Sunday, April 17, 2011

Chanting for Your Desires To Come True!

OK, so I spent all last week chanting at full strength, 2-3 hours every day. 

I had in mind exactly what I wanted....I prayed so hard for this desire to come true...

And guess what happened?

I got something better! WAY BETTER!!!

Let this be a lesson to you!!! It is true.

You can chant for what you really want.

Don't hold back.

Pour your whole heart, breath, body, mind 
into your prayer. 
Pray that you should have this for Kosen Rufu (World Peace) and that this thing you want (whatever it is) is YOUR BIRTHRIGHT! 

You deserve it! 
You want it in order to show proof of this practice. When you pray tell your life it is time...and that you want it by a certain date.

And wham!!!

Don't give up and watch what happens!

Do any of you have a similar story for me?

Write me!


  1. hi there, it is really inspiring to read ur blog..

    I have been chanting for a few months already.. my smaller prayers have all been answered.. I was making good progress until lately, things seemed to take a step back and I am feeling really demoralised.. I have a really big desire.. I know I am being really impatient with things but I can't get rid of the fear in me, the fear that the outcome may not be what I wanted. And I've slackened in my practice.. feeling all demoralised with the situation..:(


  2. Hi Jamie,
    I really want to make it on Wednesday nights, this has been a crazy time...I'm turning 50 this week and it feels great! I have been chanting and I am seeing really positive results in my personal life.
    I wanted to know if there is a certain way of sitting or a position that is most beneficial for chanting? Does it matter if you chant fast or slow? Thanks for any info you can give me.
