Friday, June 8, 2012

New Determinations

This week has been all about making new Determinations and chanting for the people you are having the most trouble with - chanting for them to be happier than they ever thought possible! 

How has it been going for you?

One member in my District was having a challenge with an official at a hospital who cancelled her contract. As a sincere Buddhist she chanted for this women, and shortly after that the woman lost her job.  The member was not chanting for the woman to lose her job! She was chanting for her happiness...purely for her happiness. And she told the woman she was chanting for her, and it touched her heart. 

I know this story is not yet over...anything can happen. They may become friends. They may do business together again at some point...the hospital official may begin to chant...or they may never see each other again. What's important is that she chanted for her, she made the cause! 

That's what it's all about. That's where the power lies. 

Who ELSE can you chant for? Who do you think is an impossible relationship for you. Who have you given up on, but in your heart you'd like the relationship to change? 

Be courageous! 

You're a Buddha

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Turning Poison into Medicine - Relationship Success Stories

Here are some success stories to inspire you. 
All week we've been talking about taking poisonous relationships and turning them around by chanting for the other person's happiness. Check these stories out!


We just finished an SGI meeting here in the Western Suburbs of Chicago. One of the members (I'll call her "B". told me the news about her sister-in-law. Last year "B", was in tears about a pending visit from her sister-in-law. Of course we talked for some time about the importance of chanting for the sister-in-law's happiness. It wasn't easy for "B" to do...but she did it! The visit was a little rocky, but "B" kept chanting strongly through it all. At one point, when she heard something bad her sister-in-law said about her, she had the courage to bring it up to the sister-in-law in a way that showed she deserved respect. And "B" kept chanting...She followed our advice to sincerely chant for her sister-in-law's happiness. Sincerely. Even though she didn't feel it at first. 
Fast forward to this year. Now "B" is pregnant. Tonight she told us that her sister-in-law and she are friends, and that she got a call today that her sister-in-law will be flying into town around labor day to host her baby shower! Complete Victory! That's what this practice is about. 

Another Experience:

When I was still fairly new to the practice I sold advertising. A LOT of advertising. And there were a lot of details that went along with placing the ad back then. You had to determine where it went, check it over and over for errors etc. There was a young girl who was in charge of physically posting the ads on the board. Let's just say she and I drove each other mutually crazy. So I followed the advice of my seniors in faith and chanted sincerely fot her happiness. It was hard at first but after a little while it was a truly sincere desire. I pictured her with a smile on her face. Guess what happened? She fell in love and moved to Los Angeles! From that time on I have ALWAYS chanted for another's happiness!

Another Experience:

At another job there was a person who disliked me the first moment she saw me. Who knows was a mystery. I did the same thing. I chanted for her for quite some time, and during this time she and I slowly became friends. One day she came and told me her husband had left her. She was thrilled! She was so happy. She had wanted him to leave! From then on she was one of my biggest supporters and helped me accomplish quite a few wonderful things on this job. 

Another Experience:

Our youngest member is only 17 and started chanting almost a year ago. She is a lovely young woman, but people were picking on her....they sent her nasty texts and said bad things about her. We had a talk about chanting for the bully's happiness...and she started to chant sincerely for this person and BOOM. The bully moved away. 

It ALWAY works! Chanting for another person's happiness always works. And it strengthens your life force and YOUR character. 

The last few blogs have been on the theme of chanting to turn poisonous relationships into medicine. 
If you are interested in this subject read back a few days. And when you have an experience share it with me and I'll share it with the other readers if you wish. We all encourage each other.

More about changing relationships

This week I've written about determinations and changing poison into medicine in all areas of our lives. 
Today I want to remind you that when you want to change a difficult relationship into a great one, determinations and chanting are important, but please remember that your everyday actions make a huge difference. 

If people come to you saying bad things about the person you are focusing on - you must not join the party of people speaking ill of that person! Your everyday actions, thoughts and words are ALL CAUSES that you are making. You want to focus on making good causes at all times. 

If you want to change a troubling relationship into a fabulous one please reread the post from Monday. Then watch your actions, and refuse to join the folks who are badmouthing the person whose happiness you are chanting for so deeply. 

All of this is up to you. 

Your happiness rests on you doing your own human revolution. You may think that your chanting for the difficult person is about THEM. But NO! It is about your human revolution. It is about YOU creating the flow of energy that will attract only amazingly great things into your life! It is about you changing from the inside so that you can build a solid sense of self that will be strong and happy NO MATTER WHAT your circumstances!!! It is about YOU, and the other person...and YOU are leading the way for the happiness of all humanity. YOU are opening the door to happiness in your life, in the life of the "difficult" person, and in the happiness of us all because, as you know so well...we are all interconnected!!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Where else do we need determinations?

I thought about the nature of determinations all day yesterday.

And I saw something in my own life, and found some great quotes I'd like to share with you. 

I started thinking about the areas of my life where I have the most complaints rumbling around in my head. And I realized that there is a direct relationship between complaints and a lack of a clear determination to WIN. 

Remember that Human Revolution is not easy. Only lions can roar! 

It takes courage to realize that the things you (me) have been complaining about (in our heads or out loud) are EXACTLY the same areas where we lack strong determinations. 

What other determinations can you summon from the depths of your being? 
What are the areas you've been "hoping" will change, but you don't have a strong determination to win? 

I'm looking at those areas and am about to sit down and chant my morning hour of daimoku with an open mind and an open heart for change in my own life...perspective...and most of all fresh, clear determinations. 

June's issue of Living Buddhism (available at US Buddhist Centers, by calling 310-260-8900, or visiting is excellent, as always. 

Under the section "Writings for Discussion Meetings - Building a Solid Sense of Self" the article talks about Nichiren Daishonin's Determination. 
He knew that he would be persecuted as a votary of the Lotus Sutra, and even before anything happened he resolved (made the determination) that "whatever might happen to me in the future, I must not bear any hatred toward others." 
The article continues, "When we find ourselves in a difficult situation we can use it as an opportunity to apply our Buddhist practice to our daily lives and transform the situation. It's also important that we self-reflect on our own actions and continue to polish our character and how we interact with and treat others....with difficulties at work, at home or in other areas of life, once we make a firm determination to win, it does not matter what others choose to do or say. If we persevere with confidence and dignity on the course we have chosen, we can break through any obstacle. Through our Buddhist practice , we can open up and transform all areas of our life, no matter the difficulties." 

I feel this with my life and am working on fresh new determinations in the areas of my life that could stand a fresh blast of the light of Daimoku. 

In the article Daisaku Ikeda is quoted as saying "Building a solid and unmoving self like Mount Fuji means doing our Human Revolution, elevating our state of life, based on our practice of faith. It means developing a solid self that is never defeated by our environment or circumstances and is capable of transforming everything into happiness and victory. True Happiness shines in the lives of those who possess such an indomitable spirit." 


Monday, June 4, 2012

Determination! THE KEY to changing poison into medicine

In the last post I talked about turning a negative relationship into a positive one by chanting for the person's happiness, and chanting for their Buddha Nature to hear YOUR Buddha Nature. 

Take a look at the post if you want to change an unfulfilling relationship in a very profound way. 

The first thing to do is think of your determination and solidify it in your heart. 

What is a Determination? 

A Determination is a strongly worded cry FROM YOUR HEART TO YOUR LIFE. 
If is not a wish. It is not a plea. It is not an entreaty. 

A determination is a VOW to change your karma, change your life and create a positive outcome.

For example, a determination to change a relationship:

I am determined that through my daimoku I can change the poison of this relationship into medicine. I am determined that through my daimoku _______(person's name) will become happy. The sun will rise in his/her life. I can picture him/her smiling with happiness right now! I am determined to permanently change the karma in my life that to have a person like this cause me pain. From now on I am determined to change my life on the inside so that a situation like this never causes me pain again. My whole family (or work life, or whatever realm this person inhabits in your life) will be positively transformed from this moment forth, starting with the inner change that is happening in MY life. I am a Buddha. I now summon the power of the universe that is my birthright to shine a light on this area of my life and transform it forever!

When I make a strong determination I write it down and look at it every day. It is a powerful tool for changing your karma. 

I have many determinations! Determinations give you power. You can put a date on them if you want to. It is up to you! 

Go forth! Be strong! You are a Buddha roaring with the heart of a lion king. To be a Buddhist takes GUTS. What have you been putting up with, or afraid of, that you can blast with the light of determination and daimoku? This is where Human Revolution STARTS!!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Secret to having ALL your relationships be fulfilling

I have a friend who has a difficult relative who has been disturbing the peace in their family for some time. 
We all have people that disturb us, right? 

Well, I have found that there is only one solution for this problem and it works absolutely 100 percent of the time. Not only that, it will absolutely turn poison into medicine in your life. Seriously. I guarantee it. It works every single time. 

Today I went to the meeting here in Chicago with Danny Nagashima. It was great. I saw Danny last week in Los Angeles, and it was great to hear his lecture on the Treasure Tower today. He's so animated, so humble, so alive! If you get the chance to see him DO!!!

And there was an experience that included a really great thought. I have said before that the ONLY way to solve any relationship issues is to chant for the other person's happiness. I have done this so many times and gotten amazing results. One of two things either happens. Sometimes the person and I just fall in love in a really great way, and we end up having an unexpectedly great relationship. OR, they leave my environment. Either way, I concentrate on really, sincerely chanting for their happiness. 

In today's experience, the person said "Chant that their Buddha Nature hears YOUR Buddha Nature." And I thought "Yes!" That's it exactly. 

Why does chanting for another's happiness have such deep significance in our lives? It's because our lives and the lives of every other person on the planet, are interconnected. We are all one life. Science is proving this over and over. Nothing exists in a vacuum. When I chant for another person's happiness, I also chant for my happiness, and I do my human revolution. Just by transcending my anger at another, and chanting for their is making a huge cause! 

And you can do this in all instances. 

Last night my friend was telling me about this "evil" person in his life. I understand that she has been a huge disappointment and caused a lot of pain. I said that chanting for her happiness was the only answer and he said "But she's just evil." And I said that she is a reflection of his own life...part of his karma that he needs to change...and that all life is interconnected. Her suffering is what is causing her "evilness", and he can chant for her happiness and it will raise his life-condition and change the dynamic of their entire family. In the end....he may look back at this time and say "Thank You!" to her for helping him do his human revolution. And, to my great happinness, he agreed to chant for her. I will join him in is prayer. 

I also reminded him that he is not asking anyone or anything for favors or blessings when he chants. He is only summoning the power of the universe that is rightfully HIS. That power is rightfully ALL OF OURS. And he needs to make a determination towards the happiness of his whole family. 

This type of prayer is karma changing. This is what human revolution is all about. This is the real stuff...the hard stuff....and the BEST STUFF for our lives. 
I challenge you to change the dynamic between you and someone you have problems with. You can do it. We can all do this. 

If you have a benefit write me! I want to hear! If you want me to share it with the other readers let me know!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Back to Business...and blogging! And the Marvelous May Campaign!

I'm so sorry I could not write very much while I was in California. Now it's Memorial Day in America. I just put on a memorial day party on my first day back. My apartment is almost cleaned and I can take a few moments to write. 

This vacation was such a special time. It was the first time my boys and I have gone on a long vacation together. Ever. And it was so perfect. Every single morning we joined our voices in harmony by chanting and doing gongyo. It is impossible to describe the splendor of chanting with your children...through all of their lives. I remember their tiny little voices when they were little "OK Mommy" they'd say when I invited them to chant. Now, at the ages of 22 and 19 they are men, and their sonorous voices send chills down my spine when we chant together. And when you chant together like this...well, you just KNOW the day will hold wonderful tidings!

And our prayers gave us the most rhythmical and beautiful vacation ever. We never argued...we always agreed on what we wanted to do...and we went from one precious moment to the next. Since we have so many dear friends in California we spent almost every night in one of their homes. We stayed in San Anselmo, Benicia, Agoura Hills and Los Angeles. And we were on our own through Santa Cruz, Big Sur and Pismo Beach. 

And on Saturday night we were at a huge Buddhist leader's meeting in Santa Monica at the Ikeda Auditorium. The passion of the Taiko drummers was amazing. And I gained an even deeper understanding about the May Contribution Campaign. 
It really exists for us to challenge us ALL to change our karma regarding money and what we call "fortune". Most people do not come to this practice already rich. Most are struggling in some way. That is precisely why many begin the difficult practice of chanting. When we challenge ourselves to contribute a specific amount during the May contribution campaign we can use it as a cause to change something deep within our lives. We can choose what to change. We can change our financial karma forever. As Soka Gakkai Buddhists we MUST change our financial karma. We have the opportunity to inspire so many who are still suffering. 

And if we study and truly understand this practice we KNOW that the only way to change any of our circumstances starts with changing our lives on the INSIDE...doing our own Human Revolution...changing the core of our lives so that our circumstances can change to reflect our diamond-like selves. 

That is where the financial contribution campaign comes in. Every May we make determinations and goals. 

I heard many experiences about finances. Kate was chanting to be able to donate a certain amount and she didn't know exactly where it was going to come from. She got a call about a substitute teaching assignment. And they told her they had no money to give her for "prep" time. Ever teacher has to prep. If they don't pay you for prep, you still do it, and essentially work those extra prep hours for free. Kate said "No, I won't take it without prep time" and she said there was silence on the other end...then the person who wanted to hire her agreed to her price. 

Kate stressed that it's not just about the money. It is about how we value ourselves as people. It is about what we feel we deserve and standing up for ourselves. YES. I believe we all need to learn this more deeply...and put it into practice! 

We ALL need to really value our lives...our worth...ourselves as noble Boddhisatvas of the earth! 

I am still collecting your experiences! Let me hear from you!