Sunday, October 13, 2013

PowerPrayer for Revealing Our Buddhahood

We are Worthy of Every Happiness

In the upcoming book The BuddhaZone, PowerPrayers for Chanting Your Way to Absolute Happiness, Julia Landis and I are publishing many PowerPrayers that have been published on this blog. We ARE all worthy of every Happiness. This prayer helps us to feel it. 
PowerPrayers are usually read just before chanting and sometimes after. Some people print them out and put them on their altars. I owe the phrase "I Praise my Life" while chanting to my dear friend and mentor Kate Randolph. Chanting in this way has really helped me ~ Thanks wise one! 

PowerPrayer for Revealing 
Your Buddha Nature 
and Appreciating YourSELF

I Praise My Life!
I Praise the Buddha I am! 
Each Daimoku I chant reveals the pure, sparkling Diamond
of resilience, strength and wisdom
that lies within me. 
I chant to be more and more aware 
of how wonderful I am every single day. 
I am determined that every cause I make, 
at every single moment of every day 
is a great and positive cause for my life, 
and all of life, 
and leads me to see more and more of my Buddha nature. 
I chant that my Buddha Nature emerge 
and flow from my life touching everyone I see. 
I chant to I see my life 
as the brilliant sparkling Diamond that it is. 
I chant that throughout the day 
I say only kind words to myself. 
That I praise myself with my every thought. 
I chant to believe in my own goodness 
and to see it revealed in my actions. 
I pray to realize my life as the Buddha I am.
I chant that those around me 
are inspired to begin chanting, 
or to strengthen their practice 
just by seeing my happiness flow. 
I chant to meet the people 
who are looking for the Mystic Law 

and to be able to help them practice.
I praise my life
I praise my life! 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Gratitude by Sensei

How to Start a Successful "Chapter Daimoku Tree"

Washington North Chapter in Washington DC 
Youth Division! 

This post was sent to me from Pat Henry in the Washington DC area. Pat responded to my request for info about how each district is supporting members in strengthening their practice. Thanks Pat!

"One of the ways we have fighting daimoku for members who are challenged with chanting consistently for an hour to achieve certain goals is  We start what we call a daimoku tree.  Each person is responsible for calling someone.  

We start with a member who has to be at work early in the morning.   They will chant starting at 5 am and chant for an hour then call their person at 6 am. The next person will chant until 7 am and  so on and so on.  It really works.  Some people can only chant 30 minutes but that is ok because  that is more they would normally chant in the morning.   

Pres. Ikeda always talks how important it is to win in the morning.  And he is so right. During this year's August Shakabuku campaign we were very successful.  Our chapter led the Washington region in Youth Division Shakabuku.  We are starting the chain again it to make sure we have 5 new Youth Division members by November 18. The another good thing is you really develop heart to heart relationships with members you might not talk to all the time.  

Thanks so much Pat Henry. What a great idea! If your chapter or district decides to start a Daimoku Tree after reading this post ~ write and let us know! 
If you have ideas - or experiences to share on this blog please email me at Send a picture, too. 

"When One Sun Rises, Everything is Illuminated" Daisaku Ikeda

Today is the anniversary the day Nichiren Daishonin "inscribed his life in sumi" by inscribing the first Gohonzon to lead all of humanity to happiness. October 12th. That day the world was changed. Forever. 
In honor of this day, I share these words of our mentor, Daisaku Ikeda, from the November Living Buddhism magazine. Enjoy!

Change Starts With One Person

Let us make this planet 
a place where the hearts of people who have risen up 
from the deepest depths of suffering 
can shine like Sirius, 
the brightest star in the heavens. 
This is the vision 
that the Brazilian astronomer Ronaldo Moroau 
and I shared in our discussions. 

No matter how humanity advances, 
the fundamental sufferings of human existence  - 
birth, aging, sickness and death -
will always remain with us. 
No one is without problems or suffering of some kind. Everyone is struggling 
with some aspect of their karma, their life. 
But we all possess within us
the light of hope 
that can break through 
and dispel the greatest sorrow and darkest despair. 

Nichiren Buddhism 
teaches how to illuminate the entire world 
with that light 
starting with one person 
courageously shining with hope 
which will then spread to a second, 
a third, a hundred, and eventually to people everywhere. 

Nichiren Daishonin writes, 
"The Lotus Sutra offers a secret means for leading all living beings to Buddhahood. It leads one person in the realm of hell, one person in the realm of hungry spirits, and thus, one person in each of the nine realms of existence to Buddhahood, and thereby the way is opened for all living being to attain Buddhahood" (Letter to Horen." The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1, p. 512). 

We can all attain Buddhahood. 

We can all triumphantly open 
the state of Buddhahood within us. 
The great wisdom of equality of the Mystic Law 
embraces everyone without exception, 
transcending differences of nationality, 
ethnicity or personal circumstances. 
It represents a truly all-encompassing philosophy, 
applying equally to all living beings, to all humanity. 

The sound and rhythm of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo 
revive the spirit of an individual. 
That individual then goes on to revive their family, community and society. 
We of the SGI, united by the bonds of mentor and disciple, have spread the joy of human revolution 
to 192 countries and territories...

All it takes is one person to change. 
Change starts with one person. 
Let us continue to courageously press forward 
along this path of self-transformation - 
the surest path to achieving kosen-rufu. 

We will definitely fulfill
the great vow of kosen-rufu
through compassionate propogation 
all across the globe!
This is our greatest pride. 

Daisaku Ikeda
From The November, 2013 
Living Buddhism magazine, pages 4-5. 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Respect for Others... quote by Daisaku Ikeda

Forging Our Minds of Faith ~ 4 Ways to Strengthen Our Practice and Our Lives

"First you must be strong. There is no hope of winning in this chaotic world if you are weak. No matter what others do or say, it is important to develop your ability and put that ability to use. Strong faith, of course, is the best means for drawing out one's inner strength. You each have a very important mission and I hope you will awaken to it and take pride in that mission." 
Daisaku Ikeda, Faith in Action, page 139

I received a letters from a reader recently. She wrote that she chants consistently for one week, and then stops chanting for a week and her anxiety and depression immediately comes back. Every other week she forces herself to chant again, and then stops. She said she was struggling and not overcoming her problems. 

Chanting inconsistently is a very difficult way to practice. It is much easier to establish a twice a day practice and stick with it. But how do we do this? 

How do we establish and maintain a consistent practice? 

How can we reinforce our determination to practice twice a day every day, strengthen our lives and create unshakable benefit? 

The benefits of consistent practice are many. 
For one, it's easier. Once you establish the practice you just greet your life twice a day in front of the Gohonzon without having to force yourself to do it. It just becomes part of your life. With consistent practice we strengthen our lives and raise our life conditions. 

With consistent practice chanting is easier, life is easier, benefits flow more consistently, and we change our karma, embrace our challenges and win over any challenge we face. With consistent practice we change our lives for the better. This is the way it works. 

Positive Psychologists talk about something called "Activation Energy." 
It is the energy to get something new up and running. 

We can compare the launching our consistent practice to an airplane taking off. Each airplane has to advance down the runway with engines firing. Once the plane gets in the air it switches to a steady maintenance energy, but it HAS to fire those rockets to get off the ground. 

How do you fire your own rockets? 

Three ways to Strengthen Your Practice:

1. Be active in the SGI

Being a part of the SGI, attending meetings and practicing with your friends in faith is essential. (You can click on the SGI Portal to the right to find your local SGI, if you're not connected yet. Remember there are no dues or rules or priests. The SGI is an organization of people working together for their own happiness and the sake of others.) 

The friends you make in the SGI are friends who will help you get those engines firing and help you lift into the air. And the beautiful thing is, as another is helping YOU, they are also helping themselves. That is just the way it works. And you can be this friend for others and help them chant too. 

Our friends in the SGI are our friends in faith. 

"The mind of faith is invisible. THose who advance together with the organization dedicated to Kosen-rufu will evolve the correct mind of faitht that matches the time. With this mind of faith, you can fill the canvas of your lives with portraits of happiness in which all your wishes are fulfilled."
Daisaku Ikeda, Faith in Action, Page. 138

2. Chant as many often as possible 
with your Friends in Faith

When I was first chanting my SGI friend and mentor came to my house every morning for a few weeks to help me generate Activation Energy for my practice, and establish a consistent practice. I liked the feeling of doing gongyo consistently, and was able to keep my plane in the air after that. 

Only those who practice twice a day know how great it is ~ 
My dear "Baby Buddha" (the nickname she chose for herself) heard me tell her for two years to chant every morning and evening, and she replied that she doesn't do ANYTHING consistently and wasn't going to do this. No way. I kept chanting for her and inviting her to chant. And one day, she just made the decision to try chanting twice a day to see how it felt. She couldn't believe how different she felt. She also realized a deep desire and began to chant for it to happen. Now she lives in Colorado - she got what she was chanting for! THIS is why we practice. Our desires are worth chanting for! 

3. Chant with Others Even if You're Not Together

When I began this blog and my two-hour a day chanting campaign, my friend Melissa and I would text each other twice a day when we began chanting. She lived far away so we only chanted together about once a week, but just knowing she and I were chanting at the same time really helped. Sometimes we would call each other before we chanted and tell each other what we were focusing on for that hour so we could chant specifically for each other's desires. 

4. Join the Worldwide Million Daimoku Campaign

You can also join the Worldwide Million Daimoku Campaign. Just send me an email to say you are tracking 300 hours of Daimoku towards your goals. Write me at That may help you to be consistent. 

You may have other ways of creating and maintaining your consistent practice. Please share them with me and I'll share them with the other readers of this blog. Email me at with your ideas, questions, suggestions, victories and challenges. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Five Keys and a PowerPrayer for Introducing Others ~ Doing Shakubuku

Thanks to the Facebook page, Nichiren Buddhists, India for this image. 

Our lives blossom when we introduce others to this practice. (Shakubuku) When we introduce others we are doing the work of the Buddha. We are the Buddha after all. As my friend Kate says: The Gohonzon cannot get down off the wall and tell people about chanting. Only we can do it. And THIS is one of the main reasons we are worthy votaries of the Lotus Sutra. When we help others learn to practice our lives expand and we change our karma. And one other thing...whatever is STOPPING us from doing shakubuku is also stopping us in life. 

Think about it. If we are too scared to do shakubuku (tell others about the benefits of chanting) chances are there are a lot of other things we are also too scared to do, right? When we overcome this fear...we become stronger and more courageous in all things. Don't take my word for it, try it yourself. And, like all other starts with determined Daimoku. We can break through any obstacle in life with daimoku, study and ACTION. We can break through whatever is stopping us. 

Shakubuku is easy, not hard. There are so many people who are seeking the solution to their problems. There are so many who are suffering with no solution, but look at us... We know we can transform any poison into medicine. We are changing our karma right here, right now. I do shakubuku out of compassion for those who are still searching.

Five Things I Tell People About Chanting:

1. You can chant for whatever you want. And if you don't get exactly what you want, you will get something better. You get to KEEP your Desires! In this practice desires are NOT the cause of your suffering. They are the fuel for your happiness. How refreshing!  (Life is long. Patience is important. Not giving up is KEY.) 

2. You don't have to convert. It's like meditation. Anyone can do it. 

3. You don't have to believe it will work. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the law of cause and effect. We don't have to understand it. When we turn on the light do we UNDERSTAND why electircity works? I don't. But it works. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is a law. The law of the universe. You can tthese words and you will see an effect in your life. It will work. 

4. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo means "I fuse my life with the mystic law of cause and effect through sound vibration." It is the name of the rhythm of life itself. If you intone the name of the rhythm of life itself while focusing on your desires you tap into the energy of the universe...your highest make your dreams come true. Internal change is where it starts. Chanting works because chanting creates an effect on the INSIDE of your life. And because we are connected to our environment our environment HAS to change. It HAS to. And it will. 

5. No rules. Nothing to memorize. No uncomfortable positions or clothing. No lifestyle rules. All people regardless of race or sexual orientation are welcome. 

If people have time to talk I also discuss the SGI, President Ikeda and the benefits of being part of this incredible organization. 

As many of you know, I looked for this practice for the first half of my life. I knew it HAD to exist. I kept finding practices that said my desires were the cause of my suffering.... Somehow I KNEW that my desires weren't bad...that they were a part of me, a lovely, beautiful part of me. So I kept searching until I found this practice. I know others are out there...just like I was...searching. That's why I write this blog! And I have been so grateful for the last 29 years to be able to chant and sing the story ~ CREATE the story of my life.

So everywhere I go I bring cards. I made them myself but you can usually buy them at the SGI Centers. I have the words Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and the phonetic pronunciation. They also say: Chant these words and become happier than you ever imagined, and my blog and the contact info for the Chicago Center are on them.

I hand people a card, even if I've just met them for a moment at a store, or in line somewhere. 

I say "I just have to let yoou know about this- Have you ever heard of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo? This is truly amazing. When you chant these words and think about what you want you become happier than you ever imagined."

Everyone says Thank You!
Almost NEVER does anyone respond negatively. 
And with each person I am planting a seed. It might not sprout now, but it might sprout when the NEXT person tells them, or when a family member starts chanting.  At any rate it it a great cause for YOUR life too!

It all starts with Daimoku.
I chant this PowerPrayer to meet the people who are seeking this practice.
There are Bodhisatvas out there who made the vow to return at this time to prove the power of this law, but they haven't found it yet. YOU can be the one who helps them live out their vow.

PowerPrayer for Shakubuku 
(to introduce others to this practice) 
When you are experiencing benefits and your life is glowing like the sun, you will naturally want to share your secret with other people. 
Simply put, Shakubuku means sharing Nichiren Buddhism with others. From the Japanese, it means “to clear away illusions that prevent one from recognizing the ultimate truth or reality.” This truth is that we are all Buddhas. Every time you share Nichiren Buddhism with others you are doing the work of the Buddha, in helping others to attain happiness by realizing that they are Buddhas, too. Each time, you bring people one important step closer to knowing who they are and their absolute happiness.

Bring me the people who are ready to hear about 
this practice.
Let me meet the people who want to practice right now!
Give me the courage to tell them about it
and the heart and wisdom to touch their lives.
Increase my level to really CARE about others, and to be articulate in sharing this practice. 
Give me the confidence and 
let my life SHINE with BENEFITS and ACTUAL PROOF 
so that people want to know my secret! 
Let my life SHINE! 

Do you have any shakubuku tips for the readers of this blog? Email me at Also send your experiences with a picture and a bio so you can share your inspiring practice on the blog!