Showing posts with label chanting nam-myoho renge kyo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chanting nam-myoho renge kyo. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

5 Sure Fire Ways to Super-Charge Your Life, Strengthen Your Life and GET RESULTS!

(You can now subscribe to this blog by putting your email in the box to the right) 

Like the ocean that remains calm in its depths even when waves rage over its surface, and like the sun that continues shining on high even during storms, we can at each moment create value and develop our state of life, enjoying our existence to the fullest in times of both suffering and joy.

Daisaku Ikeda, Self-Mastery

As you know, if you've been reading this blog, I use my own life to encourage people. I am determined to show through my actions, through my results, through my heart and my passion that this practice works. 

And, I've been chanting 2 hours a day since September 20th. There are days I haven't gotten to 2 hours, but that is my goal every day, and I make it more often than not.

I am following the SGI formula for success:
1. Chant abundant Daimoku
2. Practice for yourself and others 
3. Study the writings of Daisaku Ikeda and Nichiren Daishonin
4. Go for Guidance with your senior leaders
and, I would add -  
5: Have a great suffering to alleviate, or a great other words BE MOTIVATED! 

My perspective on what just happened in my life...the death of my changing through my Daimoku. I am generating real, true appreciation for having had this wonderful, inspiring light in my life for 22 years. And when I feel this sincerely, it replaces the deep, dark sadness, at least for awhile. I am finding that the sadness comes in waves. I can be my bright and shiny self...and then suddenly swept away by sadness. I think this is normal. Even Buddhists grieve. I chant through my tears when this happens. 

As I chant to realize the greater meaning of all of this, I am seeing that my son expiated karma for himself, and helped me to expiate my karma too. All of this will keep unfolding. 

I met a senior leader after Kosen-Rufu Gongyo on Sunday. I told her I still have some regrets of things I wish I had done differently while Ben was still alive. She told me to chant to rid my life of any doubt that I did the right thing. And that when I rid my life of this doubt it would be a profound strengthening of my faith. And I've been following that guidance. 

I didn't realize that regrets about my actions from back then were actually manifestations of DOUBT. She really gave me something to think about and chant about. This is why guidance from senior leaders is so important. It's important to go to your own senior leaders. And the higher your life condition is - the more you will understand what the senior leader says. How do you raise your life condition? Chant! 

Danny Nagashima told me Ben will be reborn shortly, and he'll be 14 in the year 2030. What a wonderful thought. What a wonderful thought. It makes me think of the power of Daimoku....all that daimoku I chanted for him will be affecting him in his next life, right? It went into his life, not just this lifetime. Pretty cool. 

As I chant, I am deepening my faith and my perspective. And my life is rocking! My work-life is a blast! I'm doing more and more speeches, and enjoying each day. And I'm refocused on my health and fitness. I am determined to look and feel better than I EVER have. I'm already showing great progress! What a great way to heal!

Monday, October 26, 2015

7 Keys to WINNING in all Aspects of our Lives!

(You can now subscribe by putting your name in the box to the right!)

What does it mean to "Win over all aspects of our life and center our lives on this practice?" This is a phrase we've heard over and over since we began to chant, but what does it really mean? 

Here's my take on this. I write from my heart as an enthusiastic 30+ year practicing Buddhist. I do not represent the SGI in any official capacity. 

7 Keys to
Winning in all aspects of our lives!

1. Always look inside for the cure. Stop blaming anything or anyone for anything. Stop complaining. 
As Buddhists, we know the answer lies within, and the real battle involves winning over ourselves...winning over our negativity, winning over that voice inside that says "I can't." This is the real battle ground of kosen rufu! 
When we win over ourselves we win every battle everywhere, and ignite the world for peace. We may not be able to change everything, but we can win over what we can't change as long as we persevere. We can be determined to win no matter what the outcome. 

2. Set your chanting Goal
My goal is to chant two hours every single day. As I do this I feel enormous amounts of strength welling forth. 
I do not reach that goal every day, but I enthusiastically reach it as often as I can. It's a guideline for me, and I make it most days. There's something about chanting that amount of time that really works for me...especially NOW when I need to strengthen my life more than ever. You don't have to have that goal, of course, but I do believe striving for a goal really works. 

3. Chant at the same time each day to the best of your ability. 
And this may include waking up earlier. I chant from 7:00 to 8:00 am every day as much as possible. Over the past few months I've had some difficulty sleeping at night, so I've had to adjust timing some days. I've been sleeping better since last Tuesday when I celebrated my 30th Gohonzon birthday by starting a new health/eating/exercising plan. 

4. Invite people to chant with you as much as possible, and take on their challenges as your own in your Daimoku. 
I'm working with a couple of people right now and chanting sincerely for them to win in all aspects of their life, and I am committed to them winning! 

5. STUDY! The words of Daisaku Ikeda and Nichiren Daishonin should be etched into all of our lives daily! We can always refresh our practice with study. 

6. Go to SGI Meetings and participate. 
This is OUR organization. Chant for it. Chant for your district. Rather than complain, CHANT. Gather members to chant. Encourage everyone. This is our organization, and our ability to encourage each other is one of the hallmarks of the SGI. It's one of the focuses of Clark Strand in his book "Waking the Buddha." How we encourage each other across all lines is how we do the work of the Buddha - our own life's work. 

7. If you don't have an SGI near you - this is your opportunity to be a real leader and start one! You can read the New Human Revolution about the birth of the SGI and chant to form your own district and make a difference in your community and for kosen-rufu. 
These are no small things, but the payoff is great. I stand here stronger than ever, undaunted in the face of the greatest obstacle a parent could ever face. I am optimistic, I am strong and I am even more determined to make THE difference with my life, even through my tears. 

What are your dreams? What do you wish to change inside your own heart and in the community at large. What don't you like about your life? You job? Your boss? Your family relationships? BOOM You can change them. Put your practice at the center of your life and you will gain more strength than you can possibly believe.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

How Much Daimoku Should We Chant?

DAIMOKU charges our batteries. 
If we take care to regularly charge our batteries, 
then we'll always be full of energy and vitality. 
If we fail to keep our batteries charged, 
we won't have energy when we need it most 
and as a result may be defeated by our environment.
Daisaku Ikeda, Daily Guidance, October 17th

President Ikeda's guidance on how much daimoku we should Chant:

"Chanting is a process of polishing and forging our lives, which is why our faith is so important. 
Consequently, the benefit of chanting 
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo 
is absolutely not dependent on the amount we chant. 
What matters is that we chant to our own heart's content, the amount that feels right and satisfying for us. 
Nowhere in his writings 
does the Daishonin say 
we should chant a specific quantity. 
The efficacy of our prayers 
is influenced by the strength and depth of our faith, 
and by our determination and attitude. 
At the same time, sincerely resolving 
to chant a specific amount is also an expression of faith. 
We can chant the amount we've decided on each day, 
while continually renewing and deepening our resolve. 
It's also important that we chant honestly and openly, 
just as we are. 
All of us face times of worry, 
anguish and sadness in our lives. 
When we do, we can feel free 
to go straight to the Gohonzon with our suffering 
and chant about it wholeheartedly, 
just like a child seeking its mother's warm embrace."
"There’s no need to worry. 
You don’t need to feel pressured 
about the amount of daimoku you have to chant. 
Even chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo just once 
has incredible power.
Nichiren Daishonin writes: 
“If you recite . . . the daimoku [even] once, 
then the Buddha nature of all living beings 
will be summoned and gather around you” (WND-1, 131). You will receive tremendous benefit 
from just a single, sincere utterance 
of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. 
That’s how powerful the Mystic Law is. 
On the other hand, just because that’s true, doesn’t mean we should use it as an excuse to avoid chanting Daimoku! After all, as the Daishonin says: 
Living Buddhism, Sep./Oct. 2011, pg. 74 & 75

In the picture above I'm sitting looking across the Rio Grande river, near Aspen, Colorado, into a beautiful glade. The river is rushing over the rocks and continuing on its path. I'm watching the yellow aspen leaves falling, dancing, glowing in the sun, and the river, going right over those boulders. I'm thinking of how on Tuesday, the 20th of October, I will be celebrating the completion of 30 years of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo every morning and every evening, in serious practice for my life, and all of life. 

My practice has been a flowing river with various sizes of boulders. Unquestionably the biggest boulders have been this year, when I completed my divorce and my son Ben died. And as I'm watching that water go right around that boulder I'm reflecting on the resiliency of my own life ~ and strengthening my determination that my next 30 years of practice will be even stronger, and more magnificent, not in spite of my son dying, but because of it. 

I can't say I understand it all yet, but I feel much stronger, and more connected to people who are suffering. 

I posted that quote by Sensei because I made a determination to chant two hours a day a few weeks ago, and I make it most days, and there are a few days I don't, and I don't beat myself up over it. I know I've strengthened my determination for kosen-rufu, and am working harder for my fellow members. 

And I feel great. I've gotten more invitations to give my speech "Growing older, Bolder, BETTER" and I'm moving forward. This week I had to replace all my electronics and I forged fearlessly ahead on my own! 

Last night I attended a concert at the Chicago Culture Center after bringing a member for guidance. This morning I am spending with my son Aaron! Wonderful! 
I hope you enjoy your day! 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Loving Chanting Daimoku = Loving the Moment

A few days ago I saw a picture on Facebook. It was a much older woman, next to a younger woman saying "time flies" enjoy the moment. And it really made me reflect. 

When I was a young mother I knew I had to enjoy the moments with my kids...I wanted to freeze time. I cried at every year's "first day of school" and wished they could stay young forever. Yes. 

But many times now, I just feel I want to speed things I have to get TO somewhere...but I'm not sure where...just moving...and moving...
And although I feel appreciation in my heart...sometimes I don't "stop to smell the roses." I think it is partly the time we are in...the culture we belong to...we are all in such a hurry, right? (At least here int he States)

Seeing this picture of the old woman telling the young woman how time flies, I decided to experiment with chanting a little more slowly, and relishing each Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. A mentor of mine in San Francisco said you should approach the Gohonzon as if you were approaching a lover...or eating the finest food. Relishing each moment. 

So I slowed it down for part of my hour. 

Later that day, after an energy alignment session with my dear friend Joy, of Path to Joy Wellness, I went for a walk, and decided to just enjoy moving my body, not going as fast as I usually do. 

Now, I don't think I got a great aerobic workout, but I sure did love being in my body...feeling the air, moving my hips. It just felt so good....

So, I'm not saying we should slow down or speed up chanting...I think the speed we chant is up to each person. I just thought this was interesting and wanted to share it with you. 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

8 quotes on Overcoming Difficulties by Daisaku Ikeda

There is a saying that the earth upon which we fall is the same ground which enables us to push ourselves up again. There’s another which maintains that barley grows better after it has been trampled on. It is up to us to decide to live a life free from self-doubt and despair in spite of our failures. Indeed, it is during our most humbling moments that we should show greatest poise and grace.

We are not defeated by adversity but by the loss of the will to strive. However devastated you may feel, so long as you have the will to fight on, you can surely triumph.

Just as the pure white lotus flower blooms unsoiled in muddy water, our lives, which are supremely noble, can continue to shine even amid life’s harshest realities.

Rather than becoming discouraged, know that encountering a wall is proof of the progress that you have made so far.

Reality is harsh. It can be cruel and ugly. Yet no matter how much we grieve over our environment and circumstances nothing will change. What is important is not to be defeated, to forge ahead bravely. If we do this, a path will open before us.

Suffering only gets worse when we try to run from it rather than facing it.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

We Change EVERY Negative into a Positive...every single one!

(Special note: to the person who is writing me from pujita912  -  your email is bouncing back to me and I can't get through. Please create another email so we can communicate. Thanks.) 

From the August Living Buddhism, page 58 Guidance Series 10.4 
All Karma Has Profound Meaning by Daisaku Ikeda:


"Accordingly, defeat for a practitioner of Nichiren Buddhism lies not in encountering difficulties but rather in not challenging them. Difficulties only become our destiny if we run away from them. We must fight as long as we live...
To practice Nichiren Buddhism is to live with the unshakable conviction that the most painful and trying times are opportunities for changing karma, for carrying out our human revolution and that, no matter how difficult the situation, we can ultimately and without fail transform them into something positive." Daisaku Ikeda


That's right, of course, that's right. We have to keep moving no matter what, we have to keep challenging our situation no matter matter HOW difficult the situation! 

As many of you know, it has been six weeks since my 22 year-old son Ben died, and every day is different. 

Some days I let my sadness freely flow, because I believe holding it in is unhealthy and has no merit, and some days I have a heart full of appreciation and happiness for the 22 years we had together, the knowledge that we are still together, and always will be, and a hopefulness for my future that is truly exhilarating. Yesterday was one of those happy days where I danced in the sun. 

Today is another beautiful sunny, summer day here in Chicago and I'm looking forward to an easy Saturday. Business has been booming. All of the efforts I've been putting into it are paying off. My days are sailing by quickly, filled with beautiful people. 

And I'm centering my daimoku on getting rid of Ben's negative karma so he can be reborn with every happiness, every wonderful passion, skill, interest and love he had in this life, without the disease...without the negative karma. 

And somehow, I'm going back to happy memories with him, but without the sadness from time to time. I'm picturing us on that cruise ship laughing and laughing, dancing and playing guitar, and enjoying being together. I can picture those moments and feel happy. 

I know I am human, and this loss is devastating. But I also know that I am a disciple of Nichiren Daishonin, my mentor is Daisaku Ikeda, and I am a Soka Gakkai Buddhist. I chant the name of the Mystic law of the Universe - Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to the Gohonzon, my life itself. I have immense power! And so do you. 

I feel my mission even more deeply than before. If I can live through this, turn poison into medicine, develop even more ways to help others, and really enjoy my life. Well then, anything truly is possible. 

Not just for me, but for you! 

As always the key is changing twice a day, perfecting gongyo, studying the Gosho and Daisaku Ikeda's writings, going to meetings and doing shakukubuku and encouraging others. With this combination it is impossible to fail! 
Have a wonderful Saturday! 

Monday, June 15, 2015

The Power of Each Character of Gongyo!

(Subscribe to this blog by putting your email address into the box to the right)

This month's Gosho study from Living Buddhism is on "Letter to Horen." In it, the Daishonin describes the characters of the Lotus Sutra as individual Buddhas emitting beams of to find all those, living and dead, with whom we are connected. 
What a great thing to learn about while we are all striving to perfect our Gongyo and deepen our faith. 

Daisaku Ikeda states in Living Buddhism, 
June 2015, page 32:

"...Through chanting the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, we can transmit benefit even to deceased family members, relatives, friends or acquaintances who may have opposed our Buddhist practice - benefit that will warmly embrace them and lead them to a state of profound peace and comfort.

Similarly, through the power of the Mystic Law, our family members and friends who have passed away in the course of the journey for kosen-rufu - whether from illness or as a result of unexpected accidents or natural disasters - will also be able to enter the path of Buddhahood. 

The best offering we can make for the eternal happiness of the departed is to live fully and strive vibrantly for kosen-rufu in their stead..."

"The Daishonin says that 
each of the 510 characters 
of the verse section 
of the "Life Span" chapter 
of the Lotus Sutra, 
from "ji ga toku burrai" 
(Since I attained Buddhahood) (LSOC, 270) 
to "soku joju busshin" 
(quickly acquire the body of the Buddha) (LSOC, 273), changes into a sun 
and then into a Buddha. 
It emits great beams of light 
that pervade every corner of the universe, 
finding Kyoshin's father wherever he might be 
and illuminating him 
(see WND-I, 517-18).
In other words, 
each chapter 
of the verse section of the "LifeSpan" chapter 
recited by Kyoshin 
becomes the Buddha, 
shining with the brilliant light of compassion 
that reaches his deceased father
in whatever state of being he may reside, 
relieving him of his suffering 
and guiding him to enlightenment."

I had this in mind during Gongyo over the last few days. 
What a wonderful life-giving practice we have!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Celebration Ceremony for a Milestone Reached

Some of my best friends in Chicago, Lashell, Gaye, me, Mary, Laurie, Kindred and Sarah

Last night I had a party celebrating my reaching a new milestone in life, and some of my best girlfriends were able to come. If only all of you, all over the world could have been there. What a great party that would have been...!

You know, I have the belief that major transitions in life should be honored with a ceremony of some type. That's why I became a certified celebrant ~ so I could perform weddings, funerals, and other ceremonies.  

Last night we had a candle ceremony. I gave everyone a lit votive candle in glass, and as we held them, we went around the room. Each person gave a blessing of words to honor my new life and bright future, and a blessing for all of us, and the world. When everyone had said their blessing, we each made our own private wish and blew out our candles. Beautiful. 

Thank you for being with me and for being my friend. I am chanting to be able to visit you all over the world, and for us to meet one day. Maybe I'll be in a lovely place and you can visit me! 

Monday, January 19, 2015

3 Secrets to Setting and Achieving Our Goals

"This Lifetime will never come again; 
it is precious and irreplaceable. 
To live without regret, 
it is crucial for us to have a concrete purpose 
and continually set goals and challenges for ourselves. 
It is equally important 
that we keep moving toward specific targets 
steadily and tenaciously, one step at a time." 
Daisaku Ikeda, For Today and Tomorrow, page 55. 

We all know we need to make lists and write down our targets and goals, don't we? We've seen the studies that report that college graduates with clear goals achieve more success than others who don't have written goals. But still, somehow it is difficult to write them out and make them. 

Why is Setting Goals difficult? 
1. Many of us have set goals and failed to reach them. Ugh. For more years than I could count I set a goal to lose x amount of weight by my birthday. Raise your hands if you've ever done the same. And we've seen those targets breeze by...losing faith in ourselves. These failures mean nothing. We should make goals anyway. Read on. 
2. Sometimes it's hard for us to decide what our goals ARE. Maybe this does not describe you. Maybe YOU can set clear goals and targets and achieve them every time. Well, for the rest of us it is more difficult. For whatever reason, sometimes I just have the hardest time deciding. So I chant about making the correct decision and bringing wisdom forth from my life. 
3. We're afraid we won't reach our goals. That's a version of number 1 above. Or...maybe we're afraid we WILL reach them, and regret the outcome. 

So as I am making my list of goals I am remembering what some of my favorite mentors have to say about goal setting. 

3 Secrets For Setting Goals 
and Reaching Them! 
By Jamie Lee Silver from, based on the teachings of Tony Robbins. 

1. For every goal you have be clear on WHY you want to achieve that goal. Write your goal...and write WHY you want to achieve it. As a Votary of the Lotus Sutra, all of my goals include the vow to show actual proof through my own life that the impossible is possible. Years ago before I lost about 50 pounds I wrote down all of the reasons I wanted to lose this weight. I still have that list and have referred to it over and over through the years. 

2. Make yourself an inspiring name for this goal. I have a friend who embarked upon a fitness regime with a trainer. After a few days she was feeling discouraged, and I suggested she come up with a name for herself for this endeavor. She exclaimed "Fitgirl!" and has told me over and over how calling herself "Fitgirl" gets her out of bed and to her workout every day. What name can you come up with for yourself to invigorate (great word - meaning "give life to") your goals?

3. Schedule it. 

So here we are, January 20th. Be bold. Be Brave. Make your list. If I can do can you! Go Buddha Go!  

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

PowerPrayer for Dancing In Love!

"A lotus seed may be buried in mud for thousands of years, until, when conditions are right, it sprouts, grows and sends forth buds. Cherry trees endure the harsh winter to blossom beautifully in spring. Nichiren is saying that no matter how trying our circumstances, flowers of happiness will emerge from our lives and adorn it."
Daisaku Ikeda, Living Buddhism, 11/14, p. 29

Flowers of Happiness! Flowers of Love! 
My deepest desire as a young girl was to feel loved and be loved and love in return. It was my deepest, deepest, most heartfelt desire. I knew that I was born for this, that my desire had merit, and through this desire I could contribute to the world. Somewhere deep in my life I had the determination that this great love I would create and dance in, this great love would be mine, and would be a gift to the world as well. This was and still is my desire. 

I KNEW my desires were awesome. I KNEW I could never practice a philosophy that declared that my desires were the cause of my suffering and that somehow I had to lose my attachment to them to be happy. That just never resonated with me. So I turned away from many forms of Buddhism and kept searching until I found this wonderful Soka Gakkai International organization, found my mentor Daisaku Ikeda, and learned from all my leaders and Soka friends. With this practice our DESIRES are enlightenment. That is why I always say "Chant for what you truly desire!"

And each moment, with every action I take, and every door I open I am getting closer and closer to the experience of this desire. I have studied others who have found their great loves, and watched them keep the flame alive. I have read books. I have done courses. I have opened myself up to online dating, and each person I've met has been a learning experience. I have gone to Meetups through and met people. 

Each the Lotus waiting to bloom in the earth, I have said, "Ahhh, this is getting me closer to my desire. I am greatly enjoying this, and I am welcoming getting closer and closer to fulfilling my desire. NO GOOD CAUSE IS EVER WASTED." That has always been my creed. 

I am basking in love right now - and I believe it is because I have been chanting in love with my Gohonzon - which is my life itself. I think these things when I chant. This has been a breakthrough prayer for me. As I am chanting, I am keeping the spirit of this PowerPrayer in mind. I am feeling my love for my Gohonzon - my life as I chant the Mystic Law Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!

I offer it in love and gratitude to you: 

PowerPrayer for 
Falling in Love with Your Gohonzon 
Falling in Love with Yourself! 
~and finding true love - 
and/or cultivating the love you have! 
By Jamie Lee Silver of

Oh Life! 
Oh Heart!
I am overflowing in Gratitude to this wonderful Gohonzon 
~MY OWN LIFE here before me!

Gohonzon! You have been 
my strong supporting arm, 
my torch, my guide!
You have always been here for me - all these years of my practice.
I feel my love flowing towards you! 
Thank you Gohonzon, thank you my life!
As I am chanting I am feeling this love pouring from me
this gratitude
this light!
My own love for my own self is blooming, blooming, blooming! Gohonzon! 
Let me now experience the magnificence of my own life in ways I've never experienced before. 
Silence my critical mind! 
Bring forth my praising mind ~ my self, dancing in gratitude!
Oh Gohonzon! 
Bring forth all who love me, including MYSELF! 
So that we can dance in joy forever.
I open my life to love from within and without 
in this golden dance
I draw to me all who wish to dance in the light of love. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

PowerPrayer for Rising Above Our Problems and Having Joy ~ No Matter What!

I read some guidance that said 
"When you chant you should 
take a vacation from your troubles." 
Great idea

And today while I was chanting that's exactly what I did. I chanted to lift my life condition so I could see over and above my troubles...and to experience this day in a state of elevation through Daimoku. 
I chanted to release all feelings of having to be in control at every single moment, because, as we all know, control at every moment is impossible anyway! 

I think sometimes we think "I'm a Buddha so I should be able to command every single moment of every single day. I'm a Buddha, right?" But I don't think that's exactly how it works, 

The only things we can really be in control of are our reactions to what's going on. That's not to say that we can't change our lives through chanting. WE CAN. But the process of doing so doesn't always go as quickly as we'd want it to. We are not like Samantha on the TV show Bewitched. We can't just wiggle our noses and make everything change. 

for Rising Above Our Troubles 
and Having Joy - No Matter What!
by Jamie Lee Silver of

Today while chanting 
I am seeing my life and my spirits 
rising above my worries. 
As I am chanting I am seeing my life rise above. 
I am focusing on joining the ceremony in the air. 
I am joining with all the Buddhas on the Gohonzon, 
and knowing that 
This is the life I chose for Kosen-rufu, 
and I will keep my life condition HIGH no matter what. 
I see through the eyes of the Buddha. 
I shine for all those around me as a beacon of hope. 
I am the Buddha at every moment today...
fully aware and focusing on all that is right in my world! 
I am going to float above my worries and chant in the world of gratitude and appreciation. 
I am so grateful for:__________________________
And I release this day to my prayers! 

(I wrote this in the Spring, but based on some of the emails I've been getting I think this is a good time to run it again. All my best, Jamie)

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

3 Buddhist Victories in Finding Lost or Stolen Items - A Job for Daimoku!

Chanting to find lost items - or stolen items can work. 
Here are a few success stories. 

Years ago in San Francisco my backpack was stolen out of my car. I didn't care about the backpack but I DID care about my walkman (that shows how long ago it was!) I chanted to get that Walkman back. It was my constant musical companion and had a really cool equalizer on it. I'd listen while I was walking the 2 miles to work every day. I just yelled at those shoten zenjin in my prayer! "Bring my walkman back to me!" I just chanted on faith alone. That's all. 
The next day when I went into work the walkman was sitting in the breakroom just waiting for me. It didn't make any sense at all, none at all, but I chanted in deep appreciation. 

A few years ago one of my district members was introducing a friend to this Buddhism and the friend's wallet was lost. We all chanted for the wallet to be found, intact, and after a few days it was returned completely to him. Her certainty made us all certain. She KNEW Daimoku could return his wallet to him. 

Right after that, my son Aaron lost his entire backpack. He had put it in a locked locker at the Armory (gym) at the University of Illinois and when he returned for it, it was gone. He was so upset. That day he had carried EVERYTHING - his laptop, wallet, name it, all his valuable items. He felt it was stolen and that recovery was impossible. 

I told him about the walkman incident and the recent wallet incident and we all just chanted "Some kind of way! He will get his backpack back!" We kept chanting and he left his name with he attendants, and took every action he could think of to find it. Nothing happened for a few days and then I got a call from the Armory.(He had given them my number because his phone was lost). They found the backpack in another locker...totally complete...nothing missing. It made no sense but we didn't care! We didn't have to figure it out- we just chanted in appreciation. 

My friend Morag in the UK just emailed me that her family's van with all of their sporting equipment AND her children's passports has been stolen. I encouraged her to tell those shoten zenjin that this is unacceptable and she HAS to get that van back. Please join me in chanting to get Morag's van back! 

Do you have similar stories to share? 

Email me at