Monday, April 5, 2010


I'm baaack! Here I am ready to go. I must say I did bottom out there over the last week or so. I got sick and wasn't really able to chant and just felt my life force seeping away. Then, of course, I ran smack dab into the Easter Holiday and greeted it with a lack of sleep, and a sick body...what a recipe for missing my Mom on a holiday! I was just picturing her in her sweet violet chiffon outfit, with treats for the boys and her loving, loving soul. Sweet Mommy, I am thinking of you!

Today I awakened feeling better and ready to put the petal to the metal and create a brand new life. I chanted for an hour and a half so far, and I'm knocking things off my to-do list one by one.
Chanting this morning was so much fun. When I was away I handed out about 100 Nam Myoho Renge Kyo cards, and each person thanked me and said they would look into it. Today I chanted for each of them to become happy...picturing as many as I can remember! I also chanted for brave and vigorous youth to rise up to lead the Soka Gakkai.

When I was in San Francisco I went to see the youth produced "Rock the Era" presentation. It was fabulous. And I connected with the people who inspire me so much! Today I am cleaning out my car and unpacking fully and setting my sights on my brand new life. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

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