"Seen from the perspective of faith and Buddhism,
everything has profound meaning.
There is no need whatsoever
for us to vacillate between elation and despair
at each turn of events.
There is no such thing
as a storm
that will continue blowing and wreaking havoc without end.
In the same way,
there is no hardship that will continue forever.
There are clear days and there are rainy days.
If we are swayed by our environment,
rejoicing one moment and despairing the next
amid ever-changing circumstances,
then we will not be able to accomplish
a true revolution
in our state of life.
The important thing is to always believe in the Mystic Law and to enter the powerful orbit of faith, practice and study. Entering this orbit--the orbit of human revolution and of changing our karma --is the way to construct a life of good fortune and happiness that will endure throughout eternity. No matter what happens, we will enjoy the unerring protection of the Gohonzon. Instead of drawing conclusions about the world of faith from a superficial viewpoint, we need to calmly discern the true reality and significance of things and keep pressing forward.
With the passage of time, it will definitely become clear that everything has unfolded in the best possible manner."
From The Hope Filled Teachings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 277, from his essay on the Gosho "A Warning Against Begrudging One's Fief."