Monday, February 7, 2011

The Meaning of Faith

In this unique practice of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo,
what does it mean to have faith?

What do we have faith in?

Great question!

Since we are ALL Buddhas, and we ALL possess the power of the entire universe within us, we have faith in our ability to tap that vital life force inside us, and make it manifest in the direction we so choose.

There is a famous phrase in the writings of Nichiren Daishonin that states:

"Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is like the roar of a lion. What sickness can therefore be an obstacle?"

Sickness can mean physical ailment, but it also has a much broader meaning...any kind of suffering can be inserted here. The point is, that chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is stronger than any kind of problem one might have. By chanting these words victory is assured.

The point of having strong faith is to summon up, WHILE we are chanting, the conviction that we WILL accomplish whatever it is we are chanting about. While we are chanting we are vowing success in our minds...AS we chant. Chanting with this strong conviction held in our minds fills a person with endless vitality and FAITH.

Right now many Soka Gakkai members are making determinations towards the date of February 27th, 2011. On that date we will be gathering together and sharing our successes from our determinations.
My determination is to get a job to support the next phase of my where I can make enough money to move out, support myself, and one that fulfills my list of requirements. I have several possibilities working now...let's see what I create.

I also will write some query letters about turning this blog into a book. It has such a great story from beginning to end. Every time I sit down to work on a book proposal or query letter I hear all kinds of doubt in my brain. I am determined either to rid my brain of doubt, or to get the query letters done even WITH the doubt in my brain.

How about YOU? Can you summon up determination and faith to make something important happen in your life by the 27th of February?
What could it be?
Around the first of the year I made a determination to get over a sad feeling that was lingering. And by the first of the year I was able to get rid of that feeling!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dear friend in Bombay

Oh, my heart goes out to you Anamika!!
Please take the words I am going to tell you to heart.
(I received an email from a new friend in Bombay and this is my response - what I am saying here can encourage anyone and is meant specifically for Anamika) Her comment can be found under my posting of February 2nd.

Dear Anamika, please do not give up! Above all do not give up! You say you have been chanting since June. Are you in a District? Do you have friends in faith? Do you have the words of President Ikeda to read? Do you have your Gohonzon enshrined in a safe place in the heart of your home?

This Buddhism is the sure way for you to create happiness in your life. Please do not doubt this. Chant every single day for as long as you possibly can. Chant for exactly what you want and need. Make a specific list of what you need and want...the things you need for your life and safety, and the way you want to feel inside. Please chant from the bottom of your heart to connect with the spirit and the energy of Daisaku Ikeda, and chant to do your Human Revolution so you can experience true happiness. Your current suffering is actually your MISSION in life to CHANGE!!! And by changing this suffering you will inspire others to be able to change their karma too.

When you are chanting make a great vow to achieve VICTORY in all areas of your life. Remember that when you chant you are not asking anyone to bestow favors upon you. You are instead ACTIVATING THE POWERFUL UNIVERSE WITHIN YOUR LIFE. Chant with determination that you will WIN!!!

Remember that your karma is CHANGEABLE...(IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT)!!! You will create the BIGGEST HAPPINESS AND FORTUNE IN YOUR LIFE by chanting. Do not have any doubt. From the depths of the muddy swamp comes a brilliant lotus flower...a life of brilliance shining like the sun.

Do not give up hope. Chant as often as you possibly can. Chant for exactly what you need. Be specific. Be BOLD. Chant hard. When you chant...chant from the depths of your body...feel the energy flowing through every chakra.

Chant with the conviction that YOU CANNOT FAIL. You ARE A BUDDHA!!! YOU MUST SUCCEED for the sake of your own happiness and that of your son. Don't worry about your son not talking to you right now. Chant for his happiness every day and you will be reunited at some time in the future. Don't worry. Chant instead.

Do you have an email address I can email directly? I will write to you often and chant for you and help you in any way I can. One of the members in my district is in Delhi right now and I'll bet she would be able to talk to you by phone if you want. Can you send me a picture of you? I will share your story with the members of my district and they will chant for you too. You can also write President Ikeda and tell him of your struggles and determinations.

Have you heard of Tina Turner or seen her movie "What's Love Got to Do With It?" She is a big pop star, and was living a tortured relationship with Ike Turner before she discovered chanting. She was able to break from him and start a brilliant new life! She made her movie to show people that from the muddiest swamp comes the most beautiful flower. That is the reality of YOUR LIFE. You will be a brilliant beaming flower. Chant chant chant and write me again and again. I am Sincerely chanting for your happiness!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Watching the World...having a revolution...

Chanting for the people...and chanting for Anderson Cooper who was hit in the head today on the streets of Cairo...

Look at what is happening in Egypt and across the Arab World.

The people are taking their power back. The people are rising!

Daisaku Ikeda is always writing about the power of the people...and that in the end...the people themselves cannot be stopped...the people themselves are what is important. And Look at what is happening. There is momentum...the efforts to stop them have only fueled their determination.
The revolution of the people is the mirror image of the human revolution that happens within each person when they chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. The obstacles that arise when we embrace the interior revolution of banishing the darkness inherent in all lives...the darkness inherent in OUR lives...only serve as fuel for the fire...only make you want to chant more...BRING IT ON! Is the cry of the true Buddhist. I will remain undaunted...I will redetermine to win...I will vow to overcome my suffering and win in my life.

I am enjoying every moment here...going out with some interesting gentlemen, enjoying Ben choosing his college, and I'm interviewing for jobs. I'm exercising every day and bringing light and joy into my body. I'm chanting two hours a day in such joy and light. I'm in a space where Ican even savor and enjoy my sorrow...does that sound weird to you? Last week I went to a beautiful funeral for a friend's mother. I cried through the service and came home and spent the afternoon cocooned in my room listening to music that lets my tears flow...and I actually savored the sweet release of emotion...the joy of being a human and being able to cry. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.
My tears that afternoon were an example of the ten worlds being contained in the ten worlds. Although one might express my life state at the time as being in the world of hell...I was in the world of Buddhahood at the same time. In my tears was the realization of the beautiful life I have led, and the life that lies in front of me because of this practice. I was living one of my favorite Gosho quotes: "Suffer what there is to suffer, and enjoy what there is to enjoy, and continue chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo no matter what happens, then you will experience boundless joy from the law."

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Such Determination and fun!

I carry on, ever forward with the light of President Ikeda's heart burning in mine. I have so much to many of what other people may call "problems" but I choose to look at as opportunities. I must find a job, find a new place to live where I can continue to hold meetings, and learn for the first time how to support myself.

The field I was most recently in is having a very difficult time in this economy. And I am looking at new and creative ways to make money.

I am coaching people in spiritual weight loss...and considering some other things.
Yesterday I went to the Illinois school of broadcasting and did an audition tape. I am not kidding you when I say they told me it was the best audition tape in 2 and a half years. I thought they were just sweet talking me to get me to go to the school, but they insisted they were being sincere.
How nice!
I love to read out loud. They said I had great articulation and color. Cool. Now I'm going to explore getting funding for this school...and other ways that I can use my voice to do the Buddha's work.

Today I had lunch with my precious adoring and adored friend, and I am basking in the glow...

...and today I've chanted with friends all over the India and in California. The heart goes so easily across the miles...distances are gone.
...Tonight I watched a few episodes of Modern Family with Ben and we howled in laughter. Tomorrow he goes to Illinois for an official visit with a car full of other runner recruits.
Tomorrow I have a full list of fun things to do including two parties!

What a great life I lead. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Faith is LIGHT

Faith is LIGHT.
The hearts of those with strong faith are filled with Light.
A radiance envelops their lives.
People with unshakable conviction in faith
enjoy a happiness that is luminous as the full moon on a dark night,
as dazzling as the sun on a clear day.

Daisaku Ikeda

Quote from Daisaku Ikeda

"The Real Benefit of the Mystic Law is inconspicuous.

Just as trees grow taller and stronger year after year,
adding growth rings
that are imperceptible to the human eye,
we too will grow toward a victorious existence.

For this reason it is important that we lead tenacious and balanced lives based on faith."

From For Today and Tomorrow

Friday, January 21, 2011

Chanting for YOU

Part of my chanting each day is dedicated to you. Yes you!

Even if we don't know each other personally, I can chant for you.


You can send me comments and questions to help me direct my prayers, and help you to focus yours. Remember that our intention and focus while chanting is very significant.

My prayers are not any better than are as powerful a Buddha as I am. But prayers from another on your behalf are always good!!