Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Profound Eternity of Life

Buddhist Concepts – Wisdom....

A Buddha is characterized as a person of profound wisdom. The idea of wisdom is core to Buddhism.  But wisdom can be a vague and elusive concept, hard to define and harder to find.  How does one become wise?  Is wisdom something that we can actively develop, or must we merely wait to grow wiser as we grow older?  Perhaps it is because wisdom is such an indistinct concept that it has lost value as a relevant ideal in modern society, which has instead come to place great store in information and the attainment of knowledge.

Josei Toda, second president of the Soka Gakkai, characterized the confusion between knowledge and wisdom as one of the major failings of modern society.

His critique is starkly demonstrated in the astonishing progress of technology in the last century. While scientific and technological development has shown only a mixed record of alleviating human suffering, it has triumphed remarkably in its ability and efficiency in unleashing death and destruction.

Toda likened the relationship between knowledge and wisdom to that between a pump and water. A pump that does not bring forth water (knowledge without wisdom) is of little use.

This is not to deny the importance of knowledge. But knowledge can be utilized to generate both extreme destructiveness and profound good.

Wisdom is that which directs knowledge toward good--toward the creation of value.

Buddhist teachings, such as the concept of the five kinds of wisdom, describe and analyze in detail the dynamics of wisdom and how it manifests at different levels of our consciousness.

When wisdom is functioning in our life, it has the effect of enabling us to overcome the ingrained perspectives of our habitual thinking and arrive at a fresh and holistic view of a given situation. We are able to make a broad assessment of facts, perceive the essence of an issue and steer a sure course toward happiness.

Buddhism also likens wisdom to a clear mirror that perfectly reflects reality as it is. What is reflected in this mirror of wisdom is the interrelatedness and interdependence of our life with all other life. This wisdom dispels our delusions of separateness and awakens in us a sense of empathetic equality with all living things.

The term "Buddha" describes a person who freely manifests this inherent wisdom. And what causes this wisdom to well forth in our lives is compassion.

Buddhism sees the universe, and life itself, as an embodiment of compassion--the interweaving of the "threads" of interdependent phenomena, giving rise to and nurturing life in all its wonderful and varied manifestations.

It teaches that the purpose of human life is to be an active participant in the compassionate workings of the universe, enriching and enhancing life's creative dynamism.

Therefore, it is when we act with compassion that our life is brought into accord with the universal life force and we manifest our inherent wisdom. The action of encouraging and sharing hope with others awakens us to a larger, freer identity beyond the narrow confines of our ego. Wisdom and compassion are thus inseparable.

Central to Buddhist practice is self-mastery, the effort to "become the master of one's mind.  "This idea implies that the more profoundly we strive to develop an altruistic spirit, the more the wisdom of the Buddha is aroused within us and the more powerfully we can, in turn, direct all things--our knowledge, our talents and the unique particularities of our character--to the end of creating happiness for ourselves and others.

Speaking at Tribhuvan University in Nepal in 1995, SGI President Daisaku Ikeda commented, "To be master of one's mind means to cultivate the wisdom that resides in the inner recesses of our lives, and which wells forth in inexhaustible profusion only when we are moved by a compassionate determination to serve humankind, to serve people."

If human history is to change and be redirected from division and conflict toward peace and an underlying ethic of respect for the sanctity of all life, it is human beings themselves who must change. The Buddhist understanding of compassionate wisdom can serve as a powerful basis for such a transformation.

[ Courtesy January 2003 SGI Quarterly]

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

3 Benefits of Consistent Practice and 4 Ways to Establish it!

Welcome to the Year of Expansion in the New Era of Worldwide Kosen Rufu. We are each expanding our own lives this year. How will we meet this great and noble challenge? 

I've been receiving emails from readers who have many challenges, and are not chanting consistently, and I think "If only they knew what a joy it is to practice consistently...many problems just fade away!"

"Living in the saha world, it is impossible to stop the winds of suffering from blowing. Our only alternative is to become strong. 
Daisaku Ikeda, August Living Buddhism, page 50

"The Japanese word forr fellow member, or comrad (doshi) can also be read as "shared resolve," or commitment. The SGI is a gathering of fellow members, comrades in faith, who share the same resolve and purpose. 
..."SGI members, dedicated to the earnest resolve of helping all people, are the treasures of the world. SGI members, with the resolve to realize peace, are the treasures of humanity. The expansion of our network of shared resolve will change the planet into a beautiful treasure realm." 
Daisaku Ikeda, September 2015 Living Buddhism, page 39


Always remember how noble and important you are!

How do we become strong? By strengthening our resolve, and our practice. 

When we do our practice every morning and evening our problems get smaller because we raise our life condition. 

We can each picture our problems as a big wall in front of us. When we practice consistently our life condition rises, just as if we are a big balloon rising to the sky. What looked like an insurmountable wall is now a tiny little ridge - way below us. We can step right over it. 

How can we establish and maintain a consistent practice? 

How can we reinforce our determination to practice twice a day every day, strengthen our lives and create unshakable benefit? 

3 benefits of consistent practice 
(Doing morning and evening gongyo and chanting daimoku consistently) 

1. It's easier. Once you establish the practice you just greet your life twice a day in front of the Gohonzon without having to force yourself to do it. It just becomes part of your life. 

2. Benefits flow more consistently, 

3. It WORKS! You change your karma, embrace your challenges and win over any challenge you face. You get what you want and so much more. 

4 Dynamic ways 
to establish a consistent practice

1. Determine that you want to use this practice to the best of your ability! Chanting consistently means winning the battle over your lesser self. Make your list of determinations and goals.  What have you decided is impossible in your life? We chant to make the impossible possible. Go for it. 

2. Embrace your friends in the SGI. (You can click on the SGI Portal to the right to find your local SGI, if you're not connected yet. Remember there are no dues or rules or priests. The SGI is an organization of people working together for their own happiness and the sake of others.) 

3. Establish a "Chanting Buddy" to chant with you.
Our friends in the SGI are our friends in faith. When I was first chanting 28 years ago my mentor came to my house every morning for a few weeks to help me generate Activation Energy for my practice.

4. Establish a Tele-Toso Chanting Buddy
If you can't chant together in person you can do it by telephone, or by text. Just establish a time and contact each other before and after. If you want, you can keep the telephone connection while you chant. (It's better if one person turns the volume down.) Or you can just call or text before and after. 

An Experience in Chanting Consistently: 

Chanting consistently must be experienced to be understood. 
My dear "Baby Buddha" (the nickname she chose for herself) heard me tell her for two years to chant every morning and evening, and she replied that she doesn't do ANYTHING consistently and wasn't going to do this. No way. I kept chanting for her and inviting her to chant. And one day, she just made the decision to try chanting twice a day to see how it felt. She couldn't believe how different she felt. She also realized a deep desire and began to chant for it to happen. Now she lives in Colorado - she got what she was chanting for! THIS is why we practice. Our desires are worth chanting for! 

You may have other ways of creating and maintaining your consistent practice. Please share them with me and I'll share them with the other readers of this blog. Email me at with your ideas, questions, suggestions, victories and challenges. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

4 Ways to Strengthen our Muscle of Gratitude - the Real Key to Happiness!

Daisaku Ikeda writes in Faith into Action, page 7 (under Appreciation)
"To "enjoy what there is to enjoy" means to cause the "mystic lotus of the heart" to blossom brightly with a sense of appreciation and joy. Someone who can find joy, who can feel appreciation, experiences a snowballing exhilaration and joy in life. Such is the heart's function."

How can we do this? Try this!  

4 Tips for More Appreciation in Our Lives! 

Gratitude is attitude. It starts with US. It is a muscle we can build. And once we build it....ahhh the benefits that begin to flow! 

Tip #1
List Ten Things
Before we get out of bed think about ten things we are grateful for that very day. They can be ANYTHING. We can be grateful for sight, hearing, feeling. We can be grateful to be alive...grateful to have woken up! I've mentioned before that when my Mom was feeling depressed I gave her this tip, and her depression lifted. She told me it was this one action that changed her life. 

Tip #2
Smiling is a cause not an affect. 
The more we smile, 
the more reasons we will have to smile!
Make your smile light your day. 

I like to think of the song by Carol King:
You've got to get up every morning
And show the world
All the love in your heart!
When we smile, we physically create happiness hormones. There have been studies done recently about this. Also, when we smile at another person, they automatically feel better...their brain registers happiness even if they do not smile back at us. Isn't that cool? Smile! 

Tip #3
Write a Rampage of Appreciation
Take a notebook and put titles as the top of each page. Titles could be:
My body
My work
My relationship with _______
My parents
My children
My home
My car
My self
My practice
...and on and get the idea. 

Then list all the things you are grateful for under each heading...or all the things you COULD BE grateful for. 

Tip #4 
Chant in Gratitude
While chanting  ~ generate these feelings of gratitude and happiness. Our gratitude will amplify and spread.

What do you do to build the muscle of appreciation into your life? Write me at

Monday, January 4, 2016

Shakubuku = Personal Expansion and Wisdom!

I think I told you I have a new shakubuku (Baby Buddha!). She found out about the SGI through and her incredible seeking spirit. 

I am having the greatest joy bringing her up. You know, one of the Gakkai's guidelines for the year is to have each of us raise one person, just ONE person into this faith.  

There are a lot of reasons for this guideline. Yes, kosen-rufu - a world of respect for all beings, is on the horizon. And each of us can live lives of great good causes to divert war and pain and usher in the age of respect for all life - kosen rufu. Shakubuku is the means for this to happen. 

Through Shakubuku we help others become happy, and we grow ourselves. 

I chanted to have one person come into my life who wants to practice, who wants to receive Gohonzon (she will get hers this Thursday because an obstacle came up for her on New Year's Day), and who will practice their whole life. I wrote this goal down in December 

Here are some thoughts on successfully raising a new member. 

STUDY. I am studying every day so I can discuss this study with Crystal. 

I am chanting for her and talking with her every day.

She has a strong seeking spirit. She is thirsty for this practice. She is calling me to learn more! It is refreshing my seeking spirit and a cause for my own expansion. 

What is Seeking Spirit? 
The will to learn more, to bring life to YOU, and not wait for it to come to you! 

How do we grow our seeking spirit? We take action. We call our fellow members. We study. We chant. 

If your seeking spirit has flagged, this is a great time to renew it!
Call your leaders. Read President Ikeda's guidance. REALLY study the monthly Gosho. Read it more than once. Find the words that are speaking right to you! 

The daily, twice a day, recitation of the sutra is crucial. Establishing a twice daily practice at the beginning - and RIGHT NOW is very important - even if it is only 5 minutes of chanting in the morning and evening. 

Happy first Monday of the New Year!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

4 Ways to Write Goals ~ Powerfully Starting the New Year!

(You can subscribe to this blog by putting your email in the box to the right:)

It's not too Late! 
You can start the New Year Powerfully RIGHT NOW! 

This is the year of 

Expansion in the New Era of Kosen-Rufu (world peace.)

We chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo (I fuse my life with the mystic law of cause and effect through sound vibration) and participate in the Soka Gakkai organization. Click on the link to the right to find out more. I practice in the Western Suburbs of Chicago, and there are members worldwide. This practice enables us to draw forth all the strength, wisdom and vigor we already possess and obtain our goals. We are all Buddhas expressing our Buddha Nature and overcoming our lesser selves. The goal of this practice is our own happiness, and the happiness of others. 

I have written my goals in a new way this year:  

1. I wrote my actual goals in narrative form.

2. I wrote my daily guidelines for fulfilling these goals - For example, my primary guideline this year is to be more present with everyone I am take the focus off myself and listen more intently than hear their Buddha nature speaking, and reinforce it in any way I can. And to enjoy each moment and add new lifelong friends every day. I also have specific business, health and other guidelines. 

3. I have written a Mind Map for my goals. I took a blank page and put a small sun in the center of it. I drew one long ray for each of the ways I want to expand this year. And I wrote the name of the ray at the end. 
Rays/Goals include: Ben's Memorial Mile. Writing. Public Speaking. Goals for the District. Health etc. and along those rays are lines with action items about the goal. 

4. Across from each goal I wrote the obstacles that appear in my mind, and the emotions I feel in my body when I read them  - and I am using this page to be aware of what to "tap on" using EFT tapping, and to focus my chanting. I am determined to master my mind and override anything holding me back. 

5.  I am also devising a DAILY EXPANSION SHEET - a checklist of all things I must do to keep advancing step by step towards my goals. 

Do you have some goals you want to share...some determinations? Write me at!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

3 Point Vow for Happiness, Human Revolution and World Peace!

Today, January 2nd, 
 is President Ikeda's 88th Birthday. 

Happy Birthday Sensei!

Entering the New Year, I feel such gratitude to be able to chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo along with my mentor, Daisaku Ikeda, and along with all of you, my friends all over the world. I have been hearing from so many of you...all my courageous friends. 

Please don't despair. Please don't give up. 

Strengthen your faith more than ever. Build your foundation by chanting twice a day every day, studying the Gosho by Nichiren Daishonin, and encouraging others to chant. 

We all live noble lives as Votaries of the Lotus Sutra. Our great vow in life is to usher in the new age of light, of happiness, of respect and love. We call it kosen-rufu, and I believe every person longs for this new world. Everyone longs for a world of peace, a world of no violence, a world of love. How do we do this? We do it through our own Human Revolution. 

We do our Human Revolution by making our great vow for kosen-rufu. This causes us to change from within our lives...and, like a body and a shadow, when we change internally, our environment changes to reflect that. 

Recently a friend went to a new doctor and was amazed by how respectfully she was treated. She's been practicing really strongly - chanting lots of daimoku consistently. I said "Yes, you were treated respectfully because you've made the change internally in your life, and your environment is changing to reflect that!" That's how it works. Internal cause - external effect. 

Making a great vow is the perfect way to kick off the new year. It's the kick start for making internal change. Here's my vow. Feel free to use it as the basis for your 2016 vow.

 3 Point Vow 
for Happiness, 
Human Revolution 
and World Peace - 
Kosen Rufu - a world of respect for all!
By Jamie Lee Silver, 

1. I vow to use my life for Kosen Rufu. I vow to use every thought, every action, every word and every prayer to transform my life, to discard the transient and reveal the true, and to change the world through tapping into the power my life inherently possesses through chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, studying Buddhism, doing shakubuku and deepening my connection with my mentor-in-life Daisaku Ikeda.  

2. I vow to live my life as an example that happiness, absolute happiness, is possible. I vow to use my life as an inspiration for people to learn about chanting, and become happier than they ever imagined possible. 

3. I vow to win in all areas of my life, NO MATTER WHAT! I will win in health, love, happiness, friendships, family, (both my real family and my Gakkai family) work, writings and wealth for the sake of Kosen Rufu. 

This year is 2016. 
I have always been protected financially throughout my practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo twice a day every day for the last 30 years. I have never longed for anything or gone into any kind of debt. 

If I can chant to change my life from the inside out, and have all these results, so can you. 
I am always chanting my vow of kosen-rufu. 

"Life! let me accomplish THIS ________so I can inspire others!" Your prayer is the same. Chant for what you want...exactly what you want. We all deserve to have our dreams come true. 

Happy New Year! 

Write me at Share your victories! 

Friday, January 1, 2016

Fascinating Experience - Happy New Year!

 Happy New Year! 

Welcome to the 
Year of Expansion 
in the New Era of Kosen Rufu! 

I greet this New Year with optimism and hope. I continue to chant every day with strong determination to fulfill my vow of kosen rufu, for my family, for you and for the SGI. 

I just read an experience in the World Tribune, January 2015, page 25. 

It's about a gentleman names Joe Perez. 
He was born in the 1930's in Cuba, and wanted to come to America, but had no funds to do so. He found a way to come here by enlisting in the United States Army, and met his wife Junko while stationed in Japan. She practiced Buddhism, and he became an SGI member in 1972. 
Through his business relations he traveled with the Mayor of San Antonio to Japan, and was intent on introducing the Mayor to SGI President Daisaku Ikeda, the man many of us call Sensei, or teacher. 

I don't have time to detail what happened, but there was a backlash in San Antonio for making this introduction because the Japanese companies in San Antonio were caught up in anti SGI sentiment, and his business in San Antonio ended, so he had to start over. 

Through his darkest times he says:

"Sensei's example to use faith first
and take action to change my situation 
is what sustained me. 
When I received guidance from a senior in faith 
he encouraged me to read The Human Revolution. 
He said that while reading, 
I should replace Shin'ichi yamamoto 
(the pen name of Daisaku Ikeda) 
with Joe Perez. 
Studying about the history 
and conviction of the founding SGI presidents 
inspired me to deepen my shared vow 
with Sensei to advance kosen-rufu - 
a grand undertaking that, 
because of its goal to empower humanity, 
is fraught with obstacles. 
I determined to prove to the world 
that my mentor is a great man 
who has benefited humanity in irreplaceable ways, 
and that we all can - and should - do the same!"

Because of his strong determination, 
Joe Perez was able to 
introduce Daisaku Ikeda to Rosa Parks, 
and Fidel Castro, 
and eventually helped the United States and Cuba 
restore diplomatic relations through his travel company. 


Mr Perez's experience really inspires me. 

When Rosa Parks and Sensei met the world shifted a bit. Do you know she said meeting Daisaku Ikeda gave her great hope for this planet...the first great hope she had had in some time? And it inspired countless people worldwide. Daisaku Ikeda meeting Castro was also truly inspirational. And this man made it happen. 

We can all be sharing in Daisaku Ikeda's vision  - not just from the sidelines. We can all be taking steps to actualize kosen rufu every day. 

I'm running to the Chicago Culture Center now to take part in the 1:00 New Year's Day Gongyo, along with my son and fellow members. I hope all of you are able to join with your Gakkai family today! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Here's to a powerful new year for us all!