Showing posts with label chanting nam myoho renge kyo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chanting nam myoho renge kyo. Show all posts

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo

Today I saw Aaron for the first time in 6 weeks. He and Meg had a great time in Australia, and we're in the final countdown to his graduation from Stritch Loyola Medical School on May 21st.  

As you can imagine, it's an interesting time for me, the first mother's day since Ben began his next journey. Although he is here with me in spirit, and continues to write to me constantly through my own hand, he is my "Forever Ben" now, and my life as a mother is changed.

Yesterday I chanted for an hour with my friend Nina. It had been a while since I chanted that long, and it felt like a really long time to chant!  It's so interesting how sometimes time flies...and other times it stands still. But I had to chant with as much concentration as possible so I could face mother's day today. I did not look away from the Gohonzon for more than a few seconds. Focused concentration...chanting for Kosen Rufu to flow endlessly through alleviate my feel the beautiful flow of my life every moment...

And last night I did EFT Tapping with my new friend Betsy via Skype so I could be calm today. (Please write me at if you want to learn about having a session with me) Tapping is so's like acupuncture without needles. Great for clearing emotion. 
So today Aaron and I spent the day in the sun making golden memories. We visited the Bahai Temple in Wilmette, one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. I wrote about this building a year ago when Ben and I went there. This time Aaron and I were making new memories. And we went to the beach. 

I hope you all honored yourselves, your Mothers and your families with love this Mother's Day! 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

No More Waiting - We Make it happen! Happy May 3rd!

(Excerpted from Linda Johnson's speech on May 3rd, 2015)
On this day, May 3rd, we each renew our determination to work for kosen rufu - world peace. I'd like to start with a quote from Daisaku Ikeda from page 60 of the May Living Buddhism. 

"Some people are never in the limelight, never in a position to receive praise and recognition from others. But "It is the heart that is important" (WND-1000). A person's greatness is not determined by social status. Our happiness isn't determined by our environment. A vast universe exists in our hearts, in our lives. We practice Nichiren Buddhism to open up that boundless inner realm.
"When we open that magnificent realm of the spirit, we will be champions wherever we might be. We will savor without end the wondrous delights of a truly profound existence. 
Many people seek success and importance in the eyes of the world, but few aspire to become truly great human beings. 

Many wish to be showered with praise and attention, but few strive to build an inner happiness that will remain undiminished until the moment of their death and extend throughout the three existences of past, present and future. 
Our greatness and happiness as human beings are determined by the strength of our life force, and our Buddhist faith and practice dedicated to kosen-rufu. 
We are striving day after day for kosen-rufu, an unprecedented ideal in the history of humankind. It requires incredible perseverance. Yet, because of that, we are absolutely certain to build lives of true fulfillment. 
How others view us is not important. Temporary successes or failures also do not matter. What counts is whether our faces shine with happy smiles at the very end of our lives. If we can look back and say, "My life was victorious. It was enjoyable. I have no regrets," then we are victors." 
May Living Buddhism, page 60. 

Nichiren Buddhism demystifies life because he explains all of life has two sides, the positive and the negative. And the reason we suffer is that we're unaware we have the same power within us that caused the sun to come up today. 

Having knowledge of this is of no value unless we can unlock this power. 
We each are in this movie we call life. We are the writer, the producer, the director and the protagonist. We direct the film every day with our thoughts, words and actions. Every one. 
This is both the source of our fortune and the source of our suffering. 

We practice to become happy. Happiness is not the absence of problems. Happiness is the ability to confront our problems head on and create value from our problems 

We need to learn we have control of our destiny and stop waiting for someone else to make us happy. 
Nichiren says that nothing outside of us is separate from us. All our actors in our movie reflect us. Some reflect wonderful us - and some don't. But they are the most important because we can't change what we cannot see. The person who causes you to suffer is there to help you decide "I'm gonna change my life today." 

We need to look inside. Any suffering has to be connected to our lives or we couldn't be experiencing it. But we can change it. 

Human revolution says "I'm going to pray to transform that suffering so I can be an example for others. My experience will inspire others." 

What is the number one requirement for all of us to live a victorious life? 


Faith exists for us to make the impossible possible. We don't practice to do what we could already do. 

As we mature in faith our intellect persuades us that things are not possible. We buy into the "reality" of our lives and don't seek to challenge them. 

Faith makes the impossible possible. 

We need to chant to transform obstacles even when the intellect has no strategy. 

When you take charge of your life what matters is your heart. 
"I'm making this happen with every Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!" 

I met a young woman who hadn't gotten her citizenship interview and she told me "It's out of my hands." Well, she said that to the wrong person. As a Nichiren Buddhist nothing is out of your hands. I told her to chant "I'm making it happen right now!" This was Saturday. By Monday she had gotten a call for her interview. 

A terminal diagnosis from medical science just tells you medical science can't help you, but the great medicine of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo works for everyone. We need to challenge our lives with courage. 
A member in New York was given 3 months to live and 7 1/2 years later she is still living cancer free. 

We need to courageously use our faith to take charge of our lives. 

Nothing is more powerful than Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. 
Chant courageously and boldly for your dreams. 

Your dreams are the best gift you can give yourself. 
No one else can give them to you...
So starting today, from May 3rd create the greatest life beyond all expectations because you deserve it!

From May 3rd, 2015 speech. Chicago Illinois


Sunday, May 1, 2016

What is Success in Life?

"What is success in life? 
Who are the truly successful? 
There are famous and powerful people who become pitiful figures in their old age. 
There are people who die alone, feeling empty and desolate inside. 
Just what is success? 
The English thinker Walter Pater (1839-94) wrote: 

"To burn always with this hard, gemlike flame, 
to maintain this ecstasy, is success in life." 

The person who lives life fully, 
glowing with life's energy, 
is the person who lives a successful life."

Daisaku Ikeda, For Today and Tomorrow, page 131

What is it that makes us burn with this hard, gemlike flame? What is it that drives each one of us? 

For almost seven years writing this blog has been something that makes me incredibly happy. I have overcome each and every challenge with a "turning poison into medicine" attitude. Lately I've been listening to some interesting audios and just learned that psychology calls this a "Thriving Mentality." Exactly. We all get this! 

We know that our practice has not quite hit the mainstream yet. We know how unique we are. And look at us, ahead of the game in so many ways. Living lives turning poison into medicine is the best, most fulfilling way to live. 

I'm still in the midst of turning the biggest poison into medicine. I'm not done yet. We shall see it all unfold. And the most important thing is this: I am not giving up. I can never give up. And we all possess the greatest treasure...Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and our Soka Gakkai International. 

Let's treasure our lives more than ever!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

This Day Changed Our Lives Forever!

On this day in 1253 Nichiren Daishonin chanted Nam-myoho-renge-kyo for the first time and reclaimed the practice of Buddhism for the happiness of us all. 

It's fascinating to imagine what it would have been like for him that day. I wonder what he felt when he was pondering the true practice for the age. Remember, he'd made a vow at the age of twelve to be the wisest man in Japan. He'd traveled to Buddhist temples all over reading the sacred scrolls and asking himself the same question over and over: 

"What is the REAL practice for this age? What will lead people to happiness? What is the true lifeblood of Buddhism NOW?" 

He put every cell of his body into finding the answer to this question. There were many forms of Buddhism at the time. All of them promised rewards in the future, but no fulfillment right now. The Pure Land sect said the only happiness you could ever have came only after death when you were born again in the Pure Land. Other sects said you had to attone for every single negative cause you had ever made and after many, many lifetimes attain Buddhahood. Others said you had to be reborn as a man. 

But NONE said that Happiness exists in the here and now, and you can attain Buddhahood, happiness, enlightenment, right here right now in your present form. 

And THAT school was the one Nichiren founded, beginning 760 years ago today by chanting the title of the Lotus Sutra for the first time. I can just imagine the shivers going through his body. I can just imagine the responses of the people around him who were all attached to their own particular beliefs. It took an amazing amount of energy and strength. 

And he continued his religious revolution every day from then on. In the face of multiple persecutions, attacks, name it. But he KNEW. He KNEW that one day you and I would be chanting this phrase and changing the world by infusing our lives with the energy of this vibration, and advancing, step by step with Nichiren and our mentor in faith Daisaku Ikeda. 

What courage. What strength. 

Those of us who have read the writings Nichiren wrote to his followers know what he went through...being exiled to a gardener's hut with holes in the walls and the ceiling with no provisions in the cold of winter in a graveyard no less...not even a graveyard actually, a place where dead bodies were just left on Sado Island. People were told not to go near the hut or help this man or they would be killed. And it was from this hut where he wrote the Opening of the Eyes and many of his most important letters "Gosho" saying "I am the happiest man in all japan!" Why was he so happy? Because his persecutions confirmed that this was the correct teachings. We can learn so much through his actions and attitude. I could go on and on. 

Today marks the first time he chanted. Today marks the establishment of Practical Buddhism for the Latter Day of the Law. Breathtaking really. 

The following passage is largely taken from the SGI website on Nichiren's Life. 

"While Nichiren demonstrated a severely critical stance toward what he regarded as distortion or corruption of the core message of Buddhism, his letters of guidance and encouragement to his followers record a tender concern for people who were disregarded within medieval Japanese society."

Nichiren (1222-1282), the priest who established the form of Buddhism practiced by the members of the SGI, is a unique figure in Japanese social and religious history. In a society where great emphasis has often been placed on keeping conflict hidden from sight, Nichiren was outspoken in his criticism of the established Buddhist sects and secular authorities. His chosen method of propagation was "shakubuku"--a sharp and relentless dialectic between different perspectives in quest of truth...

For instance, he wrote many letters to female lay believers in which he showed a remarkable understanding of their sufferings and emphasized the Lotus Sutra's message that all people can become enlightened as they are, men and women.

Nichiren's sympathy for the downtrodden in society is related to the circumstances of his birth. His father was a fisherman on the seacoast to the east of what is now Tokyo, and as such Nichiren identified himself as "the son of a chandala [untouchable caste] family." Life in feudal Japan was harsh and brutal, especially for the masses at the bottom of the strict social hierarchy. Experiencing firsthand the misery of the common people, Nichiren had from an early age been driven by a powerful desire to find a way of resolving the problem of human suffering.

SGI President Daisaku Ikeda has noted that the wisdom we are able to unleash from within is proportionate to our sense of responsibility. The young Nichiren was moved by a burning sense of responsibility to alleviate the enormous misery he saw about him, and it was this that enabled him to gain insight into the essential nature of human life and reality.

Nichiren began an exhaustive study of the multitude of often contradictory teachings and sutras of Buddhism. From age 16 to 32, Nichiren traveled to Kamakura and Kyoto, visiting the major centers of Buddhism, studying the massive volume of sutras, treatises and commentaries. The conclusion he reached was that the heart of Shakyamuni's enlightenment is to be found in the Lotus Sutra and that the principle or law to which all Buddhas are enlightened is expressed in the phrase "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo," from the title, or daimoku, of that sutra.

At the same time, he understood clearly that to promote faith in the Lotus Sutra as the exclusive vehicle for enlightenment would be to engage in public criticism of existing schools of Buddhism, many of which taught that access to the Buddha Land was only possible after death. While Nichiren advocated using Buddhist practice to challenge one's circumstances and develop inner strength, the traditional schools encouraged resignation and passivity. A strong counterreaction could be anticipated, and Nichiren writes of his own inner struggle over the question of whether or not to speak out.


Deciding that to remain silent would be to lack compassion, on the 28th day of the fourth month (according to the lunar calendar) of 1253, Nichiren made a public declaration of his beliefs. As anticipated, his insistence on the sole efficacy of the Lotus Sutra--with its core tenet that all people are in fact Buddhas--in the present era of confusion and corruption was met with disbelief and hostility. The steward of the region, a devout follower of the Pure Land school, took steps to have Nichiren arrested. And from this point on, Nichiren's life would be a succession of harassment, persecution and abuse.

One reason for this is that the authorities recognized Nichiren's uncompromising insistence on the equality of all people as a direct threat to the established power structure, which victimized the impoverished majority. The established schools of Buddhism had been incorporated into this structure, providing an effective means for the feudal authorities to strengthen and extend their power over the populace. Priests of these schools, who occupied a privileged position within the social hierarchy, were deeply implicated in this exploitative system and had no reason to challenge the status quo. This is a further reason why Nichiren was able to attract a significant following despite the risks that such allegiance would entail.

The Lotus Sutra predicts that those who attempt to spread its teachings in the corrupt latter days will meet severe trials. Nichiren interpreted the persecutions that befell him as evidence that he was fulfilling his mission in life.

In 1260, in the wake of a series of devastating natural disasters, Nichiren wrote his most famous tract, the Rissho ankoku ron (On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land). In it, he developed the idea that only by reviving a spirit of reverence for the sanctity and perfectibility of human life through faith in the Lotus Sutra could a truly peaceful order be restored and further disaster forestalled. He presented this treatise to the highest political authorities of Japan and urged them to sponsor a public debate with representatives of other schools of Buddhism. The call for public debate--which Nichiren would repeat throughout his life--was ignored, and he was banished to the Izu Peninsula.

The years that followed brought further banishment and the decisive crisis of his life--an attempt to execute him on the beach of Tatsunokuchi. By his account, moments before the executioner's sword was to fall, a luminous object--perhaps a meteor--traversed the sky with such brilliance that the terrified officials called off the execution. Nichiren was banished to Sado Island where, amidst extreme deprivation, he continued to make converts and write treatises and letters.

In part because the predictions he had made in the Rissho ankoku ron had come true, after almost two and a half years on Sado, Nichiren was pardoned and returned to the political center of Kamakura. It is said he was offered a temple and official patronage if he would desist from his criticism of other schools of Buddhism, but he refused. Nichiren retreated to Mount Minobu, and there he wrote copiously and trained his successors.


During this period, the priest Nikko, who had accompanied Nichiren throughout his tumultuous career and would inherit the teachings, was gaining converts in nearby Atsuhara village. The priests of a Tendai temple in the area, angered at this, began harassing the converts. Eventually, they instigated an attack by samurai against unarmed peasant converts and their arrest on false charges of theft. Twenty of the peasants were arrested and tortured, and three were executed in 1279.

Where earlier persecutions had targeted Nichiren himself, this time it was the lay believers who were the victims. Despite their lack of an in-depth theoretical knowledge of their newly adopted faith, these peasant followers remained steadfast in the face of the ultimate threat. For Nichiren, this signaled a crucial turning point, inspiring his confidence that his teachings would be maintained and practiced after his own passing. Where he had to date inscribed sacred mandalas (Gohonzon) for individual believers, he now inscribed the mandala explicitly dedicated to the happiness and enlightenment of all humankind. This symbolized the establishment of Nichiren Buddhism as a universal faith. Nichiren died of old age three years later, his mission complete. Transmission of his teachings and the fulfillment of his vision of peace founded on respect for the sanctity of life is the central inspiration for SGI members worldwide.

[Courtesy October 2004 SGI Quarterly]

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Exuberance of Youth

Some Exuberant Youthful Energy!

Welcome to the blog about bringing forth your own potential through chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! I write this as a 31 year practitioner of SGI Buddhism, and do not officially represent the SGI. My goal is to use my life to show how amazing this practice is...and how to use chanting as an effective, practical tool. 

Friday night I participated in the filming of a documentary. Through very "myoho" circumstances I met Anya Solotaire when I went to watch my SGI friend James Cornolo perform. She told me she was producing a film on people's experiences with the unknown. I told her about Ben, and how he and I continue to write poetry and letters to each other through my own hand, even though he's not here physically anymore. 
She said "That's exactly what we're looking for!" and asked me some more questions. I told her about chanting, and and about YOU and how much you are a part of my life, and Ben's story. 

So Friday night, Anya, Fred Frederiksen, and Sarah Stevens from Bummer Camp Productions came over to film. 

The first thing they wanted to do was chant with me, so we chanted for at least 15 minutes. WOW! They spent the next few hours filming. I read Ben's poetry and my poetry ~ we even sang The Circle Game. 

It was so refreshing to be around such bright and smart, and visionary young people. Ben's story continues!

As for me, I continue to chant at least an hour every day, even though I am walking through a lot of grief right now. 
I've almost finished the flyer and promo materials for . You can check out the link to register for the June 11th event!

I'm preparing for a speech I'll deliver on Thursday morning called "Ushering in the New Age of Agelessness." You know how much I love this process! One day I will have all my speeches on the web for you. Next week I am starting courses in learning EFT, Tapping, Energy Freedom Technique. It will give me even more to offer you! 
I currently offer individual life coaching (not the same as guidance). 
You can email me at for more information.  

As long as we keep waking up 
and heading to the Gohonzon, we will win. 
As long as we don't give up, we will win. 
As long as we keep studying, 
keep introducing others 
and keep chanting with all our hearts, 
We will win. 
We will win together! 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Look How Far You've Come!

You can now subscribe to this blog by putting your email in the box to the right!

Yes! We need to look at how far we've come, instead of always looking at how far we need to go. Its easy to get caught up in the "to do" of life, isn't it? 
And it's easy to have the old internal "demons" come up, and forget to recognize them for what they are.

A few weeks ago I was chanting three hours a day, for my country, for Aaron and Meg and their residency, and for the upcoming changes I intend to make. 

Then, last week, I started experiencing what I call "daimoku backlash." All the old fears, depression, hopelessness and loneliness came rushing back to roll me under the waves. I kept chanting every morning, but inside my heart I felt this old and familiar hopelessness.

Yesterday the gosho quote I love so much came to mind from "On Attaining Buddhahood" ~ my favorite gosho. (Gosho are the letters Nichiren Daishonin wrote to his followers) 

I have engraved this gosho in my life, and it came back to help me at this crucial moment. "Unless one perceives the true nature of his life, his practice will become and endless, painful austerity." And what is the true nature of our lives? That we are powerful beyond measure - OF COURSE! That's why we chant. We are powerless beyond measure...and sometimes we forget this. 
Daisaku Ikeda often tells us to read the gosho with our lives - to ingrain the words within our souls. It is for times like this, when we are suffering, that the ingrained gosho can come back to us and help our lives to shine once again. I love this practice! 

So I'm writing this blog from my new computer that actually works, and letting you know once again that we can rise from anything. A new day will always dawn if we don't give up. We WILL turn that corner. Please do not give up. No matter what. 
Keep chanting through your tears. 
Keep studying. 
Keep doing shakubuku even when you're in the midst of pain. 
Keep waking up each morning and thinking "What could I be excited about today?" and "I am going to greet this day and greet my life with a karma changing gongyo today!" 

And then do it! Have a great day. 


Monday, March 21, 2016

Winning in Life!

Match Day 2016!

Welcome to the blog about bringing forth your own inner power through chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. 

You can page through the previous posts to learn more about this practice, and read daily to find out more!

 Today's blog is a brief update on my personal life. I've had some computer challenges lately - sorry it's been so long since my last post. 

Aaron and Meg found out on Friday that they will be spending the next four years in Phoenix Arizona for their medical residency. They graduate in May, then head out after Ben's Memorial Mile in June. 

I am so proud of both Aaron and Meg. Medical School is HARD! And they went through some really hard times, as long-time readers of this blog know. 

Throughout this difficult time, Aaron has chanted consistently, and strengthened his practice. Last Thursday he was inducted into the AOA, the Medical School Honor Society. Yes, I am a proud Mom! 

Friday, March 4, 2016

Go Buddha GO! Rock Your World!


We chant for ourselves. 
We chant for others. 
We chant for this life and this world. 
We change our karma 
for the sake of changing the whole world's karma.  
We are the noble Bodhisattvas of the earth 
and Votaries of the Lotus Sutra.

We TELL our lives what we want. 
We do not ask for favors from a force outside of our lives. 
We ARE Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! 
We know that the goal of our practice is to have faith like flowing like a verb...actual proof of our practice every single we chant every day, twice a day...we study...we encourage each other, introduce others and attend our SGI meetings. 

And....Sometimes it seems like it is taking FOREVER for a benefit to come or an obstacle to go away, doesn't it? Even though we KNOW the answer lies within our own karma, and in doing our human revolution, sometimes we just have to get mad at our own life and wake those Shoten Zenjin UP! (Shoten Zenjin is our term for the protective forces within all life)

In the February 2015 Living Buddhism Magazine
(published by the SGI-USA and available by calling 800-835-4558) one of my favorite Gosho passages appeared. In this Gosho, Nichiren Daishonin has been persecuted by the government and is being taken away to Tatsunokuchi Beach to be beheaded. On the way, he sees a statue of Hachiman, one of the Buddhist shoten zenjin. 

Nichiren stops at the statue and shouts: 

'Great Boddhisatva Hachiman, are you truly a god?...Now I, Nichiren, and the foremost votary of the Lotus Sutra in all of Japan, and am entirely without guilt. I have expounded the doctrine to save all the people of Japan from falling into the great citadel of the hell of incessant suffering for slandering the Lotus Sutra....When Shakyamuni Buddha expounded the Lotus Sutra, Many Treasures Buddha and the Buddhas and Boddhisatvas of the ten-directions gathered, shining like so many suns and moons, stars and mirrors. In the presence of the countless heavenly gods as well as the benevolent deities and sages of India, China and Japan. Shakyamuni Buddha urged each one to submit a written pledge to protect the votary of the Lotus Sutra at all times. Each and every one of you gods made this pledge. I should not have to remind you. Why do you not appear at once to fulfill your solemn oath? ....If I am executed tonight and go to the pure land of Eagle Peak, I will dare to report to Shakyamuni Buddha, the lord of teachings, that the Sun Goddess and Great Boddhisatva Hachiman are the deities who have broken their oath to him. If you feel this will go hard with you, you had better do something about it right away!' (WND - 1, 766-67)(The full quote is at the end of this blogpost)

What I love about this moment in the Gosho is that he yells at the Buddhist God and says you better show your support to me RIGHT NOW because that is the pledge you made. If I die I will report you! Get to work! Of course, after he yells at the statue, when Nichiren is taken to the beach to be beheaded, a huge orb comes out of the sky lighting up the faces of his would-be assassins, they all run scared, and he is saved from death. 

Nichiren's indignant attitude when he addresses the statue shows us we can summon our anger at the forces within our life. We can all pray in front of our own Gohonzons with fury and with fire. 

PowerPrayer to MAKE IT HAPPEN!
These words represent some thoughts we can have in mind while chanting. Our minds will naturally fluctuate as we chant, and that is absolutely fine. I offer these PowerPrayers because they represent the moments I am most connected to my desire...and I offer them to help you. They are my unique contribution based on my Boddhisattva vow. 
By Jamie Lee Silver of

Shoten Zenjin! 
I Don't know HOW to make it happen. 
I just know it HAS TO!!
It is time for me to see results in this area. 
I demand (you fill in the blank here: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

We can all summon this fiery attitude at the crucial moment - we are ALL dignified votaries of the Lotus Sutra, we can all command the fundamental forces that are within our lives and represented on the Gohonzon.

At this moment, I am in St. Petersburg Florida, certain that my life in unfolding JUST as it should. I am seeing the benefit come from the pain I've been through. Life is getting happier for me, and I have more to look forward to with each passing moment. I will have lots to share with you over the next coming months! 

What we Nichiren Buddhists do;
As practitioners of the Lotus Sutra, 
we chant the Mystic Law every single day. 
Intoning Nam-myoho-renge-kyo 
(which means: I fuse my life with the Mystic law of cause and effect through sound vibration) is a noble cause. 
It brings forth our greatest human potential, 
elevates our life condition, and the life condition and vibration of all of life. 
Our life undergoes a complete human revolution...and as our life changes...we change everything. We raise the vibration of the planet. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

5 Keys to Make Your Gongyo and Your Life Sparkle!

Note  - you can now get daily updates from this blog by putting your email in the box to the right:

Perfecting our daily recitation of Gongyo and Daimoku is our spiritual work-out for the interior of our lives, this work-out makes our environments 
(our world at every moment, 
and all the people and things and EVERYTHING in it) 
flow smoothly...and we can accomplish our goals and live fulfilling lives.  

When Shakyamuni was meditating under the Bodhi Tree, he was assailed by many thoughts to make him stop or to throw off his meditation. 
He kept focused. He won. 
Our practice of Gongyo every day is just like this. 
We are the Buddha! 
Every day - twice a day!  
We must win! 

Gongyo is important!

Our concentration will pay off. Doing gongyo with the following guidelines has brought me great benefit. 
(As always ~ these writings are mine, and come from my heart to yours.)

5 Keys to Make Your Gongyo 

and Your Life Sparkle!

Don't just "do" Gongyo. Feel it. Experience it.
by Jamie Lee Silver at 

1. Put your phone in another room. 
                 Claim this time as YOUR OWN! 

2. Pray each silent prayer with all your heart. 

Elevate the moment from reading to praying

Read each silent prayer over and over until you can actually feel the appreciation. Read the silent prayers until they sink you are truly praying in appreciation. If you don't know why Nichiren Daishonin and the three presidents deserve your praise, please ask a fellow member and study the history of Nichiren Buddhism and the Soka Gakkai. (Clink the link to the right to find your local SGI group) It took tremendous conviction and courage to bring this practice to us today! 
During these prayers, I bring forth the gratitude I feel for having this practice in my life.   

3. Begin and end Gongyo 
                     with no interruptions. 

You can chant as long as you'd like between gongyo and the silent prayers. 
Sometimes I recite the silent prayers at the end of Gongyo soon after the recitation...not after finishing all my daimoku for the morning. This makes it easier to do a complete gongyo before I get up to do something else, or refresh my drink or whatever. 
I start and complete gongyo. Boom. 
Then I can do as much daimoku as I want, with gongyo done. Complete. With no interruptions. If I get interrupted in the middle of gongyo I begin again! I see this helping me complete things in my life on a much more regular basis. 

4. Chant every morning and evening. 

I know, I know, you've heard this before. The reason I keep repeating this message is that it WORKS! When we do gongyo twice a day our lives get on a roll. You have to experience it to see it! I can't tell you how it feels. I can tell you that one of my YWD (young woman) finally began chanting twice a day (after refusing to do this for two years) she was able to realize a hidden goal, bring it to the surface, chant about it, and now she's living her dream in Colorado. Chanting twice a day WORKS! 

5. Perfect Your Rhythm 
              and Pronunciation of Gongyo

In the early days of my practice, I was fortunate to have a leader who believed that perfecting gongyo was important. Every day I showed up at her house to fine-tune my rhythm and pronunciation. You can do the same, and it will energize your practice and life. 
I suggest finding a mentor in your SGI circle who can work with you. To learn, we can bring a pencil and circle the parts we find difficult, and highlight our mistakes. The next time through we can be aware of the challenging parts because we circled them. We can learn it like a song. 
It is easier to learn it right the first time, but not impossible to fix, if learned wrong. 

Having perfect gongyo gives us confidence. 

I'd like to hear your stories of how perfecting your gongyo changes your life. Everything we do to enhance our practice is reflected in our lives. 

Gongyo and Daimoku are our laboratory 
where we create the lives of our dreams! 

I'm interested in hearing how you are perfecting your gongyo! 
Doing Gongyo is like lifting spiritual weights. how strong can we make our lives? 
That's what we're talking about! 

Email me at

Friday, February 5, 2016

The Universal Prayer - Powerful!

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As Nichiren Buddhists, we are the Buddha  ~  
as we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo summoning our fathomless wisdom while steering our life in the direction of our innermost desires...both for ourselves and for others. 

We chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo over and over and over again. We call this "chanting Daimoku"(Die-MOH-Koo). Daimoku means title. The title of the Lotus Sutra (Shakyamuni Buddha’s self-proclaimed highest teaching) is  Myoho-Renge-Kyo.  

Nichiren Daishonin added "Nam" (devotion - focusing) before Myoho-renge-kyo to make the phrase mean “I devote my life to the mystic law of cause and effect through sound vibration,” or, “I am one with the very rhythm of life.”

Myoho-renge-kyo is the name of the ultimate mystic truth, and Nam-myoho-renge-kyo  is the name of the life state of Buddhas who embody and reveal this truth.” 
p.28 Lectures on “On Attaining Buddhahood in this Lifetime”, Daisaku Ikeda

I learned about this prayer from Linda Johnson. I've written my own version of the universal prayer. When I have this in my heart I picture all of you, and all practitioners chanting to their Gohonzons all over the world...and connecting to their prayer like never before.  

What follows is a Universal PowerPrayer to tap into our desire for happiness for all beings...the real vow we all make as Buddhas! 

Universal PowerPrayer 
for the Happiness for ALL
By Jamie Lee Silver of

Every Daimoku I chant 
remakes my VOW as a Buddha 
for Victory in my own life 
so that all others can achieve VICTORY in theirs! 
Every Daimoku I chant
Reaches every other person who is chanting. 
I see everyone chanting...
tapping into the deepest prayer they have ever felt ~

At this moment 
I deepen the power of my prayer by 10,000 times
Just like my mentor describes ~
so that all who are chanting can also deepen their faith, 
and bring forth the results they desire 
as we 
spread the word of this great teaching 
to those still suffering
we all become absolutely happy
and create a happy and peaceful world!

I chant that every single person who is chanting 
feels the full power 
sees the full power
experiences the full power
of this faith in their lives. 

I chant for all members to have faith
receive incredible 
and to know, and feel 
within every cell in their body
the power welling forth 
with each Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!!

Together we create kosen-rufu
the total energy shift of our planet! 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

How Do You Know When You're Chanting Enough Daimoku? Enough Nam-myoho-renge-kyo?

"How do you know when you're chanting enough Daimoku ? Enough Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo?

When you have no fear, 
when you are happy, 
when all obstacles look like opportunities, not problems, 
THAT'S when you are chanting enough Daimoku. 
If you are afraid, or worried...or troubled, it's time to sit down and chant more. 
Chant for peace of mind. 
Chant to be happy and serene. 
Chant to have victory in all areas of your life. 
I know sometimes it's hard. 
I know it's difficult to focus, and sometimes the people around us are interrupting us and wanting our attention. 
I know it can be hard to put that cell phone down and focus on your own life and chant with all your heart. 

But my promise, and Nichiren Daishonin's promise, and Daisaku Ikeda's promise is that you CAN become happy...happier than you ever imagined...if you devote yourself to this practice. 
There is no doubt. 

But the key is you have to do it! 

No one else can purify your life besides you. 

No one can chant for you like YOU can chant for you. 

You are the only one. 

And you would not be reading this if you were not capable of chanting your happiness into being. 

You can do it! 

You absolutely can be happy. 

You must summon the power within your life with the most incredible key of life... Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo.

Jamie Lee Silver

"When a single sun rises, everything is illuminated."
Daisaku Ikeda