Showing posts with label myoho sisters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label myoho sisters. Show all posts

Monday, July 8, 2013

Chanting Together Multiplies Our Benefits

When we Chant together something magical happens. 
No, it's not magic exactly. 
It's a vibration that has a cause, 
and TOGETHER we raise our vibration 
and change ourselves, others and the world for the better. 

Today I was just finishing my first hour of Daimoku (and I plan on chanting much more - because I have time to chant and so many goals and desires to fuel that Daimoku), 
I received a call from one of my members about a job situation and she asked me to chant for her. Of course, I will be happy to chant FOR her, but I said "Come on over, let's chant together. And let's see who else we can invite, and we'll all break through together!" THIS is the value of practicing in the wonderful Soka Gakkai with our friends in faith. Now I have a group of people coming over here at noon ~ perfect timing before my phone meeting with Julia to work on our book for you.  

I reminded my member who called about the job that it's important to raise her prayer to the level of Kosen Rufu. Raise EVERY prayer to the level of Kosen Rufu. 

She is chanting for a job, and she can use that prayer to chant to get the best possible job so that she can show actual proof of this Gohonzon (the power within her life) to herself, and to others. Then she can do shakubuku, introduce others and quickly change her karma. She has only been chanting a few months, she doesn't have her Gohonzon yet, and she is growing in faith. It is the perfect time for her to strengthen her faith and encourage others. Well, it's ALWAYS the perfect time to do that, isn't it?  

So use your SGI network. We are all here ready to help you grow, ready to help you break through. We are all the Gakkai Family. If you have not yet made the connection please click on the SGI portal to the right and find the friends you will end up cherishing your whole life. 

My Myoho sisters and brothers are truly like family to me. And you can create this too. Chant about it. Chant for it, and just take the action to make it happen. 

I chanted to meet people who would inspire me, and I am surrounded by people who inspire me! Don't practice alone. Your benefits will be so much bigger and greater when you take advantage of being part of the lifeblood of faith. Please don't believe me. Find this out for yourself. 

And we are all changing our karma together. 

As Daisaku Ikeda states:

"Buddhism which is founded on the law of cause and effect, stresses the concept of karma. This principle explains that life at each moment is subject to the cumulative effects of causes made in the past. What we do, what we say and what we think are all causes. And according to Buddhism, the moment we do something, say something or think something, an effect is registered in the depths of our being. Then, as our lives meet the right circumstances, the effect becomes apparent. Personality traits are strongly connected to our karma. The good news is that, unlike fate, our karma can be changed by causes we make from this moment forward. In fact, the practice of Buddhism is essentially the practice of continually changing our karma." - Daisaku Ikeda