully made it through one of life's greatest transitions...launching my precious boys into the world. As of last weekend, Aaron is at the University of Illinois, and Ben is at Miami of Ohio more than four hours away.
You know....someone once said to me, that once you have a child it is like your heart is permanently walking around outside your body ~ and I know this to be true. 
Right now my heart is launched in two different campuses. And I can't hover and control everything. 
No, at this point I have to trust that the years of raising them to chant for their own lives, and the continual Daimoku that I am chanting,  is just what they need to continue winning in life.
I love what Preseident Ikeda says about winning. It is not that winning is NEVER LOSING. WINNING MEANS NEVER BEING DEFEATED NO MATTER WHAT. 
We are human after all, aren't we?
Look at Ben, he's figuring everything out. He has a running scholarship he earned with his own hard work...and most people just wouldn't even believe what he puts himself through on a daily basis. When he's in good running shape (i.e. not injured) he pushes himself running in ways I can't even imagine. When he's injured (which is, mysteriously, and annoyingly...frequent) he pushes himself even harder...working in the gym for three hours or more to keep his cardio up for when he CAN run again.
Right now there is a question as to whether he'll be able to run this semester or not...we shall see. 
During his first week at college he met with many department heads on campus to help decide what major he wants to pursue.
On the day I moved him into his dorm,  I presented him with a tiny altar for his Omamori Gohonzon, anew book and beads set, Discussions on Youth by Daisaku Ikeda, and a gorgeous new bell. He'd received his Omamori Gohonzon earlier this summer. I know he is equipped now for success. I know he knows where he can turn when faced with challenges.  I can only hope that he has endless days of sunshine and glory...but life isn't always like that. But knowing that he is ready....well, as his Mom...I can breathe...I am happy.
And Aaron...he is handling what they call "Secondaries" for Medical school....I think that's what they call this phase of the application process. Who knows where he will be this time next year/ In the meantime, he's got an apartment he just fixed up and made wonderful...and all his friends around him everywhere. He's all set to lead his cross country club to victory at U of I, and succeed in his own life. I still am amazed at the thought of him last year...chanting in his conservative yet cool (they don't do hazing) fraternity.
And me, well, miraculously, my life is going on, even opening up. New and exciting people are coming into my life and showing me worlds of interesting, exciting, fun adventures. I am experiencing my own life as the rich, deep, passionate self I am. My true friends are more of a treasure than ever. I am appreciating every moment at a time I could be falling apart. For the past 20 years I have been responsible for raising these two bright sparks into their own power and happiness...and now they are launching into the world....not quite on their own...but needing me in a different way. So my life MUST expand and welcome new energy. Aaaaahhhh. It is wonderful :) Nam Myoho Renge Kyo friends.

If I can be this happy at this moment, anything is possible for you. I am living the life of my dreams You can too. Every single Nam Myoho Renge Kyo I have chanted is blossoming into my life right now. Whatever you're facing, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is MUCH more powerful than any problem or challenge you have.   Don't take MY word for it though! Prove the power of the universe in your life! You are one of the lucky ones. You KNOW about Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and can use it! Chant to acheive your desires beyond your wildest dreams! Fortunate YOU!!!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

An Experience from my New friend in Australia! So inspiring!

This is from my new friend Nathan. Read it and be inspired by HOW FAST chanting Daimoku can impact your life. And remember, sometimes we go through the lows so that they can bring us to a much more incredible HIGH!!!

I discovered Daishonin Buddhsim through my councillor, I had a problem problems with my life, anger, addiction, hurting the ones I love most emotionally, mentally. About four weeks ago, my beautiful, loving, caring, wonderful wife left me because of these problems I had, all she wanted is for me to respect her, treat her with the love and care she has always showed me. But I just blew it off all the time, saying that I can fix myself, I don't need a councillor or any help, OMG was I wrong!!! What I didn't realize was that I did need help, and bad, so about three days ago I went to see my councillor, my wife came along to support me, to make a long story short, the things she said to the councillor about the way she feels and that she was happier in the past few weeks then when she was with me shocked my system drastically, I had been extremely depressed over the past few weeks from my wife leaving me but those few things she pointed out to the councillor hurt me more then any pain I ever felt, it was like a knife to the heart. My wife left the session early, and I stayed behind, let me add I'm South African and my wife is Australian, so I was here on a sponsorship from my wife, when she left mr, she withdrew her sponsorship and that gave me twenty eight days to stay in the country. So because of thy my councillor suggested I try Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism out, I thought to myself heck what so I have to lose, I've lost everything already. So we started to practice chanting, (Nam- myoho-renge-kyo) after the first five minutes I started to get the hang of it, after ten minutes I felt this amazing warmth insid of me, I felt relaxed, like the sadness had left my mind, I felt energized, peaceful. That afternoon I was walking through Melbourne city, and the thought popped in my head. So I stopped at the best florist in the city, and bought my gorgeous wife here favorite flowers (Lillie's) I went passed her parents place and I ran the bell, no answer, I rang again, no answer, so I rang a friend that lives in the complex, to my surprise he was home, and trust me he's never home. He opened and I sat on the stairs in front of her place, about 30 min she came down the stairs as two lovely ladies were entering the stairwell, she was surprised as heck, I gave her the flowers and a card, she offered me a lift on the way to one of her dancing classes she teaches at, we got to talking and when I left her on my way to the train station she hugged me, kissed me and told me she loves me. Gosh I felt amazing!! For the first time in weeks. I felt something other then pain and heart ache. 
So that night I got home, had dinner and went to my room, I started chanting loud and proud with all my heart thinking how much I would love my wife to give me another chance so that I could show her that I can change and I can be that man she fell in love with, I won't make another empty promise to her again, I did this for the next day aswell morning and evening, then this morning 13/08/2011 I went to work and I waited outside my office for 2 hours waiting for my boss to arrive, while I was waiting I started chanting in the work van, again loud and proud, for about thirty minutes. By then I realized my boss wasn't coming so I thought let me go take a walk in the city, I got near my parents inlaw's place, I decided To ask my wonderful mother inlaw if she'd like to go for coffee with me, she came down and told me that they were cleaning the carpets, so we sat down and had a long talk ( about an hour and a half) then my wife arrived from teaching, I asked her if she wanted to grab a coffee or something, she said YES!! so we went into the city and had a coffee, we ended up spending the entire day together, holding hands, kissing, hugging, you know.... What I'm trying to say is that even after three days of chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-kyo my life started to change, I've started to feel hope again happiness, compassion, I feel fantastic!!! All I can say is that I believe and I'm no where near gonna give up, Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism is in me and is here to stay. I wanna thank you for your blog it has inspired me to never give up on my happiness, on my wife, on my life. Thank you with my heart of hearts thank you to you and my new mentor Nichiren Daishonin for giving me this wonderful and joyful gift of faith and enlightenment. THANK YOU

Thursday, August 4, 2011

What do you chant about...when you are really happy?

This can be a real kidding. How do you chant when you are blissfully happy. 
Well, I'll tell you this is one good place to be in.

 Congratulations on being blissfully happy!!!!

And the answer is amazingly simple and obvious...of course....CHANT IN APPRECIATION!!! Say thank you UNIVERSE! Thank you life itself! Thank you MY LIFE! Thank you soooo much. Thank you Daisaku Ikeda...and sincerely, really, thank yourself. Your benefits and happiness have come about because of all the good causes you have made in chanting, in shakubuku and in life. 

Praise your life! Honor your Life! Enjoy every single Nam Myoho Renge Kyo you chant. Your happiness will bring even more happiness! Chant to experience a deeper, richer, higher level of happiness than you ever have before! What a worthy prayer ~ you Buddha YOU!!!! Enjoy! 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Paul McCartney last night ~ absolutely AGELESS!!!

I went to see Paul McCartney last night. He gave an amazing performance.  

You know 69 is not old any longer! Remember when the song "When I'm 64" came out? Oh my that time 64 sounded absolutely ancient. And now...we have Paul McCartney having the time of his life performing three hour shows in stadiums...and looking and sounding great at 69!

I'm relaxing tonight after a string of exciting and fun days and nights, and I put on the movie "You can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay. Louise says "I just entered my 8th decade and I've decided that this will be my best decade EVER! Whatever decade you are in - declare it to be your best EVER!" OK Louise, you amazing and smart and wonderful woman. I declare this decade to be my best ever!!!! I KNOW I look younger than I did ten years ago! Nam Myoho Renge Kyo works!!!!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dearest Friends and Brothers

Here are my boys Aaron and Ben. This is a golden moment in a wonderful time. Aaron is completing applications for Med School, and Ben is about to enter his first year at Miami of Ohio on a scholarship for running. Aaron and Ben are closer than any brothers I have ever seen. 

When they were little Buddha boys, and even before they were born, I made the determination that there would be no fighting in my house EVER. And I have a vivid memory of a time just after we moved from San Francisco to Chicago in 1999. Ben was 5, Aaron was 8. And I heard a scuffle in the other room. It wasn't severe by most people's standards but it was enough for me to put my Buddha foot down! 
I called them both in front of the Gohonzon and said we are going to chant for 5 minutes. We will chant to love our brother and never fight again. "Okay Mommy" they said and we all chanted together. 
They never fought again. 
Such is the power of the mystic law. 
It is that deep. 
They are incredibly close. 
I had one other rule. "Stop Means Stop." When someone is doing something the other doesn't like...they only have to say stop one time. This actually worked. Seriously. 
And I have heard other mothers say wistfully "If only I had a moment during the day when my boys weren't fighting." and I have seen little boys hurt each other on purpose while in stores or on the street with their mother....and the mother lets it happen because she doesn't think she can stop it. And my heart swells with appreciation for this practice. 
How wonderful to have a practice that solves real life problems!!!!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!! 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

About Setting Deadlines for results...

I received a note from a reader about deadlines. They were wondering what to do when the deadline has passed, but the result has not happened. What does this mean...and what do you do next.

Since Kate is here I am going to ask her to address this:

We set deadlines to motivate OURSELVES into action. A deadline is not for the universe to respond to us. We chant. We take action. The deadline comes. We either win or we don't. If we don't we pick ourselves right up again and redetermine. The goal is to never be defeated. Sensei always says "To win in life is to never be defeated." That does not mean that we will never fail. It's our spirit that matters. The battle we fight is not with the universe. It's with our inner demons...the ones that say things like "obviously chanting doesn't work because I did not get my dream by my deadline...or...maybe I should have a different goal...maybe I wasn't MEANT to have that thing!....or what am I doing wrong? Maybe I wasn't chanting the RIGHT way!" It is at that juncture that we must recognize the opportunity to deepen our faith and our understanding of the profundity of Buddhism. ANYTHING that DRAINS OUR LIFE FORCE is the negative function. Any inner voice that causes us doubt and hopelessness IS the negative function. Once we decide we will win no matter what ~ we need only to continue. We've already won. The battle is with the negative function within. 
Ultimately, deadlines are irrelevant. Set them if you need them to motivate yourself. But decide from the onset that you will win no matter what. And hold YOURSELF accountable. Not the universe. If it is a crucial moment and you are in a dire predicament, financially, or health-wise, it is time to DEMAND the protection of the Shoten Zenjin. No prayer of a votary of the Lotus Sutra will go unanswered. If your prayer is going unanswered find out what it means to be a votary of the Lotus Sutra. And as you are chanting DEMAND the result that you want through your prayer. Awaken to your mission and realize that all your suffering is your opportunity to encourage other people. That is what is meant by turning Karma into Mission."

Enjoying Chicago in the days leading up to our presentation

Here i am with my dear friend Kate Randolph. 
We went out on an evening boat ride off of Navy Pier on Sunday with Aaron and Ben.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Kate's Here!

This is our big week! 

Kate, my dear friend in faith is here from Los Angeles. She introduced me to this practice in 1985 when we were both volunteering for "The Great Peace March Across America" 
It was a grand vision we were a part of....hundreds of people were going to walk across America with support from various businesses and Hollywood stars. No one was going to have to carry their belongings...tents would arrive at your daily destination and be set up when you got would be made by volunteers in the various cities. In the was not a success...a small group did end up completing the walk on their own with no support, but most people gave up when the walkers got stranded in Barstow, California. The desert. And they realized the support was gone. 
Something about the vision, and the times, awakened a burning hope for peace in many people's hearts, and two of my life-long friendships were born at this time. I met Kate, and I met my dear friend Joan who lives in Emeryville, California...and who is brilliant and wonderful and insightful. 

Kate told me story after story about how her practice of Buddhism had changed her life. One of them really impressed me. She was already an actress at the time, and had met many famous people. She wasn't the type to be "star struck"...until she met Paul Newman. He had gotten behind the fundraising efforts for the walk, and she had some practical things to talk to him about as part of her volunteer role. She said she got in front of him, looked into those baby blues and her mind just melted. She couldn't communicate or think. She went home that night and chanted Nam Myoho Renge Kyo for an hour...and from then on she was composed and could carry on a conversation with him. "WOW" I thought. Maybe I have found the thing I have been searching for...the practice that was PRACTICAL...where I could pick whatever problem I was having....focus my intentions in a direct way...and SOLVE those problems. I had been LOOKING for this solution for many years. I KNEW it had to exist. I looked for it everywhere...but had only uncovered the types of practices that truly annoyed me...ones where you had to be "initiated" or chosen, and ones that said your desires were the cause of your suffering. Kate told me that in THIS practice, your desires will lead you to happiness because they will make you chant and when you chant you change your karma. I started chanting and became a life-long Buddhist. 
Fast forward to today. Kate and I are giving a symposium on Friday at the American Alliance of Theater Educators Conference in Chicago. Our seminar is called "Reawakening the poetic Spirit" and is based on three things: Daisaku Ikeda's essay "The Poetic Spirit", The play "The Belle of Amherst" in which Kate BECOMES Emily Dickenson, and the book "A Whole New Mind" by Daniel Pink. This book is about how right brainers...those who see connections, can speak creatively and see the whole picture...those who didn't necessarily do well on their SATs...that their day has come...they are more needed and valuable than ever...and have a bright future. It's an amazing book. 

On Friday Kate will be presenting part of the play, and we'll bring the essay to life, and have people do exercises that reawaken their poetic spirits. 

We've been chanting about this for many months, and planning and writing and studying. On Friday it will all come together. 
Please send Daimoku for all the lives we can touch that day. We don't know the size of our audience....but we have been chanting to touch each and every one of them with our poetic spirits, and be by example, the essence and the spirit of Kosen Rufu in action. 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Here I am

Just thought you might want to see me in my on my patio, enjoying an evening with a friend. It is inconceivable...yet incredibly real and wonderful to be living in this sweet apartment. Just to the right of me, inside, is my altar and Gohonzon. Last night's meeting here totally rocked! We have a new family joining! A sixteen year old sweetheart and both of her lovely parents. I am living the life of my dreams right this very minute. This very minute! Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

More Ideas about Effective Chanting

As you know, attitude, thought and intention are very important while chanting. Don't get me wrong though, if you can't seem to muster the correct attitude,  it is still worthwhile to chant in front of your Gohonzon and have a blank mind, a wandering mind or an emotional soul. These are all fine too. Chanting is never wasted. I think sometimes we may spend too much time trying to be the first thing I'm going to say is you don't have to be perfect! Chant anyway! 
But here are a few more things that have helped me:
I was asked the question "What do you do when your mind wanders?" and I'll tell you this:
Sometimes I have a lot of things I need "to do" in my brain. It is for this reason that I keep a pen and a pad of paper by me in front of the Gohonzon. That way, when I am thinking "Oh goodness I need to call so and so back" I take the pen and paper and empty my brain of the task. Then it's on the paper and I don't have to think about it any more! 
Sometimes I'll also get on a roll with intention and think "Oh man, this is a great prayer I've tapped into...I want to write this one down so I can share it with others and remember to chant it again." and I write that down too. 
In the back of my journal I sometimes write the prayers I'm really focusing on right now. 
And the prayer that resonates most with me now is the prayer to do my human revolution and raise my life condition. We all know that all change comes from within right? And when we make a fundamental change in our life condition by chanting, our environment changes because of this. It has too. We are connected to our environment in every way. All desires are encompassed in this prayer. ALL DESIRES. 
I just picture my life spiraling upwards and everything around me spiraling upwards too. 
I also chant to join my spirit and my prayer with Daisaku Ikeda's. He is the President of the SGI as many of you know. He is a man, not a god. He is a man with fierce determination towards peace on this earth and the happiness of all people. I share his determination for peace and happiness. That's why I write this blog. I sincerely want YOU to be happy. I am here to help you and chant for you, and encourage you to chant courageously. Connect with what you TRULY desire. Don't ask for permission to chant for your desires. Just do it! Your desires are the fuel for your absolute happiness. You can do it!!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

How I know this chanting works

 I am an entirely different person than the Jamie who first began chanting in 1985.

First of all, I really COULD NOT experience or see my own self worth. All I could see was how I did not stack up to the other people around me. I compared myself to others and always came up short. I was frightened of so many things...and whenever my wonderful parents would tell me how great I was I would cry, because I was born with a sadness that could only come from karma...not from any circumstances this lifetime.

What is karma? The sum total of all the causes you've ever made over all the lifetimes you have ever lived. How do you know the results of those causes? Just look at your life at this moment and you will see them. And the beauty of THIS practice is that you can CHANGE ANY of that karma. Right here right now. You don't have to figure it out...all you have to do is chant. Yes! It is that easy!

One good thing about my childhood...and young adulthood...was that I somehow knew in my heart that I could find the release from my suffering. I KNEW this practice had to exist. I KNEW there would be a solution to the unhappiness in my life...and I searched high and low for it. I looked in all the major religions...all the minor ones...various metaphysical teachings (wow - you hardly even HEAR that word anymore) and I kept saying "no, this is not it and I kept looking". Many of them said only the "enlightened" ones could be enlightened and that just made me there was some key you had to find but they wouldn't give it to you. Not for me. Others said that the CAUSE of my suffering was my somehow I should just get rid of my desires. But I LOVE MY DESIRES...they make me who I am. I kept searching until I found the one practice that says "earthly desires ARE enlightenment" and you can follow your desires. Bingo. 

Now, at this time in my life....I have a deep feeling of the sacred, sweet, beauty and power that is my life. This feeling, this knowledge, goes WAY BEYOND "self esteem". I have faith in myself...I have faith in my life to deliver what I need. I KNOW my worth...and I live my life in happiness...contributing to others...being happy and spreading happiness. I bring it everywhere I go! 
I am not confused...or sad...I am CERTAIN now. And incredibly happy. You can be too! 

Monday, July 11, 2011

How to Chant for what you want

I've had some more questions about techniques of chanting. 

First of all, remember that you are not chanting to something outside your are chanting to your very life itself...and the life of the entire universe.  Through chanting Daimoku you have the keys to access the power of the universe. There is no need to beg. There is a need to VOW, and DETERMINE...and to clearly tell your life that you want results from your chanting NOW!!!

That's the power of chanting Daimoku. And please, do not chant under your breath! Chant as if you mean it! You are speaking to the strong. Take deep breaths, remember to breathe. Breathe from your belly...feel the energy surging through your body. SIT UP STRAIGHT! Be STRONG! You're chanting! Chant strongly. 

And a question was asked about doing Gongyo. When you do Gongyo you are speaking the Buddha's words. YOU ARE THE BUDDHA. I believe that is the purpose of doing gongyo...and it puts you in rhythm. It is very important, and once you know how to do's fun! 

Do Gongyo and Daimoku every single day - twice a day...and make your list of what you want...and go for it! Take action! You can't just chant, you must also take action. Buddhism is common sense! 

If I can achieve my goals - so can you. You have the same tools! Go for it!

What do you think about when you chant?

I received this question this morning - it's a very important question. 

What do I think about when I chant? 

The answer is this:

FOCUS on your desires...your desires FUEL your strongest prayer. All of your desires are good...all are worthwhile. Chant for yourself...chant for others!
I also have a few suggestions for what to chant for as well:

Chant to do your HUMAN REVOLUTION! 

Chant to raise your life condition! 

I have been chanting this way a lot lately. I know that if my life condition is high....well, do to the interconnectivity of all life (we call this esho funi), then all will be well. 
When I do my human revolution I make the change necessary for ALL THE CHANGES I WANT TO SEE IN MY LIFE. We all know that change starts from within. When you chant you use the exact tool you need to make the inner change! 

Isn't that exciting? 

You hold the keys to your own happiness! 

And REMEMBER - chant when you are happy too. Continual chanting every single day is how to build your fortune. Daisaku Ikeda says it's like putting one piece of paper on your desk every day. At first it might not seem like much...but over the years you accumulate so much benefit - all you can do is smile and be happy! Everything just comes out beautifully and you trust the power within your own life like never before!!!

Just like Me!!!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Boundless Joy From the law!

Right now I am experiencing the longest string of continual happiness I can ever remember in my life.  I have permanently changed my life state. 
I have heard of this happening to many other Buddhists. 

A dark level of unhappiness has permanently left my life. I have, indeed "raised my life condition". 
We talk about this phrase all the time, and what I am experiencing right now is the proof of this phrase. 

I'll describe it like this: 

When you have a problem or sadness it's as if it is in front of you like a wall. When you "raise your life condition" you elevate yourself so high above that wall, that you look down on it thinking "I can't believe that wall ever loomed so large in my life...look at how tiny it is now."

That deep level of sadness and despair that I have battled my whole life has just gone poof. I have even made it through the usual cycle where I feel it again....and no...I'm still happy. 


Here I am, once again, living in paradise, paying my own bills, having my own life. I see my boys often   and have a great time with them. Ben and Aaron have both spent the night here at different times this week. I have something fun to do every single night...and when I don't, I've been going to yoga and I'm going to start really working out again with a trainer. I'm about to get in the best shape I've ever been. 

And I am so content. Some of you remember the reason I began this blog...and my sad, broken heart. Well...there has been the opportunity for that sadness to resurface lately...and it hasn't. I just keep chanting to continue opening my life to the happiness and appreciation I feel in my heart. I am chanting in appreciation for my health, my self...and of course to make a tremendous contribution at work...for all doors to open...and for all my precious fellow members and friends and YOU! 

Everything is possible. 

It's a gorgeous summer day here in the Chicago Area...if your'e HERE, enjoy the day. 

And wherever you are....enjoy each the Daishonin says: "Suffer what there is to suffer and enjoy what there is to enjoy, and continue chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo no matter what happens. Then you will experience boundless joy from the law."

I am experiencing Boundless joy from the law~~~!!! And so can YOU!!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Fireworks in Paradise

Let me again assure you that anything is possible. If I can sit here today writing you from my patio, at 11:00 at night, feeling totally safe and secure and happy....then there is NOTHING in your life you can't change.

This weekend was a full fourth of july weekend. I got to see my boys here at Versailles swimming...I went to a lovely art fair with a dear friend...I read a book...I chanted...I had my soon to be ex-husband over to swim...and all of us - the whole family...went to watch the fireworks together.

A HAPPY DIVORCE IS POSSIBLE. Not that I am trying to sell you or anyone else on the idea of divorce. no...I believe in HAPPINESS. I know that happiness is possible. I sit here in testament tp happiness.

All those years...I knew it wasn't the right time to split up the family...but I made the bold move to suggest my husband and I live as room mates (a year and a half ago) as we dated other people and prepared to split our lives. Meanwhile every day I could wake up with my son there to drive him home from there to remind him of certain things and feed him good food as often as I could...
And in that time I found this lovely place...I found a new job...I had my hip surgery. And now I look at my life and all I can do is chant with appreciation for how lovely it is!
My lifelong friend Eddie came by my apartment yesterday with a cool money tree plant...and he totally rearranged my bedroom so that it is cozy, sexy...and I can fit the chaise lounge I left behind in it.

I chant every morning and evening and want to shout from the rooftops....My VOW has come true. I have health, happiness...and a divorce that inspires everyone!!! My kids are happy...everyone is happy! I knew it could happen if I set my sights to is and chanted about it. I never listened to what anyone said about how it can't happen (and I don't keep those kinds of naysayers around me anyway) My friends are positive people who believe anything is possible...just like YOU my friends. Don't give up. Did deep in your prayer just like I did. Chant to change in anyway possible to make your dreams come true. I DID. And I am SOOOOO happy! Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Human Revolution! Bring it on!

Hello! Here I am living in paradise! I am in such a state of bliss and relief in my clean, gorgeous, newly renovated apartment....sitting on my patio, looking out over the pond and birds and trees and sky...thinking of where I lived before was a cool house with lots of wood....but the trees were so close and so big that you couldn't really see the sky, or the sun. Now I have both...and wall to wall carpeting. I lived with cold hardwood for so many years. Not for me. Give me soft, light, warm carpet!!!

Only guess what? I still have more human revolution to do! I still have karma! I still have emotions. Sheesh! But I have really changed the depth of my suffering, I will tell you that. I am generally happy all the time! I have done so much human revolution!

And I am determined to keep going. Some small things have come up...some old issues from my childhood, and some old fears. And you know what? I'm going to sit here in front of my Gohonzon and chant from the bottom of my heart to make the internal change necessary to ensure my COMPLETE and TOTAL victory and happiness! I have such a mission! I must be able to create my life as the Buddha of absolute freedom....with the ability to do all I wish without fear stopping me. 

That is the only way to make real and lasting karmic change. 

And I am chanting for all of you!

Whatever you are facing ~ remember to STUDY, CHANT, GO TO MEETINGS and CHANT FOR OTHERS TOO!!!! Then you will have all you desire! Go YOU!