Tuesday, June 11, 2013

PowerPrayer for Defeating Obstacles (Sansho Shima)

As you know, Julia and I are working on a book of PowerPrayers for you. Well today I have a sneak peek for you. I'm giving you a PowerPrayer we wrote together just yesterday. 

As you know, in any worthy endeavor obstacles HAVE to arise. That is a a natural function of life. But the important question is this : Can we see them for what they are, necessary obstacles to FUEL our determination and make us chant HARDER? Or are we FOOLED by them into thinking "Oh well, I guess I wasn't supposed to do this anyway" and then give up? It is up to each of us to either determine to win, or just succumb to losing. 

The first step is recognizing them for what they are:

"When devilish functions are recognized for what they are, they lose their power."
Daisaku Ikeda, June 2013, Living Buddhism page 23. 

Yesterday Julia and I made a fierce determination to win over the obstacles that have arisen for us in pursuit of our worthy goal of writing and getting this book into your hands so that it can help you and your friends become truly happy. 

I share the prayer we are both chanting. This morning I just finished an hour of chanting this prayer. Nothing will stop me. Nothing can stop you!!

Sansho Shima PowerPrayer:

Hello, Sansho Shima, 
I was expecting you.
I recognize you for what you are.

Sansho Shima, I see you for what you are! 
No way! 
Not this time
not any more. 
I'm in charge now.
I AM Nam-myoho-renge-kyo
I am roaring like a lion.
You  are not real, you  have no power here.
On the contrary, 
I take your pure energy now, and though my Daimoku I make you my ally, instead. 
Shoten Zenjin! Support me in every single action I take towards my goal. I am doing the Buddha's work on earth. Support me in every way!

I now use this obstacle to refuel my determination
and I will chant   ______  number of hours
every day until until I have ultimate victory.

Sansho Shima, I am now turning you into Shoten Zenjin! 
You are now the cause 
for victory in the lives of those I will
encourage by sharing this story.
You are now part of a powerful 
and inspirational story of victory.
You are not leaving me in a diminished condition
I am raising you to a high life condition
and purpose.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Scaling Mountain after Mountain

From President Ikeda:

Life is about scaling one mountain, 
then facing the next one, 
followed by the one after that. 
Those who persevere 
and finally succeed in conquering the highest mountain 
are victors in life.
On the other hand, 
those who avoid such challenges and take the easy route, descending into the valleys, 
will end in defeat.

Daisaku Ikeda

PowerPrayer to Achieve Your Desires

Daisaku Ikeda states 
in Ikedaquotes.org 
under "Desires":

"The Buddha’s enlightenment 
does not lie in “eradicating” earthly desires, 
but in infusing them with compassion and wisdom. 
It is a matter of transforming 
the turbid river of earthly desires, karma, suffering 
and negativity into a pure stream 
of compassion and wisdom. 
Those who achieve this 
possess a perfectly tranquil and serene state of life 
in that they are not troubled by earthly desires; 
at the same time, 
their lives have a vigorous dynamism. 
Such a state of life is like the ocean. 
No matter what turmoil there may be on the surface, 
in its depths there is absolute calm and tranquility."

I get emails every day from people asking me how to chant for their desires and if they can chant for their desires. And the answer I glean from Daisaku Ikeda's writings is this: if you elevate your desires into the deep desire for the happiness of all mankind you will have the deepest prayer to enable you to achieve your desires, and you will be helping other people at the same time. 

How do you do this? 

This is what PowerPrayers are all about. With every desire you have, you can infuse it with the light of compassion for all. 

Power Prayer infused with Compassion to Achieve Your Desires:

"Gohonzon! My Life! I desire ______________. It is my heart's desire! I am determined to achieve this to PROVE to my family, my friends and the world that chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo WORKS. I am determined to show this actual proof and help others learn to chant and become happy themselves!"

And then Take Action. Chant consistently. Take action towards your goal. Tell others about Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, study and attend meetings. You will see that you will develop peace about your goal. 


enables us to make any hardship or 

setback the source of our new advancement 

and our treasure for the future. 

Therefore, you don't have to be 

afraid if making a mistake or encountering an obstacle. 

In short, as long as you are devoted 

to staying in the correct orbit of faith, 

you won't ever cease to advance

toward your victory, 

even if you may go through 

some twists and turns in life." - Daisaku Ikeda

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Becoming Happy is Important in So Many Ways

This picture says it all:

"A Happy person makes a happy home. 
A happy home promotes a happy neighborhood.
Such a a neighborhood affects a city 
which in turn inspires a state. 
A happy state touches a nation. 
A happy nation helps create a happy world. 
So being a happy person is the most important thing in the world." 

So, not only do you DESERVE to be happy, but you owe it to yourself, and to others and to the world. 

What are some of the techniques you can use to become happy? Your daily attention to your chanting and putting yourself first is a key part of becoming happy. I have written about this many times. What are some other ways? 

Praise others. Look at what you can praise in others. Focus on the positive in others not the negative. Anyone can focus on the negative. it's so easy to do. 

But YOU can be the one, the "Never disparaging Buddha" who raises above that and focuses on the good. 

What you focus on increases!

Focus on what you want to see increase!

Think of all the people you see everyday. Imagine your words and your smile as flowers you are handing them. Don't hold back. Smile at people even if they do not smile at you! 

A smile is a profound CAUSE for happiness.

Look up and smile. Did you know that smiling itself generates a happiness response in the body? And when you smile at others they get a 'happiness hit" from your smile. Your smile actually registers a happiness hormone in their brain. There are studies being done on the science of happiness right now, and they have proven, beyond a doubt that happiness is contagious. 

Every morning make the sun of happiness rise in your heart and be an ambassador of happiness. This is something you can build for yourself and your loved ones. What a worthy endeavor. 

Another way to become happy is to think of someone you are grateful for. Write a note expressing that gratitude and then bring it to them surprising them with your note. In Martin Seligman's book "Flourish" he says that this act of gratitude actually brings a glow of happiness to the letter writer that can last an entire month. 

Try it! Chant to be happy and take action to be happy! You owe it to yourself and to the world. 


Friday, June 7, 2013

PowerPrayers for Men and Women

In Learning from the Writings, The Hope Filled Teachings of Nichiren Daishonin SGI President Ikeda's Lecture Series, published 2009 by World Tribune Press (available through the SGI link to the right) we found a very interesting passage regarding the difference in the faith of men and women. Julia (my writing partner) and I are working on the PowerPrayer section of the book and decided to write two power prayers for this passage, one for women and one for men. President Ikeda's insights are so fascinating, we want to build on their concepts and develop power prayers that expand the strength of both women and men. We have offered this PowerPrayer to one of the men we are working with and he has reported Power-full results. Enjoy!

First, I'll share the passage, and the PowerPrayers follow. 

The passage is on page 8 of Learning from the Writing. President Ikeda states:

"For we generally find that it is women ~ more so than men, who often let egoism and appearances hold them back ~ who demonstrate the infinite power of the Mystic Law at a crucial moment, just as the teachings instruct. The power of belief leads to a state of mind free of fear and doubt, which is the very essence of what it means to have faith. No devilish function can possibly defeat a woman who has attained such a state of mind. A women of deep faith who correctly practices the Mystic Law possesses the wisdom to instantly distinguish between right and wrong. She has the essential courage to sweep away the three poisons - greed, anger and foolishness. She is endowed with compassion. Inspired by a teacher awakened to the Mystic Law, her wisdom, courage and compassion fuse together in a firm, unwavering resolve. Such a women will never be swayed by the maneuvers of any devilish function."

For Men:

The power of my life enables me to prevent egoism and appearances from holding me back any longer. I will do whatever it takes to fulfill my deepest, most secret wish to become happy and turn it into a powerful VOW.  A Vow that is the very essence of what it means to have faith. No devilish function can possibly defeat a man who has attained such a state of mind. The immense power of my life has given me the wisdom to instantly distinguish between right and wrong, for I am a man who correctly practices the mystic law. I have within my powerful core the essential courage to sweep away all obstacles, including greed, anger and foolishness. I am no longer concerned with appearances. The treasure of my heart is way more powerful and shines like a beacon illuminating my way and the way for a great, great many. 

PowerPrayer for Women: 

The power of my life leads me to a state of mind free of fear or doubt. I now deepen my faith! I see every devilish function for exactly what it is ~ another log on the fire to fuel and deepen my faith. 
No devilish function can possibly defeat me!
I instantly distinguish between right and wrong. 
I now possess the essential courage to sweep away greed, anger and foolishness. 
I expand my capacity for all nurturing compassion. 
My wisdom, courage and compassion fuse together in a firm, unwavering resolve. 
I am NEVER defeated by obstacles. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Ultimate PowerPrayer for Human Revolution

When we are determined to change our lives it has to start from within. When we change, our environment changes. It is simply a fact of life. What's a good PowerPrayer for this?

Here's one of my absolute favorites from my upcoming book:

"Life! I am determined to make any changes I need to make in my thoughts, my actions, my chanting, to make continual positive causes that will result in rooting the cause of my negative karma OUT OF MY LIFE!  I am determined to make the changes inside myself...to do my own human revolution and raise my life condition! I am determined to change in any way I need to change to attract the ____________________(you fill in the blank) into my life. Life! I am bringing the determination, wisdom and fire I need to create the life of my dreams. 


I do this not only for me, but for everyone who is suffering. I am determined to glow within my own life. I am determined to be a shining light for all who are suffering. I am determined to be the beacon of hope that ANYONE can solve their problems by chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. I am ready to meet people who are ready to hear about this practice!  I chant to have the most inspiring life. Gohonzon (my life) I need to see these results now!"

The Most Powerful Way to Overcome Your Fundamental Darkness

This says it all. How much do you really want to be happy? You can totally change your life by recognizing and overcoming your fundamental darkness by establishing a rock-hard consistent practice of doing gongyo and chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo twice a day - every day.  

Last night was a Gosho study here. We studied "The Workings of Brahma and Shakra", by Nichiren Daishonin. 
The line that stands out the most from President Ikeda's Gosho lecture is this:

"When devilish functions are recognized for what they are, they lose their power."

Daisaku Ikeda, June 2013, Living Buddhism page 23. 

And as I always say, be FUELED by your devilish functions (obstacles) not FOOLED! When you see them for what they are ROAR them out of your life! 

Ok. How CAN we see our fundamental darkness for what is it, and how do we overcome it?

Last night one of our visiting members said he was having trouble doing evening gongyo. As we were discussing this he came to see that whatever was stopping him was a manifestation of his own fundamental darkness...the forces in life that try to hold us back. 
Whatever stops you chanting HAS to be fundamental darkness. And once you see it for what it is you can just make a fierce determination to do gongyo twice a day ~ and do it. Your friends in the SGI will support you. They will come to your house, call or text you. Whatever you want. Just ask for the support and you will get it. You can even get support on Facebook if you want. Reach out and your friends will be there. 

The beautiful thing is this: When you overcome the fundamental darkness that keeps you from practicing consistently you will SIMULTANEOUSLY break through in all areas of your life. Put the effort into your practice and the rest of your life flows more easily. Please don't believe me when I say this. Please experience this phenomenon by DOING it. There is no other way. 

A few other thoughts:

What IS fundamental darkness? It exists within every person. It was in the original Buddha, it was in Nichiren Daishonin and all three Presidents. We ALL have it. We don't have to be scared of it and we can defeat it, over and over and over again! It manifests in different ways in all of us.  

For myself, my fundamental darkness used to appear often as depression. Many times I called my mentor in faith to request guidance and she'd say "It's back! That's just your fundamental darkness!" That freed me. 

I am just like you. When I see fundamental darkness for what it is I get rid of it through Daimoku. Knowing what it is gives me power. And it's easier for me to do this because of my strong practice. I chant at least an hour every single morning...and sometimes much more. I chant evening gongyo consistently, even if I don't particularly feel like doing it! 

And I have overcome the deep depression I used to experience on a regular basis. I've also overcome the extreme longing I lived with every day. These are benefits of practice. This is the promise of this wonderful Buddhism.

So, just like the meme above says - think about what you want MOST. And use your powerful practice to get it!