Showing posts with label forgiveness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label forgiveness. Show all posts

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Great Quote about Anger

Isn't this the truth? 

But why is it so? Really? 

The truth is that the belief that we are all interconnected is true...we all are part of the web of life. When we move, everything moves around us...when we feel anger and hold on to it we project anger out into the universe...and make a cause for more anger and unhappiness in our lives. It does not help us. 

Releasing and getting rid of anger is forgiveness. 

I know, many religions talk about forgiveness. I like to think about it as for-giveness. 

Giving it forth. 

It doesn't mean that whatever the person did is all right. It just means that we are not connecting ourselves to the negative energy surrounding it. We are free. 

We are the Buddhas of Absolute Freedom. 

It is each of ours to we wish to hang onto anger and drink the poison of our attachment to the hurt...or are we ready to let it go and move on...release ourselves from the situation...grow and become stronger...more free...more everything good!