Thursday, September 26, 2013
YOU are the Hero of Your Own Life!
"It is important to have a long-range view. No great achievement is accomplished overnight or without difficulty. Should benefit be obtained easily, without our making serious efforts in our Buddhist practice, we'd probably easily abandon our faith and end up miserable. "
Daisaku Ikeda, Faith in Action page 145, under perseverance.
Yes, even though we might not like this, it is true. We do need to have a long range view. Yesterday I wrote about my overcoming my suffering where men were concerned. I talked about a certain 4 hour tozo where I yanked the karma of suffering over men out of my life by its very roots. This whole process did not happen overnight. I had to suffer for quite some time until I finally got to the point where I could pray THAT deeply...I had to go through the pain until I was absolutely DONE with that pain. It gave me the power to pray as if I were making fire from a stone. I had to build my life to the point of RESOLVE. Pure RESOLVE.
Each of us can get to that point in our lives. But it is a building process. I love this quote:
"Buddhism teaches us that the individual writes and performs the script for his or her own life. Neither chance nor a divine being writes the script for us. We write it, and we are the actors who play it. This is an extremely positive philosophy, inherent in the teaching of 3,000 realms in a single moment of life. You are the author and the hero. To perform your play well, it is important to pound the script into your head so thoroughly that you can see it vividly before your eyes. You may need to rehearse in your mind. Sometimes it helps to write down your goals, copying them over and over and over until they are inscribed within your heart.
Daisaku Ikeda, Faith in Action, page 35, under Goals.
So we need to persevere and trust our process.
Sensei says:
'Because life is long, you should not be impatient. What matters most is that you embrace the Gohonzon throughout your life. It is vitally important to continually challenge yourself to chant even a little more daimoku and to pray before the Gohonzon for the fulfillment of your desires."
Faith in Action page 145.
Our daily practice provides the building blocks and the foundation for us to be strong in difficult times. As I have mentioned I have a difficult time going on right now, as do many of you. The important thing is for us all to keep persevering, keep studying, keep encouraging others and keep taking action in our lives!
Last night we had a wonderful hour tozo (chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo) at my house and spent some time in discussion of our benefits and challenges. How I love my Gakkai family. I hope each of you are etablishing loving Gakkai families in your lives. You can click on the SGI portal on the right to be connected, or email me at and I will do all I can to help.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
PowerPrayer to ROOT the Cause of Your Karmic Suffering Out of Your Life! Let Your Buddhahood Bloom!
Let Your Buddhahood Bloom!
If you've been chanting to change things in your life...if you've been chanting about relationships, your career etc...consider looking inward and chanting to change yourself. Changing your SELF - doing your human revolution is vital to your success~full practice. Once your root out the CAUSE of your suffering...your life changes. And the cool thing is ~ you don't have to know what the cause is, and you don't have to analyze it ~ all you have to do it chant to root it out!
I did this in my own life.
I was suffering about a man, as usual.
(I had done my whole life with various men).
And I realized that this pain was the same pain I had felt over and over since I was quite young. I was at a daimoku tozo with others and I just decided THIS WAS IT.
I decided yank the karma of suffering and longing regarding men entirely out of my life forever. As I was chanting I was picturing the root of this suffering just coming right out of my abdomen, the center of emotion in the body.
I chanted "never again will I suffer over wanting a man who does not want me!" Now, some of you may have never suffered over relationships, but I get enough emails to know that I am not alone! Many of us have, at various times felt this deep pain. Well. You, like me, can change it once and for all like I did. I'll never forget that day. I changed my life permanently using the tremendous power of my own ichinen, PowerPrayer and our brilliant practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. I have never felt that suffering since then, and I have had several wonderful men in my life since then.
You can use this process
to root ANY suffering out of your life.
What is the process? How do you permamently root the source of pain from your life?
1. Own the problem...realize that whatever you want to change may LOOK like it is outside yourself...but its roots are within your life. That means that you cannot complain or say "WHY ME?". Really you have to own it...not BLAME yourself (or anyone else) for it...and not feel guilty about it.
2. Turn your prayer INWARD. Chant to change YOURSELF. Chant to have the courage to make the changes you need to make in order to generate the results you want to create in your life. Remember that all change starts from within. And your environment will change to reflect the inner changes you have made.
3. Take action to encourage others. Lighting a lantern for another lights your own way.
PowerPrayer to ROOT
the cause of your karmic suffering
out of your life!
"I am determined to make any changes
I need to make
in my thoughts,
in my actions,
in my chanting,
to make continual positive causes that will result
in rooting the cause of my negative karma
permanently OUT OF MY LIFE!
Right now, as I am chanting,
I am rooting the cause of _____________________________________________
out of my life forever!
I see it leaving my life.
I am permanently yanking out the root of this suffering!
I am determined to make the changes inside myself...
to do my own human revolution
and raise my life condition
to see the world through the eyes of the Buddha I am!
I am determined to change in any way I need to change to accomplish________________ (you fill in the blank).
I am bringing the determination,
and fire I need to create the life of my dreams.
I do this not only for me, but for everyone who is suffering.
I am determined to glow within my own life.
I am determined to be a shining light
for all who are suffering. I
am determined to be the beacon of hope
that ANYONE can solve their problems
by chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.
I am ready to meet people who are ready to hear about this practice!
I chant to have the most inspiring life. Gohonzon (my life) I need to see these results now!"
You can do this...You Buddha YOU!
In Faith in Action Daisaku Ikeda states:
Our sincere prayers for kosen-rufu reach the Gohonzon on a profound level, thereby activating the protective functions of the Buddhist Gods. In the long-range view, a sincere and honest person is alway a victor. No matter how circumstances may change, no one can take away the truth in others' hearts. Page 163
Write me at with your success strories - experiences. Please send your picture and your story of victory. I also offer personal consultations. Write me at the same address to find out more.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Four Reasons Practical Buddhists are so Happy
Why are Practical Buddhist so Happy?
What is so special
about this twice-daily practice
of chanting
What do I mean by "Practical Buddhist?"
True Practical Buddhists chant every morning and evening and EVERY MORNING and evening. We study the works of Nichiren Daishonin, and the writings of Daisaku Ikeda, to learn the workings of the practice. We encourage each other and attend Soka Gakkai meetings. We introduce others to the practice because we are delighted with the results we see in our own lives from chanting.
We are known by several names:
SGI Buddhists (there are different names in different countries)
Soka Gakkai Members ~ SGI Members
Practical Buddhists
Nichiren Buddhists ~ (although we follow the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin, I don't use this name because there are Nichiren Buddhists who do not practice with the SGI)
Reasons we are so HAPPY ~
1. Our Happiness is not based on our happiness alone. And we base our practice on RESULTS! We GET what we chant for, or something better, as long as we don't give up!
Our happiness has a higher purpose. Don't get me wrong...happiness for any reason is great. Happiness is the purpose of our practice. But when we chant, we do not chant to be happy for the sake of happiness itself. No, we chant to be happy so that I can prove to others that happiness is a choice, and that everyone can generate happiness if they chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.
With every problem we face we chant:
"I will defeat THIS problem for the sake of Kosen-rufu
(the happiness of ALL)
And one by one I will knock all my problems down.
I achieve all my goals.
I will succeed is all areas of my life to prove the power of the law!
I vow to win in all areas of my life!"
(I just had my high school reunion. And I am clearly an incredibly different person than I was those many years ago. Because of this practice I have confidence. I glow. I was most excited about the fact that one of the classmates I respect the most is married to a Practical Buddhist who reads my blog every day. My ability to use my happiness and determination to help and inspire others IS my greatest happiness!)
2. We KNOW we have the POWER, and the TOOL to overcome our own negativity ~ and raise our "Life Condition" and become happy!
It's true. When we chant the name of the rhythm of life itself ~ Nam-myoho-renge-kyo ~ we see results. And what will we WIN over? Ourselves. We are fighting and winning the biggest and most worthy battle of all...the battle over our own negativity. And the thing is, no one can do that but US. We are the only ones. And our negativity never entirely goes away, but our daily practice keeps it away, and is the source of our happiness. We talk about the "evil twin" in our minds telling us we can't do it, that we aren't strong enough and who do we think we are? When we chant consistently that voice recedes, and our true and powerful Buddha nature emerges. And we DO succeed!
3. We KNOW we can change our karma and make the impossible possible.
Whether we have studied eastern religions or not, we are all familiar with karma no matter what name we call it. Karma is passed down from one generation to another. Karma is reoccurring know the odd way in which people marry one person, move on to the next and have the exact same problems crop up.
Karma is nothing to be afraid of. It is only the sum total of every cause we have ever made through every existence we have ever had. And since, according to Nichiren Daishonin, those existences number more than grains of sand in the ocean, what need is there to fret about karma? And we do not need to spend countless lifetimes trying to undo every negative thing we have ever done. How could we? We don't even know what these things were. What we can do, is make the absolute most positive causes NOW. When we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo we are making the most positive cause for our lives. When we introduce others these causes are magnified across many existences because we have introduced them to the power to change their own and their family's karma.
4. We are aware of the interconnectivity of life and know that when we change our inner life, our outer life changes as well. We are Power-FULL not Power-LESS and we can chant for others as well!
There's a concept I love called "Esho Funi". It means that we see and experience ourselves as separate from our environment (our environment is everything outside of our skin - the air we breathe, the couch we are sitting on, the music we hear, and each person, thing, animal in our environment and throughout the entire universe). But we are intricately connected to everything. That is why we can chant and change our lives. We change our inner lives, and because of the interconnectivity of life (also called "dependent origination") we are able to influence our environment. This is the fulcrum of true happiness and true power in our lives.
Note: Chanting is a courageous practice, and keeping on target and maintaining practice can be a challenge. I am offering personal coaching by phone or skype. Email me at to find out more.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Unique Buddhism! Some Facts about Practical (SGI) Buddhism to Share
Why do we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, and what makes this practice different than any other form of Buddhism?
Click on the SGI Portal to the right to find out more about our organization.
Click on the SGI Portal to the right to find out more about our organization.
You have happened upon a practice that is very unique indeed. Some of the ways this practice is different include these points:
~ People do not have to “convert” to Buddhism to chant. Anyone can chant. It's like meditation, or's a practice.
~ The goal of this practice is RESULTS, also called actual proof, or benefits. In other words - you get what you chant for- or something better - as long as you do not give up.
~ In this practice, each person is a Buddha, and possesses the entire power of the universe within their own lives. This is the awakening that the original Buddha experienced under the Bodhi tree.
We all possess the potential for bringing forth our own Buddhahood (happiness and strength) through chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, right now, in this lifetime ~ without having to focus on making other changes in our lives.
~ We have a Living Mentor ~
Daisaku Ikeda is the President of the Soka Gakkai International. I write about him often. Several of the posts last week were on the mentor and disciple relationship. Daisaku Ikeda is an extraordinary human being that we connect with through his writings, his speeches, his actions and through our own hearts.
~ We have a Living Mentor ~
Daisaku Ikeda is the President of the Soka Gakkai International. I write about him often. Several of the posts last week were on the mentor and disciple relationship. Daisaku Ikeda is an extraordinary human being that we connect with through his writings, his speeches, his actions and through our own hearts.
~There are no lifestyle, diet or rules of behavior and no “paths” to memorize or carefully trod. There is the keen awareness that life operates under the strict law of cause and effect, and at each moment WE are creating our lives, but most of us knew that already! FInally, by chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo we have the MEANS to steer our life-craft in the direction we want it to go...not only in the direction the wind is going...
~ Desire is not the enemy. As I always say - the more desires you have the BETTER. Your desires lead you to chant...when you chant you change your karma. Each person chants for their desires from their heart. Alleviation of desire is NOT the goal of this practice.
~ There are no clergy, no robes and no temples. YOU have direct access to the power of the universe, your own Buddha power within. No intermediaries are needed. We SGI members practice together because we grow and learn together. There are SGI (Soka Gakkai - Value Creating Organization) community centers, and many smaller meetings are held in people’s homes. We are all normal people in the world living extraordinarily happy lives.
~ We are changing our karma every time we chant. We can change our karma. Karma is not immutable. Suffering is not "Noble", but it is part of life. The goal of chanting is HAPPINESS, not to learn to be better sufferers.
~ We do not chant “to” anything outside of us. There is no Higher Power in this practice. When we are chanting we access our own wisdom and power as a the Buddha, or awakened one. We are chanting to our own lives.
~The main practice is reciting the words Nam-myoho-renge-kyo over and over and over. Everyone on earth recites the same phrase. It means: "I fuse my life with the mystic (unfathomable) law of cause and effect through sound vibration"
~There are no lifestyle rules of any kind. All people...ALL people are welcome.
~ There is no guilt, there is only the awareness of the law of cause and effect.
And it's easy to start chanting. When I began I chanted 5 minutes in the morning and 5 in the evening, and I immediately saw results. If you click on the SGI Portal link to the right you can find members in your area. You can also email me with any questions at
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