Wednesday, August 14, 2013

PowerPrayer for Chanting for Loved Ones Having Troubles

I know that I am not alone in being concerned for those I love who are facing difficult times. I know there are many of you who are also chanting for your loved ones. These PowerPrayers are from my upcoming book The BuddhaZone, PowerPrayers for Chanting for your Absolute Happiness:

PowerPrayer for a Loved one having trouble

(male version, female version to follow)

I Surround                
(my child/husband/father/friend, etc)
with bright and healing energy.
I send Daimoku
deep into his life,
his DNA
and every cell in his body
I Protect him from all of his lower tendencies 
and help him to see his brilliant self.
Awaken his Buddha 
Awaken his hope!
Awaken his determination! 
Awaken his mind to his brilliant mission!
Surround him with powerful protection.

I'm determined that this problem will be the catalyst that will turn poison into medicine for  ________

My prayer alone will make this happen!!!

PowerPrayer for a Loved One Having Trouble

(female version)

I Surround                
(my daughter/mother/friend, etc)
with bright and healing energy.
I send Daimoku
deep into her life,
her DNA
and every cell in her body
I Protect her from all of his lower tendencies 
and help her to see his brilliant self.
Awaken her Buddha 

Awaken her hope!
Awaken her determination! 
Awaken her mind to his brilliant mission!
Surround her with powerful protection.

I'm determined that this problem will be the catalyst that will turn poison into medicine for__________! My prayer alone will make this happen!!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tips for Chanting a Million Daimoku! Join Us and WIN in your Life!

I'm receiving so many emails from those of you who are joining this WorldWide Million Daimoku Campaign! It is not too late to join! You can chant as much as you can every day. I am chanting at least 2 hours a day and my goal is to have chanted a million Daimoku (Nam-myoho-renge-kyo) by the end of the year. That works out to be 2 hours a day for me. But you can join us no matter what. The important thing is to have a chart - you can make your own with 300 spaces (each equals an hour of chanting) and write your goals. You can end your campaign whenever you want. That's it! 

If you want to join the Campaign send me an email at and you can send a picture of yourself and let me know your goals if you wish. I am chanting for all of you but YOU are the Buddha and your prayers are the ones that will generate the breakthrough for you! Dream big! And set goals you will achieve by November 18th too!

A reader wrote in and asked what to do about falling asleep while chanting.  She said she works all day and is really trying to chant two hours a day. My answer is this: I don't know your exact schedule or each of your lives, I can only say that Buddhism is common sense, and your body does need to sleep. Chant as much as you can, and chant to have the kind of life where you can easily chant as much as you wish. In the meantime DO get enough sleep, and take care of what's important. Just make every Daimoku count to help you create the life you want to be living. 

And do tons of shakubuku! It's easy!
Here's how:
I chant to meet the people who most want to practice. I chant to meet the seekers, and those who are ready to get the Gohonzon. I know the rules are different in every country for getting Gohonzon - so I can't say much about the rules in your area for that...but I can say that every person you encourage to chant will change YOUR karma, and theirs, and the world. So be fearless, people want to hear about this practice. 

Send me your questions and I will do my best to answer. 

Sending my love to all my fellow Million Daimoku friends! 

Monday, August 12, 2013

How to Stay Focused as Your Chant for Longer Times! Tips for Chanting A Million Daimoku!

When I first began chanting a leader told me our lives and our karma can be compared to a glass with dirt at the bottom...the dirt represents the karma that exists inside our lives. She said when you start to chant you stir up that dirt and see it swirling around...and if you want to really dig deep and clear it out, you might want to chant for a goal with a set amount of time you chant per do a Million Daimoku Campaign we call it. 

I know many of you have joined our Million Daimoku Campaign to chant a million Daimoku by the end of the year and realize VICTORY in our lives by November 18th. 

A reader requested I share some ideas about chanting joyfully, and with concentration - especially since so many of you are challenging yourselves to chant for longer periods of time. Thank you for asking.

How to joyfully chant for longer times.

1. Realize that what you are about to do...chanting longer than usual, for many days - and accomplishing a million Daimoku...has profound significance for your life. Give yourself credit for this worthy goal, and set a chanting time goal for yourself for each day. 

2. Write your goal or goals! (Some of these goals may occur to you naturally as you're chanting) Write yourself a Power Prayer connected to the greater the real difference you want to make in the world. 

Remember that you are a precious votary of the Lotus Sutra and when you break through, the energy is forever changed. You are paving the way for others to break through

So address that in your goals and in your chanting For instance: 

"I am determined to have the most beautiful, loving relationship so that I can totally inspire other people that great relationships are possible ...I can show actual proof with my life, and be able to introduce others to this practice!

President Ikeda's guidance says you can chant to have 10,000 times more power in your prayer. So I usually dedicate some time to chanting to increase the power of my daimoku by 10,000 times! 

3. Have your favorite drinks close by...tea...water...soft drinks...whatever you like. 

4. DEMAND your results! YOU are the Buddha! Do not beg favors from a 'higher power." Remember the Gohonzon cannot get down off the scroll and do the Buddha's work in the world. YOU actually are the Gohonzon; it is inside your life. The scroll is a reflection of the highest life condition that exists within your own life. So when you are chanting CLAIM what is yours! Yes, the Gohonzon consists of the functions in the universe that are in our lives. Tell your life what you want. And know that all real change comes from within.

5. All change comes from within. Take responsibility for your life...not blame. Realize whatever you are going through, whatever is causing you to's your karma..not your FAULT. Chant to reach the very core of that karma and change it forever. THEN your life circumstances and environment will change to reflect it. You don't have to figure out the deeper cause, don't worry about getting it right. Chanting is experiential, not an intellectual exercise.  

6. Keep your favorite study material close by...whatever touches your heart when you read it. And if you find yourself losing focus open it up to any page you want. I have "For Today and Tomorrow" next to me right now. I just opened it for you right now...I read "When we chant sonorous daimoku, the sun rises in our hearts. We are filled with power. Compassion wells forth. Our lives are lit with joy. Our wisdom shines. All Buddhas and Buddhist deities throughout the universe go to work on our behalf. Life becomes exhilarating." Read your passage and get right back to chanting!!!

7. Invite others to chant with you!

8. Have pen and paper handy. You'll want to write down those brilliant ideas that come into your mind while you're chanting. You'll also want to write down some of those pesky thoughts and reminders that keep coming back...things like "remember to buy dog food." Just write it down and eject it from your brain so you can focus on what really matters.

9. Put your telephone away. Tell people you are busy. 

10. After you chant write in your journal. Write to me too. I love to hear your successes and your challenges. 

11. Expect some obstacles to arise after your tozo. And just say "Hello obstacles! I was expecting you!" When you take on the mission to chnge your karma for yourself and others you can compare it to turning your speedboat to HIGH. The faster you go, the more resistance you feel. 

Above all - Don't give up! You CAN change your problems into benefits. You ARE the Buddha! 

Thank you SOOOO much for spreading the words about this campaign to chant 2 hours a day between now and the end of the year and realize victory on November 18th. Thank you for sending the link chantforhappiness to everyone! 

I am chanting for you to accomplish your goals and shine with happiness. 

Thank you SO much for sending me testimonials about the use of PowerPrayers in your practice. 

I am using these in my book proposal. 

If you are using the PowerPrayers please let me know how they are working for you! Email me at

I'd love to hear from those of you who have connected to the SGI through my blog!
I am sharing your stories with Daisaku Ikeda, Sensei. 

Need A Job? Want to Change Jobs? Chant with this PowerPrayer in Mind~

The Beautiful White Lotus - Symbol of our Lives. 

The Lotus blossoms and seeds at the same time, signifying the law of cause and effect. The exact second that we make the cause - ANY cause - the effect is already there in our lives and will manifest. Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the best cause we can make for our lives...along with doing shakubuku - introducing others to this practice. 

I have been enjoying our million Daimoku Campaign and chanting two hours a day. Yesterday a family member found an item of mine that had been lost for four extra set of car keys with the remote opener attached. 

I opened the trunk of my car with one click for the first time in sooo long! 

I didn't have to unlock the car door with the key, lean down to the floor and hit the switch. I know, it might not seem like such a big thing to you, but it is delightful to me! I would have replaced the lost key years ago but that little gizmo costs about $130 and I just couldn't bring myself to pay that much for something so small!

 And I know that's just the tip of the iceberg as far a benefits that are accruing with the determination to chant two hours a day. Yesterday I heard the perfect guidance (I shared it in yesterday's post) And I have overwhelming confidence and hope in all areas of my life. 

I have time to chant for everyone, and to really dig deep into my own karma. It's not too late to join the million Daimoku Campaign. Come along with us! See the previous posts to learn how and email me at! A million Daimoku is 300 hours - with goals!

Here is a PowerPrayer from our upcoming book for you. In reality, what is really necessary when chanting for a job is to chant for the best job for your life, and the best job for kosen-rufu! We've found the following PowerPrayers helpful too:

Confidence, Job Creation Power Prayer

All the Best is coming to me now. 
The best job of my life joyfully emerges right now. 

I now attract all that I need. 
All the right people, resources, connections and opportunities are flowing my way, at just the right time and I am ready for them! 

I have confidence in my own life

I am determined to keep my spirits up. 
I am determined to stop any negativity from coming into my mind. 

As I am chanting, everything is lining up so that I find work that uses all my talents, and pays well with benefits. 
I am determined to be around people whom I appreciate and respect and who appreciate and respect me!

I am determined to show actual proof of the power of this practice through my own life!
In order to help crystalize your desires, write a list of your talents and goals below regarding your dream job:


Making a deadline galvanizes you prayer and helps it manifest ~
If the deadline passes, make a new one and keep chanting no matter what! 

My Do-date ___________________________________________________

Power Prayer to Reveal my True Self and create the Profession that uses ALL my talents:

Today, I am willing to discard everything that no longer serves me. 
I discard all doubt, negativity and any feelings of not being good enough or not knowing what I should do.

My mind is becoming crystal clear. 

I am determined to be full-filled in every possible way, and to utilize every single one of my skills
and potentials. 

I am in an organization that is thriving with self-fulfilled individuals living their passion every day.  My professional environment reflects my true identity, my real, magnificent self, and is filled with appreciation and love. I am richly compensated.

I am DONE with the karma of being unappreciated. I permanently root that pattern out of my life.

I permanently wash doubt and negativity from my life. I don't care how many times it arises. Each time I feel doubt I will chant and chase it out of my brain like the fierce lioness I am. 

I can already feel the excitement of my new full-filled professional life!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Ghandi Taught...

"Gandhi taught people 
to live with lionlike courage
impressing upon them 
that they could not afford 
to leave things up to others, 
that they had to stand up 
for themselves 
and fight for justice. 
Ultimately, the only way forward is
by developing self-reliance, 
forging a stand-alone spirit. 
That is the only path to victory"

Daisaku Ikeda, For Today and Tomorrow, page 61

Chanting a Million Daimoku! And some Guidance Involving Addiction or Drug usage

A few days ago I issued a challenge to you to see if you'd want to chant a million Daimoku (300 hours) with me by the end of the year and many of you responded YES! And that means chanting 2 hours a day from now until them. 

But you know, if you don't want to chant two hours a day you can still join us - you can just end your campaign later than the end of the year. You can chant one hour, or as much as you can every day. The important thing is to have a chart with either 300 spaces (1 per hour) or 300 spaces divided up by 4 (1200 spaces total ~ each counts as 15 minutes) and then set your goals. 

It is only 99 days until November 18th right now. We all have goals that we want to accomplish by November 18th. 

And if you don't ~ now is the perfect time to set them! 

Make big goals. 

November 18th, as you may know is the anniversary of the day the Soka Gakkai was founded, and the day that Tsunesaburo Makiguchi died in prison at the age of 72 for refusing to give up his beliefs. AND it is the day the new World Headquarters of the Soka Gakkai will open, establishing a new age of Soka Gakkai Buddhism on the World's stage. I have huge goals towards this day ~ I hope you do too! 

So with that in mind I hope you'll consider joining us on our shared Million Daimoku Campaign. Just send me an email at Ask me any questions you have about chanting a million Daimoku. And think about what deep seated karma you want to change. Make Your List!

And be prepared to encounter obstacles! I just started this two days ago and already I am pleased to report that I have SUMMONED some great obstacles! Yaaayyy! And I got some great guidance which I will share with you now. 

Someone I care about is having trouble with drugs, and, of course, I am very concerned. This morning I was up and out of the house by 7:30 am to go to the Chicago Buddhist Center to chant my two hours of Daimoku. Chanting with others always makes the time fly. 

At a break in the chanting I talked to my new wonderful women's region leader about the drug problem. She told me that she has a niece who had a very hard time with addictions, and the guidance she (my region leader) received was to chant to eradicate ANY and every bit of her OWN karma that was tied to addiction in any way, and that her prayer to eradicate this karma in HER own life would spread across her family line. Her niece is now in rehab and is embracing this practice. Chanting. Cool. OK I can do this. I will chant with renewed focus and use MY life and my determination to help others. I will root that tendency (to want to escape) out of my own life. 

Human Revolution at work, right?!

I am so appreciative of my brilliant Soka Gakkai Family. I am chanting and chanting for Shakubuku and for the happiness and strength of members worldwide. It is my greatest treasure to know YOU, and I love hearing from you. Please let me know if you're joining the Million Daimoku Campaign. Let's all change our karma together! 

Email me at

Friday, August 9, 2013

What's this Blog All About? How Does Chanting Work?

The following is a Passage from Julia Landis' and Jamie Lee Silver's upcoming book, The BuddhaZone, PowerPrayers for Chanting Your Way to Absolute Happiness:

As Nichiren (SGI) Buddhists we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to summon up our fathomless wisdom while steering our life-craft in the direction of our innermost desires. We chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo over and over and over again. We call this chanting Daimoku 
(Die-MOH-Koo). Daimoku means title and the title of the Lotus Sutra is  Myoho-Renge-Kyo.  The founder of this practice, Nichiren Daishonin, added to Myoho-renge-kyo  the syllable Nam which means “I devote my life to.” 

So, a brief translation of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is, 

“I devote my life to the mystic law of cause and effect through sound vibration,” or, “I am one with the very rhythm of life.”

“Myoho-renge-kyo is the name of the ultimate mystic truth, and Nam-myo-ho-renge-kyo  is the name of the life state of Buddhas who embody and reveal this truth.” 
p.28 On Attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime.

It actually becomes very natural over time to focus on a personal PowerPrayer while chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.  It is nothing more than putting your deepest fundamental wish into action. By chanting and focusing on our most cherished desire, we come to steer our lives with confidence in the direction of Buddhahood. Our lives become lives of immense creativity, wisdom and value, and most of all Love. For as we chant, rhythmically and powerfully, we exude into our environment a music that evokes our deepest, innermost  capacity and transforms any manner of poison (problem) into a medicine (benefit), and further, into a nectar (deep and absolute happiness). 

Love's Got to do with it

A PowerPrayer is infused with love. That's the source of its power. When we chant for what we really want it comes from a real love for ourselves. All love begins with self love. However, you don't have to come to this practice in a state of self-love. This practice will take you there. Chanting Daimoku will itself bring about this state in your life. As the well known writer in the personal growth movement, Louise Hay, has said at the age eighty-two, “self love is the most important thing of all.” When you love yourself, everything in your environment loves you back. Your environment is a reflection of your own state of life and connection to the source of all happiness. 

Sadly, in general, Human beings tend to project this source outside of themselves. In fact, we are most comfortable, it seems in today's spiritual culture, when we project both the source of our mystical power and, also, its recipient outside of our lives. (Everyone seems to be praying to a power outside of themselves for a person who isn't them!) A great majority of souls, and you, yourself, we imagine, have prayed with love in your heart for the happiness of someone else, invoking a power that you have come to believe is “higher” than your own life. It has become commonplace.

But how often have you prayed with immense love...
for your own life, 
for your own happiness, 
for your own well-being? 
And more importantly, how often have you prayed...
from your own life
to your own life 
for the very best things 
and experiences for you
in short, for your own happiness?

We have found that, as it has been written, if we intone our voice with Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, we can summon up great love, the kind of love that is required of us if we want to awaken to our true potential. And that is another name for Buddhas: Beings who have realized their infinitely positive wise and loving potentials.

It is our PowerPrayer that as you are reading, these words are activating within you the curiosity and courage it will take to sustain you on this journey. For the Lotus won't give its seed if one's hand is not open. It is our prayer that you open your hand in such a way that you open your mind, heart, and Life, as well. And you chant! 

Listen to the secret we whisper into your ear:

You are the Buddha of Infinite Potential. Yes, YOU are the Buddha. Your life story is one of awakening. Through chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo you will be able to solve your problems and awaken to your own Buddhahood that has always been your birthright. 

The above passage is part of the preface to the book Julia and I have been writing for you. It is almost finished and is packed with PowerPrayers to strengthen your life and your practice. 
On this blog I have written many posts for people who are interested in chanting, and I invite your questions and comments. You may email me at