Showing posts with label nam myoho renge kyo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nam myoho renge kyo. Show all posts

Thursday, July 25, 2013

PowerPrayer for Perceiving Benefit ~ An Excerpt from our Upcoming Book

PowerPrayer for Perceiving Benefit

Seeing IS believing.

As Nichiren Buddhists our faith is based on actual proof that our prayers are having a very concrete and tangible positive effect on our lives. But, we must be open, able and willing to perceive those effects to appreciate the benefit of our practice. We know for sure that during our first few months of the practice we received tons of benefits but something within us sought to dismiss them as coincidences because part of us just could not believe that it was really happening.

Here is a short PowerPrayer that can stand alone or can be incorporated in any of the other prayers to help you perceive your benefits and relish your actual proof.

PowerPrayer to be able to see benefit

My eyes are opening. 
I can now see and recognize the effects of my prayer. 
It's stunning to me. 
Things are starting to happen 
that have never happened before in my life! 
I write down everything that I want 
and I write down the date 
and I give thanks when it happens. 
I am establishing a personal written record of the benefits
that are now undeniably piling up 
and sparkling in my life. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

How Does Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo Work? What's this Practice all about?

The following is a Passage from Julia Landis' and Jamie Lee Silver's upcoming book, The BuddhaZone, PowerPrayers for Chanting Your Way to Absolute Happiness:

As Nichiren (SGI) Buddhists we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to summon up our fathomless wisdom while steering our life-craft in the direction of our innermost desires. We chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo over and over and over again. We call this chanting Daimoku 
(Die-MOH-Koo). Daimoku means title and the title of the Lotus Sutra is  Myoho-Renge-Kyo.  The founder of this practice, Nichiren Daishonin, added to Myoho-renge-kyo  the syllable Nam which means “I devote my life to.” 

So, a brief translation of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is, 

“I devote my life to the mystic law of cause and effect through sound vibration,” or, “I am one with the very rhythm of life.”

“Myoho-renge-kyo is the name of the ultimate mystic truth, and Nam-myo-ho-renge-kyo  is the name of the life state of Buddhas who embody and reveal this truth.” 
p.28 On Attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime.

It actually becomes very natural over time to focus on a personal PowerPrayer while chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.  It is nothing more than putting your deepest fundamental wish into action. By chanting and focusing on our most cherished desire, we come to steer our lives with confidence in the direction of Buddhahood. Our lives become lives of immense creativity, wisdom and value, and most of all Love. For as we chant, rhythmically and powerfully, we exude into our environment a music that evokes our deepest, innermost  capacity and transforms any manner of poison (problem) into a medicine (benefit), and further, into a nectar (deep and absolute happiness). 

Love's Got to do with it

A PowerPrayer is infused with love. That's the source of its power. When we chant for what we really want it comes from a real love for ourselves. All love begins with self love. However, you don't have to come to this practice in a state of self-love. This practice will take you there. Chanting Daimoku will itself bring about this state in your life. As the well known writer in the personal growth movement, Louise Hay, has said at the age eighty-two, “self love is the most important thing of all.” When you love yourself, everything in your environment loves you back. Your environment is a reflection of your own state of life and connection to the source of all happiness. 

Sadly, in general, Human beings tend to project this source outside of themselves. In fact, we are most comfortable, it seems in today's spiritual culture, when we project both the source of our mystical power and, also, its recipient outside of our lives. (Everyone seems to be praying to a power outside of themselves for a person who isn't them!) A great majority of souls, and you, yourself, we imagine, have prayed with love in your heart for the happiness of someone else, invoking a power that you have come to believe is “higher” than your own life. It has become commonplace.

But how often have you prayed with immense love...
for your own life, 
for your own happiness, 
for your own well-being? 
And more importantly, how often have you prayed...
from your own life
to your own life 
for the very best things 
and experiences for you
in short, for your own happiness?

We have found that, as it has been written, if we intone our voice with Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, we can summon up great love, the kind of love that is required of us if we want to awaken to our true potential. And that is another name for Buddhas: Beings who have realized their infinitely positive wise and loving potentials.

It is our PowerPrayer that as you are reading, these words are activating within you the curiosity and courage it will take to sustain you on this journey. For the Lotus won't give its seed if one's hand is not open. It is our prayer that you open your hand in such a way that you open your mind, heart, and Life, as well. And you chant! 

Listen to the secret we whisper into your ear:

You are the Buddha of Infinite Potential. Yes, YOU are the Buddha. Your life story is one of awakening. Through chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo you will be able to solve your problems and awaken to your own Buddhahood that has always been your birthright. 

The above passage is part of the preface to the book Julia and I have been writing for you. It is almost finished and is packed with PowerPrayers to strengthen your life and your practice. 
On this blog I have written many posts for people who are interested in chanting, and I invite your questions and comments. You may email me at 

PowerPrayer for Loving Your Body Into Its Perfect Shape (for women)

I'm continuing on a theme today 
to help those of you who have written me 
saying you are dealing with body image and weight issues. 
I chanted with the sentiments of this PowerPrayer in my mind 
and had strong determination to have a body I loved. 
It worked for me it can work for you. 
The way to use PowerPrayer is to read the words before your daily chanting, and throughout the day whenever you want to refresh your determination. 
Then, when you are chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo you can focus your mind on absolutely winning in the area of your relationship with your body. 
Don't give up! 
From Julia and Jamie, (who have both achieved success in this area) from our upcoming book, The BuddhaZone, PowerPrayers for Chanting Your Way to happiness, we offer you:

PowerPrayer for Loving My Body into its Perfect Shape (for women)
When you practice this PowerPrayer you will be receiving what we call “inconspicuous benefit.” You may not see its effects right away, but you will build strength over time and these words will become true. 

My body feels great!
I am the perfect shape!
I easily cross my legs, 
I am smaller than all my clothes,
I fit in all sorts of beautiful, sexy clothes!

For the first time, I am not hungry for the wrong foods. 

I can eat anything I want - and I want what’s BEST for me. 

I love my food and enjoy it! 
I love my beautiful, sexy body!
I have a smooth, non-bloated tummy. 
My belly is stronger and happier than ever. 
My face shines with health and vibrancy. 
I do not miss the unhealthy food I used to eat. 

I have energy, 
                            and a light in my eye!

I work out. 
I breathe. 
I am in the best physical shape of my entire life. 
I look and feel much younger than my age. 

My posture is improving daily because my self-esteem is rising

I am grateful to my own life
for having the courage, 
                                                 and determination 
to live my life HEALTHY. 

Oh  -  Thank You!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

You Can Make the Impossible Possible...and Help Others to do the Same!

That's me in the middle with my aunt and my Mom. This was taken right after I moved back to the Chicago area to help my Mom take care of my blind aunt. I do believe weight is genetic, yes? But that doesn't mean you can't make the impossible possible! (I still equate losing weight as the hardest thing I have ever done - and only those of us who have experienced this personally would know what I mean) 
Me with my sister around 2003
Here's a more recent picture of me. I am loving my life! 

The reason I write this blog is very simple. 

I have accomplished the impossible in my life, and I live every moment to help you see that you can accomplish the impossible in your life too. 

What is impossible? I think "the impossible" is different for every person according to their karma. And the beautiful thing about this practice is that you can change that impossible karma, no matter what it is, and make the impossible possible. 

What was impossible for me? Two things come immediately to mind. Depression and Weight. That's right. I suffered from depression and hopelessness my entire life. And fear. As far as I can tell, I was just born with these tendencies. I may have even chosen, before I came into this lifetime, to have these exact problems, so that once I overcame them I could help others overcome them too. I've often felt that way about the weight too. Being an overweight woman in America is a type of prison sentence. And I was overweight all my life until a few years ago.

I searched for many years for the spiritual solution to these problems. And I kept coming up with dead ends until I found THIS Buddhism. 
I mean I searched with my whole life. During High School and College I was on this spiritual search. All I wanted to study were religions, philosophies, spiritual studies. You name a spiritual study and I probably have spent some time researching it. And I did get some good information that I still use and helped to create the concept of PowerPrayers. My appreciation is immense to Catherine Ponder of the Unity School and the wise and wonderful Louise Hay. Tony Robbins' work was invaluable to me, and for quite some time Werner Erhard also had an impact in my ability to live life fully. 

But I really wanted a spiritual PRACTICE that would work for me CONSISTENTLY. Meaning, I wanted a practice that could enable me to make the impossible possible - help me lose the weight and end the depression. 
All the spiritual practices I found told me something I disagreed with: 

I just could not accept the concept that my own desires were the cause of my suffering.
I had to move to San Francisco to find this wonderful SGI Buddhism that said my desires were enlightenment and that through chanting for them them I could be happy. YES. That worked for me! Chant for what you WANT? Exactly! 

So I've spent the rest of my life helping others who are also searching for their personal guide to happiness. That's why I started this blog and am writing my book. We have so much more technology today to help people. 

I know there are people sitting at their computes all over the world and thinking: "I KNOW the key to happiness must be in here somewhere!" And it IS! 
Please help us all to spread the word about chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo by forwarding this blog's url to your friends and "liking" the Facebook page Chant for Happiness, and sharing your favorite posts. 
There are still so many who are sad, or abused, or unhappy! We can help them together. You, and me and our wonderful SGI family are ready to show others the way out of misery. It is our greatest joy and the fastest way to change our karma. Isn't that great? We do both at the same time! 

And, I can tell you my weight problems are gone. And, after being depressed and on anti-depressants for years I know longer take any medications and am truly, truly happy. 

And there are a few impossible things I am chanting for right now, true love and my work spreading the word about this practice to increase. Including having the book I'm writing with Julia Landis be an overwhelming success so that we can help more people learn about Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. I am absolutely confident that I will make the impossible possible in those areas too! Absolutely confident. 

Please be confident in your own ability to make the impossible possible! 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Chanting Consistently WORKS - Inspiring Experience

This is the "Sunshine 60" building in Tokyo
Read on for its story:

The Building That Looks Down on Airplanes

When you don't feel like doing gongyo or daimoku, get on the green train in Tokyo that circles downtown I. and look out for the "Sunshine Building" near K--- station. This was built by someone who did not skip gongyo and daimoku for 30 years.

Once there was man who was so completely down and out that he had made up his mind to commit suicide. He was in debt to his ears, his wife was blind, and his child had problems. But before he died, he wanted to have one last meal of his favorite dish — a vegetable stew called "oden." 

As he was walking around town in the evening shadows looking for a stew shop, he noticed a warm, gentle glow of lanterns coming from a place tucked in a corner. There were a number of people milling about. "Ah, a stew shop!" he delightedly mused. He walked briskly toward the light.

As he entered and made his way through the small crowd, he realized he had made a mistake. It was a lecture. When he asked a person nearby, he was told that the speaker was a Mr. Toda. 

After listening, the man demanded of Mr. Toda, "If this Nam Myoho-renge-kyo is so powerful, will my financial problems be resolved?! Will my wife see?! Will my child's problems be resolved?!" 

To this, Mr. Toda replied: "Don't be ridiculous! If all it did were petty things like that, I wouldn't be doing this! Your financial problems will be resolved! Your wife will be able to see! And your child's problems will be resolved! Not only that, you will become a wealthy man! You will build a building that even looks down on airplanes! Do morning and evening gongyo and chant daimoku every day." 

Not because the man believed any of it, but because he was moved by the powerful conviction Mr. Toda had, he began to practice. Although it was difficult at first, he faithfully followed President Toda's instructions. He did not skip gongyo. He did morning and evening gongyo and chanted one and a half hour of daimoku every day.

Sure enough, results began to happen. His financial problems were solved. His wife was no longer blind. His child no longer had such problems. The man even became vice president of a board in his company even though he was not well-educated like most of his peers. He became wealthy. His child became active in the youth division. Things exceeded his expectations.

At the mark of practicing 30 years, he was seen standing on the top of a building, mumbling through tears. The man was standing on the top of a skyscraper that he had built. "It all became true! This building even looks down on airplanes! After 30 years ... Thank you Sensei, thank you Soka Gakkai!"

It wasn't many years later that the man passed away in his 80's, leaving a legacy of consistent practice. But before he did, he often pointed to the skyscraper and said, "This shows the power of daimoku!  I am here to say it. So please, do morning and evening gongyo and chant daimoku."

So when you don't feel like doing gongyo or chanting daimoku, take a look at the "Sunshine Building." It's still there. 

[Here is a picture of the City of Ikebukuro (in Tokyo) and the Sunshine Building. It is very well known and was once the tallest building in Tokyo. It has everything in it: business offices, restaurants, a department store, even an aquarium and a planetarium. The Sunshine Building was built on the site where Suginamo Prison — where Mr. Makiguichi and Mr. Toda were imprisoned — once was.]  

Friday, May 31, 2013

thank you * Thank You * THANK YOU!

I'm sending the sunshine in my heart 
to your heart. 

As of right now, has reached 21,000 readers for the month of May. 

Thank you for being my companions, spreading the great practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, and helping people connect with the heart of our mentor and the noble SGI. 

Thank you for taking action every day to create a world of kosen-rufu like Daisaku Ikeda describes in the post below. 

Thank you for your courage in confronting your fundamental darkness and roaring it away so the sun inside your life will shine. 

And most of all, thank you for your emails and your connection with me. I cherish all of your friendships and hope to travel and meet you all. Some of your emails have come at precisely the right time! 

Please continue to send your victories, your comments, your questions and messages to

Sending love ~ * Jamie *

Thursday, May 30, 2013

ROAR! Be Fearless and Bold in the Face of Your Obstacles

You and I are very similar. I am not a better Buddha than you. My prayers are not any more powerful. We are all Buddhas. I started this blog to use my life as an example for you - that anything is possible, so I use every moment to expand my capacity and show more and more actual proof. I know you are doing the same in your own sphere of influence, because that is one of the keys to becoming absolutely happy. We don't become happy just for ourselves, because absolute happiness just for ourselves isn't possible. We strive for the happiness of all beings, those we love and those we don't love. We are all interconnected. That is why this Buddhism is so powerful. We are all rising together in happiness, and you and me, we are Buddhas leading the way. 

You know I am writing the book 
The Buddha Zone, 
Power Prayers for Chanting Your Way to Absolute Happiness. 
This book is my life's dream - this book and the ones that will follow. I think the first book is the biggest challenge, don't you think? This is the book that forces me to believe in the power of my own life. This book is making the impossible possible in my life. I see you holding this book in your hands and saying "YES! I can't wait to share this passage with my mother, and friends, and fellow members." I imagine you saying "Now I really want to read more of President Ikeda's and Nichiren Daishonin's Writings, and I want to attend SGI meetings and really get involved. I am going to dig into this practice and change my karma once and for all. I KNOW I can do it!" 

That really is the point. If I can change my own karma, and stand up to my fundamental darkness and feelings of "Who am I to do this?" ~ you can accomplish anything too. 

So what do I do in the face of obstacles? I do the same thing you do. I study SGI publications. I encourage members. I chant. Here are some of the gems I've gleaned from my study lately. Check it out. 

At last night's meeting I pulled out an exam study guide for us to discuss and envision kosen-rufu. (I am really interested in hearing your thoughts on what you believe kosen-rufu looks like.) And this morning I want to share a passage with you. 

The following passage is from the 2011 Essentials of Nichiren Buddhism Exam, from President Ikeda's lecture on Nichiren Daishonin's Gosho "The Three Kinds of Treasure" page 32. 
It was written to Shijo Kingo. I call him the "everyman" of feudal Japan. He was a staunch follower of the Daishonin, a samurai who worked for a man called Lord Ema. In feudal Japan in the 1200s your lord was very powerful in your life. He was your source of income, your source of where you lived and could easily ruin everything for you. Lord Ema tried to get Shijo Kingo to give up his practice of Buddhism, and threatened to take away his lands if he didn't. Nichiren Daishonin instructed Shijo Kingo very carefully in many aspects of his life. He told him to be careful on the roads because fellow samurai were out to get him, he told him to be modest and keep his hot temper under control, he even told him "when you drink sake stay at home with your wife," and, of course, he told him to never stop chanting no matter what obstacles arose. Eventually Lord Ema fell sick, and Shijo Kingo was the powerful healer who cured him. Shijo Kingo achieved total victory in his life through this practice. We can learn from every one of the Gosho written to him. He is so much like us...working in the world...having obstacles arise, and continuing to chant no matter what. 

On page 32 Daisaku Ikeda states: 

"Another piece of advice Nichiren gave Shijo Kingo was to not be fawning or servile. Servility is tantamount to destroying one's own dignity or self-esteem. Even worse, behaving in a cowardly or servile manner toward devilish functions will prevent one's Buddhahood from shining forth.

"We must firmly stand up to devilish functions that bring misery to people. When confronted by people of dignity and integrity, devilish functions will always make a fast retreat. This is just like foxes fleeing when they hear the roar of the lion king, or like darkness vanishing the instant the sun comes out. 

"Let us live with unshakable confidence and pride, and without the least servility. The Daishonin repeatedly teaches his followers that is where the true brilliance of human dignity is found."

I just love the imagery in this piece. I love the thought of me, the Lion King, looking at the forest filled with all my obstacles...all my devilish functions that appear as people telling me I can't accomplish my dreams, or my own doubt and negative voice arising in my head, and opening my mouth and ROARING Nam-myoho-renge-kyo ~ and seeing my doubts and fears high-tailing it into the forest once again. I know they will be back, but I will roar again, and roar again and roar again! THAT is the beauty of this practice. ROAR with all the power in your soul and don't confuse obstacles for the truth. Be fueled, not fooled! 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Power Prayer for Overcoming Obstacles

Obstacles are part of the journey. 
And they can either FUEL us of FOOL us. 

It is up to us. We choose by our attitude and resolve. When an obstacle arises we can say "This obstacle is making my resolve stronger! This is a log on the fire! I will chant even harder and take a million times more action. I will help others chant. I will study more. I will share President Ikeda's spirit and I WILL MOVE FORWARD. Or we can say "This obstacle means I shouldn't be doing this right now. I wasn't meant to have this dream come true. This is a sign I should give up." If this is our response to obstacles then the obstacles have won. They have FOOLED us into thinking we aren't powerful, and that we are not Buddhas. 

As many of you know I am spending my days writing a book for all of you. My vision is that this book be infused with Sensei's spirit, and filled with Nichiren Daishonin's resolve. My goal is for this book to introduce people who are suffering to the wonderful world of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. ..the world where real dreams, small and large can be brought to life...the world of vitality and purpose....aliveness and connectedness where we are all living in happiness and all helping others become happy...the world of Kosen Rufu. 

This, and many other books are my life's dream...not to "attain notoriety  or be famous or live in a mansion. No. My vision is to reach people who are searching for the most practical solution to their problems, and lead them to the SGI and a world of new friends, happiness and success. 

Along the way, and specifically right now, I am experiencing many obstacles. How I view them is the key to winning or failing, right? This will be a work of actual proof for you, my readers. This book will be  proof that the impossible can become possible. I've already made many impossible things happen in my life ~ losing 50 pounds - becoming healthy - helping many people receive the Gohonzon - and reaching you through the magic of the internet and inspiring you to connect with the SGI and President Ikeda's heart ~ these  things were impossible. And this book has been an impossible dream all of my life. 

At first I was beset with my own doubts, and those took years to overcome. I wrote and rewrote and rewrote parts of the book. When I read them over I knew they were not good. Now, as I am deeply into the process, have a brilliant writing partner, I've honed my own writing skills, a fresh batch of obstacles have arisen. But I have a power prayer for overcoming obstacles that is written in my heart and I'll share it with you now:

Power Prayer for Overcoming Obstacles on the way to my dream 

I am determined to use every obstacle, every doubt, every criticism, to fuel my resolve and solidify my determination. I am the Buddha and the determination for the happiness of all beings is alive within my heart. Every obstacle is a log that makes the flames of my desire burn higher. I will chant with 10,000 times more determination, and take resolute action every day towards the realization of my goal. I will study, introduce and encourage others with all my heart every single day. My karma is my mission. I dedicate my life to proving the power of this practice with every breath I take, and inspiring countless others to chant and become absolutely happy. I resolve to accomplish: _________________________________________(you fill in the blank)

And this morning I found some quotes by President Ikeda from the book Conversations with Youth for you. I have given away countless copies of this book. You can find it in the bookstore through the SGI portal to the right on this page. 

"If the power of your faith and practice 
is a force of 10,000 
then it will elicit that degree of corresponding power." 
P. 299

There is nothing extraordinary about prayer. 
It is simply wishing for something with all your heart, 
and our heart is what matters most. 
It is important to chant with deep faith, reverence and love for the Gohonzon in our heart." p. 303

"If you summon your courage to challenge something 
you will never be left with regret. 
How sad it is to spend your life wishing 
"If only I'd had a little more courage."
Whatever the outcome may be, 
it is important to take a step forward 
on the path you believe is right. 
There is no need to worry about what others may think. 
Be true to yourself. 
It's your life after all."

All quotes by Daisaku Ikeda from Conversations with Youth.  

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Relationships ~ A Simple Solution...

One of the things it is sometimes difficult to grasp about this practice is JUST HOW SIMPLE IT IS. It just seems too easy sometimes...
How can it be that if we just chant for another's happiness we find our entire relationship with them transformed?

Like I said. It is so simple. We are interconnected with everything...including ALL people. No exceptions. There is not this one person in your environment who is there by some fluke, and is not interconnected with you in the web of life. No. Even those people who seem like flukes ~ well, they may be the MOST important people in our environments, because chanting for THEM creates Human Revolution in OUR lives. 

It's easy to chant for the lovable ones. What about the ones who don't readily love us back? What about the ones who disregard us, disappoint us, or are mean to us? We are connected to these people too, and when we chant for their happiness we create a miraculous cause and effect in our own lives. 

For instance, when Aaron was in third grade he encountered his first bully. Since he's a fortune baby and been chanting his whole life, when I told him to chant for the bully he immediately started chanting for the bully's happiness. Of course they became friends and the bully stopped bullying others, right? Of course. 
We are chanting the name of the law of the universe. 
Life is cause and effect. 

I have other young friends who chanted about bullies and the bullies just "happened" to move away. That happened to me in my early days of chanting. I worked with someone who troubled me. I chanted for her happiness and she got engaged and moved away. Wonderful! 

When you think about it, those who are causing others to be unhappy are unhappy themselves. 

If we chant for their happiness we turn poison into medicine. I have done this so many times, and recommended this to others. 
It ALWAYS works 100% of the time. 

One of the keys is to fake it till you make it. At first when you're chanting for a person you may be thinking your prayer is not sincere. But if you keep praying for them, and picture them with a big smile on their face, your prayer will become sincere. Guaranteed. And your compassion will grow. you will grow as a person by chanting for this person. YOU will become happier. No doubt about it. 

Sometimes you have to stand up for your rights too. I am not saying all you need to do is chant. At one point I had a verbally abusive boss. I devoted an hour each morning to changing this karma in my life forever. And I stood up to him and challenged his abusive ways. He did end up changing. It is one of my most memorable examples of turning poison into medicine. 

When we challenge ourselves in these ways we change the world, we change ourselves, and we become happier than we ever dreamed! 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

You Don't Need to "Figure it all Out"

When we don't know exactly where to go or what to do - we can rely on our own inner wisdom, our lives. 

It is perfectly fine to chant without a plan. It is really magical sometimes to just open up your heart when you chant and not to have a specific agenda or list. 
I know, I know, I am always saying to focus on what you want. And that is true. But aren't there times when you just don't know what to chant? That is okay. Chant anyway. Just chant from your heart and let your thoughts flow. Daisaku Ikeda says to just chant naturally. 

In Faith in Action under "Prayer" (p, 153) he states;

"Being human, it's natural for our minds to wander, for all sorts of thoughts to surface during prayer. You can share all those thoughts with the Gohonzon. There is no set form or pattern for how we should pray. Buddhism empahsizes being natural. Therefore, simply chant earnestly without pretense, jsut as you are. In time, your faith develops, you'll find it easier to focus your mind when you chant." 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Chanting "Abundant Daimoku" and Floating on a Pillow of Daimoku

How do you know when you're chanting enough Daimoku - enough Nam-myoho-renge-kyo? 

When you have no fear, when you are happy, when all obstacles look like opportunities, not problems, THAT'S when you are chanting enough Daimoku. 

If you are afraid, or worried...or troubled, it's time to sit down and chant more. Chant for peace of mind. Chant to be happy and serene. Chant to have victory in all areas of your life. 

I know sometimes it's hard. I know it's difficult to focus, and sometimes the people around us are interrupting us and wanting our attention. I know it can be hard to put that cell phone down and focus on your own life and chant with all your heart. 

But my promise, and Nichiren Daishonin's promise, and Daisaku Ikeda's promise is this ~ you CAN become happy...happier than you ever imagined...if you devote yourself to this practice. There is no doubt. 

But the key is - you have to do it! No one else can purify your life besides you. No one can chant for you like YOU can chant for you. You are the only one. And you would not be reading this blog if you were not capable of chanting your happiness into being. 

You can do it. You absolutely can be happy. You must summon the power within your life with the most incredible key of life...Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Mother Poem by Daisaku Ikeda

In honor of Soka Mother's Day I post this picture of my own sweet Mommy and her beloved boys, Aaron, Ben and Tyler. 
Below is the poem Daisaku Ikeda wrote about his own mother. I first read this on a plaque at FNCC in 2010 and it still moves me to grateful tears.   


By Daisaku Ikeda

Mother, what a wondrous, nourishing power you have!
Were it not for you in this world,
People would lose the earth to return to,
And wander for all eternity.

Mother, our mother.
Persevering through the storm,
You offered prayers in sadness.

I pray you will stay in good health until the day
When all your wishes are fulfilled,
And, as though endowed with wings,
you take flight toward the heavens.

Mother, with your ideas and wisdom,
I hope you will perform a melody of peace on the earth,
Where people look forward to the arrival of spring.
Thus, you will become the mother of the Century of Humanity

Thursday, May 2, 2013

How to Chant Joyfully for Longer Times

When I first began chanting a leader told me our lives and our karma can be compared to a glass with dirt at the bottom...the dirt represents the karma that exists inside our lives. She said when you start to chant you stir up that dirt and see it swirling around...and if you want to really dig deep and clear it out, you might want to chant for a really long period of do a Daimoku Tozo as we call it. 

(Now, none of us ever HAS to chant for a long period of time. This is something that is entirely optional and comes from your deep desire. It's perfectly okay if you don't choose to do a long tozo. As long as you are chanting every day, studying, attending as many meetings as you can, you will definately change your life for the better.) 

A reader requested I share some ideas about chanting joyfully, especially since so many of you are challenging yourselves to chant for longer periods of time. Thank you for asking.

How to joyfully chant for longer times.

1. Realize that what you are about to extended chant...a tozo...has profound significance for your life. Give  yourself credit for this worthy goal, and set a chanting time goal for yourself. 

2. Write your goal or goals for the tozo. (Some of these goals may occur to you naturally as you're chanting) Write yourself a Power Prayer connected to the greater the real difference you want to make in the world. Remember that you are a precious votary of the Lotus Sutra and when you break through, the energy is forever changed. You are paving the way for others to break through. So address that in your goals and in your chanting For instance: 
"I am determined to have the most beautiful, loving relationship so that I can totally inspire other people that great relationships are possible ...I can show actual proof with my life, and be able to introduce others to this practice!" In one of the tozos I chanted, I'd read President Ikeda's guidance saying you can chant to have 10,000 times more power in your prayer. So I spent the first hour chanting to increase the power of my daimoku by 10,000 times! That hour flew!

3. Have your favorite drinks close by...tea...water...soft drinks...whatever you like. 

4. DEMAND your results! YOU are the Buddha! Do not beg favors from a 'higher power." Remember the Gohonzon cannot get down off the scroll and do the Buddha's work in the world. YOU actually are the Gohonzon; it is inside your life. The scroll is a reflection of the highest life condition that exists within your own life. So when you are chanting CLAIM what is yours! Yes, the Gohonzon consists of the functions in the universe that are in our lives. Tell your life what you want. And know that all real change comes from within.

5. All change comes from within. Take responsibility for your life...not blame. Realize whatever you are going through, whatever is causing you to's your karma..not your FAULT. Chant to reach the very core of that karma and change it forever. THEN your life circumstances and environment will change to reflect it. You don't have to figure out the deeper cause, don't worry about getting it right. Chanting is experiential, not an intellectual exercise.  

6. Keep your favorite study material close by...whatever touches your heart when you read it. And if you find yourself losing focus open it up to any page you want. I have "For Today and Tomorrow" next to me right now. I just opened it for you right now...I read "When we chant sonorous daimoku, the sun rises in our hearts. We are filled with power. Compassion wells forth. Our lives are lit with joy. Our wisdom shines. All Buddhas and Buddhist deities throughout the universe go to work on our behalf. Life becomes exhilarating." Read your passage and get right back to chanting!!!

7. Invite others for all or part of your tozo. 

8. Have pen and paper handy. You'll want to write down those brilliant ideas that come into your mind while you're chanting. You'll also want to write down some of those pesky thoughts and reminders that keep coming back...things like "remember to buy dog food." Just write it down and eject it from your brain so you can focus on what really matters.

9. Put your telephone away. Tell people you are busy. 

10. After the tozo write in your journal. You never want to forget this day. Write to me too. I love to hear your successes and your challenges. 

11. Expect some obstacles to arise after your tozo. And just say "Hello obstacles! I was expecting you!" When you chant for an extended time you can compare it to turning your speedboat to HIGH. The faster you go, the more resistance you feel. Sometimes after a tozo I experience some obstacles, sometimes I don't. But if you do, please remember obstacles are fuel for your happiness and not to be feared. Face them and chant them away. 

I am chanting for you to accomplish your goals and shine with happiness. 
I am chanting for you to connect with the SGI and President Ikeda and all your Soka Gakkai friends. 
I'd love to hear from those of you who have connected to the SGI through my blog. I am sharing your stories with Daisaku Ikeda, Sensei. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Power Prayer to Mend a Broken Heart

How do we mend a broken heart? 

Break ups are painful. Heart~ache actually hurts

Some feel it in their bellies...others feel it in their hearts. Some people can't eat...others want to eat all the time. Some can't think...and find it hard to do anything. Some have a hard time breathing and/or can't sleep at night.

We find ourselves asking "why...Why...WHY?" But we know, that even if we knew wouldn't matter, it wouldn't help, it would still hurt.

So what can I tell you about practicing Buddhism and getting over a broken heart? A lot.

Do any of you remember why I first began this blog? Yes. Heart Break. I was very aware that this heart break was tapping into sadness that I had carried with me into this underlying sadness that was always with me in some form or other, and had bloomed and blossomed with my broken heart. 

My heart break was also filled with regret. I was constantly thinking "If only I hadn't...if only I could turn back time." So I was mad at myself, full of regret, and suffering...a perfect opportunity to turn poison into medicine. 

Sensei says: 
"The key to victory in our lives lies in how hard we struggle when we are in winter, how wisely we use that time, and how meaningfully we live each day confident that spring will definitely come."
from The Hope Filled Writings of Nichiren Daishonin. p. 107

I decided to chant two hours a day to permanently release my life from this torment once and for all. I determined that NEVER AGAIN would these feelings overcome me. and that this Daimoku campaign would change my life forever. 

And it HAS. I am not the same person I was when I made this determination. I am stronger...I have peace of mind...I am on to bigger and better stuff. I am freed to actually live my true purpose in life - writing and encouraging people throughout the world. You see, this pain propelled me! 

And I have to say ~  I appreciate my heart ache now. It was the catalyst for the Daimoku Campaign which ended up changing my life in so many positive ways. Poison into Medicine. THAT is the promise of the practice if we have the faith to ROAR like the lions we are! 

Power Prayer to Mend a Broken Heart:

Life! I am determination to change this karma forever...I will be happy no matter what. I am tearing this sadness out by the roots. With every Daimoku I chant, I am strengthening my life at the core, so that NO MATTER WHAT I will be happy. 
Happiness is my birthright. 
I CLAIM my birthright and will get over this pain. I chant to replace my thoughts of this person with thoughts of appreciation for all the love I DO have in this life! 
I chant for peace of mind. 
I chant to transform all of this pain into positive energy for my life. And with this renewed energy, and positive proof of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo ~ I will be able to inspire others. 

Remember, it's not important to know all the WHYS. It is only important to make the determination to become happy in the depths of our beings. We are Buddhas revealing the depths of our own Buddhahood.  
We must all realize that right this moment when we are chanting...that we have the ultimate tool to make our lives happy forever. No Matter WHAT!!! 

Sensei also instructs us to "...transform the moment-to-moment focus of our minds." (IBID)p. 68. 

To change your focus you might want to:

Make a list of ALL THE THINGS YOU WILL NOT MISS about the person, and the situation. Keep it handy and read it often. And every time you find yourself thinking "Why me?" read the list. 
I posted bulletin boards close to my altar with pictures of all of the people I love and who love me. It reminded me of all the love I DO have in my life. It still makes me happy just to look at it.
I also changed all the songs on my ipod that reminded me of my sadness and found new ones that made me dance in happiness. 
When I really felt that I needed to express my heart I wrote in my journal about what I was feeling. That helped too. 

This time of sadness will pass. 

As Daisaku Ikeda says:
"Seen from the prespective of faith and Buddhism, everything has profound meaning. THere is no need whatsoever for us to vaccillate between elation and despair at each turn of the events. There is no such thing as a storm that will continue blowing and wreaking havoc without end. In the same way, there is no hardship that will continue forever....With the passage of time, it will definitely becomeclear that everything has unfolded in the best possible manner." (IBID p. 277) 

Strengthen your faith more than ever. 

And stay busy. 

Do any of you have stories to share? Write me at

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Powerful Power Prayers!

Our thoughts while chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo are very important.

We can aim our thoughts like a laser towards what is really important, and we can use them to raise our life condition and strengthen the core of our lives - which in turn makes us stronger and more capable of achieving our goals and being truly happy from the inside of your lives - regardless of day-to-day circumstances. 

We can't always control everything that goes on in our lives. This is a fact of life. There are some things we experience that we wish we could just NOT experience. But at the heart of our lives we can have a powerful power prayer. 

Here are some examples of POWER PRAYERS:

LIFE! Right here, right now I am raising my life condition and strengthening my life so that NO MATTER WHAT I will be able to greet each day with appreciation, and have a high enough life condition to overcome anything!

LIFE! I am determined to expand my capacity in every way. Today I expand my capacity for JOY! I expand my capacity for APPRECIATION! I expand my capacity to appreciate each moment as it comes, and to express appreciation as much as I can possibly can all day. I expand my capacity for powerful determination and concentrated thought. I expand my capacity for brain power! I expand my capacity to HELP OTHERS! 

LIFE! I WILL WIN in every aspect of my life! Job, love life, wealth creation, friendships and ability to lead and help others. I MUST be an example that this practice works. I chant to change the inside of my life so that all the things I truly desire can come to me as a reflection of the inner changes I have made through my chanting and strong determination!

LIFE! I chant specifically to achieve this outcome ______________________. (Fill in the blank)
Or something better! I am determined to make these internal changes to activate these results!

Chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo with passion and determination activates the law within your life. Remember that you are aligning with the mystic law, and not asking anyone or anything for favors. 


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